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Is this a good Idea Breast Feeding?.?
My wife sent me to help my neighbour fix some plumbing and after finishing she asked if I could help her more she is six months pregnant and her milk is coming.
She asked if I would mind suckling her milk on a regular basis until the baby is born.
I told my wife and she said to go for it what do you think?
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoPlural marriage can it work?
My wife has two sisters and has asked if I will take them in as wives.They realise they can not go through a legal ceremony but she says we can have an informal celebration and they will consider themselves as my wives.
My wife is a delight and her sisters are as well.
Their parents seem to like me and are happy as long as I let them practice their religion and keep them safe.
Should I go along with this its unusual in England.
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoWhich Nations women make the most obedient wives?
American women are no use Fat Lazy and obsessed by money .English much the same just a little less fat.
Ukranian women seem hard working but in my opinion you need an Indian or Chinese women to make a good wife.
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoAdvise needed where else to put gold jewellery?
I gave up investing in stocks a few years ago and instead bought gold.
In order to not have to keep it locked away I told my wife I would get it made into Jewellery by my brother for her to wear.
She now has a lot on her and so she can not be robbed its all hard soldered on so it cant come off.
She has four big heavy rings in each ear a heavy collar at least one ring on every finger.
Big solid nipple rings and her labia is heavily ringed.The next piece is her nose ring to be put in next week.
However I am running out of places to put more.She has heavy anklets and bracelets so where else can I put them?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years agoWhy Is America Wasting Billions educating Women?
Why waste Billions educating women when all they need is a few hours training on Housework and the ability to follow simple instructions.
3 AnswersGender Studies9 years agoIs the decadent capitalist Western lifestyle the cause of feminism?
I will not write a long explanation this is not the place for long missives.
However look at your life are you surrounded by machines to make life easier for women washing machines hoovers cookers etc when all you need is some brushes soap and a women to do the work.
Is all the liesure time women have now the cause of the feminism of men due to their having nothing to do.
Do men have to work harder than they need to supply alll these luxuries women now require.
Some of the products they need produce hormones which get into the water feminizing men.
Enough for now what think you.
4 AnswersGender Studies9 years agoWhat type of perfume is best for a man of 26?
I dont like many of the mens deodorants and wondered if any decent male perfume was available in the UK.
2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years agoMy wife has loaned me to her friend?
No yahoo for me after tomorrow my wifes friend Marion is sick and her housecleaner has hurt her back.
So my wife has loaned me to her for at least three months.
I dont mind as Marion is a lovely woman and has helped me in the past she taught me to knit and sew.
It will be a lot of work as she is Bed ridden and has a big old house needing lots of care.
Marion is a stickler though for tidiness.
So I will be kept busy.
My wife said she will keep in touch and try to visit in a few weeks.
I doubt Marion will allow me to use her computer so I hope you all keep well for the next few months.
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoSad Films are so sweet?
I am watching the black tent with my wifes friend isnt it a sad film?
1 AnswerMovies9 years agoHow to keep long nails clean?
My wife has encouraged me to let my nails grow a bit longer as she did not like them stubby.
How though do I keep the bit under the nail clean it seems to get a dark line very quickly.
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years agoCan I use cranberries?
Help I am making a cake for my wife and have no Sultanas can I use cranberries instead.
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agoAre there better methods of losing facial hair?
I am a guy but hate having to shave every day are there better ways to get rid of my beard I cant afford laser or electrolysis.Womens cream does not seem to work.
1 AnswerHair9 years agoWhy are mens clothes so much more expensive?
I was looking for mens leggings for Fishing and found they cost £9 or more whilst the womens equivalent cost £3 up.
Its the same with Suits Mens cost about three times more than a womans outfit.
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoWhat did you get for Valentines day?
My wife has taken the day off work and is taking me out for a meal.
5 AnswersValentine's Day9 years agoWhy is it we have only English Language on this forum?
There are allegedly lots of non English speakers contributing however no one seems to post anything other than in English.Come on you non English speakers post in your own Languages.
6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years agoThe doctors want to put me on anti depressants and I dont want to?
I am not depressed more anxious in fact very anxious to the point of continually being scared of every thing.I have problems and look like losing everything so dont think they will help me in any way what can I do.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years agoWhat do you think of men who wear earrings?
Not just one but a pair of earrings or more.
10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoWhat jewellery looks good on a man.?
My wife likes me wearing rings and other jewellery what do you like
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoShould I say yes to my wife?
My wife asked me if I would wear glasses all the time.I dont normally need them but she kept on about it.We went to the optician and I had a test and my wife decided to choose the frames.I was a bit surprised when she went to the racks I thought were for women.I was even more surprised when she chose the pair she did.I think they are really feminine looking but somehow they suit me.
She was very pleased with them and ordered another pair the same.
Now she wants me to wear them all the time I don't know if I can go out in them but it looks like she is determined.How do you think I should go on.
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoMy wife likes me to be at least a stone lighter than her as she likes to keep me in check.?
I live in a female led relationship with my wife taking all the decisions.
I do most but we do share the tasks.
She Likes me to wear nice male clothes but at times I have to wear Female jewellery as in rings necklace and earrings.She takes great pleasure in choosing them for me and I have worn many.
I have also worn a collar locked on my neck for a month after I displeased her.
She is determined but not nasty with me and I am happy in our life.
I had not chosen it and it came quite quickly after we married but I got used to it the hardest part at first was wearing a solitaire engagement ring as it caught in every thing and my Wedding ring kept getting dirt in its decoration.
I now am used to wearing gloves most of the time to help this.
Have any of you out there had similar problems
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago