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    Water inside light fixture, but no leak.?

    One of my inside light fixtures became very dim, when taking off the cover I noticed about 2 cups of water pooled inside.  I assumed there was a leak from the ceiling, however not only is it dry above the light, there is a layer of dry dust (sheet rock) on everything, and no indication of leaking or moisture. The light fixture itself was pretty secure, it was water tight.  The home is newly remodeled within the last year and I purchased about 6 months ago.  I though maybe condensation, but it was quite a lot of water, it would take a long time for it to build up to that level.  Again I did check the top of the fixture and ceiling above, there is absolutely no indication of a leak of any sort ever.  The only other thing I could think of, is maybe a contractor filled it up with water, possibly disgruntled?  Any advice?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 months ago
  • When will Family Leave act be passed for coronavirus?

    My son's school is currently shutdown due to the outbreak and this new bill will allow paid time off for people with coronavirus, caring for coronavirus patient, or if your child's school is shutdown.  My son has respiratory issues, so I would like to limit my overall exposure, I would hate for something preventable to happen to my children.  

    I know there are others in similar situation, but my job is being very nonchalant about the situation.  If the bill takes weeks to pass, is it even worth it?  People are getting sick now...

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 year ago
  • How much height to expect when getting concrete slab poured?

    I have a dirt floor basement, 8.5-7.5ft tall throughout. I am going level and prep the site before I get the slab poured. The floor is currently dirt/clay. I would like the dig as little as possible, so to obtain a @.7.2 ft ceiling, what height should I estimate the concrete, any (sand/gravel), and a moisture barrier to add? Any recommendations on sand, gravel, etc?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
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    What is this tree / nut?

    From south carolina

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Where can I buy Pectic Acid?

    I have mulberries in my yard, and I am interested in wine making. Ingredients call for pectic acid and acid blend. I found some online for fairly cheap, but the shipping cost 6x more than the product. Any chance a local grocer or specialty store would carry something like this, or is there something I could substitute for these ingredients?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • How to get Computer Programming Job?

    I have an Associate's Degree, working on BS. I enjoy programming and learning new languages, but I cannot seem to find a job developing. I've been in IT for 5+ years as level 2 supports, so I support applications, but rarely get to do any developing/programming. All jobs I find are requiring professional experience in developing, but how does one get job experience programming, if all job require years of experience. I have school experience and some personal experience. There seems to be no such thing as an entry level programming job, any programmers out there? How did you get started?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Roommate's girlfriend problems?

    My roomate is almost like my brother, he very shy and has not had my girlfriends. He met this girl when he worked at office depot, she then moved about 5 hours away. I know she was fired, she sells/sold weed/drugs, and was arrest several years back for growing weed, I know her last relationship was with a woman and she has several pill bottles. I don't mind smoking, but made it clear no drug deals or creeps at my house. I didn't like her moving in because she's shady, wont say hello or anything, just staying in his room 24/7. He asked if she could stay for a week sometime, I didn't really say yes or no, and then brings her up, and never took her back home. I'm assuming she had all her stuff with her because its been months and they never went back. They now stay in their room literally all day, do not socialize, do not help sweep/mop and stuff, and are very shady. My girlfriend overheard her on phone saying" yea all i do is lay around and smoke weed and he brings me food" She has no intention on school, job, cleaning, or anything else. This is causing me lots of stress, and talking to my roommate has not worked. Its causing issues in my relationship, daily life, etc. and not sure what to do. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • What is the best site/brand for marijuana substitute?

    I need to quit smoking for a while, and when I quit smoking I usually end up drinking more, which I do not like. Last time I used Bayou Blaster from a local head shop, but they are no longer open. I need a website and recommendation for some legal herb. Graduating college and will need to pass a drug test when I find a new job. Please give me some recommendations and sites to check out, thanks!

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Dog eating feces, anyone fixed this problem?

    I have a 4 month Great Dane puppy which I've had since about 9 weeks. She has been eating her feces since day one. What I'm doing is def. lowering the amount she eats, but not removing the habit. Firstly, I began cleaning my yard daily, which provides less feces for her to eat, and I have to go with her every time she goes outside (shes a puppy and urinates frequently), if she tried to smell or eat poo, I correct her and she goes about her business. I'm at work for a few hours in the morning, if no one is around she will poo and instantly eat it. So, I tried Coprophagia pills, and they do not seem to help one bit. I thought maybe her eating too fast is disallowing her to properly digest food, so I feed her with puzzles. I also got vitamins from the vet, which aren't the best since she is a giant breed and too much calcium can cause bone issues. Neither of these help stop her from eating her feces. I cannot be by her side every time she poops, and I realize the more this happens, the more it will develop into a habit. Oh, I've also tried very hot sauce on poop, doesn't work at all. I would like to get to the point where I can let her outside to poop, and not worry about this, or goto work without expecting it to happen while im gone. She seem very disinterested in poop when I'm around, or realizes I do not allow it, but when I'm gone its bon appetite. Anyone successfully stopped this habit, or know any tricks I haven't tried? THANKS!

    8 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • World War 2 Alliance Question...?

    The Grand Alliance (Great Britain, USA, and Soviet Union) won the war, but what did each participant bring to the alliance that contributed to its success?

    6 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Where are women that like polygamy?

    The idea of have multiple wives seems like it would benefit everyone. Like a team working together. I don't like cheating, but I need more variety than just one woman. How do you find women that like polygamy?

    2 AnswersSociology9 years ago
  • Who did Otto von Bismarck not target?

    I am studying for history test, and would like to know the answer to this question...

    All were in some way targeted by Bismarck except ________.


    History9 years ago
  • Where can I find the brake petal stopper that turns off the brake lights?

    This is a plastic plug/stopper that attaches to the brake petal, it pushes the break light sensor in, which turns off the brake lights. The brake light switch is a little box with a button(like the light sensor in your fridge, or sometimes found around car doors to detect if they are open), the idea is it give power to the brake lights until the button is pushed in(not pressed in, the brake petal keeps the button pushed in), when released (push the brake petal) it will turn the lights on. There is a gap between the brake petal and this button, so a small round plastic piece snaps through a hole on the upper brake petal to fill this gap(and push the button, aka turn the brake lights off). I've called auto parts stores, but the people I talk to seem oblivious, I know it's not as easy as a battery change, but I came across these things a couple of times, and my job is not related to cars at all. I would like to know if they actually do carry these parts, as they seem universal and fairly common.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago