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  • Will a company go bankrupt if it doesnt stick a đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ flag in its premises?

    Im seeing all these companies ranging from sports gear, banks, restaurants, museums, etc... everybody is sticking an lgbt flag in their window, their menu, their commercials, their registers, etc...

    What happens if they dont do that? Will they go bankrupt or something?

  • How come we never really colonized Iraq?

    Like I think maybe we can improve it, you know?? Smooth out the rough edges?

    No, not kill people. Of course not.

    But just integrate it with American culture.

    Thats what we did with Alaska, thats what we did with Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

    Currently, thats what Turkey is doing with the chunk of Syria it just stole and thats what Putin has done to Georgia and Crimea. How come we cant do that?

    Like imagine how wonderful it would be to have some gorgeous hotels and casinos in the banks of the Euphrates, imagine us recreating the beauty of Babylon.

    Even Alexander fell in love with Babylonia.

    Im sure our Saudi friends would totally support us since they would love to go there. We could also totally revamp the coast on the Persian gulf and have it be like our very own little Dubai.

    At the same time, the locals will be living under a much better system than Sadam Hussein and Sharia Law.

    2 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Long Island crowd vs CĂŽte d’Azur crowd?

    I live in New York and have been to Long Island many times and know people of the area. Sometimes I jokingly call them the “vineyard vines crowd”

    For the first time in my life, I went to the CĂŽte and it was beautiful. Such a lovely place. I felt much better over there than any place in the Hamptons.

    From St. Tropez to Monaco you have not only infinitely more variety but a more relaxed vibe.

    In Long Island, even over in Montauk, you just dont have as exciting a vibe as you do in Cannes or Cagnes sur Mer for example.

    Yet oddly enough Long Island is much more expensive to vacation than the CĂŽte. Why? How come?

    And also, I noticed that the LI crowd is stiffer. They aren’t as into dancing and partying as our French friends are.

    How do you feel about this?

    2 AnswersProvence-Alpes-Cote d`Azur2 years ago
  • Why is film distribution in the US so limited?

    You would think that in the digital age, films would be on Netflix, boutique cinemas, libraries, etc...

    But I live in New York and I tried every single methods to see films by Sorrentino, Ketiche and many other directors and it is a downright impossibility unless I go to Europe. Wtf?? Why?

    There are so many people in America wanting to see these European films. Im willing to pay and see it goddamn it ..

    Why is film distribution in the US so limited?

    3 AnswersMovies2 years ago
  • How come few presidents enjoy beach culture?

    I dont like Donald Trump as a president but I have nothing against him as a gentleman of pleasure

    I have been to his hotels and Mar-a-Lago twice in Palm Beach. The man is a man of taste, Ill be honest with you.

    So is Melania Trump, she is the kind of woman Id love to have a mimosa with.

    How come none of the founding fathers had beach front properties? How come they didnt have drinks?

    The first real president to enjoy a life of pleasure was James Buchanan and then later Warren Harding.

    Kennedy was pretty ok but he was a little square in my opinion.

    But you cannot say that “back in the days of the founding fathers that culture didnt exist”

    It certainly existed.

    You see Roman emperors and governors enjoying wonderful vacations in the beaches of Italy and Greece. Mark Antony is an excellent example. And Warren Harding loved South Florida

    8 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Your favorite city in the CĂŽte d’Azur?

    I have visited four cities in Cîte d’Azur, where I am currently.

    Nice, Monaco, Cannes and Antibes.

    The one that blows my mind the most is Monaco. Jesus christ what a place...

    Today Im going westward towards Marseille.

    What is your favorite city in this region?


    3 AnswersOther - France2 years ago
  • Shamil Basayev: War Hero or Evil Terrorist?

    Basayev was a Chechen warlord who according to his words 'fought for his people' that is to say, the Chechens.

    But according to the Russians, a terrorist, criminal and monster.

    This man fought both in the First Chechen War, led by Boris Yeltsin.

    And also the Second Chechen War, led by Vladimir Putin.

    Yet his tactics are unbelievably brutal and savage and it was because of this that him and his troops won the first war and also dragged the second war for such a long time (9 years) before finally being crushed by the Russian army.

    But what do you think of him?

    Is a horrible man who murdered innocent civilians?

    Or was he a revolutionary hero who had to commit a few evils for the greater good and for the freedom of his people?


    How do you feel about his war strategies?

    Clearly this man does things more by craft than by force.

    The Russians razed half of the city to the ground in a brutal siege before the Chechens surrendered.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • When will America have a weak military?

    Im curious to know where we are in our countrys position.

    In the past 60 years the United States has become increasingly effeminate yet bare this mind...

    We are still a great military superpower.

    How can a nation be a great military superpower while at the same time have so many effeminate liberal boys?

    Will these effeminate liberal boys ever outnumber those who seek for glory in arms?

    There are countries who put a great emphasis on discipline and military patriotism. Will America stop having this?

    Somebody suggested that when millennials reach the majority of the senate and White house, then things will go really bad

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • Who is the slimiest man in Trump’s network?

    I figured that the slimiest guy in his circle is Stephen Miller. Next I would argue for Ted Cruz Although Cruz has the office of Senator He is one of Trumps biggest supporters and his right hand man in the senate. I hate Ted Cruz

    Next we can perhaps take a look at Rudy Giuliani and Michael Cohen. The latter being in jail now, doesnt really count I guess

    Who do you think are Trumps slimiest men?

    7 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Politician Sex Scandal: Who is correct?

    I was reading an interesting story about this gentleman named Piero Marrazzo.

    Marrazzo was the governor of Lazio, the Roman district of Italy.

    Marrazzo was an admirable man but he also had lustful appetites and fondness of pleasure. This man frequented transexual prostitutes and took cocaine.

    One day, a group of four gentlemen who worked in the government decided to secretly film him in his apartment in North Rome and what they filmed was quite a show. This group, led by Nicolas Testini and Carlo Tagliente, then approached Marrazzo and threatened him to leak the video of him with his whores and his cocaine use if he did not resign.

    Needless to say, the man stepped down and he was greatly embarrassed.

    However, Nicola and Carlo also got arrested for blackmailing a politician and also a charge on violating a persons privacy.

    But who did the ethical thing over here?

    Are we to say that Carlo and Nicola are unethical or are they simply men who were seeking to expose the truth to the people about their politicians. To show corruption and betrayal are very much real and not just hearsay.

    Or is Marrazzo in the right? Even though he was a married man with children and not to mention, a powerful governor of Italy’s capital.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • Why is the porn business so big in America?

    Its quite simple.

    Why America?

    Why do we have the shame of being the worlds biggest porn producer and exporter?

    Why do we have RealityKings, Brazzers, Pornhub, Girls Gone Wild, etc...

    Why not Brazil? Why not Spain?

    When you look at world history, certain nations had more pornography than others.

    Ancient Persia had a much more pornographic culture than Ancient Greece.

    Mark Antony chose to rule the Eastern provinces of Rome because life there was more promiscuous and delicious than life in the crude west.

    Medieval Italy and Spain was far more pornographic than medieval Germany.

    The British Empire in the early 1800s was frighteningly frivolous. France in the late 1800s even more so.

    Now we are at a point were America is dominant. You also have countries like Thailand, Japan and Brazil who are very pornographic as well.

    But why? What makes a country more relaxed in pornography and sex?

    3 AnswersTrivia2 years ago
  • Why doesnt the military play a stronger role in American culture?

    Im 23 years old and Im a professional businessman. A salesman, a merchant, and the son of a typical middle class family.

    Yet I felt a wave of awe when I read Plutarch’s lives, about Alexander, Caesar, Pericles, Gaius Marius, the Punic Wars, about Marcus Aurelius and later on about the men like George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Grant and Teddy Roosevelt.

    In this country, we just care about sales.

    About merchandise, business, cocktails, shopping, status, making money, networking, Linkedin, etc...

    Our young men are influenced by Celebrities, rappers, athletes and technocratic merchants.

    Why? Why does our culture promote a life of being a salesman and “entrepreneur”??

    What ever happened to men like Jackson? Lincoln? Roosevelt? Patton? Eisenhower? Men of discipline and severity.

    Could it be that America is in decline? Will we one day be a nation that hires mercenary and foreign armies to do our jobs? To defend ourselves??

    5 AnswersSociology2 years ago
  • How do you feel about the Latin languages in relation to English?

    I speak Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish and English

    One thing I feel about the English language is that comparing it to the Latin languages, I find it a very indirect language. Do you know what I mean?

    Anglophones say "How old are you?"

    The Latin people say "How many years are you?" Quanti anni hai? Cuantos años tienes?

    I also hear the word "I don't know" more in English than in the Latin languages.

    C'est aussi une question d'humeur. Observez comment l'humeur de ma question change dÚs que je traduis en français. Je crois que c'est une langue bien meilleure pour la réflexion que l'anglais.

    There's a clip where Jacques Derrida says that English is a very utilitarian language and I think that English speakers quite embody that when they speak.

    Customer Service means a totally different thing in other countries. In America and UK, it is an entire phenomenon of its own.

    Nel caso del ritmo e del tempo, senti come la lingua italiana suona alle orecchie. Nietzsche dice che Machiavelli Ăš meglio leggere in italiano.

    Now when you read Machiavelli in English, it has almost an 'academic' vibe.

    When you read it in Italian or even in Spanish, it sounds all the more juicy and crafty.

    How do you feel about all of this?

    6 AnswersLanguages2 years ago
  • Why is the US so slow in crushing enemies in the Middle East?

    Many armies capture either by storm or by siege warfare.

    This is what the US did in Kuwait, battle of Baghdad, and in Operation Neptune Spear.

    This is what the Turkish army did in their invasion of Afrin, and what the Syrians did in their attack on Ghouta.

    But how come the US doesn't do this more often?

    Why waste so much time in these delaying Fabian strategies when the army should just storm the city?

    And why does the US army prefer to work with Kurds and mercenaries rather than deploying its men to the theaters of war?

    I never understood this idea of "let's train and give arms to the rebels"

    You will notice that the Turkish and Russian armies aren't really pro mercenary as the US. Why is that?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • How can I spend less on food?

    Is food necessary?


    Is extravagant food necessary?


    That is my problem.

    In recent weeks, Ive been making more money and Im spending it so much on restaurants.

    I always drink coffee at my house or job but sometimes I go over to this little cafe by my job where they have some cheap little things but then I not only get a coffee, I get coffee cake or these delicious pistachio muffins.

    When Im out between Thursday and Friday, I would go out to a restaurant with some friends, whoever, really

    Last Saturday I had pork tacos a glass of Cabernet. I really wanted desert, but instead of spending like $7 in that restaurant for a tiny cheesecake, i spent $1 on a donut from a little food truck.

    Thats not the point. The point is that I should not have eaten the donut at all.

    And why the wine? Couldn’t i just had water?

    See, this is what im trying to fix

    8 AnswersPersonal Finance2 years ago
  • Why are people online more sensitive than people in real life?

    I try extremely hard not to offend people by my remarks but they still get offended. When I see ‘people’ I mean people here and on Reddit. People online.

    I notice that when I bring up these remarks to certain friends and clients, they agree with me or at least respect some valid points in my argument.

    Nothing to do with race or sexuality by the way.

    I criticize mainstream popular culture, the mediocrity of some people, Christianity, hypocritical actions, monetary decisions, etc...

    The people here become almost inflamed with wrath. Its crazy.

    For example I once spoke how watching television all the time is for passive and lazy people, and how it is sad to see someone enjoy it so much.

    I criticized the modern system of dating, people’s behavior on social media, status anxiety, etc...

    Everytime I try to present a sound observation online I am met with a shower of insults by sensitive people.

    People who answer this question attacking me will only prove my point. Im not some arrogant man, I just want to know why people online are so damn sensitive

    Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 years ago
  • Why is Pompeo better than Tillerson as foreign secretary?

    When it comes to the fall of Rex Tillerson, people say that it was from not being on the same page with Trump and that he pursued his own interests with the Saudis and that his Russian policy was too relaxed.

    Then again, what makes Pompeo a better secretary?

    6 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Best Foreign Policy President (Clinton - Bush Jr - Obama - Trump)?

    Which of these four do you think was the best foreign policy president?





    In my personal opinion I think that the best ones are Obama and Trump.

    Obama’s Iraq and Syria policies were pretty bad. But he does get points in my book for his policies in Afghanistan and Libya. It is very clear that Obama’s foreign-policy in his first term was much better than in his second term. I think the reason for this is because in his second term he had to deal with Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin at the same time. Not to mention the Mediterranean refugee crisis.

    But his first term was prettt good.

    Trumps foreign-policy is not as warlike as Obama but more based on sanctions and tariffs. His goal is more on relations with the other big powers rather than middle eastern squabbling. He does get points for his deal with the Saudi prince and also Kim Jong Un. Mind you, that if Obama was in Trumps shows during the Saudi assassination of the journalist, he would of swept the whole thing under the rug just like Trump. And just like Obama punished Manning and tried to punish Snowden, Trump punished Assange.

    The fact that Trump is focusing more on the China/Russia relations is a big step. The Middle Eastern wars take up so much time and effort that it is better to win by diplomacy rather than by arms.

    I cannot say that Trump is a very good domestic president but he is certainly a better foreign policy president than Bush, Clinton and many others

    1 AnswerMilitary2 years ago