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  • Does society just assume every Girl has , had or will have a wedding day?

    Why does society tend to say things every girl before her wedding day etc

    Not every girl had or will have a wedding day as not everyone gets married . Sadly some have 2 weddings etc and I haven't head every girl dreams of before her weddings lol

    What other erroneous universal generalizations that just aren't true let alone all that applicable have you heard?

    3 AnswersWeddings6 years ago
  • Is it Just me or is this really pretty bad reason to have another kid?

    A friend of mine recently announced she's pregnant with her 4th child . Happy sure until I found out why - her youngest will be starting kindergarten and she doesn't want to be alone during the day

    Not making this us up and i couldn't make this one up

    Is it me or this one of the worst reasons to have another child - is this going to repeat every 5 years ?

    I say if u miss your kids that much go volunteer at their school

    I'm not envious I just think this is well kind of dumb

    Ok discuss

    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting7 years ago
  • Why would a urologist recommend I buy a set of dialators?

    I'm very confused with my urologist

    I have been having chronic uti due my utetha being small. He surgically dialated me them confused the heck out of me by telling me to contact my ob/gyn about getting dialators to help keep the ut open

    Um what does vaginal dilators have to to with my narrow uretha ? They aren't the same thing!

    Is there a urerthal dialator ? Then again what does ob/gyn have to do with the uretha he's the urologist smh

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • Why do some individuals say " we " instead of "I"?

    I stop counting how many times when other people decide to speak for the collective we by saying " we ...." Why can't they say what it really meant is " I "

    They aren't speaking for other people so why do u think people do this ?

    What do you think. ?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • why did God allow those who kill their kids to even have kids in the first place?

    It seems that weekly these days people are making the news for killing their kids. just today a woman stabbed her 3 girls to death. I myself cant have kids and was told It wasnt Gods will for me to have kids

    well why was it his will for any person who kill their kids to be able to have kids? sure people say God gave us free will but that is so far beyond the point here. anything is secondary to the fact that God knows the future and knows these people will kill their kids.

    I cant have kids yet God allows child killers to have them is more than very very upsetting

    its as if God doesn't know the future yet he does !!

    again free will is beside the point. why not make these people infertile and those of us cant have kids fertile instead of them . sure people say the fall of man yada yada yada but too is beside the point

    i cant have kids yet they can - if children are a gift from God why give these people such a gift knowing in full that they will kill their kids?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What exactly is fellowshipping with God?

    What exactly are people supposed to be doing when having fellowship with God?Honestly are they actually hanging out with him ?what are they doing when hanging out with God where exactly are they hanging out with God ? God is in heaven and people are not.

    Are people going to church and calling that fellowship with God but isn't that really fellowship with other people? And when people read the Bible aren't they just reading the Bible why would that be called fellowshipping with God?

    I believe God exists but I don't have fellowship with him I actually hang out with actual other people who are here on earth

    And before you say I'm not saved salvation is based on what Jesus did for us on the cross not whether or not we hang out with God or speak modern day Church lingo

    Also going to church can't save a person

    Ok discuss

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • why are some people excited and optimistic about their future when they don't know it all ?

    why are some people excited and optimistic about their future when don't know at all whats going to happen? are they in for rude awakening when things they wanted to happen end up not happening at all? are some people excited about what they envision could happen ? Are these people wishful thinkers and the ones who hopes will be dashed the hardest?

    reality doesn't seem to care what people want or hopes what will happen

    what about you? do you think its a good idea to be excited about the future when you don't have a clue whats around the corner?

    ps im not talking about myself as when i talk about others i actually am !!

    ok discuss

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • how do you add a background photo to a photo collage in photoshop cs6?

    i have an assignment in a photoshop class to create a postcard but im stuck on adding a photo as the background image and then building on top of that by adding other photos. the problem i get is that the photos that are added totally cover the background photo making it invisible

    yes i have asked my teacher but it takes him awhile to respond to questions

    does anyone know what it meant by background photo? and if so why does it get covered up to the point its not visible

    serious answers

    thank you

    4 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • I have never felt loved by God and don't know why ?

    People have told me that God loves me but why are people telling me ? Why isn't God telling me . I don't feel loved by God never have and ifs bothering me , I'm wondering if decade of church and spiritual has something to do with it ?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • I have full adobe suite so is the creative cloud moot point for me ?

    I have the full adobe suite on my Mac

    Is the creative cloud renting these same programs I already have

    Is the cc for those who don't have the suite ?

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • What does it mean to " serve God "?

    For some reason I think full time ministry but um no

    Does it mean something else ?

    I just don't get why one must have to ?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • why are there some christians trying to convince singe christians that God called them to be single?

    I just don't get it at all . there are people in the church for some reason trying to convince singles that God called them to be single. For one is God calling or are they calling? I really think its the latter

    What I don't get is why are they doing this why on earth do they think know God called someone else to do? Did God personally tell them ? I personally believe no

    I'm trying to understand why these people do this? What is to gain from this?

    Why is up to them what someone else does ?

    Isn't that between God and other person not them?

    Do they not get this

    Another thing they also are forcing you to accept this calling too how God calls some to be single and really starting to justify this calling with irrelevant bible verses Then move on to contentment and then condemn you if you are not

    Then they elaborate how God can fulfill you in ways a spouse cannot

    And then they go on to say God is your husband?

    Why on earth are some doing this to begin with ?

    I think its bs


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What did the apostle Paul mean by unmarrieds are concerned with " things of The Lord"?

    I'm not married and I'm not concerned with " things of The Lord " . It's seems as if a single person is according to Paul but what exactly did he even mean ? In 2014 it's safe to say most single people are not either and not just saying that because I don't think so . It's just not something I ever heard another single person say . Paul really had no authority in ones life nor should he in my opinion

    He's not God and that's it for me. .

    What do you think ? Are singles / unmarrieds " concerned " with such things. ?

    What are those things anyways ? And why aren't married people also concerned according to Paul back then ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do some people assume that God actually talks but people don't listen ?

    I'm really curious at how people say this know that God does talk to other people but the people aren't listening ? they don't is the problem I have and take issue with as they aren't the other people they criticize .

    I myself listened but heard no voice . I asked questions and heard no answers

    Perhaps other people do listen and it's God who isn't talking

    Also I've noticed the people who hear God are also extreme people

    What about you ?

    Also if God talks to us why is there the Bible? Church ?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is it really up to God if or when people get married ?

    God gave man free will . Is it really up to God if and when or to who? Sure religious people say a lot of things but God isn't religious people and that needs to all be disregarded . We are not robots and God controls us with joysticks

    What about singles who want to marry but aren't but assume God called them single ? Do they have to remain single ? Can't they get married if they wanted to or does God dictate this ? I say no and also how would God do so ?

    I do know that there are some Christians who use I cor 7 but so what - that was pauls opinion in a different time and no way should anyone penalize themselves or not pursue marroage on account of what paul said - Paul is gone he's not here in 2014

    What I don't get and also really dont care are Christians trying to convince other Christians into thinking that singlness is a gift and its a calling of some sort - I say bs . It's not their decision or their life

    Isn't marriage up to us ? Also who we choose ?

    Fact vs Fiction

    Does God decide or do we

    I say we do

    What about you

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • i have never felt loved by God ever in my life and dont know why, what about you?

    this is a serious question and only for those who believe in God

    have you felt loved by God and if so how do you it was from God?

    im 38 and i have not felt loved by God heck i dont feel anything and not sure God exists and it really does take faith to believe in God and i am just at my witts end about this. people talk about Gods love yet i have never felt it once - just a big nothing, nada, niente - zero ! and i was raised in a christian home and went to christian schools and churches and wonder if that actually hurt me in the long run

    i just don't get it - are people misleading others by talking about Gods love as an actual feeling? i have been told countless of times that God loves me but that is cold comfort because God has't told me that and i mean directly. Its pretty sad that God can create the whole world yet not talk to people directly - not sure why not but he has never spoken a syllable to me and am very skeptical of anyone who claims God talks to them i say prove it with audio recordings and i am there at the time you make the recordings to so no doctoring of the tapes !

    i just don't get it

    is God's love something that just can't be felt ?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • how do you find a lost iphone thats turned on silent?

    no i dont have the find my phone app as i didnt know that even existed til today so thats a moot point

    i have called it but of course its on silent so i cant hear it or sure as heck dont see it

    is there a way to trace the phone without that app?

    i call it and rings and rings then goes to voicemail

    heck i even prayed and of course that failed

    what are my options

    i dont live in a big house either and not in the garbabe i checked

    any tips

    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Why is it that some people compare me to others ?

    I often get that other people tell me that other people feel a certain way or handle similar situations a certain way but why is this relevant ? I dont wak in their shoes or try to .

    Isn't it irrelevant how other people handle things ? Not only that are people assuming that people they dont actually know feel or do somethimg etc . Aren't we all different and deal with things in different ways ? Why this comparison ?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Why do some women say " God has blessed them with a wonderful husband " ?

    What about the single gals who want to be married but don't have anyone wouldn't it have to be God hasn't blessed them which leads to another question why hasn't God ? Did the women who claim " he has" do something in Gods eyes to warrant such provision or did God actually not have anything to do with the spouse they claim God gave them ?

    Their opinion has God playing favorites and they are a favorite of God .

    What do u think ? Does God actually have anything to do With who people marry ? If so what about singles ? Why do u think od not provide for them but did for those women ?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • why do some people generalize their experience into something everyone else has also?

    i was listening to a woman talk about relating to a movie character who met someone in high school and later on in her life married the guy . she mentioned that every girl can related to that

    That's not true at all ! Not every girl can and not only that not every married girl can either unless they met their husband in high school . my question is this - why do people do this? why do they find someting that they relate to but project that onto the rest of us by deciding we all relate

    is this person narrow minded? not knowing what they did or oblivious to the fact that not everyone else is going to relate to something she related to. bottom line - she related to it but why assume everyone else has ?

    your thoughts?

    2 AnswersSociology8 years ago