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The SWR on my CB radio is maxed out on every channel.?

I have a Cobra CB radio with a single coax cable running to a Wilson 5000 antenna. When first set up, I had a LOT of interference on all the channels where I would have to turn the squelch way up to remove the static BUT the SWR was OK. I ran a ground wire from the antenna to the metal mirror bracket. This eliminated most of the static interference and I don't need nearly as much squelch to remove the static but NOW the SWR is maxed out on every channel. The CB/antenna is tuned but my range is about 1/2 mile and then I lose the person talking. What am I doing wrong? I seriously need some help with this. Thanks.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok, your antenna is positive grounded and the body of you rig is negative ground.

    Need to find the Negative portion of your antenna and then re-ground it, use the braided portion of your coax to make the ground instead of the antenna.

    Try to get it AWAY from the engine and place the antenna away from any refractive signal. I preffer to make mine omni-directional by placing it (antenna) up on top of my rig....makes for a much better signal....distance too!

  • 1 decade ago

    The base of a vertical antenna needs to be in DIRECT contact with metal. This is called a ground plane. It is half of the antenna. The ground plane should consist of as much metal as possible in all directions perpendicular to the base of the antenna. This is why a center roof mounting usually works the best. Some antennas have what's called a ground plane eliminator. This is a specific length of wire that attaches to the base of the antenna when a ground plane is not available.

    Give your antenna a decent ground plane and it will give you a decent SWR in return. I am assuming the Wilson 5000 antenna is a 1/4 wave (electrically) antenna. Most mobiles are. 1/2 wave antennas don't need a ground plane.

  • 1 decade ago

    Find a better place to ground the antenna. That's the problem. The mirror bracket isn't grounded itself. Back in the 70's, I didn't even ground my antenna. I used the 102" whip though.

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