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  • Tax Refund: Anyone with 02/01 seen their money yet?

    Used TurboTax, DD.

    Filed 15th

    Accepted 17th

    WMR and SBBT both say 02/01.

    Just wondering if anyone with the 02/01 date has gotten the deposit yet.....

    4 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Has anyone gotten tax refund BEFORE SBBT said they would?

    Refund status on SBBT site as of Friday is "your refund is scheduled to be deposited on 02/01/12".

    Has anyone gotten their refund PRIOR to when SBBT said they would?

    Good luck everyone...and thanks for the answers!!!

    3 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Football signed by Mario Williams?

    I have an official NFL football (used by the Texans in pre-season practice) signed by Mario Williams. How much do you think it's worth? I'm donating it to my sons pee wee football team for a fund raiser. Thanks!!!!!!

    3 AnswersFootball (American)10 years ago
  • Revenge??? Ideas anyone?

    Just found out my girl of 2 years has been cheating on me.....found nakey pics on the computer that shes been sending to an ex boyfriend. Now I have these pictures, and an overwhelming feeling for revenge! Ideas anyone?? :)

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • Religion and sex? I'm confused!?

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years now. She has recently decided that she wants to rebuild the relationship that she once had with God. She is changing everything in her life, one of which is that she doesn't want to have sex anymore until we are married. Do I have any right to be upset about that? I want to support her in everything that she does, and I am happy that she wants to change her life around, but at the same time, I am angry about it too. A few things I should mention.....this isn't the first time she has tried to do this, only to give up after a few weeks. And, up until now, we have had a VERY active sex life. I just feel that she is changing things- the person I feel in love with, and it makes me angry. Considering how our sex life has been up to this point, do I have a right to be angry about it?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My GF wont make up her mind about SEX?

    My GF and I have been dating for 2 years. Sex has always been an issue for us, in that, she wants to live her life for God. She doesn't want to have sex until we get married...and I totally and completely support her on this. The only problem is, is that she wont make up her mind!! We will go a month or so without sex because she's feeling "religious", and then...BAM- she wants to have we do. And we go on having sex every other day or so for a few weeks, and then she starts to feel guilty and says "no more sex", and "I want to live a life free of sin". So then we don't have sex for a few weeks, and then REPEAT. lol Our relationship has been going back and fourth like this for 2 years now and it's driving me crazy. It's VERY confusing! I want to support her and help her to be a better person, but then she comes at me wanting sex! What can I do? This isn't fair to me to go back and fourth all the time!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Seperated parents- who can claim dependent?

    My ex and I are seperated. We share joint custody, but I have the exclusive right to decide where the child lives, and it is my descision that he lives with me. He sees his other parent every day, but the childs residence is with me, and he spends aproximatly 8 nights a month with the other parent. It has been this way since I won the custody case about 4 years ago, and I have claimed him every year since then.

    My ex called me today and said that she is claiming him on her taxes. I told her that she didn't have a right to do that, becuase I have court custody papers that says he lives with me. Who has the right to claim my son? And what's going to happen if we both claim him?

    6 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Taxes- Claiming a dependant?

    My ex and I are seperated. We share joint custody, but I have the exclusive right to decide where the child lives, and it is my descision that he lives with me. He sees his other parent every day, but the childs residence is with me, and he spends aproximatly 8 nights a month with the other parent. It has been this way since I won the custody case about 4 years ago, and I have claimed him every year since then.

    My ex called me today and said that she is claiming him on her taxes. I told her that she didn't have a right to do that, becuase I have court custody papers that says he lives with me. Who has the right to claim my son? And what's going to happen if we both claim him?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • will a bad primer bulb on my Murray lawnmower cause it to not start?

    I have been busting my butt trying to get my lawnmower running. It will not start. I can pour fuel down into the carb and it will fire for a few seconds and then die. I have checked the plug, fuel, air filter, the kill lever, carb....

    I just noticed that the primer bulb has a pretty good size tear in it. Will this cause my mower not to start? Like maybe, it loses prime or something?

    Thanks for the help!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Should my son come first?

    My girlfriend of 1 year and I just moved in together. I have custody of my son, who is 5, and she has 2 kids of her own. They are 3 and 1. She wants me to treat her kids like they are my own, and I can see why she would want that. But it's really hard to do. They don't listen to me when i discipline them, and when my girlfriend refers to the kids, she says "her kids", but at the same time she says "i want you to treat them like they are your own". I'm confused.

    I love my son like I can love noone else, and we have always had a special bond, but is it wrong of me to want to be closer to my son than I am with her kids?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Can a landlord raise your rent before lease is up? (Texas)?

    I live in Texas. I am thinking about signing a year lease on a house, but I notice on the agreement that it says the landlord can raise the rent as long as she gives me 30 days notice. Is that right? I thought the only time they could raise the rent is when the lease agreement it up and it's time to renew.

    Any help would be appreciated!!!! :)

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Moving in together- I think I screwed up....?

    My girlfriend and I have been together for a year, and we have decided to move in together. I have custody of my 5 year old son, and she has 2 kids- both toddlers.

    Anyways...I thought it was a good idea first, but now we are a week away from moving day, and I am starting to get a really bad feeling about this. Not only do I think the kids are going to pose a problem, I think I like my freedom of being a single dad, and not having to answer to anyone. Not that I like going out and doing things without her knowing, it's just, I like to spend time with my son where it's just me and him...and that is going to end after we move in together. There are other reasons too, but I'm not sure what to do about it. Should I just consider it nerves, and make the best of the decision I have already made, or should I talk to her about it and let her know of my concerns? She's gonna be pissed and hurt if I don't go thru with it, especially considering I have already been back and fourth on the whole moving in together thing so many times now....

    What should I do??

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • 401k- Some simple basics, please!!?

    I have been with my company now for over 10 years, and have had 401k with them for about 9. I know nothing about how it works, and I need help!!! This stuff is confusing!

    I was hoping maybe someone could give me a simple explination or point me in the right direction to learn more about how to invest wisely, especially considering the economy right now. I have heard of people making alot of money on thier 401k, and I would really like to learn more about it to secure a future for my wife and kids. I have been on my 401 website for 2 days now, trying to figure this stuff out, to no avail! This stuff reads like rocket science!!

    Any help would be appreciated!


    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Why do women stop having sex in a relationship?

    Just like the question says: Why is it that women start out strong in a realionship with sex, and then it slacks off to nothing?!? My girlfriend and I used to have sex ALL THE TME, and now it's "I have a stomach ache", or "I'm tired", or my favorite, "I haven't shaved down there in a few days, and I feel gross". Why why why!?!?!? It's hard not to take it personal when we used to have sex all the time, and now we dont. It's like she's not attracted to me anymore. Come on girls, help me out here....

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do women flirt with other guys?

    How come a woman that is in a relationship with a man that makes her completely happy will still flirt with other guys? She can be completely happy, and having all of her needs met, but yet she will still flirt with other guys?!?! I don't get it! I'm a guy, and I'm not that way. I got my woman, and that's the only one I want...I don't flirt with other girls. Is it that they like to know they still "got it"???

    Whatever it's stupid! lol

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I get a copy of a police report (texas)?

    My girlfriend was assaulted last week by a girl that claimed she was sleeping with her man. I need a copy of the police report so I can read the statement given by the girl that assaulted my girl. How can I go about doing this?? This is in Texas btw...not that it matters. Also- this just happened last Friday... Is there a certain amount of time I should wait before trying to obtain a copy? And- will they notify my girl that I am trying to get a copy of it? I don't want her to know.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do I believe her, or not??? (cheating!)?

    So....a week ago, my girlfriend of 9 months comes to me and tells me that her neighbor guy sent her a bunch of text messages one day telling her that he wanted to do her, and that she is sexy and stuff. She explainted to me that she told him (thru text messages) that she has a boyfriend, and that sex between them would never happen. And I believed it at first. But that was a week ago, and ever since then, she seems like she is acting differently. Almost like she liked the attention that she got from it. She admitted to me(in one of many arguements since she told me about it) that she thought he was cute, and the idea that he is attracted to her is "flattering", but she would never do anything to jeapordize what we have together. So........long story, that dudes girlfriend came over and attacked my girl, accusing her of sleeping with her man. So, after this has happened, I am getting this really strong feeling that my girl isn't telling me everything about what happened with this dude. Like maybe she has been texting him the past week, or maybe talking to him on the phone or something. I mean- if my girl supposely told this guy that she would never cheat on her boyfriend (me), why would this dudes girlfriend have gotten so pissed off at my girl- enought to attack her?? And should i continue to ask my girl if she is telling me the truth, or should I just let it go (cuz im pretty sure even if she was flirting, she wont be doing it anymore after what happened today)? I'm so confused. I want to trust my girl and believe what she says happened, but I have this really sick feeling in my stomach that she isn't being completely honest. What should I do about the whole thing?? PLEASE HELP!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • For the ladies: What do you like when it comes to foreplay?

    My girlfriend has never been one for foreplay. It's usually just strip, sex and we're done!! Unlike me, I LOVE foreplay!!! She says since she had a baby, she doesn't have feeling in her nipples anymore, and that it doesn't turn her on. Up to this point, I have NEVER met a girl that doesn't like her breasts kissed. So, I was wondering, what drives some of you girls crazy?? Kissing and nibbling on the neck and shoulders? Kissing the ears? Soft feathers on your skin? Kissing the thighs? I'm looking for ideas here....

    Thanks in advance!!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Women's sex drive- Why does it drop off?

    My girlfriend and I have been dating now for 9 months. Our sex life used to be great! As a matter of fact, during the first 4 months of our relationship, there was a time when I used to think she was going to wear me out because of the amount of sex that we were having. Well- all of that has changed! Over the past 4 months or so, our sex life has dropped off considerably, and now the last two months, we have only had sex one time, and it is really starting to worry me.

    I like to think that I am a pretty good boyfriend. I am always willing to help her out. I am an old fashion guy, meaning, I open doors for her, I buy her flowers, I tell her she is the most beautiful woman on Earth (and I believe it too!), I take her out for dinners and movies. I help with the chores, and the kids, I write her love letters...all of that stuff. Like I said- I truly romance her. I used to ask for sex a lot, but I didn’t think she liked that, so I don’t do that anymore either. I know most guys are all about sex, and most of what they do is so they can get sex in the end, but I am not that way. I have no problems with sitting and talking to her for hours, or snuggling on the couch without sex. I respect the fact that she doesn’t want me doing stuff for her just so I can get laid. Like I said- I think I’m a pretty good guy.

    Of course, our relationship has small problems, as any healthy relationship does, but it's nothing that threatens our future together. I just don't get it, and it's starting to frustrate me!! We have talked about it numerous times, but I have never really gotten a clear answer out of her as to the reason for the sudden drop off. What can I do to revive our sex life? Does anyone think this could be a sign of an underlying problem somewhere else in the relationship? She used to brag about how good sex with me was, and now I can’t ever get her in the mood to even try foreplay. What gives???

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago