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Matt H

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  • Girls - do you wear "found jewellery"?

    This is a bit of an odd one...

    I just moved into a new room and I found a tangled up necklace hanging on the mirror. I untangled it and I think it's quite nice. It's kind of like a celtic tangle with a blue teardrop jewel hanging from the bottom - - it's very similar to that though I expect it's not as valuable.

    I am definitely not going to give it to a girl pretending like I bought it - but if, hypothetically, I had a girl at my house and I said: "oh I found this in my room when I moved in; what do you think of it? You can have it if you like it."

    Is that weird?

    I think it is pretty weird myself - but I'm a boy so what the hell else am I going to do with it? It just seems a shame to have it go unworn.

    What is the general attitude towards found jewellery anyway? If you found it yourself would you wear it?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • A question about Star Trek Into Darkness for Old Fans... (SPOILERS)?

    Did you figure out that John Harrison was Khan before they revealed it?

    I figured it out a couple of minutes before he said he was Khan - but thinking about it afterwards I realised that there were lots of clues to it way earlier in the film - so presumably some more tuned in Trekkers would have figured it out long before me.

    How long before it happened did you figure it out?

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Why do I suddenly have an invalid IP address?

    I'm using an old POS PC running XP. I had this trouble when I set the wireless thing up initially but eventually got it working - though I cant remember how (Well either that or I can remember and it just isn't working this time - because as far as I'm aware I have tried what I did before)

    I have been able to connect to the internet with no problems for like 3 months or so, now this evening I went onto my computer an the internet didn't work - and it's saying I have an invalid IP address.

    Not sure what happened to my PC whilst I was away, I was watching videos on youtube, left one on pause whilst I ate dinner, then the internet just didn't work when I went back.

    I've been googling for ages now and f*cking around with static IP addresses and running various resets in DOS and all of that stuff but nothing's making it go back to working.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Why do people think U2 are the best band in the world?

    ...when they aren't even the best band in Ireland?

    10 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • How was Heath Ledger's performance of the Joker different to anyone else's?

    I don't think it was really that different to the others I've seen: Caesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill - even Michael McKean.

    Everyone says he was "darker" but that's just down to having a harsher script, a grungier outfit, nastier scars and untidy makeup - put any of those other actors in the Dark Knight and they'd have probably done the same damn thing. Jack Nicholson was in the Shining for god's sake - he's more than capable of doing a "dark" performance.

    Basically I'm saying that the *characterisation* in that film was darker - not the performance per se.

    SO - without saying that "he was darker" what do you think the actual differences were with his performance?

    Bonus - talk about all their respective performances and take the comic depictions into consideration if you like.

    4 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Have you ever heard a cover version so bad you just want to cover it again to apologise to the original band?

    I have many times, the most recent being "Pictures of Matchstick Men" by Status Quo which was horrendously covered by Camper Van Beethoven in the 80s. I've only just heard it but it was pants and I felt like the song needed to be done again to make it right.

    Others over the years have included:

    You Really Got Me as murdered by Van Halen

    Heart Shaped Box " " Evanescence

    Tainted Love " " Marylin Manson

    Smells Like Teen Spirit in Moulin Rouge (the Muppets version was fine)

    Light My Fire - pretty much every cover of it...

    Fell in Love with a Girl " " Joss Stone

    Have you ever had this feeling? What song was it?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Can you explain why this button isn't working? Flash CS3?

    I'm making a site in Flash CS3. It's a pretty basic one but I've run into a problem which I can't get my head around.

    I have a load of buttons within Movie Clips that work fine, but sometime after doing the initial programming I decided to add a new button onto each page linking back to the homepage and it just won't seem to work properly.

    I really don't understand why because they coding I've done for it is the same as the ones that do work. I already have two separate buttons linking to the homepage, so all I figured I'd have to do is put this one next to them in the action script - but this JUST DOESN'T WORK. and I really can't figure out why.

    Here's the code

    header_mc.home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gohome); - WORKS

    header_mc.logo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gohome); - WORKS

    about_mc.back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gohome); - DOESN'T WORK

    function gohome (event:MouseEvent):void{



    I have chekced all the syntax and the instance names and the targeting and that's all fine. The error is: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    at Charlotte4_fla::MainTimeline/Charlotte4_fla::frame1()

    The button I'm having a problem with is not on Frame 1, it is on frames 2-5. To check if this was the problem I put the button in the same movie clip as the working ones on each frame - but it still wouldn't work.

    That was literally the only difference (I can find) between the new button and the old working ones - so I really don't get it - I can't see what is going wrong at all. Any Ideas?

    at the very least can someone just explain what the error message means? What does "null object reference" mean? I've found loads of people online explaining how to fix particular occurences of this error but it seems to come up so often that a tonne of things must trigger it. Maybe if I understand the error I can figure it out myself!

    Sorry this was pretty long, I hope you read it all without wanting to punch me in the throat.


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • what do you think of my band photo?

    This is a photo of us taken yesterday on a break during out recording session

    11 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Problems communicating with girls.?

    I meet girls whilst I'm out and talk to them and am able to make them laugh and relax. I don't find it difficult to ask for their numbers - they're usually pretty easy going about it.

    The thing is whenever I try to call or text I never get any response. The phone will just ring and ring with no answerphone or the text will go totally ignored.

    Surely they can't ALL be just giving me their number to get me to go away? Wouldn't they just walk away before I even asked for it if they didn't like talking to me? I'm fairly average looking but there's nothing drastically wrong with my appearance so I don't think it's that.

    What do you think could be going on?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If healthcare will be funded by taxes?

    but health insurance is still mandatory under the threat of a fine

    what is the point in funding it with taxation?

    I live in a country where healthcare is funded by taxes and you don't have to pay insurance on top so it doesn't effect me at all.

    I just wondered how you've managed to get it all a/rse backwards.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • A girl ignored my text?

    (I posted this a minute ago but with a less snappy title so didn't get many replies!)

    I met a girl at a job interview (we were both going for the same job but neither of us really wanted it - or got it!). We spoke for a while and made each other laugh, afterwards I was walking through town and bumped into her again I offered to take her for a coffee but she said she has an essay to do (she was talking to me about it earlier) so I said maybe we could go after she hands it in "to celebrate". She said she'd "think about it" so I asked her for her number. I got it and then later on I sent her a text saying "this is my number, good luck with the essay" etc. It wasn't the kind of text that really needs a reply but she didn't reply at all.

    She didn't seem like the kind of girl who'd ignore someone but do you think she gave me her number just to get rid of me? It happens to me quite a lot.

    Should I bother ringing her for that coffee or do you reckon if there was any chance then she would have replied just to say hello and that she got the text?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do you reckon to this?

    I met a girl at a job interview (we were both going for the same job but neither of us really wanted it - or got it!). We spoke for a while and made each other laugh, afterwards I was walking through town and bumped into her again I offered to take her for a coffee but she said she has an essay to do (she was talking to me about it earlier) so I said maybe we could go after she hands it in "to celebrate". She said she'd "think about it" so I asked her for her number. I got it and then later on I sent her a text saying "this is my number, good luck with the essay" etc. It wasn't the kind of text that really needs a reply but she didn't reply at all.

    She didn't seem like the kind of girl who'd ignore someone but do you think she gave me her number just to get rid of me? It happens to me quite a lot.

    Should I bother ringing her for that coffee or do you reckon if there was any chance then she would have replied just to say hello and that she got the text?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Have you noticed that people have started saying "myself" and "yourself" instead of "me" and "you"?

    It's as if they think it's unprofessional or uncouth to say "Submit your application form to me" or "I was just calling you to confirm" so they say instead: "Submit your application form to myself" and "I was just calling yourself to confirm".

    They act as if they're being grammatically correct and sophisticated - but it's just totally wrong so they sound like a prat.

    Have you noticed this bizarre trend?

    A lot of people also permanently say "...and I" even when "...and me" is perfectly appropriate - but at least that's an understandable mistake!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What to do in this situation?

    I talk to loads of girls and although I'm not awful at it - I'm evidently not great at it either. I can never progress anything and it always seems like I'm coming across as in-confident or trying too hard.

    I've had girlfriends in the past and it seemed that they all "came to me" when I stopped trying to chat girls up and just ended up speaking to the ones I met normally and naturally - and it worked.

    I'd like to try the same thing now but since college is over and I hardly ever get to go anywhere - I'm never in the situation where I can "naturally" talk to a girl. I always have to be the first to make a move - so then revert to coming over too strong or too desperate or whatever - simply because I had to cross the room and start talking to them for some reason.

    Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why aren't guitars sexy anymore?

    I'm the lead guitar player in a band and have noticed a distinct drop-off in the amount of girls that like guitars.

    What happened? It's f*cking electro isn't it?

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why does every girl I talk to have a boyfriend?

    All the girls I've tried talking to in the past few weeks have had boyfriends. I talk to them for a bit and get the impression that it's "going well" and I ask for their number or if they want to go for a coffee and they always, without fail, have a boyfriend.

    That's probably why I feel like it's going well - they have no reason to brush me off because they know I'll never get anywhere. I think I must be attracted to super cool girls who are just too awesome to be single. It sucks. They're not even your "typical hot girls" either - they're just cool as f*ck.

    Any advice?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do people who got abused think they're better people?

    Earlier this evening I was talking to a girl who actually had a go at me about the fact that "I didn't know what it was like to be her" and that "she'd gone through so much sh*t" in her life. Well - so what? Just because I never got raped doesn't mean I'm any LESS of a human being does it?

    Just because I never had the bad luck to get fiddled with doesn't mean that I'm not worthy of life!

    We all go through a lot of crap in our lives, some of it's not so bad as the others but most of us try to get on with our lives and get over it. Some people have given birth, some people have gotten shot, some people have gotten trapped in burning buildings, some people have lost limbs - they don't hold these things against anyone else - they're private things that we each have to deal with.

    Why do people who "got raped" seem to think that they should wear it as some kind of badge of honour and act like they're better than everyone else just because they've had a "worse experience". They seem to actively relish the fact that they have something sh*tty in their past that they can blame all their idiosyncracies on.

    It's not MY fault that you got raped - so where do you get off giving me sh*t about the fact that I haven't been?

    Has anyone else encountered this kind of thing?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago