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  • can I take Test Booster at 14?

    Hi im 14 and im 5'8 175lbs @17% BF

    And i take creatine,protein and amino acids and i workout regularly and i was wondering would it be safe for me to take a testosterone booster? Like the ones locked in a box at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe I would like to know the pros and cons if that's not a problem

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • how to deal with feeling controlled being angry 24/7 at home?

    Idk i cant take this **** no more. Theres so many ******* rules that i am being forced to follow like i cant do anything. I cant even express myself in my own house because i get yelled at for everything im forced to wear this and that and forced on how to have my hair. I cant curse i mean like whats really wrong with it. Im not hurting anybody. Its like putting a lock on your voice. Im forced to do everything by my mother and if i don't do it. I get threatened with boys home. Honestly that doesn't even sound like a bad thing anymore. But being controlled all the time has taken major tolls on me. I have an exreme case of anger issues that nobody seems to understand i mean im angry enough to the point where i feel i should physically hurt my own mother for controlling me so much. I know i sound insane or crazy but i dont want to hurt people i dont want to hurt anyone. I just want to be free. I just wanna know if there is any tips i can do to control my anger and rage. I thought of just running away from all of it. Going off and being free from controI. Ive been feeling thats what i need to do so i wont hurt anyone. But please i wish no harm on anybody

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • how to shrink a denim jacket vest down a size?

    Ok so i was at the store and i seen a denim vest but it was XL and im a L is there anyway i can shrink it down a bit. And if i go to far is it possible to enlarge it

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • parental help?

    Ok... first of all dont get me wrong i love my mom. But she makes me feel worthless. Tells me im never gonna be anything in life. And calls me a dumbass 24/7. She shows me no support for anything i wanna do in my life and tells me im never gonna be able to do anything useful for myself. Now tell me what kind of mother would want to see her son grow up to be an underafuckingchiever. Now she calls the other side of my family *** holes and judges them 24/7 for being rude. But that side of the family actually cares for me and tells me everything that my mom didnt. They support me and the main one is my cousin. Without him my life literally be nothing. He helps me out and supports way more than anyone ik. Because of him i am a bodybuilding monster for my age and im the smartest person my friends know because of him and im a great martial artist because of him. He wants too get into acting and he studies and practices all day to make sure he makes it. And my mom says he is weird and i stuck up for him and told my mom why he studies and practices all day. And like always called me a stupid ***. But idk what to do. She never listens when i try and talk to her. But all she does is reply with negative comments. Im thinking of just running off and live with my family. They support me and will stick up for me and help me with what i want to do. What should i do

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Tattoo help?

    Ok i want a tattoo like Dwayne Johnsons but a full sleeve but i am really into bodybuilding and i hear if you get a tattoo and workout with it. That it will expand and mess up. Is that true. If it is. Is there any way i could prevent it

    4 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
  • Need a girls opinion?

    Am I a Creep or weird for looking at me and my ex's old text messages.

    Idk i just feel happy looking at the funny things we would talk about.

    6 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What is love?

    Ive been searching and asking people and still dont know what it is. Dont laugh at me. Im serious

  • Stepped on a piece of glass a month ago?

    Last month i stepped on a piece of glass (very tiny) and i got it out and treated it and this morning i woke up with a bump on my foot near my heel (same place i stepped on the glass with) and it has been hurting all day and i have to walk tip toe on that foot and it hurts. But the bump is poking out with a black or dark spot in the middle of it

    2 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • Am i correct size?

    Ok im 13 and i measured my ding a ling and it says 6.5 but i dont know if thats good or bad like whats the correct size to be for 13

    2 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Something going on with me and a girl?

    Ok me and my friend we laugh and play fight and talk but a lil bit ago i tried to say hi and her freinds just blocked her and told me she thinks ima stalker so i just walked away but a few days ago some other freinds told me that she likes me. But i was gonna ask her out today but never mind since i heard that. Idk if i should just never talk to her again

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Will i still have to go to school?

    I got suspended on wednesday for heel kicking another kid and i got 3 days but it started snowing so if they call off school monday will i be able to go tuesday or no

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • What happens if you go to another school even though you dont attend there?

    Ok lets say theres 2 Schools A and B and I go to school A but out of no where i cut school and go to School B. What would they do if they caught me

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • What would be an epic prank?

    Ok the end of the school year is still some time away but this is gonna be my last year at this school but i wanna be remembered by doing an epic prank

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What sould i do first?

    Okay idk what would be a good idea. Im a lil chunky and idk wether i can turn it into muscle or get slimmer then turn it into muscle idk what i should do first

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Can i go to jail for this?

    Ok my Parents chow chow is 5 years old and i live with one brother and the chow only seems to try and bite me for something as little as petting it or standing near it for a minute and just yesterday i was standing waiting for my mom to get out the bathroom and i was standing about 3 feet away starring at the wall then it just charged at my arm jaws wide open and luckily i moved my arm and kicked it a few times then it stopped and my mom got out and started yelling at me thinking the reason he bit me was cause i was messing with it but i try to tell her he always bites me for no reason and its just me and i feed it take it for walks stuff like that but it has gotten so bad he tries to bite me atleast once a week but i just had it with him and i swore if it tries to bite me that i would break its neck but then my mom started yelling at me saying i will go to jail cause i keep messing with it and its my fault it bites me when it isnt so i just want to know can i really go to jail for killing a dog that tries to bite me

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • I think my freind wants me?

    Okay my freind and i used to have a Friends With Benifets relationship and for those who dont know what that is its pretty much friends who have sex but are still friends.

    But now she spends large quanities of time with me probably more than her boyfriend like she comes to my house watches movies with me sleeps on my bed with me and she always invites me too her house and when i do she always puts on a sexual love movie and last week she fell asleep on my bed and when i layed to go to sleep 5 minutes later she puts her hand near my balls. Her boyfriend knows of the large time she spends with me but he dosent say or do nothing cause he is some reason afraid of me he told her

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago