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Eclectic. Not much else to it. I don't like haters. If you hate someone, keep it to yourself. Or just grow up and get a real hobby. Using correct English should be encouraged- people understand you better when you use correct spelling, word order, punctuation, etc. It also gives you credibility

  • Lenovo laptop, HP printer. But the doc isn't printing. Why?

    Everything is plugged in- power for both devices, as well as data cord laptop->printer. Laptop says the driver/software is current. So why is my document not printing?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks3 years ago
  • What was the name of the song about a wife caring for her Alzheimer's husband?

    There was a country song about 15+ years ago about a woman who was caring for her husband, even though he was "gone"-- he was in the later stages of Alzheimer's, so the man he'd been was gone, even though he was still there.

    It was sung by a man, and I desperately need to know the name/artist of the song.

    1 AnswerCountry4 years ago
  • I'd like to use/reference the Yahoo! brand in a book I'm thinking about writing.?

    What laws, policies, rules, permissions apply?.. and how can I access this information for further clarification??

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How do I handle an industrial-strength procrastinator?

    There are a million-and-one home improvement/home repair projects that need done. I don't have the knowledge/skills to do them myself. But Dear Husband is an industrial-grade procrastinator.

    A lot of the supplies (molding for doors and windows, bags of grout, boxes and boxes of fasteners, etc) and tools (saws, hammers, drills, bits, etc) were bought years ago and are lying around the house, ripe targets for toes and curse words (some of the reasons I REALLY want these projects done!).

    I don't want to call in a handyman- that isn't very nice to the male ego.

    I don't exactly want to try to do the projects myself- I don't have the skills or knowledge... and I REALLY don't wanna mess up!

    But I'm kinda frustrated with waiting around for him to get on the ball.

    What can I do to encourage him without becoming a nagging wife?

  • So is it Mono or not?

    Here's the timeline...

    Monday: I woke with body aches, had pretty serious fatigue too. I think I took 2 multiple-hour naps that day.

    Tuesday: More body aches and fatigue. Throw in a sore throat just for fun (only hurts to swallow but not talk). Also low-grade fever at bedtime- 100.7f

    Wednesday: No more body aches or fatigue. Throat is still sore. I had hubby look at my throat and he took me to InstaCare b/c it looked pretty nasty.

    Wednesday night at InstaCare- Throat culture came back negative for strep. Blood test came back indicative of mono, but not conclusive. RX for Prednesone (which I still haven't filled).

    Thursday: Energy level is still up to par from Wed. Throat still sore, but not as badly. No more fever.

    Friday: Energy level still normal. Throat nearly back to normal. Interior of mouth tender. Canker sore on inside of upper lip.

    Saturday: Energy level/throat normal. Interior of mouth still tender and cankers bigger.

    Sunday: Tender mouth, cankers still an issue. Same so far for Monday (today)

    It's not strep- the bloodwork would have shown that.

    I don't think it's mono- my energy level has been just fine, even when I was busy and active most of the day Saturday.

    Would this kind of thing be reasonable if I add that last Saturday (just over a week ago) I did a competitive mile run, when I haven't done that since high school, nearly 20 years ago?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Nicknames- what gives?

    I don't get some nicknames:

    Robert-> Bob

    William-> Bill

    Richar-> Dick


    If you have any insight, where these nicknames came from...

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Dog (not the problem) vs Roomie (the problem)?

    Ok, long story- I'm house sitting. The owner of the house (landlord) asked me to raise a puppy for him, get her house broken, and teach her some basic commands. I got the dog in April, and we were doing pretty good.

    In September, Landlord had a friend who needed a place, so I took her in as a paying roommate. Roomie had a dog, but had to put him down b/c he was getting pretty old/gimpy (bulged disc in his back, so hips, hind legs didn't work). She did this about the time she moved in.

    Since she moved in, she's been a disruptive influence in the dog training process.

    *She intentionally riles up my dog when I want her (the dog) to calm down.

    *She puts the dog outside without direct supervision (and described exactly what that is) after I've asked her not to and explained in very clear terms why- "I have pesticides and weed killers out there, and I don't want the dog getting into them. I want her to respect the fence and she won't learn that if she's out there alone. I don't want her taking her toys out there to be damaged by weather and get lost."

    *She allows the dog to chew on inappropriate things- recently allowing the dog to play with, chew, tear, destroy, and consume (b/c she IS a Labrador) a stuffed toy she found on the floor. Granted the stuffed toy belonged to Roomie, but all the books and vets say that as soon as a dog's toy shows wear or damage you should take it away from the dog. With a stuffed cloth toy.. and my dog.. that takes about 5 min. :|

    *She comes in my room to take the dog out of the kennel. I keep the dog in the kennel b/c even though she's 9 months old, I still don't quite trust the housebreaking... or her other end ;) I'm not generally out of the house for more than 5 or 6 hrs at a stretch, and the dog was just fine before Roomie moved in. The other problem I have with this is.. it's MY room.. stay out please.

    So- There's the problem. It's not the dog- she and I get along great. It's the Roomie and her behavior in relationship to the dog. I know I need to have a talk with her... but how? How do I approach this subject? What do I say.. and how? What kinds of things do I do to follow up (example- lock on my bedroom door)?

    I don't want to alienate my roommate- I do like her in general, but this stuff with the dog... It's not ok with me.

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How do you prune an old un-maintaned lavender bush?

    So I'm house sitting.. and this yard is a disaster in the first place.. no lawn to speak of, just a yard-sized knee-high weed patch! Rag weed, melloweed, bindweed,

    Anyway, there are two big lavender (I think that's what it is) bushes in the front yard. They need some serious attention. When/how should I prune, trim, etc them?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Where do I find information on ideal spay age for a dog?

    I have a 4-month old lab mix female. I'd LOVE to get her fixed before her first heat, but it feels like all vets want to do is delay the age they do the surgery .. and delay it some more... and more!

    Six or eight months ago I was doing some checking, and apparently research shows that spaying a dog (no specific breed was mentioned to me) before she's 4 months old can lead to incontinence when she's old.

    Now, as I'm doing more checking (I've moved) I find out that there's more research. This time evidence points to hip problems in Labs if they're fixed before 6 months.

    Did I mention I'd like to get her done BEFORE her first heat? I sooo do not want to be sending her into surgery when she's already bleeding (higher cost, higher chance for bleeding problems/complications)... nor do I want the mess that heat can bring.

    10 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • re: divorce law, child custody- how old does the child have to be?

    I know that in some states, there is an age at which a child's wishes regarding whose custody he/she is in is acknowledged...

    Example- In Wisconsin, once the child is 14, if he writes a paper/letter to the judge explaining why he doesn't want to go back to .. let's say Dad's house ever again (with valid, reasonable reasons), he doesn't have to go.

    Is there such an age in other states? I'm specifically wondering about Utah, but other states would be helpful to know.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it porn or art.. what's the difference?

    Where's the line between tasteful nudes and classic art ..... and pornography?

    Does Venus de Milo qualify as porn? She's nude.. at least her top half.

    What about Michelangelo's David? He's all nude, showing everything!

    Examples and clarification would be helpful.

    7 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • Confessing = Saved, right?

    So I was reading the NT the other day, and found the story about when Jesus cast out Legion. I realized that the devils that made up Legion acknowledged Him as the Son of God..

    So does that mean that Legion is saved too?

    Mark 5:1-20

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How did the Birthright get passed to Joseph?

    In Genesis, Jacob Israel had 2 wives, 2 concubines, and 13 children from those four women.

    I know that Birthright (wealth, power, privileges, responsibilities, etc) was given to the firstborn son.... but add multiple mothers to that mix, disqualifying behavior of the firstborn...

    If the firstborn son of the first wife disqualifies himself through behavior, begging not to have it, etc, then who is next in line? Second son of the first wife? or first son of the second wife?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's with you guys and boobs?

    Now, I've had a pair of these girls for a couple years, and I still don't get the fascination they hold for you. It's not as if we women obsess about Slim and the Twins, b/c we don't.

    So what's the attraction?

    8 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Looking for a good laptop-- any suggestions?

    I want the new MS Office suite- Word, Excel, Access, Publishing.

    Wifi capable (of course!!)

    Lots of memory, looking at the original Sims game.

    Think I want the newest Windows version... is there one that's come out since Vista? definitely don't want the original verison of Vista!

    I also want a sturdy, cheap-to-fix machine. I don't want something so delicate that if a little kid happens by it'll be destroyed, lol.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How do you think God feels about suicide?

    I'm curious about how different belief systems look at/view suicide....

    I know there are a lot of pretty strong feelings about suicide, both from a theological and from a psychological point of view.

    So, I'd like to know what people thing that their own chosen deity thinks of suicide, whomever that deity is- God, Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, other pagan deities.

    Note- No, I'm not sucidal.. really, I want to understand other theological views

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I have a can of soy beans.. what do I do with it?

    I'm what I call a "normal" eater.. no fancy funny diets-- vegan/vegetarian, Atkins, not even SlimFast or Jenny Craig/WeightWatchers.. Just food...

    I don't mind red meat in my diet. I eat fast food on a (probably more than is best) rather regular basis. I use vegetable oil in my cooking, and as much salt as is needed to taste good.

    I enjoy cooking, and rarely use a recipe (mostly cuz what I make I've made a hundred times, and have the "recipe" memorized).

    Somehow I ended up with 2 cans of soy beans. Now I don't want to waste them, but I truly have no clue what to do with them!

    Salad? Baked in a casserole? Mashed into some kind of um, something?

    No links please, just recipes.... Thanks.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What options are there for someone when he/she can't afford to care for his/her horses?

    For dog/cat owners, there's the Humane Society, but HS won't take horses.

    I've heard that glue factories and dog food plants aren't allowed to take horses anymore.. is that true? What about slaughter houses?

    What options are available besides letting the horse(s) loose/abandon them if the owner can't sell or give away the horse(s)?

    21 AnswersHorses1 decade ago