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Favorite Answers34%
  • Medela Harmony Breast Pump?

    Would like to know if anyone has used the Medela Harmony Breast Pump and what they think about it. I am pregnant with my second child and determined to be sucessful with breastfeeding this time around.

    I am interested in this model because of price and I do not want to invest in an expense pump until I get comfortable with breastfeeding.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Muslin Washcloths/Swaddling Blankets?

    I would love to know from people who have used or use muslin wash cloths and swaddling blankets on their children. How well to they hold up to be laundered? My baby is due in late spring so I think I will be going with Muslin Swaddling blankets for sure.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Miscarriage after seeing heartbeat?

    Hi there, I am 10 weeks pregnant with my second child and have not had very many symptoms with this pregnancy other than fatigue, very mild occasional cramping & and growing uterus size. We had an ultrasound at 7 weeks, 2 days and heartbeat was 162 bpm.

    Would just like to know if anyone has experienced a miscarriage after seeing a strong heartbeat.

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Rice cereal in bottle?

    My baby is 6 weeks old and sleeps for about 3 to 3.5 hours at a time during the night. People keep advising that we put "just a spoonful" of rice cereal in his bottle to help him sleep longer.

    Our Pediatrician advised us to wait until he is 4 months to introduce rice cereal and NEVER to give him cereal in a bottle. Personally, I feel that my little boy is doing great to sleep 3 to almost 4 hours at a time and I am in now hurry to give him cereal anytime soon.

    How early has everyone here typically started their babies on rice cereal? Did you feed it to them with a spoon? My husband wants to give out little boy a little bit of cereal in his last bottle of the evening, but I am very hesitant to do so...any advice is much appreciated!

    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Induction and 50% effaced?

    Hey ladies!

    I am 38 weeks, 2 days pregnant. My doctor's are talking about inducing me once I reach 39 weeks due to high blood pressure and the baby's size.

    Currently, I am 2 to 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was wondering if anyone here has been induced at 50% effacement and had a vaginal delivery.

    I really do not want a c-section...hence why we are talking about inducing soon. Also, I am on bedrest to keep my blood pressure under control. Please let me know what your experiences are. Thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Membrane sweep?

    Hi ladies!

    My fundal height has been measuring at 40 weeks since I was 33 weeks...because of this, my doctor has been monitoring my amniotic fluid levels and my baby's size.

    At 33 weeks, they estimated he weighed approx. 4 pounds 9 ounces. At 36 weeks, 4 days he was measuring 6 pounds 11 ounces (give of take half a pound).

    I have already started dilating and have been having a great deal of pain in my cervix and lots of pressure. When does your doctor usually offer to do a membrane sweep?

    I have an appointment on Monday and am going to ask her exactly how long she plans to let me go before inducing me (we are concerned about the baby getting too large for me to deliver vaginally). I am concerned that if I go to 40 weeks and he continues to gain weight as he has been, he will be 8 pound or more.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 37 much longer?

    I will be 37 weeks on Thursday...a little over a week ago, I was 1.5 cm dilated (my doctor didn't check for further dilation at my appointment yesterday).

    I have lost my mucus plug and the baby has dropped. Over this past weekend I have started experienced a good bit of back pain and lots of pressure on my cervix...also I am having a great deal of pain in my pubic bone area (I experienced this around 32 weeks as well but the pain lessened when I started sleeping sitting up in the bed).

    My doctor said she would check me for dilation at my next appointment (37 weeks, 4 days)...if I make it that far (her words not mine).

    So what do you the big day approaching soon?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 36 weeks, mucus plug?

    I will be 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow. As of last Friday, I was 1.5 cm dialted...yesterday I lost my mucus plug (or at least i think I did). It looked like a big glob of snot (yellowish color, no blood)-sorry gross I know.

    Since Friday I been becomming increasingly more uncomfortable walking around, sleeping, etc. I also had an extreme "nesting" episode this weekend involving putting away all Christmas decorations (haha).

    Anyways, I was wondering how long after you started dialating and losing your mucus plug was it until you actually went into labor? My due date is January 31st, but I am certain I will not make it that far as my fundal height is already measuring 40cm.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 35 weeks and bleeding?

    Hi ladies,

    I am 35 weeks, 1 day and just came back to work from my normal weekly OB visit. This visit they preformed the Strep B test and while she had me in the stirups, she decided to check for dialation.

    She said I am 1.5cm dialated (yea!) and she can feel my baby's head (also good). She said I may have some spotting or increased discharge as a result of the exam and not to worry.

    When I got back to work I went to the restroom and there was quite a bit of blood and even a small clot (sorry...gross I know). Has anyone else experienced this?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Epidural & Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance?

    I will be 35 weeks tomorrow and plan to visit my Anesthesiologist soon to plan for my epidural. I was told I will need to provide my insurance information and fill out a form as well pay a co-pay required by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia.

    I was wondering of anyone here has ever paid this co-pay and not been able to receive an epidural (like for instance if you are too fat dialted to receive one). Are you refunded the co-pay? I am afraid if I don't it it pre-approved (by paying the co-pay and filling out the paperwork), my insurance may charge me more for the 20%. I would rather risk losing $91.50 (co-pay) than lose over $200.00.


    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did you notice a decrease in fetal movements?

    Hi ladies.

    I am 34 weeks, 1 day and over the last couple of days I have noticed that my little boy doesn't move as intensly or often as he used to. Having said that, I saw my OB yesterday and had a non-stress test...the baby's heartbeat was great the entire time 140-155bpm...and even though I only felt him move once or twice...I could see on the printout where he bumped the dectector many many times!

    My doctor told me everything looks great and I am just not feeling some of his movements because they are more like rolls and swishes than the little jabs I was used too.

    I am just curious around what week you all noticed this change?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Group Strep B Test?

    I went for a regular OB appointment today andwas told next week I will have my Group B Strep test.

    How uncomfortable/painful is it? I am not worried about the vaginal swab, but the rectal swab. Do the usually check your cervix at this time as well?


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Nursing bras?

    Hi ladies,

    I am nearing the end of my pregnancy and it is time to purchase a nursing bra for the hospital. I am thinking of just purchasing a inexspensive one until I am certain of what size I will need.

    I currently wear a 44D and have worn that size since pre-pregnancy...I have not experienced any increase in breast size during my pregnancy. I attended a breastfeeding class where we were instructed to purchase nursing bras a cup size larger than what we currently wear.

    I just would like to now if you all think I just get one in a cup size larger or the same size as now? Thanks in advance for your advice!

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Too much amniotic fluid...33 weeks pregnant?

    Hi ladies

    Today I am 32 weeks, 5days pregnant...I went for a regular prental checkup yesterday and got some slightly worrysome news.

    My little boy's heartrate was in his normal range (145bpm) blood pressure and urine sample were fine also. My doctor measured my fundal height and told me I was measuring 40 weeks! She said either I am having a really large baby or I have too much amniotic fluid.

    They did an ultrasound right away and found the my little guy is measuring exactly where he should be and weighs about 4 pounds 9 ounces...and I have a "generous" amount of amiontic fluid.

    As a precuation, I am going to have to repeat the glucose test (that I passed at 24 weeks) just to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. She told me to take it easy and be extra careful...since my uterus is distended, she said it would easier for me to go into preterm labor.

    It is really hard to breathe (I feel like I am constantly trying to catch my breath)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Do most hospitals allow the father to stay overnight?

    Hello Ladies!

    My husband and I are curently taking child-preparedness classes from the hospital where I will be delivering. I asked the other day about having the baby in the room with me (since I will be breastfeeding)...the midwife teaching the class told me the hospital encourages the mother to keep the baby with her (for bonding and such).

    However, I forgot to ask if my husband will be able to spend the night with me. Not only will I be a little nervous since I have never had to stay in a hospital, but it would be very helpful if he was there to help me with the baby at feedings and getting in and out of bed.

    Let me know your experiences with this please :)

    30 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • First years Bottles: Soothie vs. Breastflow?

    Has anyone used the bottles made by The First Years? I am going to be breastfeeding, but need bottles for when I go back to work. I want to use one of these two because I have read so many wonderful things about them.

    My instincts are telling me to go with the breastflow bottles because of the double nipple feature that closely mimics breastfeeding. However, I am unable to find them in stores where I have registered (I will have to purchase online).

    I would like to know which one of these you preferred and if there is a big difference between the two (as far as gas, nipple confusion, etc.)

    Thanks for your help!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby Bjorn Carrier & being overweight?

    Hi ladies! I was thinking of registering for one of these, but first I want to know if any overweight ladies out there have had success with them? The description reads that they "adjustable to fit any size", but I was wondering how they have worked for plus-sized women.


    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Holiday Cards-4d ultrasound?

    Hi everyone!

    At the end of the month I am having my 4-D Ultrasound. If we get some good images, I was thinking about doing our christmas cards with our little guys picture on them (he is due in January).

    Does anyone think this is inappropriate or "creepy"? I was thinking of sending them only to family and close friends (not everyone on our christmas card list).

    An alternative would be to have a nice photo of me and my husband. Which do you think would be best?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • This is for a research paper?

    How many of you actually believe these "kids" posting questions claiming they are doing research? They are asking questions such as:

    "How is an abortion done?"

    "What do you think about abortion?"

    Is it just me or does anyone find these questions annoying? First of all, I don't believe that would be a topic for a research paper. And secondly, I think these people are just trying to get rise out of everyone!

    For all you "researchers" out there...any information you obtain from an online message board/question forum couldn't be used in a research paper as a valid source (not many internet sources are).

    Please quit asking these questions and try looking up the information in medical books on abortion or websites you can actually cite in your paper...all you are doing is upsetting us pregnant ladies!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did fetal movement increase in strength for you?

    Hi ladies!

    I have been feeling my little one move since 16 weeks. The intensity has increased slighty, but I am wondering when I will more kicks rather than rolls.

    Now at 22 weeks, I can feel whenever he moves and it feels like he is rolling or flipping...every once in a while I feel a more deliberate push and sometimes I can even feel from the outside!

    When did the movements get really strong for you?

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago