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I live in Athol, MA, a town with pretty much nothing. I have Tourettes Syndrome, so please, no insults or calling me childish or anything to that effect. The topics I mainly discuss are video games and wrestling. I'm a huge WWE fan. I also discuss reality shows, but only while that show is on TV at the moment. For example, I only talk about American Idol from January (when a season starts) to June (when a season ends). The main reason I like American Idol cause I hope to be a singer one day, and I can actually sing pretty well.

  • Mom tired of netbook, wants small laptop.?

    My mom has been going through waiting for her netbook to load every time it doesn't respond (and it doesn't most of time), and she can't take it anymore. She wants a laptop now, but she wants a small one. But she doesn't want another netbook. She wants a laptop that's as small as possible but still efficient for using programs like Firefox without the program constantly failing to respond, or as she calls it "Waiting for the circle to go around."


    Yeah...can anyone recommend a good laptop that's small but isn't a netbook? And is efficient so she doesn't have to wait for it to load so much?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Remove sauce stains from photo?

    I just found some dry spaghetti sauce stains on a photograph from about 12 years ago. Though the stains weren't there a month ago, so I know they haven't been there that long. But is there some way to scrape them off or get them off without damaging the photo?

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • Skyrim: Fellglow Keep; Rubble blocking my path?

    So I'm playing the PC version of Skyrim. I don't know why, but during the quest "Hitting The Books", Fellglow Keep seems to be glitched for me. After freeing Orthorn, I go into the next area, and the atronach in the entrance chamber isn't there. Also, the path I need to go to reach The Caller is blocked by some rubble that wasn't originally there. I didn't know how to fix it, so i used the Creation Kit to remove that rubble from ever being there (and the rubble IS there in the Creation Kit without setting an active file, just using Skyrim's master file).

    I have done this quest four times before, and have never, ever experienced this problem. Why is this glitch happening? And how can I fix it (besides deleting the rubble)?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • American Idol Top 3: Who's going to the finale?

    Sorry for the late review, had a little trouble last night. With that being said, here's my review of the top 3 on American Idol.

    1. Angie Miller

    In my opinion, round one went to Angie. She may not have been at the piano, nut she sounded absolutely beautiful. Jimmy chose the right song for her, she was on pitch, and her vocals were simply amazing. I also love that she showed a decent amount of emotion during that performance.

    Angie's second aong was also very good, once again despite her being off the piano. She has that rocker chick thing in her, and she showed that off tonight. I'll admit it was a little pitchy comoared to her last performance, but it was very energetic, she showed great stage presence, and overall she did a very good job with her second song.

    As for her third song, Angie returned to her seat at the piano. She did such a beautiful job with that song. She was powerful, she was on pitch, and she always delivers magical performances when she's on that piano. Overall, I think Angie did the best tonight. She was consistant between all three performances.

    2. Candice Glover

    When I heard that Candice was singing "One" by U2, I was really excited. However, I don't think she delivered as we as she could have. There were several pitch problems, but I do think that she did better than Kree in the first round. She had several good runs, but overall it felt slightly underwhelming.

    For her second performance, Candice did a much better job in my opinion. Her performance felt more energetic, it felt more beautiful vocally, and it just felt a lot more like her. While it wasn't over the top amazing, it was still a great performance. However, once again, not the overly amazing Candice performances that we know and love.

    But when we got to her third song, she became that Candice at long last. She delivered the best performance of the night hands down. She delivered those powerful and soulful vocals, and she sent chills up and down my spine once again. Honestly, I think her first two songs might hurt her a little bit, but that last performance? I don't think she'll go home.

    3. Kree Harrison

    Kree's first performance, I gotta be honest, felt like she chose the wrong song. She was a little pitchy in places, and she wasn't able to show off her vocal talent well enough. It felt like it limited her a bit, it was slightly safe, and I think it was a step backwards. The fact that Jimmy chose it? My God...

    Her second song was definitely better, but not by that much in my opinion. I think she sounded very beautiful, but at times she sounded like she was straining her voice, especially on the high notes. Don't get me wrong. Her voice is very, very beautiful, but I just don't think she was perfect. So yeah, I disagree with Jimmy.

    And for her third song? Honestly? I think, once again, it could've been better. It was a good performance, and it wasn't boring. However, I think this was a performance reminiscent of the performances that got Janelle sent home. It just didn't feel like the kind of song that she should be singing. Overall, I think she's peaked.

    In my opinion, the finale should be Candice and Angie. Kree should go home.

    So there's my review. Do you agree or disagree? Which two girls do you think will be in the finale?

    5 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • Skyrim: New game won't load?

    Okay, so I wanted to start a new game on Skyrim yesterday (the PC version, and I play it on an Alienware m18x). However, when I clicked "New Game", it didn't load the new game. Instead, it stayed on the loading screen, and then the compass and cursor popped up on screen. I waited for 20 minutes and it didn't change even once. I clicked the button to open the console, and guess what? It broight up the console. So I said "What the heck?" and typed in "coc riverwood". I teleported myself to Riverwood and started the new game, but it never went to the opening cutscene and it started me out as a Nord (ugh...I ONLY play as an Argonian). *sigh*.........

    The sad part? It will load one of my save files just fine, yet I can't start a new game. At first, I thought one of my mods was the problem, so I deactivated all the new ones I downloaded. NOTHING! So I deactivate ALL of my mods. NOTHING! I get a little bit frustrated and deactivate Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn, leaving myself with vanilla Skyrim. NOTHING! So with no other option left, I uninstall and reinstall the game. Guess what? NOTHING! I uninstalled and reinstalled the game two more times after that and it didn't do anything. >.<

    I am at wits end here, and I have no idea what to do. Has anyone else encountered this problem? And is there any way to fix it?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • YouTube username and password stopped working on app?

    I don't know what happened, but I can't log into my YouTube account from my YouTube iPad app. I'm using the correct username and password, it didn't work. I then tried using my e-mail instead of my username (which I never had to do before, by the way), it still didn't work. It keeps saying that authentication failed even though the information is correct, and it wasn't doing this a few days ago either. How can I fix this?

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • American idol Top 10 Girls: How'd they do?

    Just for the record, last year I made a promise that I would call American Idol "Biased Idol" until the chain of WGWG's ends. But that's an entirely different subject. Tonight, it's all about the ladies, and this is how I rank them.

    1. Amber Holcomb

    Holy crap! That was an amazing performance. She delivered an absolutely perfect performance tonight. Perfect control, amazing and beautiful voice, great stage presence, and she looks good. Forget Amrican Idol, she's ready to make an album right now! If she goes home, everyone deserves to go home.

    2. Candice Glover

    Candice and Amber definitely dominated tonight with their performances. Candice showed great range, great control, and amazing power in her voice, and she sounded amazing during her performance. I loved her performance, and I think she has a real chance of winning if the voting doesn't go the way it has for the past few years.

    3. Angela Miller

    Once again, Angela does an amazing job. While she didn't do as perfect as when she sang her original song during Hollywood week, it was still an azmazing performance. She showed great control, she was on pitch, she chose a song that was a risk, and she delivered. In my mind, she's one of this year's front runners along with Amber and Candice.

    4. Kree Harrison

    Last week, Kree did great, and this week, Kree once again did great. I really liked her performance this week. She showed power in her vocals, she stayed on pitch, and had really good stage presence. Not only that, but it was a good song choice as well. She has the potential, she just needs to make sure she doesn't choose the wrong song.

    5. Tenna Torres

    This performance was certainly a step up from last week. It was a good song choice, her pitch was good, she looked beautiful, and she showed her vocal ability, which is pretty good. The one problem I have is that it was great, but it wasn't the best, nor was it near the best. I think she can go far and she may be here next week, but I don't see her winning.

    6. Janelle Arthur

    This was definitely a better performance than last week. It was still a safe song in my opinion, but it was still better than last week. She has great vocals, but she didn't have me jumping out of my seat cheering for her like Angela or Amber. If she's going to have any chance of going far in the competition, she has to take risks. So far, I haven't seen that.

    7. Aubrey Cleland

    To me, this was a good performance, but not really a great performance. I think Aubrey could've done much better, but unfortunately, she was one of the girls that seems to be taking one step forward and two steps back. It was a bit on the average side, there wasn't really anything that stood out, and it was kind of pitchy and karaoke.

    8. Breanna Steer

    This performance can be summed up in one word; forgettable. There was nothing about this performance that made me say "wow", she sounded average at best. There were no moments whatsoever, it was a very safe song, and it seemed like a very poor song choice, especially considering last week. Before, half of me wanted to see Jett go through instead of her last week, now all of me feels that way.

    PS: I know I will probably get backlash for ranking Breanna this way, but that's my opinion.

    9. Adriana Latonio

    To be honest, this wasn't a step down, this was a couple of steps down from last week. I didn't like it, it was kind of boring, there were several pitchy parts, and other than the ending there wasn't any moments. Last week, Adriana was a diamond in the rough. This week, all she brought was the rough. I don't think she'll be here next week.

    10. Zoanette Johnson

    Zoanette, Zoanette, what the heck happened? This performance was quite pitchy. While her last performance caused her to shine like the Circle of Life, this performance probably had her saying "What's Pitch Got To Do With It?". She was kind of all over the place, and it was certainly a step down from last week. Aside from the end, she could've done way better.

    This is who I hope goes through.

    Amber Holcomb

    Candice Glover

    Angela Miller

    Kree Harrison

    Here's who I hope goes home.

    Aubrey Cleland

    Breanna Steer

    Adriana Latonio

    As for Zoanette, Tenna, and Janelle, I don't really care who goes through. While Zoanette didn't do that well, I know that she can do better, so I won't mind if she foes through despite Vote for the Worst endorsing her. Because do I think she was the worst tonight? Yes. The worst overall? I say no.

    That's my review for tonight on American Idol. Do you agree or disagree? Who do you think sill move on?

    3 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • Toilet broken, don't know the problem?

    I was sitting on the toilet not too long ago when I heard a clunk or something. Now, it won't stop running. My mom looked at it and won't tell me anything other than "it's broke", though she won't tell me specifically what's broken. All I know is that it's not the ball float or the float rod, and that whatever's broken is at the bottom of the tank. What is the problem?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Firefox crashing over and over and over again?

    Every time I try to do something in Firefox, it crashes, goes to the xrash reporter, and tyen asks me to either restart or quit Firefox. After I restart or quit and start it up again, it does the same thing. Theonlt time it doesn't do this is when I load either the add-ons pages or check my history. Anything else, it crashes, and this didn't happen until I updated my Adobe flash plugin. I tried disabling the Adobe plugin, I tried running it in safe mode, nothing seems to work. What can I do to stop Firefox from crashing all the time and annoying the crap out of me?

    3 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Masterchef: Monti went home over Josh?

    After watching today's episode of Maserchef, I am shocked. Monti was sent home, and I do not agree whatsoever. I think that Josh screwed up his dish a little more, plus he has not been consistant in this competition, especially recently. He's been up, down, I never know which end of the spectrum he'll end up on. Monti on the other hand, tonight was her first really bad night, yet she was immediately sent home. I cannot believe how many chances Josh has been given. Right now, I am pulling for Christine to win. What do you think? Do you think Monti deserved to go home? Or should Josh have been sent home instead?

    3 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • Would purchasing this pendant be blasphemy?

    I was thinking about purchasing this pendant for myself.

    Thing is, I looked it up online and it's an alchemy necklace or whatever. And me being a Christian, I don't want to purchase something that goes against my religion. Would purchasing that pendant go against my religion?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Welcome to Yahoo! Mail glitch keeping me from inbox?

    I just tried to go to my inbox in Yahoo! Mail, but I got a pop up message saying this:

    Welcome to Yahoo! Mail

    Yahoo! Mail is now even faster, safer, and easier to use. Yahoo! now automatically identifies items such as words, links, people, and subjects from your email to learn what matters to you so that we can deliver exciting new product features and relevant ads.

    Before you can access Yahoo! Mail, we need your consent to our new Terms of Service and the Yahoo! Mail Privacy Policy. Learn more about how we protect your privacy.

    It then wants me to select either "I Accept" or "No Thanks". When I click "I Accept", it reloads the page and the pop up comes back again. No matter how many times I click "I Accept", I can't get back to my inbox. And when I click "No Thanks", the page doesn't reload. How can I get back to my inbox?

    20 AnswersNotices and Errors9 years ago
  • Dyson DC41 Animal: Easy and clean way to empty canister?

    I bought my mother the Dyson DC41 Animal for Mother's Day, and she loves it. However, it does have one drawback. Every time she empties the canister, it's almost filled to the top of the canister and the dirt falls all over the place, and even comes up and gets in her face. I then noticed that it has a mark on it, and I think you're only supposed to fill it to that mark. Is that the problem? If not, how can she empty out the canister without making a mess?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Do you think Portal 2 is overrated?

    Okay. I've recently been getting a lot of crap from people because I posted a review for Portal 2 saying that I thought the game was overrated. I merely stated my opinion, yet I'm being criticized over it. And on other sites, I even saw people calling it the greatest game of all time, and then say that just because I love Skyrim, that I think Skyrim is the greatest game of all time and Portal 2 can't hold a candle to it. Let's get one thing clear. Do I think Skyrim is better than Portal 2? Absolutely. But do I think that Skyrim is the greatest game of all time? Absolutely not. Even Skyrim has its flaws (as well as its fair share of glitches). If I had to name one game as the single greatest game of all time, I would say The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. If anybody actually says to me that Portal 2 is greater (and not by personal preference, cause I prefer Twilight Princess, but I think Ocarina of Time is the better game in general) than any Zelda game period (at least every 3D Zelda game) let alone Ocarina of Time, I will not criticize them, but I will disagree with them 100%. But what do you think? Should I really be criticized just because I don't like the Portal series?

    BQ: Do you think that Portal 2 is greater than every 3D Zelda game or the other way around?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Super Smash Bros. 4: Guest characters?

    I've been thinking about what kind of guest character(s) might appear in the upcoming 4th installment in the Super Smash Bros. series. But if you could choose a character from any video game not developed by Nintendo to be featured in SSB4, which one would you want to see the most?

    My choice would probably be Bayonetta. But what about you?

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Can you see any dentist if you have heart failure?

    A friend of mine has a split tooth that's turning black, keeps getting food stuck in it, and she keeps complaining about how it hurts. She also keeps using toothpicks to clean out her bad tooth, but the toothpicks keep getting stuck in her tooth. However, she refuses to see a dentist. Her excuses? First, she says that she doesn't need to see any kind of doctor or dentist for anything because she doesn't want to be looked at as a wussy. I told her that there's a big difference between being a wussy and being an idiot who isn't taking care of herself. She also says that certain dentists won't take patients with heart failure because the anasthetics can injure or kill her because she has heart failure. Is this true, or is she just making up more excuses for herself? Am I right that she should see a dentist?

    3 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • How can I try to stomach vegetables, and how should I change my diet?

    I'm a 22 year old male with Tourettes, Autism, ADHD, and OCD. I cannot stand vegetables. While I do love mushrooms and corn (but only on the cob), whenever I try to eat any other vegetable, I gag. For starts, I definitely can't eat any leafy vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, or spinach, out of the question. I've tried eating lettuce numerous times in my life in several different ways, and I always puke when I try to swallow it. I also can't stand the smell of certain vegetables like brocoli, spinach, green beans, and asparagus, and I can't eat something that to me doesn't smell good. And when I try to eat cooked onions, while the taste is fine to me, the texture is a problem (in fact, the texture is the problem with most vegetables that I eat). When I bite into an onion, cucmber, or zuchinni, i feel the crunch and I immediately gag (which is weird, because I love other foods that have a crunch; I love mushrooms because of their soft texture and their flavor). I've never tried vegetables like eggplant, peppers, or raw garlic., however. In fact, my pickiness is so bad, whenever I eat pizza and see herbs like oregano that look too big, I have to pick them off my pizza. I also strain Ramen noodles because I can't stand the herbs in the seasoning packets. As for fruit, I love a lot of fruits, but there are some that I don't like that much (pineapples, watermelon, bananas, coconuts although I like coconut shrimp). And I want to start eating healthier because I am 70 pounds overweight, and I really want to start losing weight more, and I know that having a healthier diet plan with change that. Right now, I eat a lot of seafood (mainly shrimp, scallops, haddock, lobster, and surimi), chicken (and I mean a lot of chicken), steak, canned ravioli, macaroni with sauce or cheese, Ramen noodles, and certain frozen foods (but never tv dinners or frozen pizza, I cut those out). And for breakfast, I usually eat cereal, eggs, bacon, two coffee cakes, and sometimes two devil dogs (because coffee cakes and devil dogs are fast). I used to have doughnuts, but I cut those out of my diet as well.

    So that sums up my usual eating habits every day. What should I keep in my diet? What should I cut out of my diet? What should I include in my diet? And is there any way I can eat vegetables, or any vegetables I might actually like?

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Is this the sign of a UTI?

    A friend of mine thinks she's fine, but I think she might have a urinary tract infection, but she thinks she just ate something. Her pee is dark and cloudy, and she says that it burns to pee. She's also not sexually active and hasn't been for years, so it can't be an STD. Does she have a UTI or yeast infection?

    She also has a split tooth that's dark grey on the inside. I keep telling her to see a dentist, but she's so stubborn and refuses to even see a doctor let alone a dentist. What do I do? How do I convince her to see a doctor and a dentist?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Open water/sea monster fear in vido games?

    Do you get freaked out when you're playing a video game and you have to do a part that involves swimming in deep, open water, or fighting or even going near a giant sea monster (i.e. Hydrus in Shadow of the Colossus, Big Octos in LOZ: The Wind Waker, or Eely Mouth in Super Mario Sunshine)? If so, how and why?

    BQ: If the new Skyrim DLC included a Kraken in the Sea of Ghosts, would you be freaked out swimming through that sea?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago