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Lv 1224 points

The Curious One

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  • First kiss is going to be a stage kiss?!?!?

    I was cast as Maria in West Side Story and I am so thrilled to have the lead! One problem--- I have to kiss the boy who was cast as Tony! We've known each other for probably around six years and part of me is okay with it. But, 1) I've never kissed anyone and have no idea how to do it 2) His girlfriend, who i'm friends with, is totally fine with it but it still feels weird 3) EVERYONE IN THE CAST IS GOING TO WATCH ME HAVE MY FIRST KISS (((including the boy i'm crushing on))) 4) I want my first kiss to be with someone who actually wants to kiss me!!

    And yes I know it isn't a "real" kiss. But, I've never even pecked a boy on the lips, so yes, it kind of is. I won't ever forget it for the rest of my life. It will still be my first kiss. Even though it's not "real".

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How to feel comfortable at the gym alone.?

    I'm overweight and this week I started going to the gym with friends. I put my headphones in and run on the elliptical and I get into the zone very easily. But, the thought of not having that person, that comfort, there next to me freaks me out. Last night, my friend was running late and instead of going in and getting a 15 minute head start, I sat in my car and waited. I just feel out of place, I think. Everyone there is thin and they know how the machines work. I know how to use probably 5 of the machines. I want to make this a regular thing, but I am so embarrassed to be there alone. How do I overcome this?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • How to properly care for an indoor cat?

    My dog was recently killed by a hit and run after he escaped the fence and since then I have decided to keep my cat indoors full-time.

    I've realized that all I know about caring for cats is the basics- feeding, watering, cuddling, litter box care. But is there more to caring for cats that that? When I bought a hamster I did all kinds of research and read forums and I know how to properly care for a hamster. It seems like there must be more to caring for a cat then just those basic things. If you know of any cat forums or know anything about cat care please let me know!

    If you have any advice, links, etc. please leave them below! Thank you so much!

    3 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Going to prom with a guy that has a girlfriend?

    At my high school the juniors and seniors get to go to prom and they can invite anyone that's a junior or senior or graduated (but no older than 21). So they can't ask anyone younger. This is hard for a lot of the couples at my school who date people in other grades. I found out that a guy in my grade is going to ask me. He's probably just going to text me, but I'm okay with that. We know each other but we don't really talk so I worry it'll be super awkward. But- I'm also happy knowing I'll get to spend time with my friends and not have to worry about being with him all night. His girlfriend is a sophomore and she wants him to go to prom, so I'm not worried about that. Will this be super awkward??

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • I don't know what I want to do anymore? Dentist or teacher?

    For as long as I can remember the only thing I've ever wanted to be was a teacher. I've grown up around teachers my entire life and I've always looked up to them and respected them. I've never thought about doing anything else- until now. I'm a junior in high school. I know I still have time and I can always switch majors if I don't like it, but I really want to have an idea right now. Basically- I've just realized I have no patience and I'm not very good with kids. Every year I think- oh I could teach my grade! I think I just like people my age. Kids are great one-on-one, but more than 3 is enough for me. I've thought about teacher middle school or high school. My mom said something to me when I told her I wasn't sure I was cut out to be a teacher. She said, "Teachers become teachers because they love their job. They don't do it for the paycheck." I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy teaching. Then, it hit me. I LOVE the dentist. I've always loved going, and I even enjoy getting cavities filled. I'm just worried I'm not smart enough. My cumulative GPA is a little higher than 3.5. But, I really have to work hard to get these grades. I have to study hours for my Bio II tests just to get a B. I know there are other dental careers, like dental hygienist, or dental assistant, but part of me wants to reach for the seemingly unreachable (and also the money is pretty great). I'm not sure if this is the right path for me. What do you kind strangers think I should do?

  • Do I/did I have anxiety?

    I've always been "shy". In 6th grade my mom broke up with her boyfriend of about 6 years (pretty much my step dad) and we moved across the country, leaving him and his daughter (who I'd grown up with). We didn't have any money and we're basically "homeless". We stayed with relatives, but we didn't have our own home. Seven months later she was pregnant and a new man came into her life (along with his 3 kids). This is when everything happened. I couldn't talk to anyone, I couldn't order my own food, I couldn't do anything. I almost started crying in Subway when my mom's boyfriend forced me to order my sub and the worker couldn't hear me. I started a job after 8th grade (washing dishes). A few weeks in, I had a panic attack at work. I was shaking and tears with streaming down my face and someone asked me if I was okay and I lost it. I was sent home. Freshman year I joined theater (just backstage) and I became a waitress and things changed a lot. My theater director begged me to try out and I did. My anxiety faded away- almost. I've been driving for over 2 years now. I can't drive faster than 55 without panicking. I sometimes avoid left turns. I get so anxious behind the wheel. (I'm 16.5 now- driving age is 14 here). My mom is going to get my brother diagnosed with what she believes may be depression. Should I be concerned about my anxiety? Should I see if I had it/maybe get diagnosed? As I said, it's improved drastically.

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • I'm on prom committee, but I don't have a date?

    I don't have any guy friends either... Should I skip the dance? I feel like I shouldn't, because I'm a part of putting the prom together. But, is it worth it? I only have one friend who doesn't have a date and she doesn't really want to go. I'm also worried that I'll spend a couple hundred dollars on a dress and not have a very good time. I never get asked to dance at homecoming, so I'm assuming prom will be similar.

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Movies about segregation or women's rights?

    I just want to watch something like The Watson's Go To Birmingham, The Help, or Iron Jawed Angels. Preferably something I can find on Netflix. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • My bunny died, what do I do?

    He passed away last night (his leg got trapped in his cage and I believe the stress killed him). I tried everything I could to keep him alive through the night, but he didn't make it. I don't think I've ever been so sad. It's winter and the ground is frozen. What do I do about his body?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets6 years ago
  • What exactly is social science?

    I'm a junior in high school (1st semester is about to end). I was looking at the admission requirements for the university I plan on going to and it said I needed 3 years of social science.

  • Can crying during movies be a hereditary thing?

    There's probably not a gene in my body that's sole function is to make me emotional during movies- but, I was wondering if it could be a genetic thing. Basically, I cry during like every movie I watch. If there's an emotional scene, I'm crying. The funny this is that my dad is the SAME way. Maybe even worse. He cried during the entire Justin Bieber movie tbh. Here's the thing- I didn't grow up around my dad. I lived on the other side of the country and never knew this about my dad until I got older. Just wondering if there's any connection! Maybe we're just sappy.

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • We accidentally stole our neighbor's cat?

    We kept seeing this cat on our property and around our neighborhood. He didn'r have a collar and seemed kind of thin. We assumed it was a stray and have been wanting a cat so we brought him in. We've had him for about a week and we really enjoy having him, a lot! We keep him inside and he's very well behaved. This morning my parents saw a Facebook post about someone missing a cat that sounded a lot like the one we have. They live down the street. My parents don't want to give him back. The reason for this is because those neighbors stole OUR cat last year. We confronted them and they refused to give him back. So, now my parents are okay with keeping this one. Is what we're doing wrong? We are taking very good care of this cat (that they let run up and down the street). I feel slightly guilty, but they did take our cat. So?

    7 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Upper lip hair??

    So, I'm 16 and I've been dealing with dark upper lip hair since middle school. There was a boy who ALWAYS made fun of me for it. I think that's when I became really self conscious about it. I've asked my mom to buy my hair removal creams but she says they're no good and my hair will come back thicker. She sometimes buys bleach that we both use but once we run out- she doesn't buy any more for a long time. I'm too embarrassed to buy it (we live in the small town & people I go to school with work in these places). I'm SO white and it's soooo noticeable. I try my best to stay out of the sunlight around people, tbh. I've tried plucking but it hurts a lot and I can never get all the hairs and especially not the middle under my nose. I'm going to get a haircut tomorrow and I am thinking about waxing it. How much does it hurt? How long will it stay red/swollen (I have to work a few hours afterwards). How ofter do I have to get it waxed after the first time? Is it embarrassing?

    3 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Friendly cat, no collar?

    So, my family and I have been seeing the same black cat in our yard every couple days. When I see him around I pet him and let him go on his way. My brother brought him in today. He has no collar and my neighbors two doors down have no idea where he came from, either. Do you think he belongs to anyone?

    7 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Dog ate my hamster treats?

    It was Wild Harvest Bake Shop Croissants. They smell really good and he got ahold of them and ate what was left in the bag. There were still quite a few left.

    The ingredients are: wheat flour, dried milk, glycerin, sugars, dried egg product, rice bran, veg. oil, natural milk flavor, sodium bicarbonate, sodium prionate (preservative), natural vanilla flavor.

    Should I be worried?

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Is my syrian hamster a girl?

    Hello! I am the proud new owner of a sweet little syrian hamster. The pet store lady said she couldn't tell the gender yet. When I picked her up (only to move her from the travel box to her cage) I noticed rows of nipples on her/his underside. Do all hamsters have this or only females? I don't want to lift her up and scare her again.

    4 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Gender neutral hamster names?

    I had Venus picked out for a girl and Mars for a boy but the pet store lady didn't know what mine was. She said I'd be able to tell in a month. Well, I've had my hamster for less than a day and I'm already tired to referring to it as 'it'. I want to give it a name (maybe a space-themed name!!). But, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

    4 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Why do I hate milk?

    Alright, I've always been super picky about milk. No idea why. It had to be 2% and it had to be COLD. I would only drink it right from the jug (gross maybe but true). Anything else I just thought tasted completely disgusting and warm and just gross. If one of my siblings leaves the milk out while they eat cereal or something I get filled with anger. And I won't drink the milk after that. I obviously care way to much about milk. Anyways, I can't drink milk anymore. If I make myself a bowl of cereal I lose my appetite 2 bites in. I'm not sure why I am and have been this way. Is there any scientific reason I could be so picky about milk? I love cheese and I don't mind a tiny splash of milk in my coffee (maybe because I can't taste it?).... I don't get it at all. If you know what could possibly be wrong with me let me know, haha. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • How to clean old mouse water bottle?

    I'm getting a hamster and my brother gave me his old water bottle that his mice used. I cleaned it with hot water and dish soap. Should I do anything else before letting my hamster use it? Thanks!

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Fraternal but look identical?

    Hi, I have step sisters that look SO ALIKE. There are two ways I tell them apart (one has a mole near her eye, the same one is also a bit heavier). The stand the same, both have red hair & freckles, same hair texture, skin color, everything. My stepdad says they're fraternal but they literally look identical. Is this rare? Do you know fraternal twins that look identical?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago