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  • Gords: good bad or ugly?

    Who actually enjoy gords? Are they to be used as garnish for certain treats ? My grandma used to ferment them and use them for pie. In your experience how have gorts effected your life

  • Mozzarella sticks in my lungs?

    About a month ago I left a mozzarella stick on top of my retainer. don't ask why, it was just on the counter and it happened that way so no i will not be answering further questions about that.

    Well, I finally cleaned out the retainer couple days ago to wear it but I think i can feel something chunky and abrasive in my lung it's most likely a particle from the fishstick I was just wondering what kind of damage there can be. Like isn't the pH level of the fish stick going to counteract with my lung chemicals to cause unhealth. Anyway please respond at my earliest convenience for me thanks!

    2 AnswersAdolescent2 years ago
  • Do you have animals in austrilia or just people and kangaros?

    Do you have animals in austrilia or just people and kangaros

    6 AnswersSydney2 years ago
  • Good thermostat schools near me?

    I need to be an expert so I can turn it up and down without my family noticing. I'm already nationally certified and accredited but need my master's to further my education in the field. What in your experience is the best school

    3 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • where do bugs come from in ponds?

    do the larvae just fly in the air from one pond and they smell the water or something how do they get ther?

    7 AnswersZoology2 years ago
  • How do you know if you get a police or a firement how do u know which ONE YOURE GONNA GET?

    like for example, if I call 911 is there a separate 911 for police and ambulance and firetruck and most importantly, HOW DO I KNOW WHICH ONE IS COMING?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police2 years ago
  • Funnies tooting stories of all time?


    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles2 years ago
  • Help with toots?

    My toots have gotten really out of hand lately and i was wondering if anyone has ideas for how to corral them back in. it s starting to become a problem when im in important business meetings and the toots come out. no one seems to like me these days due to my toots. Please help i really need it

    2 AnswersOther - Health2 years ago

    i am tooting right now ad i need happy thoughts to hep it come along

    1 AnswerHomework Help4 years ago
  • Need advice for middle school relationship?

    I've got this new boyfriend. We'll call him Alvin. When he came to meet me at my next class he ran into my other friend we'll call him Steve. Alvin and Steve have a complicated relatoinship bc they both use to date me but I broke up with both of them now Alvin's brother we;ll call him Shane told Steve I was dating them both and Steve tried to fight Alvin but Alvin's brother Shane broke up the fight and blackmailed me to brake up with both before things got worse. So Shane and I dated for a week then he broke up with me and now I'm with Alvin again. How can I cause Alvin and Steve to get along (they're cousins and I don't want to come before family)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • need advice in a new relationship?

    is it bad i have five boy friends at the same time

    if so what can i do

    one of them goes to a different school if that helps

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • help me now plz?

    why is the rum always gone

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits5 years ago
  • help i think i messed up big time !!?

    my friends and i were at an assembly yesterday and i accidentally told my friend that i broke my butt!!!! and she belived me!!! so now i need to find a way to actually break my butt so she won't think I'm a liar!! what, in your experience, are the best ways i can believably do this??? i already though of cannot balling off my porch so my butt breaks on the pavement but if i do that my mum will see me and i really don't want her to know about my deep lies!! what is a secretive, easy way i can break my butt without it hurting or anyone seeing? any help is appreciative

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago

    asking for a friend

    can you catch it by touching someone else's foot that has a corn on it. i have a corn so big you can slap butter on it.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions5 years ago
  • how to poop quitely in batroom?

    so i have this problem and its that i go to public lavatory and then peopl always think i wierd cos i poo real LOUD lik realy loud. then theres the prblem about my boyfriend who seems to liike this oother grl i really dont want aour relationship to just end lik ethat because i realyy like him what should i do aout that because were really close and he usually tells me things like if he likes another girl or something i'm kinda like his wingman you know i set him up with girls i think hed like but this time he gon to far

    wat do

    6 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • SHOE HELP?!??!?!!?! :)?

    How can I turn a pair of plain black heels to a vibrant pink or gold color? I'm a cheapskate and really don't want to go out and buy a new pair, but I would like something along that color scheme for my Halloween costume. Would nail polish work, or? Haha thankssss :)

  • Painting shoes with nail polish?!?!?

    Ok.., I have this pair of plain black heels that aren't very cute and I don't really need them anymore. I was thinking that if I could just find a way to turn them hot pink or gold then they would go perfectly with my Halloween costume this year! My friend works at a shoe store and she said that when the color gets a little scraped off then they sometimes just fill it back in with nail polish and it works! Haha, I was wondering if that could work for a whole shoe or what? If not, what are some cheap alternatives/supplies I might find around the house so i can dye the shoes a different color? Thanksss, :))

    4 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Hunger Games inspired Halloween costumes?

    So my friends and I want to just dress up as a plethora of Capitol people from the Hunger Games... like this:

    But none of us really know how to do it! There might be 7-8 of us all dressing like this, and I'm wondering what are some good ideas for dresses/accessories/makeup/hair,etc. Any ideas? Also, I'm kind of a cheapskate when it comes to Halloween costumes, so I think we will be looking for stuff at like Goodwill or some thrift store for most of our stuff. Thanks :) <3

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Please Help me out?!?!?

    My boyfriend LOVES carrot juice. He has it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 24/7. Now I like orange juice and the occasional cranberry juice with a slight hint of lime...we CAN'T seem to compromise. Also, I find it very offensive that he drinks carrot juice, being as I am a redhead and am often persecuted for my amazing hair.

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago