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I am 18 years old, and am studying for a degree in English. My interests are reading and writing (i know, sounds lame, but each to their own) and i love retro sunglasses :) x

  • Evaluate the success or otherwise of the use of gender and sexuality to subvert genres in Brokeback Mountain.?

    This is the title of an essay I'm doing. So far I've thought of the obvious - it's a Western, but the relationship makes it a Romantic Drama, Also, the aesthetics of the characters in the novel give it a rough edge, so it's less polished than is expected of a Romance, well as the homosexual aspect of it outgrows the heterosexual framework of both Westerns and Romances . . . anybody else got any other ideas?

  • C/c for collaborative poem?

    Ok, so this is a poem written originally by myself and then reworked by a good friend, Thomas, as a learning tool of sorts for the both of us . . . any thoughts? Tell me what you think :)

    The Right Place

    Once I was something, now I have nothing

    Change the logistics, like day to gloaming

    Here and there, tell me “what does it matter?”

    People and places, interchanged on platter

    The streets may be cleaner here at home

    Held hopeless in bondage this room I roam

    The façade that prevents a froward display

    Bound by this paragon escape I pray

    I vanished on furlough vernal abode

    To learn from books of life’s Motherlode

    Here and there again, like a Time Machine

    Punctual Equilibrium leaves a life so mean

    Higher learning is like a fleeting moment

    Compared to a prisoner of birth to foment

    Where do I belong? Here? There? Anywhere?

    If I can’t find and answer I’ll give in to despair

    I can’t enjoy here, because I belong to there

    Holidays back home to accept my douceur

    Forgive this jeremiad, as I approach turgid embrace

    Can no longer be this person, absquatulate this place

    What happens here with my time and money?

    If it weren’t so serious this would all be funny

    The clubs, alcohol & cigarettes made me numb

    This kind of lifestyle was the rule of thumb

    This all comes down to me so long as I’m alive

    Is there One to substitute my guilt and shrive

    My identify, here or there, is my responsibility

    If this life is worth living it comes not for free



    Here = school or home

    There = home or school

    gloaming = twilight, dusk

    forward = habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition

    paragon = a model of excellence of perfection

    vernal = fresh or new like in the spring; also: youthful

    Punctual Equilibrium = a scientific term used in evolution meaning a species “jumps over” from one species to the next

    foment = to promote the growth or development of: rouse

    or incite

    douceur = a conciliatory gift

    jeremiad = a long and mournful complaint

    turgid = ostentatiously lofty in style

    absquatulate = abscond, run off with, decamp

    shrive = to free from guilt

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Referring to stories by Irving and Twain, identify and discuss characteristic elements of the short story form?

    This is the title of an essay i've got to do. I'm studying The legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Irving, and The celebrated Jumping frog of Calaveras County, by Twain, and need to discuss, in the essay, the characteristic elements of the short story form in relation to these. I've done some research so far on the characteristic elements of short stories, but it's all really generic, and i'm having trouble linking them in with the individual stories. Can anybody give me any ideas . . . please??? Pretty please???

  • What can i say about the characteristic elements of the short story?

    I'm studying The legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Irving, and The celebrated Jumping frog of Calaveras County, by Twain, and need to discuss, in an essay, the characteristic elements of the short story form in relation to these. I've done some research so far on the characteristic elements of short stories, but it's all really generic, and i'm having trouble linking them in with the individual stories. Can anybody give me any ideas . . . please?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • C/c for revised sonnet? Please :)?

    So, this is the second revision of the first sonnet i tried writing. Obviously it's anything but good, and, truth be told, not much has changed since the first version, but still, any thoughts would be much appreciated. It's for an assignment, and i'm pretty anxious not to look like an idiot in front of my tutor, so i want to get it as close to a decent sonnet as possible.

    There is always something. I feel it when

    I remember, briefly, life as it used

    to be, before that December. This trance,

    it does not become me, I am not of

    it, like the sun that strains through the window –

    though clear, it will never make it through, it

    is alien. Nothing is as it was,

    were things ever as they could be? What are

    the ingredients of happiness, is

    this all? Sleeping, eating, working. All whilst

    breathing. A ghost, I remain what haunts me,

    disillusion, eldritch imagery,

    my disappointment playing out in shades

    across the page.

    1 AnswerPoetry9 years ago
  • Thoughts on this sonnet?

    So, it might not be much of a sonnet just yet - far from it. But i do have to write two sonnets as part of an assignment, and this is the first attempt of what i hope might be the second one. So, any constructive criticisms would be appreciated . . . please :) x

    I never would have believed that she’d run

    for the South of England, seventies child,

    slimmer than me, and that hate of losing

    that forges competitiveness. She showed

    me her feet as she pedicured mine. I’d

    never have seen, if she hadn’t pointed

    them out, the scars, faded over time. The

    clues left behind of a youth lived out in

    running shoes. She said that her feet bled; I

    asked what place she came – always in the top

    three. And now, from feet to hands it seems, dry

    skin from washing up, burns from baking, nails

    chipped from housework or office typing. Me?

    I stagger drunk in high heels.

    1 AnswerPoetry9 years ago
  • What do you think of this sonnet?

    Ok, so i know it's far from perfect - i know it has more than 14 lines, and i know it's not exactly in iambic pentameter, but can anybody help me to improve it? Please? x

    There is always something. I feel it when

    I remember, briefly, life as it used

    to be, before that December. It is

    a life I’ve never known. This enchantment,

    it does not become me, I am not of

    it, like the sun that strains through the window –

    though clear, it will never make it through, it

    is alien. Nothing is as it was,

    were things ever as they could be? What are

    the ingredients of happiness, is

    this all? Sleeping, eating, working. All whilst

    breathing. A ghost, I am what haunts me,

    disillusion, eldritch imagery,

    paling grey against what might have been.

    My disappointment playing out in shades

    across the page.

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • It's about facebook. . . ?

    I accidentally sent a friend request to someone i don't even know, or want to know- how can i retract the request? Is there any way of solving this situation? Swift answers please please please!

    7 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • It's about the little transparent window bit on envelopes?

    Ok, so i know this sounds like a really trivial question, but i'm just organizing my post and deciding what to put in the paper recycling bin, and what to keep for future reference. My problem is, i'm not sure if i have to rip all the little transparent windows out of the envelopes and separate them into the plastic recycling bin, or whether to just chuck it all in the paper recycling bin - what should i do? It's not as if i'm a tree hugger or anything, but at the same time, i do have an awful lot of envelopes to be recycled, so i'm thinking that all that plastic (is it even plastic?) might start to add up.

    2 AnswersGreen Living10 years ago
  • American politics question?

    Excuse me for sounding really stupid by asking this, but why do so many people dislike Obama these days (lots of detail if you can, please). It's just, i remember when people were all like "Yay, we love Obama" etc etc, and now everyone seems to dislike him greatly. So. . . what's it all about??? I'm British, so plenty of backgound info and detail if you're feeling up to it :) Thank you in advance :)

    4 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • Why is New England called New England?

    I know this sounds like a really stupid question, and maybe i am stupid for asking it, but . . . well, it just seems odd to me that New England is called New England, despite the fact that it is not new and not England. Can anyone explain this to me?

    2 AnswersGeography10 years ago
  • Amy Winehouse lyrics?

    "You're longer than frozen turkey" - any ideas as to what this means?

    1 AnswerLyrics10 years ago
  • I need help right now please!?

    I always have really sensitive teeth after drinking. (As in, drinking a lot) I have had 2 vodka and lemonades, one vodka and apple juice, and 1 stella, and now my teeth are so sensitive i can't eat the baguette i just prepared - but i'm really hungry! Can anybody tell me what to do, to stop my teeth being so sensitive, so that i can eat??? Please???

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • Birthday present ideas?

    Ok, my best friend's 18th birthday is in two weeks, but i am struggling for fresh ideas on what to get her. I have a budget of up to £100 absolute maximum, but, the trouble is, i always seem to get her the same stuff - perfume, jewellery, etc etc. It being her 18th, i need to get her something really special - she made a really big effort for mine, so i want to do the same for her. I can't get her clothes, as it's just too risky - might end up getting the wrong size, style etc. And i don't want to get her perfume or jewellery again. So, has anybody got any ideas?? That don't involve any of the aforementioned things?

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays10 years ago
  • Song interpretations - Bloody Mary?

    Hey :) can anybody offer any interpretations of the song Bloody Mary, by Lady Gaga? 10 points goes to the most comprehensive answer :)

    1 AnswerLyrics10 years ago
  • Help with boredom at night?

    I've never been able to sleep very well at night, but recently, things are even worse! Does anybody feel like talking this late at night? I'm lonely, and bored, because i'm really limited in terms of what i can do what with it being so late at night :( So, i was wondering if maybe people who don't mind talking so late would mind contacting me, so that we can talk in the future? I do usually get sleepy at around 3am-ish though :)

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • The best way of drinking Chai tea?

    I just bought some Twinings Chai, since i'm getting a bit bored of regular tea and want to experiment, but the preparation instructions say ". . . Then add a splash of milk". I had been intending to drink it black, so can i? Or must it be made with milk?

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks10 years ago
  • Copy rights to manuscript?

    Ok . . . Ive been in contact with a publisher, but only to the extent where I've sent them an extract of my writing, and they've responded, expressing interest in viewing the rest of my manuscript. I talked about this with my mum, and she said that I should be careful about 'copyright', saying that I should think about this before I send off any more to the publisher in question. So, could anyone perhaps explain this issue to me, and offer good guidance regarding it? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • How do i get out of this?

    Ok, months ago there were a load of Red Cross people trying to talk to people in the street, and when one of them tried to talk to me, i stopped and listened, mostly because i feel sorry for charity workers who always seem to get really rudely dismissed by other people on the street, so i thought i'd do this one a favor by at least giving him the time of day. Of course, i ended up getting guilt-tripped in giving them my contact details, but didn't really mind as i thought i'd just get a whole load of junk mail and that would be that. But today, i got a call from this random woman from the Red Cross. Firstly she guilt tripped the absolute s*** out of me, before then asking for my bank details. I was quite unprepared for all this - after all, i'm an 18 year old student - i work in a cafe! As if i have £20 a month to give! I don't even have £20 spare for me, let alone them! Now, normally i try to be a charitable person, but i simply was very surprised at being asked so directly for money that i know i simply won't be able to afford to give, and so i lied and told her that i was on my break at work and didn't have my bank details on me. This was very unbelievable as it was 6.30 in the evening, and, needless to say, she was not convinced. So, she persisted, and after guilt tripping the hell out of me some more, making me feel as if i'm some sort of evil b**** by reminding me that the call was costing the Red Cross money, we agreed that she would phone me back at 7.30, when i'd have my bank details to hand. This was the second lie - really, i was so mortified, i just turned my phone off for the rest of the evening - i'm still too scared to turn it back on now, in case i get some other Red Cross person hounding me for money that i don't have via guilt tripping. But, the truth is, i still feel really bad about the lies i told, and i just don't think i could face it if i got called again. But what if they just keep on calling? I can't change my number, it's just too much hassle, and besides, i'm angry that i've been so guilt-tripped into feeling this way. I think it was understandable for me not to hand over my bank details to someone who, quite frankly, could have been anyone. Also, the guy i talked to on the street mentioned NOTHING about being forced to make monthly donations that i can't afford - all he said was that i could expect to receive more information in the post. I can so totally see now why people cross the street to avoid charity workers. But, am i a bad person??? And how can i get out of it politely?

    10 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago