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  • brake problem, pedal pushes full and tight to the top position and keeps the brake light on?

    replaced front brake pads,front flex hoses, power booster ,master cylinder and brake light switch and bleed;systen throughly,problem persists,what now

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had experience with American Web Earnings?

    These folks seemed to have lied to me at every turn, throughly ripped me off and refuses to communicate or return my money.

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • what benefit to be a top contributor if the contributions are mostly innane pap.?

    Is anyone s tired of such like as I. I'm seriously thinking of blocking my in box.

    2 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • why is it that this column?

    Is filled with Paco's rhetorical questions that only takes up space? Can I place them under spam?

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • why is it that when I tender a lengthy answer ?

    or answer a controversial question I get a time out, is this punishment or something?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is being saved and a christian the same continued?

    Peruse the following and agree or disagree, pretty radical considerin the general mis-use of the word christian. Many cognitive answers some with much insight and I tremendously enjoyed such. Kudos to Ghost in the shell for being so insightful. Now of course the word christian comes as an extension of Christ and it has not been uncommon down through history for people to take the take of their leader, such as Paulians, Calvinists, Millerites(Seventh Day Adventists now). So it is not unusual that people who adhered to the teaching of this radical nobody from the common people that we know as Jesus, the living word, the Son of the Living God, for he was not political, did not favor the wealthy, castigated hipocritcal leades of the day and further had the audacity to hint that He was God on earth. But consider a moment, many followed Christ, some maybe for the food, some maybe to see the mighty works and not doubt like today, for the furor and ferver stirred up,we will always have our groupies. But how many of these stayed or continued, listening and maintaining what this God/man taught. When the assembly occured on pentecost we find only about one hundred twenty persons, which as the assembly of Christ, the church, were annointed with the Holy Ghost. There were probably others that could not make it but the relative few is telling. So a follower of Christ can be a temporary thing and still is today and cannot qualify as christians. Now is the stalwart future leader, Peter bridled at being connect to this Holy Man when danger threatened, wonder how many saved, weak in faith chose to hide their belief. These could not be called christian either. Actually, as you know, the word christian was only used once in the scripture and we are not given whether it was a term of derrsion by the enemies of the cross or simple to desginate a group of folks in Antioch who by their lives showed themselves daily to adhere to Christ's teachings. We have taken it to mean the latter and with no shame. But look for a moment at the Leader of this new movement. If I said I believe in Jesus and I believe on Jesus, which implies acceptance and trust, then it would behoove me to know this person intimately, who, what, how, all that I can know. What was His personal agenda, what did/does He require of one who associates with Him/ Beetle nearly squared it as did another who said something to the effect that now that we have salvation, what are we going to do with it? We know and understand that Christ's salvation is without repentance for what He does He does a perfect job of it so in promising eternal life He meant no less than that. He gave it to us and said, Now work it out in fear and trembling for it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God. I have trained and performed many different jobs, but one thing never changed, when I went out on a Job, I had to do it like the boss said do it to be and do acceptable work. Let us look: We are told to let this same mind be in us that was also in Christ Jesus. What kind of mind was that. For he so loved the world. What kind of love(agape, not philo)? Sacrificial love, even to death, He consider it that important, that He gave His all and down the road, others did to. Jesus taught that He came not to be served but to serve, and He was indeed our creator. Imagine Peters indignation when his creator said He was going to wash Peter's feet! But one of the many lessons was, If I(Jesus) say do it then it is right to do. Why did Nicodemus believe that there was more to Christ than the man standing before him? For the works Jesus did, no man can do except God be with him. Works! Pure and simple, Works, giving, doing, sacrificial giving and doing, out of a heart of love, for Jesus' sake. Now many do good works, some for gain, some for popularity and recognition, for a pat on the back, etc, etc. But how many love their neighbors as their selves to the point of sacrifice. How many if one require his cloak would give his coak also, because of the need. How many would do without I-pods, c-d"s, gagets galore, trips, holidays, a new car etc ad nauseum that they might have to give to the poor, the needy, to visit those in prison, to comfort the sick, to feed the hungry. Jesus gave up heaven to live like a pauper and die a horrible death like a thief that you and I might have eternal hope. How do we glorify God? Listen, in 2 epheseans, "for we are His creation(body,soul and spirit) in Christ Jesus, unto good works which He has before(Of old) ordained(Predestinated) that we should walk in them> Let your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and Glorify the Father which is in heaven(for no man can do the works unless God be with him. Now, finally, can you call yourself a christian, really, or should that be for those who actually see Christ in You? Answer.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does religion mean?

    Bible definition, not webster or common mis-usage.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • another question on what is a christian?

    Does salvation alone entitle one to call or be called a christian, explain.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The word "christian" is so bantered about on Q & S would?

    some of you, whom I know to be serious about your relationship with God please give me your definition of christian, what it means?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to activate an avatar?

    Now, I want help now, Heeeeellllllljp! I created an avatar and saved it but do not know how to activate it, it still is not showing up, so should I boycott the political conventions till I get some heeeeellllllp?

    3 AnswersPreferences and Settings1 decade ago
  • I have got to be thick, but?

    when I answer a question, then I have to click back four times to return to the question, this ain't even right, help.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • why are there so many exact question s in Q&A.?

    Some times the pages are nearly exact?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago