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I'm Charity and I'm from Florida born and raised. I answer questions from a magnitude of categories and problems. I try to answer to the best of my ability to help the person asking the question. Feel free to send me a message or email at anytime if you want to talk.

  • Who do you think are the best technical wrestlers in WWE today?

    -Out of that list who would you say is the best and why?

    -If you can pair up an older technical wrestler (alive or dead) with your choice who would that wrestler be and who would win?

    6 AnswersWrestling5 years ago
  • Favorite story in the bible?

    I am not a Christian, I was raised as one but discovered my own personal beliefs. I have read the bible before and I find that even not believe in God or the bible you can still read it's passages and stories and enjoy (some and I really do mean some) of them. Like Jonah and the whale.

    So whether you are a Christian or have any other belief or have none at all. If you've ever read the bible or seen/heard of stories in the bible what was your favorite?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How does this work....?

    Ok, I'm a little confused here and maybe looking for guidance and answers to what this might mean.

    Well I was raised as a Christian and went to church regularly. My parents and her side of the family are super religious. But as I got older I started to question if I really was a Christian.

    Is it possible to still believe in God and everything happening for a reason but not believing in most of what the bible says? Like I believe in facts, logic, scientific evidence like evolution.

    What would that make me? Do I even have a name to what I believe or am I just weird? I don't really understand, all I know is that I believe in logic and science more than what the bible has said. So I'm not a Christian what religion am I? Do I even have one? Does it even have a name?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • WMP turns on then automatically shuts off?

    Hi, I've ran into a recent jam with my Windows Media Player. I try to watch a video and when I double clock Windows Media Player turns on them shuts off like 2 seconds afterwards. I checked the reg. industry for corrupted files but there were no issues. I researched online about this specific problem but haven't found anything, I even used the fix it microsoft recommend but it's coming up blank.

    And this just happened recently, as recently as 3 hours ago. So I don't know what happened, if maybe I have to reinstall it or something else. Anyone have any idea the problem and the solution? Any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Separation of church and state?

    This is another question I'm really curious to answer and get opinions on. I'm writing an essay about it so any opinions, ideas, details are appreciated. So please don't take offense to this in anyway.

    The definition of it is: The concept of the separation of church and state refers to the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state.

    I'm curious to know that if separation of church and state are in affects, meaning one nation (That being the United States) doesn't have a set religion, why are LGBT American's refused the same rights as heterosexual American's because of it infringing on one's religious belief in the bible? Isn't that the direct definition of separation of church and state? That laws shouldn't be dictated by it because there is no set religion of the United States?

    Please no smart@ss answers, I just want to hear opinions on this and write a cohesive essay. Thanks :)

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Should children be required to follow their parents religion or follow the religion of their choosing?

    I'm just curious to know. Should a child be required to follow the religion their parents follow or should they be allowed to develop their own thoughts on religion and follow or not follow as they see fit? Where do the lines of 'instilling our beliefs and morals to better our children' and 'letting our children develop and think for themselves' cross?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Boyfriend or just friend, how do I know?

    Well for four months I went out with this guy. He was sweet, made me laugh, a total gentleman, easy to get along with. But through that whole thing I think he started to fall in love with me, I didn't feel the same. I didn't know what to feel, I felt pressured and trapped. Almost obligated to try and pretend to stay interested. Finally I broke it off.

    Just a few days ok we talked again, I thought maybe my feelings have changed. That maybe I was getting those butterflies my Mom always talked about. We talked, reconciled a little bit and decided to give it another go. A few days in and I think I've made a terrible mistake. Anytime I try and think of doing anything intimate with him I can't picture it, I don't like him being touchy feely with me. I used to think it was because I wasn't used to dating or having a boyfriend but then I think he's just not the guy and that maybe he's suited to be a friend rather than a boyfriend. I broke it off once and he was the one who cried, not to be mean but he gets like clingy and way to emotional attached and if I try breaking it off a few days after we've tried again I feel like I'll hurt his feeling a lot and I don't know what to do. I don't know what to feel.

    How do I know if he's boyfriend or just friend?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Computer won't upload anything.?

    I've ran into a bit of a problem recently. My computer won't seem to upload anything. It downloads things fine but when it comes to uploading files and such it won't do it.

    I can't seem to upload:

    Files/attachments to emails

    Use conversions sites to convert documents/upload them

    Upload to any site like mediafire/photobucket.

    Everything else on m computer and such works fine. So I don't really know what the issue is here. I have tried firefox, internet explorer and chrome and it's all the same. I use firefox as my main browser. I don't know whether this is an issue within my computer or my internet connection itself? Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • My laptop keeps shutting down?

    I have a HP Pavilion dv4000 and it keeps shutting down recently. Like it'll shut down and it'll take me a couple of tries for it to stay on. I've read online a bunch of accounts and causes of why laptops shut down but my fan is fine and it doesn't really overheat it just shuts down, there is no accumulation of dust, my battery is also fine, it just shuts down, no noise nothing.

    It works fine afterwords when I get it to come on so I don't really know the cause to why it does this. Any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Who is the most underrated wrestler now a days?

    Who do you think is the most underrated wrestler WWE has? And do you think that person was given an opportunity to leave WWE for TNA, would they?

    10 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Why hate John Cena? + BQ?

    It is NOT his fault that he has only 7 moves he does all the time. It is NOT his fault that he wins all the time and it is NOT his fault that he's still a face.

    Face the facts, Vince found himself a money maker. John is relevant to children and draws fans in. That's just facts, Vince markets what he knows will bring him money.

    And at this time, CHILDREN is what's drawing in the money. It's the kids who buy the merchandise and the kids who always come to the shows. John Cena is a face and kids love him. What is wrong with that?

    Vince is the reason he's still a face and his move set is watered down. Vince is also the reason why he wins so much, don't want to disappoint the children do we?

    Besides if half of the people on here weren't children they would have saw John in OVW and saw him when he debuted and his first years on raw. John has talent and charisma, John is the face of WWE. Unfortunately for him Vince decided to let him be the backbone of WWE and with that comes the responsibility of being the top face and of course with that he has to be molded into the perfect role model for children.

    So no, it's not John's fault. It's Vince's and the creative team. I understand not liking John and not liking how he wins everything but don't try and say it's John's fault when he has no control over things like this. He can say he maybe wants to go in this direction but Vince is the boss what Vince wants Vince gets. That's just the truth.

    I always liked John back when he debuted and yes I myself am sad he wins every match and I am sad that his gimmick is so squeaky clean. I want the Dr. of Thugonomics back

    It's immature and quite frankly lame hearing so many Cena hate jokes. Get new material and stop b#thcing none stop about things you don't like. It's annoying.

    BQ: Despite if you hate John or not, give him props what was his best match do you think?

    8 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • The WWE's Be A Star campaign?

    What do you think? I for one am strongly against bullying. I was bullied as a kid and as a teenager. It's not cool or whatever else you may think it is.

    And all these trolls on here saying lame jokes and insults? That's cyber-bullying! And hiding behind the internet is lame, grow up and get a life. If we were face to face, despite me being a girl I'd knock your f@cking teeth out, that's the truth.

    Anywho, what do you think of their campaign? I think it's a great idea for a good cause, despite wrestling being about fighting you have to remember that these gimmicks and stuff are not real.

    5 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Drugs and addiction in wrestling?

    Do you think that WWE should tighten their wellness policy? I know how harsh it is now but maybe making the rules stronger we can prevent drug related deaths and other wrestlers from getting addicted to stuff like pain prescriptions.

    But really that's the gamble with wrestling or any sport.

    Take Jeff for example, I don't think kids today realize the strain wrestling puts on a wrestlers body especially back in the day when regulations about that stuff weren't minded. Now a days with wrestling PG it really helps keep wrestlers functioning so they're not jumping off buildings and going through ladders and tables every night.

    Your body starts to ache and hurt constantly I presume when doing moves and stuff like Jeff has done. You try to take stuff like Tylenol and Motrin but you want something strong so you get prescription meds but low and behold you soon become addicted and try to explore other drugs.

    It's how people act when addicted.

    Addiction is a powerful thing that a lot of people can't overcome. I honestly don't think may fans know the struggle these wrestlers go through. Drugs are bad yes and it is their fault for trying the stuff past what they were supposed to take but if you were hurting like hell everyday and still had to wrestle I think you'd be desperate too.

    And it's a heartbreaking vicious cycle to which we lost a lot of wrestlers because earlier on in wrestling stuff like well-being and making sure your wrestlers body's were well and healthy was unheard of.

    Today of course stronger policies and actions are in store so we can prevent anymore deaths or anymore serious injuries from wrestling. Addiction is hard to overcome and a lot of people relapse multiple times before they try nd get better. You can be fine one year but maybe temptation is too strong and you relapse but really that's normal and expected. Someone can be strong willed but addiction can knock anyone off their ***.

    My question to you is what other measures do you think Vince should take in making sure things like this don't happen? The wellness policy is strict but do you think there needs to be more done? More testing, more checking up on wrestlers from the past? Cause it's really sad to see a wrestler give his life to this sport but crumble from the drugs it opened up to them.

    3 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Favorite wrestler of past and present?

    Fun little quiz! What is your favorite wrestler of the past and present and see how they mark up!

    1-10 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest (obviously)

    Strength: (How strong is he?)

    Agility: (How fast/quick is he?)

    Gimmick: (How good is his gimmick and did he go over well?)

    Entrance: (How memorable is his entrance/how excited do you get to see it?)

    Skills: (How good of a wrestler is he based upon skills?)

    Move set: (How good is his move set?)

    Marksmanship: (How much of a good sport is he?)

    Risk factor: (What is he willing to do to win?)

    Tally up how your favorite wrestlers did and see whose better!

    15 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • What wrestler is the best at being both heel and face?

    Its easy to be one thing like predominately a heel or face but being able to do both in your career? That is really tough.

    My answer is Bret Hart. He was loved as a face when he was facing against Vince, but he was hated fiercely as a heel and transitioned easily from the two. My number two pick would be Chis Jericho

    15 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • If you could have only one wrestler past or present come back to WWE who would it be and why?

    BQ: Also does it annoy you when questions or answer use horrible grammar and spelling? Maybe I'm a grammar Nazi but I hate trying to read an answer with all caps or using U instead of YOU. I mean all doing is making you look retarded and I would never pick a BA with spelling or grammar like that.

    12 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • What wrestlers are the worst at not selling moves right?

    My personal opinion is Batista. He botches a lot of moves which put other wrestlers in danger like him injuring Cena. Not selling moves correctly or performing them correctly can injure your opponent or you.

    6 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Great wrestler, horrible gimmick?

    What are some instances where hey the guy was an awesome wrestler but because of his lame gimmick he didn't go as far as he should have?

    12 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Does Yoshi Tatsu ever remind any one of Funaki?

    For those we don't know Funaki is him:

    He was credited as Smackdown's number one announcer and actually did win championships and wrestle during the attitude era, and Japanese promotions and he sometimes wrestled during smackdown.

    Past the obvious Japanese resemblance they have the same kinda fighting style and sorta they look the same. Plus given that Yoshi is also a Japanese boxer and Funaki is solely a wrestler.

    6 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • What's one wrestler you started out hating but grudgingly came to like?

    Maybe it was a wrestler in the 80's but now you have more respect for them or maybe it's on from today?

    I use to hate Randy Orton like seriously, I always thought his psychotic type gimmick was really boring and unbelievable but I have came to respect and value Randy as a really awesome wrestler.

    31 AnswersWrestling10 years ago