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Lv 31,546 points

Ashley B

Favorite Answers19%
  • what should I do with my cat?

    As a kitten he was very sweet, but now he is the cat from hell. He pees on everything for no reason. Yes he is neutered and no he does not have UTI and no we have not had any recent huge life changes at home. We've tried re-training him in his box, tried different litters and foods, tried rewarding him for using the box and none of it worked. He just simply thinks that everything is his territory to mark. He has ruined all of our curtains, all of the carpet in every room of the house, and several pieces of furniture. It will cost thousands to get all of the cat urine out of our house. In addition to marking everything, he also gets in fights with neighbor cats (for the past two years he has not been permitted outside for this reason). He has racked up thousands of dollars in vet bills to get him patched up and to make sure he didn't have a UTI. As time goes on he just seems to get worse and worse. He wakes us up at night wanting to go out, he doesn't get along with my baby and doesn't want to despite my best efforts to get him used to her. She is almost a year and even though all of the times he's gone after her it's been just to warn her to stay away from him, it's only a matter of time before he full on attacks her. Last nigh he woke up me and my baby because he was literally throwing himself at the window as hard as he could over and over to get to a cat on the other side. I thought he was going to break it.

    6 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • What baby formulas/cereals do NOT have extra iron?

    I don't care what the "research" says about the benefits of adding iron, my baby is 6 months old, is starting to eat solids, and will still be breast feeding. This is for a supplement only.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Why do car salesmen drag the process out?

    I'm looking for a new(er) car. I tell the salesmen what I'm looking for and they take FOREVER to do anything. The salesman I was with today took almost an hour to look through is inventory. I found it on my phone in 2 minutes and almost instantly found a car I might be interested in, but of course he thought a different car with high mileage would be a better option. Then he went to get the manager. That took another 20 minutes. Then he went to run numbers. That took another 15. By the time I actually got to test drive the car I had been there an hour and a half. I would have left but I was with my dad who insisted that we keep waiting. After waiting that long the last thing I wanted to do was buy a car. Even when my mom called to tell me that my baby who has a lot of allergies was out of food, they still tried to keep me there to "think about it" instead of being considerate and letting me leave to go feed my kid while I "thought about it." I have better things to do with my time than sit and wait for a salesperson to doddle around! Why do they think this is a good sales tactic? I'm not going to buy a really expensive car just to make them go away. I'm going to get mad and leave.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago
  • What's your opinion on scripted teaching?

    Should teachers be allowed and/or forced to read from scripts? What do you think?

    4 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Why does society insist on putting plants in cat food?

    After having my cat treated for reoccurring UTI's, my vet suggested that I put him on an all meat diet. Their bodies get no nutrition from plant products and often times this can make them sick. There are very few pet foods out there that are completely plant free. Many are grain free, but they still contain things like peas and sweet potatoes. Recently the brand of food that I had been feeding him changed their formula to make the food look more like a gourmet meal, which included adding things like alfalfa, potatoes, and peas. WHY DOES SOCIETY INSIST ON FEEDING CATS (and dogs for that matter) VEGETABLES??? In the wild cats and dogs are carnivores, meaning they eat meat, not vegetables. My cat doesn't need Thanksgiving dinner flavor or chicken pot pie flavor. He just needs an all meat food. I could make my own cat food, but I'm busy and barely have time to make my own food. Why can't pet food companies just feed cats and dogs the diet that they were meant to eat?

    7 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Cat marking. Please Help?

    Our cat had a problem marking his territory in the house. We switched him from and indoor/outdoor cat to an indoor cat (which he hates) and locked him in a room with his litter box for a few months and only let him out when we could watch him. He was doing really well until a few weeks ago. I recently had a baby who now has colic. I am a single mom who works full time and goes to school. My mom who owns the house also works full time and helps with the baby and does everything around the house since the baby requires so much of my attention. Recently the cat has started marking again. I feel bad that I can't spend much time with him but the situation is what it is and I can't change it. He is lucky that I have been the one to catch him every time he has marked but it's only a matter of time before my mom finds out. When she does she WILL put him down or get rid of him. She owns the house so it's not my call. I have tried everything to get rid of the smell (vinegar, baking soda, nature's miracle, feliaway, enzymes, Lysol, citrus, everything). I have also spent hundreds of dollars at the vet to see if there is something medically wrong with him. There isn't. Please help. I'm out of ideas. I don't want to get rid of him. I love him. He mostly does it when he's hungry and I can't feed him immediately because I'm busy with the baby.

    11 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Should I get a health savings account?

    I just started a new job and am eligible for a qualified high deductible insurance plan with and HSA. It sounds good and all but I have several concerns and am not sure if it is the right plan for me. I know the basics of how they work, I'm just not sure if I should get one or just go with a traditional insurance plan.

    1. I don't have any extra money to pay for the high deducible even for small expenses such as going to the doctor for a cold or minor injury let alone should I need to go to the ER or something major.

    2. I have no money to deposit into an HSA so what is the point of having one other than for tax benefits?

    3. I have a 2 month old baby who is currently on Medicaid for a year but we all know that babies get sick A LOT so I might be paying a lot of medical expenses if that happens once her Medicaid is up.

    4. My employer is taking 15% of my paycheck to pay for insurance regardless of which plan I get so would it be worth it?

    I myself never go to the doctor for anything but again I do have a baby that will possibly go to the doctor a lot. Any info would be helpful thanks.

    4 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • What kind of breast pump should I buy?

    I need a double pump that will do the job fast (my break @ work is 25-30 min). I tried my friend's medela pump n style, and granted it's been used but, I only got 1/2 oz. in 20 min. I expected better from a $300 pump. I have an evenflo hand pump and really like it, but i"m not sure how their electric pumps are. Any suggestions on a good one?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Why is the interest payment on my student loan different every month?

    Last month the interest on my loans was $17. This month it was $39. Looking back over past payments, I have noticed that every month I pay a different amount in interest. One month I paid $3. Why is this? I pay my loans on time every month and try to pay the same amount.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • How did someone with a blocked number call me?

    Ok long story short: My ex-boyfriend "inadvertently" gave his new/old girlfriend my number. She assaulted me two years ago in a jealous rage and I haven't been able to track her down since. A few months ago she called me. I promptly had her number blocked. My ex and I have a kid together so I was trying to patch things up somewhat for our kid's sake (obviously a failure on my part for even attempting to think he could be responsible). Anyway, after having a casual conversation with him, I got a phone call from a restricted number. I was unable to answer the phone so it went to voicemail. Her voice was on it and let's just say if I repeat what she said in the voice mail this question will be deleted for violation of community guidelines. How was she able to get through if her number was blocked? She doesn't strike me as a particularly smart person so I don't believe that she was able to block the phone she called me from on her end. I'm so sick of this. I want her out of my life, but I don't know that taking her to court would be the answer since a) I don't have money and B) the initial incident was so long ago. How do I STOP her from calling me? My phone service is Verizon by the way.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • How do I stop my cat from eating his hair?

    We are re-litter box training my cat and it seems to be stressing him out. However, my mom is adamant that he can't live with us anymore if he doesn't learn how to properly use his litter box. Since she pays the mortgage I don't have a choice in the matter. Plus I don't really want anymore of my stuff ruined by him. He has been pulling out his hair for a while now (over a year) and eating it. The vet prescribed some anti-anxiety meds which we have been giving him, but he still rips out his hair and eats it, which makes him sick. I'm tired of cleaning up cat puke and I hate to see him hurt himself. Short of shaving off all of his hair I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • What is a good reward system for a cat?

    We are trying to retrain my cat how to use his litter box properly. He has a territory marking problem. We've decided to make him an exclusively indoor cat and currently have him locked in the bathroom with his litter box. If he is locked in with the box he has no problems. When we let him out, however, he marks everything. Yes he is neutered. We have a feliway plug in and are working on getting him multiple boxes for his convenience. What is a good way to reward him for positive behavior?

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • What should I do with my cat?

    So two days ago I took my cat to the vet to make sure he didn't have a kidney infection (he was peeing all over the house). It turns out he's fine, but it cost me $125. This is the second or third time I've had to take him to the vet since I moved back to UT in December. Now he has a nasty infection in his leg from getting in a fight. Inevitably I'm going to have to take him to the vet again tomorrow. Both my mom and myself have spent hundreds of dollars on him to patch him up after he gets in fights or gets sick. He is no longer allowed in our house because he refuses to use his litter box. I feel horrible putting him down, but I don't want to spend any more money on him. If I fix his leg, he will just fight again and need more medical attention. I'd try to find him a new home, but no one will want a cat that is this much trouble. What should I do? :(

    13 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How do I ensure my breasts shrink after breastfeeding?

    Before I got pregnant, I was a 34F and weighed 116 pounds. I am now up to a 34H and these things are reeking havoc on my back. If I take my bra off for even an hour it feels like someone is trying to rip my back apart, and I haven't even gotten to the fun part yet where my milk comes in and makes them even heavier. I know there's no guarantees, but I'd really like them to shrink after I'm done breastfeeding because this is absolutely miserable. Any advice?

    And yes, I do wear the most supportive bras I can find, but because I'm so thin, the bras have left me with nasty sores and bruises because there is just too much weight bearing down on my ribs. I've been to a specialty bra store and fitted for the right size, but it still doesn't seem to make any difference in how uncomfortable the bra is.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Possible location of oil leak?

    I drive a 1995 Nissan Maxima. It's been leaking oil for a while now. It leaks the worst right after I drive it for a while but it seems to calm down once the engine cools. I've had mechanics tell me the gaskets are bad but there is no mixing of fluids in the engine. It is leaking from a major compartment on the passenger side of the engine just above the belts. The leak is getting worse, but I don't have the funds to take the entire engine apart to find out where the leak is coming from. What could possibly be leaking?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Why does Jimmy John's charge extra for whole wheat bread?

    $1.00 extra for whole wheat bread on my sandwich! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! I can't name a single other sandwich place on the planet that does this. Why? Why? Why?

    5 AnswersFast Food8 years ago
  • I think my betta is getting old. How can I make her more comfortable?

    I've had my female betta for about 3.5-4 years now. She's had a pretty extreme life. She broke her back when she was young (not sure how that happened, but she's lived with it for 3 years), she has moved with me all over the country, and she has survived a lot of stressful situations including kids and cats. I recently moved her from VA to UT and she has become increasingly more lethargic. She still eats ok but seems to be struggling to get around her bowl, and keeps gasping for air at the top (the water isn't deep and she has a fish hammock to sit on). She's always been a pinkish color, but tonight I noticed that the blood veins on the base of her tail were very visible, and she was reluctant to spread her fins out. I think she might have ammonia poisoning. I just changed her water a week ago and plan to do it again tomorrow. I also try to keep a drop or two of melafix tea tree treatment in the water since it's worked well for me in the past. I know keeping her in a bowl isn't the best but she's lived in it her whole life and setting up a fish tank would take weeks to do properly. Plus I don't think she would be able to get around in a larger environment due to her broken back. I'm actually surprised she's lived as long as she has with her back and being dragged all over the place. I know there's no cure for ammonia poisoning so I just want to keep her as comfortable as possible, and get rid of the ammonia that seems to have suddenly built up in her water. I've kept fish for years and have never had this particular problem. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • The woman who assaulted me got a hold of my personal info. What should I do?

    Long story short, My ex boyfriend never actually broke up with his ex, even while we were dating. A while back, she assaulted me out of no where. My ex gave me a fake name so I couldn't turn her in to the cops. Yesterday she called me. She has my number and my address, both of which she got from him. I live on the other side of the country now (thank God) but I still don't want her or him contacting me. Also my ex and I have a kid together and I want full custody. What should I do?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Are businesses legally required to inform me if they send me to collections?

    Long story short, I was assaulted two years ago. The girl who hit me broke my nose and I had to go to the emergency room without medical insurance. I was also a full time college student so I was also virtually unemployed (working only 10 hours a week). I put out a warrant for the girl's arrest but no one has been able to find her because she conveniently moved out of state shortly after she hit me. I applied for financial aid both with the state of VA and with the hospital I went to. On both sets of paperwork it said that they couldn't send me to collections until the financial aid was processed. No where on the paperwork did it say that I had to physically call them to have them put my bills on hold. One of the billing departments refused to put my bills on hold and sent my bill to collections even though I had signed and notarized paperwork saying they couldn't. They did not inform me of this action. A year later when my financial aid was processed, they denied my claim for that particular bill. I started making payments on the bill but again was only working part time so I couldn't make the full payments. I was so sick of dealing with them that I didn't bother to call (my fault I know). They sent my bill to collections again and again did not inform me or provide me with any information on how to contact the collection agency. The collection agency said that if I had called within 30 days, it wouldn't have shown up on my credit. I couldn't call them because I didn't know. Now my credit is really screwed up. I was just wondering if the billing company was legally required to tell me. I plan to dispute the claim on my credit, but I've heard it doesn't do a lot of good.

    3 AnswersCredit8 years ago