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I’m worried about my fiancé driving us home after my surgery, but we have no other options?!?
I got jaw surgery this past morning, in a city 2 hours away from our own, we didn’t have enough for a hotel so he’s literally sleeping in the chair up every half hour, and can’t even respond to questions. We are supposed to leave tommorrow morning and I am doped is on morphine and can’t lefally drive. We have no one to pick us up and don’t have enough for a hotel for him for tonight and have no friends here. The hospital will not give him a bed. What do we do so that we don’t die on the highway?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years agoWhy cant i sleep!?
Today is friday at 11:23 pm .
On thursday i woke up at 9am. I was up all day and took 10 mg of melatonin ( which i do on occasion if im having issues slowing down, and went to bed around 11pm. I laid there till 6am on friday. Didnt sleep. Got up, showered, went to the store, had a short 930 am - 11am nap, went to the bigger close city with my fiance and went to my grandmothers to sleep from 1230 - 2 while she watched my baby daughter. Got home after running errands at around 7, pit baby to bed, ate a bit, laid down exhausted, couldnt sleep. I finally took a double dose of zzquil. 60 ml, which ive never ever done, ive only taken zzquil twice. I took it 1030pm. Its 11:28pm now on friday and i still cant sleep. Ive never had this much of a problem sleeping. Im able to clear my mind, im exhausted. Why am i just laying here not able to sleep?
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care3 years agoSharp pain in chest when i breathe deeply but im healthy?
This comes and goes. It's not frequent. But its been going on for as long as i can remember. I cant find anything about it on the internet.
Im a 23 year old fit female. I eat well, exercise regularly, had a baby 8 months ago. I mentioned it to my fiance and he seemed to think it was strange so I started telling others, my cousin knew what i was talking about but everyone else gives me weird looks. There arwnt any noticeable consistant triggers. Seems pretty random. It hurts when i breathe in deeply, until i breath deep enough then it goes away. What is this and why do i have it? I have healthy lungs too
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases3 years agoWhat is tapioca starch and can i sub cornstarch for it in ginger beef?
I wanna make ginger beef with rice and broccoli tonight. I found videos that look the closest to what i want ( like the wok box ginger beef) and it calls for tapioca starch. Ive never heard of that, i havent been able to find it, and im wondering what i can use as a substitute.
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes4 years agoI'm genuinely terrified of generic face masks?
I was playing the game cathrine on my ps3 and one of the bosses is shafow vincent. Its a generic face like the dance group with the white face masks, jabowokee or whatever. I freaked out. Like, i couldnt play anymore. I then tried to tell my fiance that ot was like the dance group and found a pic which also scared me. Then i went to bed and was afraid to have my back to open spaces because i couldnt stop thinking about it. I dont underatand why im so afraid of the generic face look. Im wondering if this is normal? And what the reaaonjng woild be.
1 AnswerMental Health4 years agoHow to not feel somber during this winter?
Every year i get this saf lazy somber feeling that turns into depression. Now I have a hiuse I love, a baby I love, a fiance I love, and I'm starting to getcthat feeling again. I dont know how to pull out of it. My daughter is constantly tored since i started feeling thos way, ive been neglecting thibgs i should do, im soxezhausted all the time. What I'm asking is how i can get out of this feeling before it turns to full blown depression. Im at home woth baby from 8am - 7pm alone everybday. While fiance is at work. Me and baby go to swimming lessons, play groups, basically anything to get out of the house. But its just not enough. Im stuck on thos rut.i have thought of anti depressants but they always make me really really sick. I dont know what to do. I wanna be a happy mommy and fiance, but im wrecking it.
2 AnswersMental Health4 years agoNew dog really defensive over treats?
We have 2 dogs, a small 15 lb one (cocker spaniel shitzu) weve had since he was 9 weeks, and we got a larger one yesterday, 30 lb (lab, pitbull and something else) from the humane society, shes a sweetheart. Anyways, our small dog likes to carry hos treats around before chewing on them. So i gave them both a treat that fit their size. He was happy carrying it around, and they went to the livingroom. She took his treat, so he was happy carrying hers around. After she ate his treat she took the bone that wans origionally hers from him and growled or barked everytime he got near. How can i let him enjoy treats without her taking everything from him? Will he learn to eat them quicker?
4 AnswersDogs4 years agoNeed to throw up nauseated?
So i tried this low carb pasta called nupasta, thinking itd make me feel better than i do after eating regular pasta. I now feel like absolute **** and am overwhelmingly nauseated. I have tried things to get rid of the nausea, and ive tried to puke. I tried drinking more liquid, some salt water (although i dont know how the concentration works and all that was on the internet was reguarding after ingesting poison). I even resorted to sticking my finger down my throat. I need to get this god forsaken stuff out of my stomache. Help! Please! TIA
2 AnswersOther - Health4 years agoNauseated need to throw up?
So i tried this low carb pasta called nupasta, thinking itd make me feel better than i do after eating regular pasta. I now feel like absolute **** and am overwhelmingly nauseated. I have tried things to get rid of the nausea, and ive tried to puke. I tried drinking more liquid, some salt water (although i dont know how the concentration works and all that was on the internet was reguarding after ingesting poison). I even resorted to sticking my finger down my throat. I need to get this god forsaken stuff out of my stomache. Help! Please! TIA
2 AnswersAlternative Medicine4 years agoLose 20 lbs in 2 months?
Im female, 23 yo, 5 ft 2 inches, 130 lbs and i want to get down to 110 lbs in 2 months. I have a 3 month old baby that i am home with all day as a sahm, and i should mention i went from 160 to 130 and my prepregnancy weoght was 110. I take medivation for adhd which also suppresses my appitite so i have about 500 - 900 calorie deficiency a day and walk a little under 5 miles almost daily (tredmill)... i also drink a lot of water. About 2 litres. I cant seem to lose weight. Im starting to get frustrated because i feel really gross and ugly and just want my body to go back to its normal size. Im starting to get frustrated because i put so much effort into trying to get it off, i never eat junkfood and i focus on exercise so much. I get enough sleep, and push myself as far as i can every day. How can i lose it faster and what am i doing wrong? My exerciae is mostly cardio so im not gaining weight with muscle and im not starving myself. Youd be suprised how much salad you can eat and stay under 100 calories. Smoothies.
Why cant i lose it? What am i doing wrong?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years agoI think my dog ate chocolate?!?
I let him out while i was feeding our 2 month old daughter and when i let him back in he had something that looked like crap on his face. But it smelled like chocolate. There were gobs of it. I do t know how much he ate but there was some ib the yard i cleaned up after i washed his face off. Ive never seen chocolate in the consistancy before. It was like, semi solid crap. Thicker than pudding. I do t know what kind it was or how much he ate but its been half hour and hes tired. I wanna know what to watch for so i can take him to the vet if needed and not jf he ends up being fine as we dont exactly have money for it. And how long it would normally take for symptoms to show if he dkes have any. Tbanks. Please no rude comments or telling me i should take him to the vet. Basically i dont have a car for 4 hours, i have a 2 month old im home with, amd we dint exactly have money for it.
Hes a 14 lb cocker spaniel shitzu and he is 8 months old
2 AnswersDogs4 years agoThrow up Red alcohol or blood?
So i drank last night. 2 mikes hard lemonade and one black cherry mikes hard lemonade. Cans. I dont deink often and i dont think thats particularily excessive. Im 130 lb 22 year old female.
Anyways, this morning i had a bitnof a hang over and was a bit nauseated. So i puked. And my puke was a bit pink with little peices of white in it. I'm a bit worried its blood. And that the little peices of white are little bits of stomach lining. Butbit may also be pink alcohol from the mikes hard lemonade mixing with the black cherry. I should also mention that im on concerta for adult adhd and it takes away my appitite so i havent eaten anything since the day before yesterday.
Im wondering how i can tellif its a bit of blood or not and at what point should i become worried?
I also took 2 red tylonol and 2 advil as well as my concerta, which is white....but the white bits look goopy....not hard.
2 AnswersOther - Health4 years agoThrow up blood or red alcohol?
So i drank last night. 2 mikes hard lemonade and one black cherry mikes hard lemonade. Cans. I dont deink often and i dont think thats particularily excessive. Im 130 lb 22 year old female.
Anyways, this morning i had a bitnof a hang over and was a bit nauseated. So i puked. And my puke was a bit pink with little peices of white in it. I'm a bit worried its blood. And that the little peices of white are little bits of stomach lining. Butbit may also be pink alcohol from the mikes hard lemonade mixing with the black cherry. I should also mention that im on concerta for adult adhd and it takes away my appitite so i havent eaten anything since the day before yesterday.
Im wondering how i can tellif its a bit of blood or not and at what point should i become worried?
I also took 2 red tylonol and 2 advil as well as my concerta, which is white....but the white bits look goopy....not hard.
Thank you in advance.
5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits4 years agoCool free date night ideas?
I wanna plan a date night for friday with my signifigant other and I. We have been dating for 2 years and have a hiuse and a 1 month old baby. Ive already arranged for a babysitter. Now i just need a date night idea. I want it to be very special...i dont wanf it to revolve around sex.. im willing to put a lot of preperstion into it. And i need it to be different and exciting for both of us. Ideas would be great!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years agoSaw someone stealing daipers and formula?
My boyfriend and i were at walmart yesterday and saw a woman sttuffing daipers and formula into her bag. We have a baby due in a month, and were looking at prices and stuff like that. We didnt say anything and looked the other way but when we left my boyfriend was annoyed and sad 'shes the reason everything costs so much.
I personally felt bad for her. Its not like she was taking game consoles or makeup. She looked a bit desprate to be honest.
Im curious as to wether anyone has ever been in that situation where they havent had the means to provide for their child so resorted to stealing. And if you saw someone stealing nessessities for their baby would you say something or look the other way? I can see it from both sides.
8 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years agoToddler age child regressing due to new baby?
So we have a 3 year old girl and a baby due in about a month. Ive noticed recently that our toddler has been regressing, like she says things like 'i wanna wear the daipers.' Or she talks baby talk when shes perfectly capble of talking. Its not that she ksnt excited about the new baby, i think she just sees our excitment and thinks we love it more or something. A lot of preperation goes into the babys arrival and we just got a bunch of gifts for baby so maybe shes a little jealous. Anyways, whatever the reason, i want to reinforce that shes a big girl and that we need a big girl in the house to 'help' with and play with her little sister. I want to get her a gift of some sort, partially because i know she feels a bit left out, but i want it to be a gift that celebrates and reinforces what a big girl she is. But im not sure what to get her. I also want to have a little 'becoming a big soster celebration and give her the gift then. Do you guys have any ideas or thoughts on this?
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler4 years agoGetting rid of stretch marks?
I have about 5 weeks left of pregnancy and i notced i have like 4 stretch marks on my lower stomache. I started rubbing olive oil on them yesterday, i was just wondering hownlong itll take to fade, and if im wasting my time with olive oil. I prefer hone remedies, i have coconut oil, baby oil, olive oil, and i also have vitimine e drops, that you put in a drink and consume, but i could probably mix it with sone kid of oil for the stretch marks.....would that be a good idea?
3 AnswersWomen's Health4 years agoGetting rid of stretch marks?
I have about 5 weeks left of pregnancy and i notced i have like 4 stretch marks on my lower stomache. I started rubbing olive oil on them yesterday, i was just wondering hownlong itll take to fade, and if im wasting my time with olive oil. I prefer hone remedies, i have coconut oil, baby oil, olive oil, and i also have vitimine e drops, that you put in a drink and consume, but i could probably mix it with sone kid of oil for the stretch marks.....would that be a good idea?
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body4 years agoI dont know the best way to return these?
I bought about $300 worth of athletic weat from walmart last week. Then my dr told me i shouldnt be working out because im pregnant. So, now i have $300 worth of clothing i cant use amd that wont fit me after i give birth, and i lost the recipt because at the timeni didnt see a reason to keep it. Now we are also in need of gas.
So i was wondering, if i return the $300 worth of clothing, get in store credit (thats what id expect) and then buy a prepaid visa card from them, so we can pay for gas, is that possible?
Im wondering if they would decline my returns because it is a lot and i dont have the recipt. But they still have the tags on them and everything and obviously have never been warn.
2 AnswersCorporations4 years agoWill my fitbit count jump rope or walking in the spot properly?
I want to burn calories inside my house. Because its cold, im pregnant and i dont have a gym pass right now. I was wondering 2 things.
1. If i jump rope will it count my calorie burning properly?
2. If i walk on the spot will it count them as steps? And if so, is that actually an accurate step? Lifting my legs high and down very controlled while swinging my arms with the steps.
1 AnswerWomen's Health4 years ago