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  • Which budget phone should I get?

    I currently have a Samsung galaxy s4 mini and am looking to upgrade. I like my phone but want more storage as even with an 14.88gb SD card its still a problem. I like the setup of my phone and I don t really use that much data (500mb a month). I mainly use my phone for youtube, pinterest, chrome and whatsapp. I want to be able to download and play some games though.

    I want a phone that looks nice and comes in rose gold so I ve been looking at Sony Xperia XA and Huawei P9 lite.

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans4 years ago
  • Should I think about changing to a different degree or is this feeling normal?

    I am obviously already thinking about it, but I phrased it as such to get an opinion on whether I should go further in my inquiry.

    Here’s my story: I've just finished my exams for first year English, and have just got my coursework marks back for two modules (C and C+). I need a 60 percent average to study abroad but it seems I’m not getting in and I’m extremely disheartened.

    In the previous semester I go 2 B s and 2 C s (one a C+) and I haven t done any better this semester with the aforementioned 2 modules being proof. Granted I am waiting for the results of 2 other modules, but I just feel so down! I chose English because I love reading and analysing characters and their situations and putting this in to the wider context; But even in A-Levels I could only get a B in English whilst I consistently got top marks for psychology leaving with an A* for Psychology. I love psychology also because I find it fascinating to analyse people s actions and evaluate the human mind in general (part of my love for English evident there).

    I should mention that I have looked at the criticism for why I am not hitting the A s and the problem seems to be depth/ specifics and essay structure. I’ve thought about swallowing my pride and seeking out an A+ student to tutor me but they are going to be hard to find since my friends are kind of on the same level as me.

    **I will be talking to my personal tutor, my head of department and my friend who did the same A-Levels as me and chose Psychology**

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • How would you define romantic love?

    Someone told me they believed in love at first sight...but I don't believe looking at someone means love. Or does it?

    I don't believe it especially after seeing The Little Mermaid, but you can prove me wrong.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Why are people who win £1,000,000 called millionaires?

    I ve just heard an advert trying to get people to participate in the lottery. The operator declared the winner of a million pounds a millionaire. This must be a marketing strategy because someone on 20,000 for example wouldn t be a millionaire just because they won £1 million once.

    The frequency of which I hear this advert on this particular radio station is nnoying me. Help me solve this mediocre non-important problem.

    3 AnswersGambling5 years ago
  • Can anyone identify the classical piece played in the Family guy/Simpsons crossover episode?

    If anyone can identify a similar or the exact piece of music I'd appreciate that

    the link is

    and the part where the song plays is between 32:27-56

    I know cartoons do specialist composition of music but I feel like I've heard something similar before and if there's a chance the piece of music is in fact a market composed piece I'd love to have it.

    1 AnswerClassical6 years ago
  • How do I publish only the prologue of my multi chaptered fic on Fanfiction net?

    I have finished the prologue of my fanfiction and have already completed other chapters. Only my prologue is ready to be published and on the website it says you have to upload the document. Will the website publish all that's on the document? How can I just publish the prologue?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Can anyone identify the classical song played in the Family guy/Simpsons crossover episode?

    it starts when Homer is looking out the window towards the end of the episode as the Griffins are leaving. I've looked on wikapedia and tunefinder and other places where they might list the songs but i can't find it. If you find it I will be so grateful.

    The song is classical with main piano and violin on the sideline rising and falling at certain points and a harp at one point

    1 AnswerClassical6 years ago
  • How do I answer a question on an application that requires me to fill a table of times and days I am abble to work?

    I am applying for a job to work about 8-10 hours a week especially as I will be hopefully starting uni soon. The table has the days of the week and has me fill in the 'from' and 'to' times I am able to work.

    I am basically available everyday since it's the holidays but nearly everyday I put 10am to 6pm assuming it means this is a time period my shifts can be chosen from meeting the 8-10 hour critea. Or does it mean that's the actually length of time I want to do? Can you please help me

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • In light of the introduction of Caitlin Jenner to the world, what do you think makes a person feel part of a certain gender?

    I mean what do you think makes up the male and female gender?

    I personally find it interesting when someone take bruce for example says they always felt they were a woman-but what does that even mean? Did he always feel he took the stereotypically female approach to situations or thought like the stereotypical women that is constructed socially...or...

    I mean I've never gone through issues with my gender identity because I just feel like I'm my own person who happens to have organs that relate class me as female and act under both classes of gender stereotypes whilst being heterosexual.

    **I know this is a sensitive topic and I in no way wrote this to offend or will condone disrespect to others through comments**

    6 AnswersGender Studies6 years ago
  • Do you think the American Constitution is outdated?

    I just finished learning about America in history (boom,bust,recovery) and I found the American constitution annoying, in terms of the way new laws are held back by them such as the minimum wage back then and gun restrictions nowadays.

    Is it really necessary to uphold laws against a constitution created hundreds of years ago?

    Isn't the world human rights laws enough?

    Isn't it's content context bound meaning not all of it would benefit the context of the modern world?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • What would you save if your house was burning down?

    I just watched Leap Year and I thought that was a bit of an unfair judgement of character the protagonist got from her rude fiance. If anyone can explain that part that would be nice.

    Anyways the thing cannot be people because come on that's expected!

    I would save my favourite books

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • I feel like I should want to belong to a religion but I don t can I have some advise?

    A very close family member of mine has been a Jehovah s witness for a long time and I used to go but stopped. It s been years and we re still close but because I ve learnt so much I don t really feel drawn to the religion. I am not really concerned with religion in general because I consider religions quite sexist and I strongly believe in equality.

    Long story short I m not really interested in religion but feel like I m missing something and because my very close family member is in a certain religion I feel like i should be in it too especially as I fear dying.

    By the way I m like 17 years old I ve still got more learning to do I know I just want your opinion

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is there any point in me telling him I like him? (Please read)?

    We're good friends we hang around with each other and I like him.

    He mostly hangs around with girls and I get a bit jealous (a lot actually) when he hangs around with another group of girls for a day even though 95% of the time he's usually with us.

    He compliments me quite a lot but I'm not 100% sure if its more than others but my friends do notice its a bit extra to me. This is our last year and I'm not sure if its worth it. I'm also really self conscience from the other girls who thought there was something going on between us last year ( the whole class did actually but I don't think he realised).

    This year is our last at sixth form so I wonder if there's any point. I'm also scared of ruining our friendship like he kinda kicked his ex-girlfriend out of our group so I don't want it to get awkwrard if I tell him I like him.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Any encouragement for my loner tendencies?

    I don't keep in contact with my secondary school friends and I have friends at my sixth form college but I still feel like an outsider. I'm not really involved with social media (gone off facebook don't have twitter and don't plan to make one soon) and I haven't actually got a best friend okay I have one but she lives a distance away and she goes to a different sixth form but we are in regular contact and I visit and stuff.

    But at sixth form I feel like I have no personal connection with anyone because I'm quite introverted (scored highly on the test been told by every family member and peer) and I don't see the point in getting close to a temporary person.

    Any help? I also have low self-esteem (but that has been there since primary school or even birth according to sources)and I always feel like there are bags under my eyes and need to make an effort to socialise to make sure everyone likes me

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Any encouragement for my loner tendencies?

    I don't keep in contact with my secondary school friends and I have friends at my sixth form college but I still feel like an outsider. I'm not really involved with social media (gone off facebook don't have twitter and don't plan to make one soon) and I haven't actually got a best friend okay I have one but she lives a distance away and she goes to a different sixth form but we are in regular contact and I visit and stuff.

    But at sixth form I feel like I have no personal connection with anyone because I'm quite introverted (scored highly on the test been told by every family member and peer) and I don't see the point in getting close to a temporary person.

    Any help? I also have low self-esteem (but that has been there since primary school or even birth according to sources)

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Can you really call Bella from Twilight weak?

    People always say Bella is so weak she just stands there and doesn't do anything (before she's a vampire). But I mean come on the vampires are strong and she can't help but have people have to protect her because if she even picks up a knife or a gun to try and shoot them (which they should have actually shown I would like to see the effect) then they'd probably avoid it quickly and snap her neck in seconds.

    So how can you really compare her to people like Katniss (on a league of her own by the way) who are up against HUMANS and can use WEAPONS that will kill them and not super natural beings which virtually nothing but being a vampire or holy water hurts them. They should find out about holy water too.

    Don't get me wrong though here's my list for why she is weak:

    Drowns herself because she misses boyfriend (wants to live on the "edge")

    Plays Jacob along so she has a back up reserve to protect her instead of bluntly saying 'I don't like you but can you help me' instead of hugging and almost kissing him all the time

    And other non combat related situations that doesn't involve fights with the super natural

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago