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Lv 42,689 points

Luis Rodriguez

Favorite Answers14%

Please, read Roman's Chapter thirteen if you read the Bible, and tell yourself what you make of it. I believe in an ultimate God in the heavens who is God, God is love...I read the book of Roman's 13 and this is telling me that authority is to be respected and, therefore equated with honor, proper authority in a city sense, local, the police arrest those who break any law that interupts or/and disrupts social order. Thank you, "submit yourselves to the secular authorities", taken from the 'New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures..' This is in no way to balance this out with the social structure and the people who live in our local communities, Roman's chapter 13 is only inclusive to any authority that is available and/or on call to make an arrest, and the rest of this fall's into place.

  • If you could be, all that you want to be, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE?

    Why worry about everyone, what I should ask is what, is wrong with me, why does it seem as if, answer's are hiding out there, and are so hard to find, like what do you what to be, or not to be, what!

    WHAT DO YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE, WHAT DO YOU WANT, WHAT DO YOU WANT HERE, IN AMERICA, ARE YOU LOOKING FOR TROUBLE, ARE YOU BORED, ARE YOU A POLICE INFORMANT, ARE YOU A SEX CRIME PREDATORE, ARE YOU A RAPIST, ARE YOU SOMEONE WHO IS OUT TO DRUG SOMEONE, DO YOU WANT TO BE A POLICE, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE FU...IN WITH, NOT ME, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, ARE YOU A HACKER, DO YOU THINK YOU ARE INVISIBLE, DO YOU USE CRYSTAL METH, DO YOU SMOKE POT, DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A PIECE OF TRASH, IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT OR WHO ARE WHY YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE, SO, WHAT DO YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE, ARE YOU LOOKING TO DROP A BO M B HERE SOMEWHERE, HUH? hUH? no, NO, I'M NOT LOOKING FOR DRAMA, I JUST KNOW AND I DO UUNDERSTAND, HOW DECEIVING YOU, IF THE SHOE FITS, CAN BE, YOU AREN'T FOOLING NNOBODY BUT YOU, YOURSELF AND YOU, THE CHILDREN, LEAVE THEM ALONE, THE WOMEN TOO, THE GUY'S WHATEVER, BUT YOU, THE PREVAILING NEVER ENDING, NEVER BBENDING HACKER, HACKER'S BEWARE, YOU THINK I'M JUST AN OLD MAN, I AM, SO, what, try sixty year's old, well, I made it this far in life, and how about you, be all that you think you are, because to me, it's notning for me to write and share a valuable part, of my time, to share something that can work, for the better and the befit of this wonderful beautiful community, and what is it about all this that I have, about the bad people, because you, YOU, whoever you are, are bad, no good, and you belong at the bottom of the sewer, where the trash all belongs, you are scum of the earth, you are so toxic, you will get your fair share of the misery you cause, and because you do not know what you are up against, you are up against, mother nature, up against God almighty, and I am only human, but each time I ask a question, some or a lot of people answer, but you know, how to do thing's with these computer's, it is called, knowing how to program computer's, and if I could catch you, for a second, I'd blast you to kingdom come, thus far, you are hard to get to, but you will be caught unaware's, as the fed's bust you, federal crimes don't come cheap, it is just a matter of slobbering all over whoever you are, bark up the wrong tree, some dog is gonna git you silly little *** out of dodge, then you can go play dodge ball somewhere out in some, junkyard alley, fooooo, yeh, fool, you, YOU know you got nothing but borrowed time, Yes, it is all a measure of time, time is, time is not, but long after you die, time will remain, like an infinite archive of those, who died for the country they live in, put this place down, put yourself down, the world trade center's, then up, in London, blowin places up, then, when the watchman get's to you, guess what, you are old, older, colder, so old, nobody want you, no more, anymore, and to even the score, you, You, YOU are the one in the wretched hand's of time! Pssssssssssssssssssssssst! What in the you want! I want to be all that I can be, here, in America, if you do not want to be here, then, go get old, some where else, enjoy being young while you can, because getting old alone is better than getting old, next to YOU, You .....................r........................r.!

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • would you like to be a police car driver?

    No, you add answers, would you like to drive a motorcycle for the police department, or would you like to drive a police car through a neighborhood. This is not funny, so this question is ethical, and it is a part of working. Therefore, whoever answers this question, it would be appreciated to see, who is being fair. Now, you add a little more detail.

    3 AnswersSafety9 years ago
  • Would you take a job as a motorcycle policeman or policewoman in the most dangerous part of town like batman?

    Really, I mean it, not alone though, driving a police motorcycle, but with quick back up at your side, with the greatest police force in america. I would, really? You bet I would, why? Because it would be a great way to give out ticket's to the people who have dark tinted windows, and people who are endangering childrens lives while they are texting, and listening to their cell phones with or without their hands, I would be the greatest ticket giver, I would get my pay and go home and keep it rock steady, without dope, without bothering anyone, and, now, would you, and do you like or dislike police, if you don't get out of here, let them do their jobs, and quit hacking, quit it or you will get busted all up by whoever, and let those police alone. and, as for all you braves one without the cowards and trouble maker's, give us some feed back here, and shoot me some answers, if you need a police, go on, go and navigate them, and talk behind their backs, so, when they come and get you, good for them, they arrested me, I misunderstood them, but the only reason I am now off state parole is because, those police arrested me, without me running, without me jumping, and without me speaking up, till now, and I can go on and on till I'm blue in the face, but not purple like whoever you may happen to be, the dangerous one, and I hope, you, you get what you brought upon yourself. Peace.

    5 AnswersMotorcycles9 years ago
  • How come Btitney Spears is so cool?

    The way this old man sees it, Britney is so cool she is no fool, you mess with her, and I will come looking for you! You wanna bet? Now, delete that!!!!

    2 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • What is your opinion on noise pollution?

    The ability of anything to distract anyone. From the drop of a pin, to a shot in the dark, a bullet or a fizzing sizzling steak, in the silence of the night, any night. Headaches and nerves come from the abundance of distracting noise. I am part of sixty years of life. I have dreamt about the silence throughout the day, like when I was a child. I enjoyed music, never turned it up much, because mom's nerves weren't in the best of neurological conditions, even back then, my father, years ago always assaulted mom, one of the greatest distractions in her life, and in her entire life, now, at 83 years old, my mother is still strong, and considering noise pollution, I can handle it, and I have no alternative but to let it slide over me like air, it's taken a great amount of energy and it has, at time's, taken it's toll, but, no one is there but the paramedics when a man (or a woman) takes a fall to gravity. but this hacking pollution, of men, mostly, maybe a few women, oh well, but the ones who think they are above the law, these hackers are the necessary evil? No, they think they are above the law, yes they do, and if it didn't trouble me before, it is only on account of my not being aware of it by how much I have read on this particular quaint subject. Now, quaint? No, the word close to a hacker is cunning, devious, low handed, and unauthorized, but in his own way, he is doing what he does soley because he believes in himself, and he has gotten way over his head to go on doing what he does, and I know it, but I can, but I can do nothing about that, about him or them, ethnic, now, if I had an opportunity to do anything I wanted to do, I would, but I won't because I have spent my day and nights in places where prison is prison, state, and a state of mind that applies to my, is to avoid any kind or type of criminality that can start as innocent fun, and slowly lead me to self-destruction,m which is how I lived my life locked in a cell, prison, and jail do not work and I do not fully grasp or comprehend how one hacker or mega, can do so much harm to so many people who will not have anything related or associated with (getting into) prying through the fields of electronic gadgetry, so, excuse me for the detail, I apologize, I really mean this, but I avail no help or assistance or co op to a hacker, that is the job of those who are concerned, and that very work is not mine, it belongs to the women or men in black robes, other than that, hacker, Mr. Hacker, BEWARE OF THOSE WHO ARE ITCHIN TO GET THEIR HANDS AND FINGERS ON YOU, YOU, yes you.

    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • What Is A Policeman or Policewomen to you?

    Is a police just another guy or gal? Yes, they are just as human as you and you or you. We are all human, now, let us try and see what a policeman or a policewomen can and will do only for you from high to low. You need a police, call 911, good, it works, you do not need a police, you get arrested, good, you get what you got. A good police saves you somehow out of........and bad police arrest you, you get what you got , you like the police, you do something way off key, you get arrested, you dislike the police, so, what is a police to you,,some take advantage of them because they are their to help you, and if you do it your way, the police will do it their way, so, oh, excuse me, mother's and father's can police you all they want, unless you resist their wanting to help you, if they are in a single family unit, and if your mother and father are together, great, either way, it is great, now, what is a police in a car, to me? A police who has plenty of headaches and some use aspirins to feel better. Some people cling to, that the times are changing, the time never changes, people can, but some people resist and get negative, attitude comes with it. I used to ask myself, "why do any of us have to have this wicked world so full of fools, including me when I was younger? Because that's just the way it is. I've been arrested so many times, I'm not crying about it nor complaining about it, I hated police for what they stood for, I would hate them for everything they stood for, and now, I carry on, I don't love them, I recognize them, each and everyone as being beyond any abstract or concept, and, no matter what, the police won't always be there, simply, because they aren't appreciated, they aren't recognized as they should and ought to be, but, to me, it had been, and it was the police officers, each doing their work, who arrested me for theft, felonious crimes, so, what is the point, easily clarified, what worked for me, may not work for you, because there are no matches in fingerprints, as each DNA structure is amped and bio-chemicalized

    unique-ly different, no two are the same, there is no other Einstein such as there can never be the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ, those of us or some of whoever, know about what Jesus went through went he came here without a police to save him, nor a sell phone, without the cells, the after my getting placed into custody too many times for my own good, I finally do not criminalize anything or anyone, never have, actually, the worst is the thing about hackers, drugs, sneaky, and racist remarks, white or black or brown, and who is running the show is how and what the police will do when you or me or them get whatever is going to happen to this entire parade. In point, do the crime and do the time, I've done mine, and the things that go on out here do not happen in prison, this is why I do not do anything that will send me back. Thank you. so. now, what is a police to me? an individual who will arrest me if I have a cell phone and talk to someone I am not supposed to be talking to.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Do people go to bed without having enough to eat in the world?

    There isn't a Burger King in every port, and a Carl's Jr. in every alley, so I was just wondering where does all the food go when it is thrown away.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • What really happened to Natalie Wood?

    Okay, when this happened, I was young, no, really? So, I was there at the side lines, really, I read the news and it was on television, the news, also, and while it was fresh, in the media, how Natalie Wood was pushed, off that boat by Robert Wagner. but, I would appreciate your view. But since no one likes or could deal with one homeless man being arrested, (smothered to death, pretty close to cardiac arrest) it, this won't surprise me if no one answers since I'm such a menace to how the wind seems to blow, I spit in the wind, think I'm so cool, and the spit spits me back. so, I stick up for dudes, too, but Natalie Wood, was killed by that guy who was married to her, he was jealous, turned out to me, by the news, he was and is still a coward by pushing Natalie off a boat, thank you.

    4 AnswersHistory10 years ago
  • Please, give me an update on your veiws concerning the murder of one homeless man by six Fullerton Police?

    I'm only concerned how we all are to be treated if, and when that "if", should result by being stopped by any local police or more. This is a normal part of how life continues in the present. This is how life happens when it happens. My prime concern is if we, you or me, get stopped by the strong arm of the law. Hypothitically speaking: let me put it this way: I had a bad day, or you, and you get pulled over or whatever, and you are suddenly detained, and let's say, someone called the police department to report you, the suspect, and you are stopped, allegedly for looking in through the windows of parked vehicles. Yeh, someone thinks you, or whoever. is attempting to break into a car, van, or whatever, and well, so that's the reason you get stopped, to be questioned. Okay, so far, so good with this reasonalbe sensible question. Now you get stopped, and you had a day like no other, a bad day, period! So, you're not up to the challenge of complying, or cooperating or at least being courteous enough to answer these civil law servans, the police, (and you can bet back up police will arrive, more than one, usually) Okay, the rest of what you do with what you are not willing to comply with, which really, could save you serious, lethal or, perhaps, possibly, deadly consequenses like what occurred in Fullerton City on July the fifth, of this year, and I don't have to say anything more about that, those details are stuck up in most of that gray matter that makes most of us tick, not like a ticking bomb, but a ticking good old Bolivian wrist watch. The point? People are not just people, there are good, great, famous and infamouly notorios people, I'm only asking this question before it gets deleted because some people just can't believe what has taken place in the burnt pages of this police brutality on going journey of law and order. FACT-----we need police, but those who want to serve the law by being criminals, weed them out! Only my opinion, there are more, lots more good police than bad. Being a police is a dangerous job, no, not one of the most, but the most dangerous job. I could be wrong, it won't be the first time. The point I thing, has said enough. Peace to all you law abiders, and anyone else who goes against the grain of law and order, that is that, and it is not my job to arrest, detain and possibly take into custody, no on, and, now, come on, how do you feel, about the murder of one man by not two police, (but by the other four police who had nothing to do with it? They were accomplices, they made no attempt to stop a murder in progress, and how those four police walked after only two police were help responsible for the entire incident of killing one man!) How do I feel? I'm a great loss here, but slowly I'm finding my way back through this horride surreal reality, that as, I better keep a grip and I know I'll just have to keep sucking it up! So, suck it up, keep it to yourself, and, be careful with not all police, but even the best of cops have been known to compromise with how far certain people who get detained by police can take it to a deadly reach of non-compliance, and let's all just comply, because the danger of the job police have to do has a lot to do with how they process reaction, hey, we all do, we proecess everything, from what we learn and by how we keep the rights and wrongs of life, good or bad results and good or wrong consequences, especially when it comes to getting and being stopped and delayed by a police, if you have something to hide, it is not my job to find out, and there it is, in a nut shell. Compliance is the best way to go, because the first thing that begins with it all is a tazer or taser gun, behind that is deadly arsenal at the ready and on prompt standby in case four taser shots don't do the job like with that homeless man in Fullerton which, went on it's own course, and thank you all for your time. Police, are police, I got stopped three nights ago while I was riding my bike, for not having night lights on my bicyle. And sure, in all fairness, I know this question might more than likely take a lot or some of you a lot to answer. This is why I have added as much detail for my question, makes sense to me. But, since we all come if sizes, colors and different attitudes from different you know, altitudes, I thank you all, as I've said, "Thank You" if you would choose not to answer, I understand. Cool.

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • how do you feel about six police in fullerton killing one homeless man?

    how could six police reach a state of insanity by deadly intent by gang rat packing one man, by not arrest this man, but, these six policemen used a taser gun on this man six times, six taser stun shots, as if that wasn't enough, he was next handcuffed, those six policemen, all together went to their brutal business. Intent! Tunnel vision, murder, homocide, and yes, they did, they did it, they did just that, they killed that man, the aftermass? This homeless man went into a coma, all of the bones in his head were literally broken, and, if that is not enough to suck up, then so be it! of so, how could this have occurred without anyone stepping up to help this guy being killed, not by six police, but by six criminals with deadly intend, no to rob or steal from this one man, but by killing and only killing him . as for those on lookers, the witnesses, the spectators, me, I received this from the news, and the publics consciousness, and, even though this has happened a few weeks ago, I've learned how to adapt to this, it is still a crime, and, from my view, it is on the murder, homocide, assault with intent to murder, motivated? Motivated by? Well now, that is where that entire scenario and its presentation turns into something that gets sketchy, fuzzy, and real thick and dense, so dense, I get lost in trying to figure out why six police would kill that man, because they could? No, not because they could, but because they did, and that is what this whole thing is and does to those of us who want to believe in living and being able to live in a civilized society. I'm not full of hate, and I do not hate, I just try to figure this thing out is, what most of us do, we work with it to keep it all safe, sane and as legally secure as it is able to be, get and keep. I'm not into pay back, the police do what they do, and the other side, both sides, I leave it all alone, I mind my own, business and apart from the rest, I respect it all. But if I walk or run or skip or jump through or across the streets or side walks, I may not do it right, and, I may have to be arrest and taken into custody, but if I'm going to be killed by cops, just because they feel like killing me, not not arresting me for breaking the law, now that is what makes people, some people wonder. And this is where I make my point. I am a law abiding citizen, all of a sudden, because I am off parole. I have been legally discharged. I am now a legal member of society. I am told to respect the law. I think all police should do the same. If they break it, then let the F.B.I. come in and do what they do, and may have to do, but me? No, I wouldn't take something like what those six police did, into my own hands, I am not and will never be above the law. That authority is out of my hands lest I get out of hands, and what happened in Fullerton on July 5th is telling me that I can be literally killed for? You can each go figure that one out on your own. ten-four. ten-four nothing, I'm almost done, Okay, I still believe and have faith in police, police have a deadly job, but because six police fu##ed up big time, does not, will not and cannot make police bad, they aren't, I stay out of their way, the only way I know it works is if I don't obey the law. They do what they do, and I do what I do, and there it is there. What happened in Fullerton, I leave that up to those who have to deal with it, the law. My hands are tied, and if I make any attempt to make that my own business, I already know, oh yes I do, I know, it is not my business and there it is.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago