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  • Can someone help me please?

    So I just got hired at a restaurant to bus tables, and I've been training. After the last day I was there, I ask my boss when is the next day he wants me to come in (I don't have a schedule yet) and he says he'll call me in. so then a week goes by and no call so I call in then because that's a long time not to be called into work. When I call I talk to another manager who tells me that I was supposed to come in on Friday and that I was a no call/ no show which means no job (not his exact words). But I don't have a schedule, I didn't miss any calls, and therefore had no way of knowing I was supposed to come in on Friday. How do i address this situation without pointing fingers so I can retain this job?

    2 AnswersFood Service8 years ago

    Of not paying taxes

    Of what you're told on the news

    Of the future

    Of your health

    Is something done on the basis of fear okay and acceptable? Hmmmm

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • what's more important: perception or observation?

    An example of each in the same scenario: observation-

    perception: blah blah blah blah confusion blah blah madness blah blah hatred blah sadness

    8 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • How is this whole thing legal?

    well guess what guys and gals the craziest thing happended to me... so one day I was born right? And that was cool and all I'm having a great time and then all of sudden I have to go to this thing called school! i never agreed to it I was just told I had to go. So I'm in this school for a while and they're telling me all these weird things like add this, subtract that, this passage this, mix this with that. And the mean time, all I ant to do is live haha! Now I come to find out I'm expected to do this thing called work and in return I get this stuff called money. The thing is, I never once was asked to sign anything (someone once told me people sign some kind of document when an agreement is made) in regards to all this.It seems like I've been put on a conveyor belt since birth haha. Surely you saps out there have overcome the same dilemma???

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Do you still have to pay taxes...?

    when you don't use any of the so called services that they go towards? I don't personally need doctors, police, smooth roads or whatever taxes go to. For all the people that do want or need these things by all means pay your taxes. I just don't see how I would have to. Any thoughts or info to share?

    8 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Has anyone ever done this?

    I plan on meeting a girl who lives in Amherst Mass and I live in Hartford CT. I don't have a car and I don't want to take a train or anything so I plan on riding my bike. On google maps it says it's about five hours which doesn't sound too bad. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever rode their bicycle 50+ miles or if I'm crazy which I can live with haha.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • No Such thing as free will?

    It is quite obvious that people are products of their environment (I see little debate for this but your more than welcome to let your ego have a go). Experiences as far back as those in the prenatal environment shape human beings and the way they interact with themselves and all they experience. So it would seem until this is fully realized by an individual, and all forms of dependance, and limiting characteristics that serve as bondage to the human mind are dismantled over time we can never achieve freedom. What is free will if you are limited to your environmental influences and don't even know it? I would like to hear your thoughts.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • If society collapsed...?

    how would you handle yourself?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why do people mistake lust for love?

    For some reason people seem to think love is some kind of a struggle, that it's a phenomena where two incomplete individuals come together to make a whole when this is simply not the case. Love is not dependence or attachment it is sharing and giving between two people who love themselves enough to share their love. All the pain and struggle that people think is a natural part of love is really lust which is what you get when people attach to someone else because they can't handle being alone which is an issue in itself. How can people think something like love is painful with ups and downs? What a confused bunch. I blame so called love songs and love dramas for this mass confusion.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why do people accept the news as factual?

    Are people really that naive?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Are people who have to work depressed?

    With the exception of interesting jobs like musician, painter, artist etc. I was just wondering because I know I would hate it.

    P.S. I'm not rich or anything I just know how to play the game without submitting to any "authority".

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Are people in "the land of the free" really free?

    Are Americans or all people of the modern world truly free? Well, in order to answer this profound question, let's first look at the definition of freedom. According to Merriam Webster the definition of freedom is: "The absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action." Okay, so let's look at that first bit. The absence of necessity. Now, besides nourishment and shelter wouldn't you say that there are many other things people find necessities? How long would the average person last without internet, television, cars and shopping malls? These are things we have come to rely and depend on greatly so it seems we have alot of necessities in life other than what's needed to sustain it. There doesn't seem to be an absence of necessity for man at all whether it's been deemed creative expression or freedom of choice. You're really just free to buy stuff. Lot's and lot's of it! Freedom is also characterized by an absence of coercion and in the U.S., it is just about IMPOSSIBLE to go anywhere or do anything without coercion. I am of course talking about the incessant advertising that is the hallmark of any capitalist nation. One is coerced not just by media outlets but by their peers, mentors, and all those who seem to know more, and who were themselves coerced in some fashion in a chain reaction of coercion. So if everyone is coerced, what do we have that is truly our own? Where is our originality as individuals? It seems non existant with all the fads, fashion quotas, societal norms, and conventional wisdom in existance. So now we come to constraint in choice or action. Without getting into man made law and physical boundaries, let's look at the biggest constraint of all. The monetary system. This constraint determines everything you do and how you do it. And because everything revolves around it, it is very difficult to escape this constraint. You have no freedom or choice in this matter. You were indoctrinated into a monetary society which taught you you must make money to live. and to make money you must work. The billions of people in this world are no doubt individuals yet they all do the same thing (most anyway) and that is work. All those people, doing the same thing. Sure there are different careers to pursue, but unless you're an artist, work is work. There is nothing humanly rewarding about it unless you have no sense of you're true nature as a human being which is why most just do it just for a paycheck. Or so they don't end up house less. Whatever the arguments are for labor, this cannot be denied: We are not free according to the definition of freedom. Not by a long shot. So just remember, when you talk about freedom... you have no idea what you're talking about.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • I'm getting really pissed off!!!?

    I hear about all my incompetent peers getting jobs when I haven't been able to find one for a year now. I need some serious advice before I become a drug dealer or start robbing people, that's seriously where I'm at. I haven't been looking for jobs half assed either, I've been busting my balls!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Are animals required to worship god?

    They too were created by god (I'm speaking this way purely for communicative purposes) and he definitely wants credit for his work so why aren't they required to pray to him? Do all animals go to hell?

    Or do they have no concept of god in which case why don't they burst in flames?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What is the REAL problem when...?

    racist people say the things they do? Is it because they are sad and miserable themselves so they want to feel superior even though they're not? Do they know that people jsut laugh at them and don't take them seriously?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Isn't church just a book club?

    People go to church to discuss segments from a novel. That sounds like a book club to me. I think I'll start the church of Harry potter.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • whats so special about Blue label?

    My uncle said it is the ferrarri of alchohol or something like that and I saw it on Curb Your Enthusiasm so I'm just curious

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago