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My name is Hallie. I don't really have any nicknames, because Hal is a guy's name. Lol. I love music, mostly pop, rock, and alternative, but I'm open to listening to other genres, too. I love my friends. They're the best, I can look to them for anything. ♫ Music is Love♫ ♥Nick J Is Off The Chain♥ ●● PeAcE,lOvE, jOnAs, MiLeY ●● Put this on your profile if you are a member of the MCP: MCP MEMBER

  • What should I do for 8 hours tomorrow?

    My mom is working, and I'd rather not stay home with my aunt and her phsycho boyfriend and son. Sooooo, I don't know what to do.

    I'm only 13, so no driving, and it has to be in one place.

    I only have $30 to spend, maybe less.

    I can't go to a friends house, and I can't bring a friend with me wherever I go, so this is kind of difficult.


    Happy new year, by the way!!

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Glass stuck in my foot...?

    It's barely sticking out, but not enough so that I can pull it out with a tweezer. My mom's going to get Icthammol, but she won't be back until after work (around 7:30 pm, it's only 9:14 am).

    I don't want to have to go to a doctor for this, so if the drawing ointment doesn't help it come out, will I die? Like, if it goes into my bloodstream and travels to my heart?

    And is there something else that will help it come out?

    5 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • How do I change zip files to something compatible with Windows Movie Maker?

    I have clips that are zip files and they won't work with Windows Movie Maker. How do I convert them to something that WILL work with WMM?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • My sister is changing for the worse...?

    My sister has changed. A LOT.

    She smokes now. She used to HATE people that smoked. She would always say, "It's like paying to die." Well, now that's what she's doing.

    She took X-rated pictures on MY camera (ew). She wouldn't have done that a year or two ago.

    She's always had a bad attitude, but it's gotten worse. She has NO respect for anything, not even herself. She goes around my MOM's house, slamming doors and throwing things.

    She stabbed one of her BEST FRIENDS in the back. When her friend broke up with her boyfriend, the next week my sister was dating him. She ruined their relationship. You'd think she'd have learned, but no. Now she's dating her OTHER friend's ex, who is no good.

    She stole my camera and denied it 5x to my mom. Yeah, that's MY camera that she's holding.

    What do I do? I'm worried she'll start doing drugs next.

    Oh, she's 18.

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What's the weather like in St. Louis?

    I'm visiting my grandparents who live in Granite City, IL, which is a suburb of St. Louis. What's the weather like?


    4 AnswersSt. Louis1 decade ago
  • Am I cursed...?

    With the 'creatures in your pants' curse???

    When I was 6 or 7, I was climbing a fence and 3 hours later, something pinched my butt, so I freaked out, pulled my pants down, and BAM! out jumps a LIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I know, scary!

    Then, a few months ago, there was an ant that was crawling around in my shorts!

    Now, a few minutes ago, something was tickling my leg underneath my pants, so I rolled them up, and there was a SPIDER in them! It was about an INCH long!!!!!! AHHHH! My cat ate it (Thank you, Kiefer), but STILL! What's wrong with me? I'm not wearing any pants (Yes, I'm wearing underwear) because I'm too scared that something else will appear in them.

    Help! What do I do?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Baby skunks!?

    So, there's this skunk that lives at the edge of my yard (about 20 feet from my house). Apparently she had babies. Three. At LEAST! And, come on, there's gotta be a baby-daddy! Ahh! One of my dogs has already been sprayed by one. That wasn't fun. I saw the babies a few minutes ago- SOOO cute! They're like baby kittys! I love them! I'm too scared to go near the bush that 1 baby is in. The mom and other 2 are by the house across the street. I'm really paranoid, and I've had to warn 3 people and get two dogs away from the home.

    And the scary thing is, there's a 4 foot long snake skin right around the bush they live in. I'm worried that it might eat the babies, seeing as they're only the size of a 5 week old kitten.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Are you happy or unhappy about Obama being the Democratic candidate?

    I'm skeptical. Ever since the church thing. He's been listening to that guy ALL HIS LIFE. It just makes me a little bit nervous. What about you?

    39 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How do I use Windows Movie Maker?

    I have videos and wanted to edit them and stuff on Windows Movie Maker, but I don't really understand it. I tried looking at the tutorial, but it didn't help much.

    Can you break it down for me?


    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Aunt is taking my pets!?

    We're moving, and my aunt took my dog off our hands last weekend. Now she plans on taking 3 of our cats, too! I'm really attached to my pets, and if she takes them tomorrow I'll only have one dog and two cats. Yes, we have 5 cats, and that might not be good when people are walking through the house, but only one of the cats is actually owned by her. The others are my mom's, sister's and mine.

    What should I do, convince my mom to not let her take them? She hasn't heard the plan yet cause she's been at work all day, but she'll be here in an hour.


    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • P.F. Flyers?

    How can you tell if they're vintage or not?

    They're center lo's, but mine are leather and womens.

    Anyone know?

    I can't add links, they don't work. Sorry!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Did you just wake up?

    I did. It's 6:31 am.

    46 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Sister took X rated pictures on my camera????

    My sister moved into my mom and I's house 2 weeks ago. She's been staying in my room.

    Anyways, I turned on my camera, and there were FIVE pictures of XXXXXXXX rated pictures of HER!!!!! Ahhhh!!!, I think I'm going to barf! What do I do? She was on MY bed! Ew, ew, ew, ew, EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

    Like, does she have NO respect for my stuff? Can't she take her nude fest FAR FAR FAR away?!?!?

    I'm thinking about HIDING my camera.

    What should I do. I think I'm scarred for LIFE!

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • People who hate Miley but like JB and Selena and Demi...?

    Selena and Demi and the Jonas Brothers are FRIENDS with Miley. If you're true fans of JB and\or S&D, you should be supporting Miley, just like they do.

    Who's your celebrity crush?

    16 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Billy Gilman?

    Remember him? The little country singer boy?

    Lol, what happened to him? I listened to him 5 years ago, and I just randomly found my old CD's and found his. Does he still sing?

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Can you name this song?

    I wanna believe in everything that you say,

    Cause it sounds so good

    But if you really wanted me, move slow,

    There's things about me you just have to know

    Sometimes I run, sometimes I hide,

    Sometimes I'm scared of you,

    But all I really want is to hold you tight,

    Treat you right,

    Be with you day and night

    Baby, all I need is time.

    That just part of the song. NO CHEATING!

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Love your enemies.?

    It sickens me to see this fight on Yahoo Answers. You guys are assuming things about eachother, yelling at eachother, acting like little kids fighting over something stupid. Not that the Jonas Brothers are stupid, it's just the way you guys are acting.

    I, personally, like the Jonas Brothers. They have never once hurt me, neither have they been extremely nice. I've only met them 4 times, so I don't really know them.

    Can't you just give it up already? Everyone has a different taste in music, some people like pop, others like soul, classical, rock, rap, punk, r&b, alternative, country, etc, etc. Do either of you have any respect? By yelling and fighting, everyone is losing respect for BOTH of you. I'm not happy with the way people are acting. And you're ruining other people's time on Y!A, too. People that aren't on either side have to deal with stupid questions back and forth, left and right. Can both sides just leave eachother be? I think it would benefit everyone.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Adding multiple lines with Tmobile?

    My sister has a Tmobile account, but my mom and I had Verizon. We just got rid of Verizon and don't know if we can add TWO lines with Tmobile. We don't have a house phone and won't be getting one, because we're living at this house for another 2 1\2 weeks and then moving. Anyone know if we can add TWO lines?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Do you like sliding over your floor?

    on your computer chair? I do that when there's no good questions to ask.

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Getting my mind off my dog?

    He's not dead, just gone for a few months. My aunt just took him a half hour or so ago and I've been crying the whole time. We'll get him back when we move, but he's kind of a high-maintenance and not good to have around while moving. She lives in South Carolina, us in Tennessee, so we can't go visit very often. He was my buddy, when I got bored we'd go on a walk or play in the yard. He was my best friend and now he's gone. I don't know what to do. He was like my life. We have another dog, but he's too old to play anything fun with, and he's a lot smaller. It just sucks, so much. How do I get my mind off of him?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago