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Favorite Answers17%
  • Biology (Acids and Bases)?

    Acids and bases have an effect on the _________, which is the concentration of H ions in a solution.

    1 AnswerBiology8 years ago
  • I want another snake.. What kind should I get?

    I currently have a cornsnake and would really really like another snake but not a cornsnake. What would you suggest? I have considered a black milk or a mexican kingsnake. I want something bigger than a cornsnake but managable at the same time? Hope this is descriptive enough. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all so much in advanced!

    7 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • What are good stock photo websites? Any suggestions would be great!?

    I would like to start selling stock photos so I want for it to be a pretty popular website that gets a lot of visitors. Hope this makes sense?.. Well thank you!

    5 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • If I get my ears pierced at a piercing place what will earrings will they use?

    Im getting my ears pierced tomorrow and I don't know what they are going to put in after wards. Im guessing horseshoes? And also will most tattoo shops accept walk-ins for piercing or do you have to make an appointment?

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Im going to be moving and starting a new school soon as a freshman.. Help?

    Okay, starting highschool is a scary experience in its self. What are some good tips to make it. What should I bring on the first day? Since I am moving will I be totally lonely or will everyone be just as alone as me? I really dont know what to expect so anything would be great. Thank you :)

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • do you have any constructive advice/critism?

    Check out my photos here at flickr. I took all of these with my Nikon D50

    5 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • Does charter track your web history?

    Can my parents see what I do online? I have my own laptop and use the wifi connection but can they still see what I do online. I am of age but am living in my parents house. Can they see what I do if they look at the web history online? I delete it straight off my computer but other than that I dont know what I can do

    3 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Photographer or Chemist?

    Hello people on Yahoo Answers. I have been doing a lot of thinking for my future. I am 13 years old and in the 8th grade. I am going to be a freshman next year in high school. I have already picked my classes and registered for next year but would like your opinion. I want to be either

    a) a photographer


    b) an organic chemist

    I know most about photography but think I wold earn a better salary if I went with chemistry. I have chosen organic chemistry because I am good at science and am very creative. Hence, organic chemistry is a very creative job. I love photography and like science. Would it make sense to be a chemist and do photography on the side? I dont know. I want to love my job. But I dont want to make what I love into a job.. does that even make sense? Basically, I dont want to HAVE to do photography..

    What classes should I take for the field that you have suggested? Thank you Yahoo community! Your answers are greatly appreciated

    3 AnswersOther - Education9 years ago
  • Christian's and athiests I need you help extremely bad!!!?

    okay, so I am a 13 years old and I do not believe in god.. The reasom why is because there is NO proof. How could it have not been written by a group of drunks one day? So that's where my question to all Christian's comes in. Where is the proof? I have believed in good before.. And nothing ever happened that has made me believe. I have prayed for both selfish reasons and for things that would better my community and the people in it.. None of the things I have ever prayed for have happened. None of it. I just can't help but to believe he does not exist or ever did. The bible contradicts it's self in many places.. Would a man this "wise" really have people write such a thing that would do that? I don't know. Maybe. Now, for the Athiest's.. My dad is an extremely relegious person. Goes to church every sunday and was just recently elected a church vestry member.. So how should/could I tell him that I think god is a bunch of bull ****? How have you told people? I really need some help on this one.. Thank you YahooAnswers community.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Should I have access to my bank account?

    I am 13 years old and have never used a single penny from my bank account. I think I should be able to use 200 doalls of it to pay for my snake. I only want to use just that much. No more for a very long time (college) at what age should I have access to my account? Can you list some other ways for me to make money and not use my account? Btw, nobody would hire me as a babysitter. I promise you. Nobody wants a die-hard scene kid watching their kids.. :/

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • How can a 13 year old make money off his art?

    Hello, I am 13 years old, (if it matters) and I am going to be buying a snake soon but have no money! I am really into art, and really go at art. So I decided that I am going to sell it so I can make money. I realize that Im not going to get very much. But how should I go about selling? I have drawings that I have done. and then I have some paintings.. Price the same? please help..

    Thanks for your time

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago
  • Black Motley cornsnake or the black milksnake?

    Hello all! I am shopping for my first snake and I have decided on the Black Milk snake or the Black Motley corn snake. Is one better for a first time snake owner than the other? And what do I need to have inorder to have a snake.. what kind of cage, heating, water? bathing? anything I will ever need to know basically. I know this is a lot to ask but I want to be as prepared as possible for when I get my first snake.. thank you.

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • What should I know about snakes?

    I am thinking about getting a snake. Im not sure what kind so suggestions for breeds of snakes would be nice as well. Before I get a snake what should I know? I know about feeding it live meals and stuff (which I think I can handle) Should I handle it often? How big of an aquarium do I need? Breeds that you have had and would recommend? Please help me

    7 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Are these good nature photography pictures?

    Hello, I am a 13 year old that loves nature photography! I have taken quite a few and just wanted to hear some feed back from my Yahoo family :) I will leave a link down at the bottom. I also have a photography page on facebook called Greenwood-Gholson Photography. So I will leave a link to that as well. Thanks again Yahoo family. constructive criticism is what I need..

    *NOTE- I am sooo sorry for the duplicate pictures, I really need to delete those.


    Nature Album-

    Photography Page-

    7 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • I really need help with a few baby names, please help! Thanks?

    So I have a few names and middle names picked out that I like..

    1.) Harlen Nichol (Nicole)

    2.) Daisy Camille

    Now, what I need help with is good middle names for these two boy names.. Ricky and James.. any suggestions at all would help. I would also like feed back on the names I have already picked.. Thank you :D

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • When did you meet your life partner?

    BACKGROUND INFO--- Mady is the girl I am currently with.. We met in the 5th grade but has since moved to a different state. We still talk everyday and I am now half way through my 8th grade year.

    So basically my question is, have you ever heard of people meeting their life partners that early? I absolutely love her to death! We wake up and text each other, we talk until 2 in the morning every night. I would think this is just the "honey moon phase" but we have been like this for so long. We have talked about the future... We want the same things, 2 kids, go to art school, ETC. I really love her and she loves me, she calls me Mon Amour and she is Ma Belle.. I mean this seems perfect.. Please help me, have you ever heard of this happening to people.. Because I want to be with her forever.. Please help

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What do you think about this situation?.?

    So, I am a 13 year old and I know exactly what tattoo I want. Now, before you go crazy.. I do not want one right now. I want to wait until i am 15 or 16.. My mom says that she is not going to sign a piece of paper for me to do that to my body but i can do what ever I want to after I turn 18. My dad is a writer so i want one of the quotes that he has written.. So its not anything stupid like "Me and Angela forever!" She also said that she would be wiling to talk about it if I could come up with some good reasons about why i dont need to wait that long. **This has nothing to do with being popular! At all! I want this so I can express myself.

    So please help me out by giving me some good reasons.. and please do not tell me that it would be stupid and that other kids parents might not let me be around thier kids.. I honestly dont care that much.. I am more of the kind of person that keeps to himself anyway..

    sorry for not giving you the actual quote that im going to get but nobody has ever heard it before considering that the book is not yet released.. Thats guys :)

    5 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • are english mastiffs rare dogs?..?

    I have an English Mastiff and always considered them to be pretty rare because you dont see too many around. I was recently reading something about teh rarest dogs and there was not a single mastiff on the list... totally confuse :\

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I Love You necklace ?

    So I like this girl and she said she wants a necklace that says "I love you"... The only problem is that I'm broke! Do does anybody have Ny idea how to make. Necklace that says I Love You?...

    Please get back to me! I'm willing to try a few different suggestions. This is an easy 10 points, please help!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Do you think i could go anywhere with this?

    My friend Tory and I have created a photography page on Facebook. It is called Greenwood-Gholson Photography.. We are 13 years old and our passion is photography... Do you think our pictures are good enough to sell?.. I would like to buy a new camera and have no money so i was hoping to see some of my pictures. What does it mean to sell a picture, do you give up all rights to that picture or is it just like making someone pay for a copy of your picture?..

    2 AnswersPhotography9 years ago