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  • Psychologically unbalanced cats?

    Two of my 3 cats are having "inappropriate urination" potty issues since my son moved away to grad school and the local community college [where I go, 3 days per week] started in August. The one cat keeps using the towels in the bathroom. I try to keep the towels hung up, but he is tall enough to reach up and pull them off the towel rack. The other cat uses the entry to the apartment...and anything that happens to be in the area. He has, in fact, appeared to be targeting my daughter's shoes - so far he has managed to "mark" [flood might be a more apt decision] 3 pairs, including her custom-order gym shoes, a nearly new pair of sandals, and today, he got her lovely dress pumps that she wears for special occasions, like job interviews!

    Needless to say, my daughter was extremely angry because she discovered the mis-deed as she was trying to rush out the door to work - shoes ruined, cat urine all over her feet and maybe even on her slacks. These potty issues are happening when both my daughter and I are at home.

    I have 3 cat boxes, which get cleaned 3 to 8 times per day. I have been unable to get the smell out of things, so I am down to 6 towels, have had to discard 2 or 3 throw rugs plus a set of floor carpets that get used in the car, about a half dozen clothing items that have been damaged and had to be tossed plus 3 pairs of shoes. Not to mention the wall-to-wall carpet in the apartment has a number of spots and often smells like either a cat box or like vinegar.

    I have had little success with getting the smell out, so any suggestions would be helpful. [Have washed items in borax, baking soda, vinegar and even washing soda]. If this potty problem can't be fixed SOON I will have to either get rid of the cats or have one put down [he's the most neurotic] and turn the other one loose on the apartment complex...which is where he came from,

    6 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Quote by Jesus about Pharisees praying on the street corners...?

    My bibles are boxed up for moving, and I am too hot & tired to figure out which box - getting a bit annoyed by friends & family on Facebook who are bragging about their Christian piety - granted, I am a bit prejudiced, since my Grandfather was Mennonite / Amish and we don't think much of braggarts who claim they are "more" or "better" than others either in piety or humility/

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I want a free applique pattern...?

    specifically, I am seeking patterns for various sewing tools including tape measure, pin cushion, scissors, sewing machine, needle, and anything else that comes up in that line.

    I am sorry but I don't have the patience to keep hunting, and I am hoping someone else either has the patience or has already found these items online.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Seeking a special recipe for my kid brother's birthday...?

    My original lemon angel recipe uses lemonade to make the custard with, and whipping 2 cans of evaporated milk. I have any number of recipes for lemon angel using Jello, gelatin, whipped cream, pudding and such, so please only reply if your recipe uses lemonade and whipped evaporated milk, or something of that nature.

    My kid brother is having a special birthday in a couple of weeks, and I would love to surprise him with his favorite dessert. The original recipe was damaged during a flood at my apartment. Thanks!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Research needed as part of my re-employment program...?

    Need to interview a web-site designer and get the following answers:

    1) what advice can you give to someone seeking a career in your field?

    2) what skills are most essential for effectiveness in this job?

    3) what training and education is required for entry into this career field?

    4) how far can a person go in your career area?

    My career of choice [for retraining since my job has disappeared] is designing web pages and sites for people, primarily small business owners and direct sales folks [like Tupperware or Mary Kay, etc]. Please, no "smart alec" answers, my humor level is at an all-time low.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What cookware for heart healthy use?

    I bought a Caphalon non-stick skillet at an outlet store location several months ago, and I have really become rather fond of it. Granted, it took me a bit of time to get used to cooking with it [in truth, I still haven't completely mastered it]. I have had it about 6 months and the cooking surface has developed a couple of scratches and dings despite my best efforts and not owning / using any kitchen utensils made of wood or metal.

    1) is the technology improved so that the pan can still be used even though the surface of the pan has been breached? (Remember Teflon coated pans had to be tossed because they leached chemicals into the food from any scratches breaking the surface)

    2) is there a better cookware for non-stick cooking?

    Much as I love frying in a bit of butter in my old iron skillet, I have gone non-stick due to health issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • I need to build a website?

    I am seeking a free or very cheap place to build an on-line portfolio and to post the work I have done for various classes in Education / Instructional Technology. When I have asked the professors for this program in the past, they have always said "no problem, use my site..." but now the program is being eliminated due to lack of interest [read as poor marketing] and a bad economy. The professors are trickling out of the college, and no one is teaching the classes they did before. The program has been set to end with this Spring term. I would also like to have a fairly inoffensive site / domain name so I can use it to supplement my efforts at finding a job. Thanks!

    The site needs to allow people like myself to use Dreamweaver to build specific pages, not just have a choose how you want your page to look kind of thing. Please, not too technical with the answers - I am recovering from a small stroke that happened last year. As a result of the stroke, I lost a lot of the [mostly techno] stuff I had learned in the previous 6 to 12 months.


    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • something like a vanilla Tootsie roll recipe...?

    I am recently diagnosed as allergic to chocolate, and the Vanilla Tootsie rolls are no longer in season. I am seeking a recipe that will be very, very close in flavor. If it is either non-cook or microwave would be preferred because my kitchen is small so I don't have room for candy-making.

    Thanks for any help, and apologies to the nice folks at Tootsie Roll for any inadvertent copyright violations - maybe you could sell the little gems year 'round?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Seeking storeybow2003, son of William Emerson Story.?

    I've been off-line for a few months due to health issues in Dec 2007. I am back, and so sorry to miss you in January. I will be checking regularly now, so please respond...if you know or are related to storeybow2003, please let him know I would like to get in communication with him.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Seek: William Emerson Story. Born 1920s; WWII Bombardier, CA teacher & principal Foresthill, CA in mid 1950s?

    I was told he helped bomb Germany in WWII, but military records destroyed, no luck with internet searches. Also that a woman took my mom to lunch to tell her she was one of several gals thinking they were his wife around 1956. He met my mom while attending summer session [teaching credential classes] at Sacramento State University, maybe in 55 or 56. No recriminations, just seeking basic data for health questions, ancestry and to fill out the blank half of my family tree. I'd like to know his date of birth and location, names of his parents and any other genealogical info I can get. Would also like to know any family stories, if possible - I'm an Anthropologist with a passion for oral history and a predilection for psychology. New relatives are always welcome...kinda hoping he's still around, too...I'd love to hear his side of things.

    3 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago