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  • The SWR on my CB radio is maxed out on every channel.?

    I have a Cobra CB radio with a single coax cable running to a Wilson 5000 antenna. When first set up, I had a LOT of interference on all the channels where I would have to turn the squelch way up to remove the static BUT the SWR was OK. I ran a ground wire from the antenna to the metal mirror bracket. This eliminated most of the static interference and I don't need nearly as much squelch to remove the static but NOW the SWR is maxed out on every channel. The CB/antenna is tuned but my range is about 1/2 mile and then I lose the person talking. What am I doing wrong? I seriously need some help with this. Thanks.

    3 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Can a city in Minnesota force a landlord to evict or remove their tenants due to ordinance or code violations?

    Neighbors are troublesome with obeying codes and ordinances of the city. The city is aware of the fact that they rent and have the landlord's information. Can a city force that landlord to evict or remove those tenants from the home if complaints continue to arise regarding their behavior?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I own my house but the neighbors rent. Who pays for damages?

    I was wondering who would pay for damages if my neighbors or their family destroyed my property? The neighbors rent so does the landlord pay or does the renter pay with renters insurance(considering they even carry it). If they don't carry renters insurance do we take them to small claims court? I know nothing about home ownership and insurance and I would like some ease of mind.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can a company search items of a driver's container if that container is already open?

    For example, a trucking company who suspects one of their drivers of fraudulent activity. That driver leaves a container or briefcase open and the items are viewable...can a company official look through those items and use them as evidence for termination?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago