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  • Need help determining exactly how many UCAS points I will have?

    I'm considering University next year, but I'm a little confused on my calculation of total UCAS points. Basically, I did a year of AS levels, but wasn't happy with the school and its teaching, therefore after the first year I moved to a new college, where I'm now taking a BTEC Extended Level 3 Diploma.

    My AS Level grades were: A, B, C, E

    My predicted BTEC grade is: D*D*D

    Using an online calculator it says I will have 570 UCAS points, is this correct? I looked at some top university entry requirements and they want less than this, but I don't consider myself to be a 'top' student worthy of Cambridge or Oxford for example, which is why I feel something may be wrong with my calculation?


    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Can I collect a package from the Post Office which is under a family member's name?

    I have to collect an item from the Post Office for a family member as they're unable to collect it themselves. Can I collect a package under somebody else's name? (UK)

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses7 years ago
  • What does it mean when babies always stare at you?

    I've noticed this a lot over the years, it seems like a lot of babies always stare at me for long periods of time. I'm not sure if it has a meaning, but it's spiked my curiosity. I'm a fairly normal looking 18 year old male, so I don't know why I appear so interesting to them.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • What Do Girls Think of Guys Wearing Skinny Jeans?

    Over the past few months I've started wearing skinny jeans, and I have a slim figure too. I got a new pair in the mail today and they're pretty tight around the calf and thigh region, and it got me wondering whether or not they're a good idea at all. I've noticed a lot of guys wearing them, but I just thought I'd see what the female opinion is. Do they make men look feminine, or do they look alright?


    9 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • How Can I Control Tired Eyes When I Wake Up?

    For the past few years I've had difficulties waking up in the mornings due to tired eyes. Often I will get the recommended 7-9 hours sleep with my alarm set to something reasonable like 9am on days off and 6am on College days. However, due to my eyes feeling so heavy and zombified the moment I awaken or hear my alarm, I end up staying in bed on days off for an extra 4-5 hours sometimes, either that or I force myself out of bed for College feeling like complete death and standing in the shower with my eyes shut.

    It's the one thing which prohibits me being an early riser. My body feels reasonably fine when I wake up, it's just my eyes which make me climb back under the covers. I also find that keeping my eyes open for at least 10 minutes the moment I awaken actually gets rid of the heavy, tired eye effect, so it's a very short lived thing but almost impossible to battle at the same time.

    Any suggestions for being able to keep my eyes open when my alarm goes off. Preferably solutions other than going to the bathroom and using cold water as this didn't work for me. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty7 years ago
  • Any news on GTA V coming to PC?

    Does anyone know if they are planning on bringing it to PC this year? I've yet to play the game and really hope it does happen, but obviously with all the pirating issues I don't know if they will go through with it or not.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • How Can I Remove a 'Writer's Bump' Callus on my Finger?

    Since I've been able to write I've always had a callus on my ring finger, also known as a 'writer's bump'. It's developed from where I hold a pen/pencil too hard and my finger has a build up of skin which supposedly protects the bone from hard pressure. It's probably my most embarrassing part of my body and it makes me very self conscious when my hands are in view of other people. It looks quite red and sore, and I really want to get rid of it.

    I don't tend to do much writing any more as I study IT so everything is now computer based, so once it's gone it shouldn't come back hopefully. Does anyone know how I can get rid of it?


    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Import Cost From USA to UK?

    I'm looking at buying a new mouse for my PC, and being a PC gamer, it's not a cheap mouse as its standard retail price is £52. On eBay I have found the mouse available as a refurbished item, costing £26 + £8 shipping. I am wondering, if I were to buy this and have it imported from the USA, what will the import costs be like?

    I used a quick online calculator, and it said my total cost after import tax/VAT is paid will be around £42. If this is the case, then I might as well just spend £10 more for a brand new one from the UK?


    2 AnswersUnited Kingdom7 years ago
  • How to change my Facebook profile picture without it showing on everyone's live feed?

    I want to change my profile picture as it's getting a bit old now, but I've never liked the idea of people scrolling down their news feed and seeing a giant picture of my face with the caption 'so and so has changed their profile picture'. I'd rather change it, but prevent it being posted on everyone's new feed.

    Is there a way to do this? I just attempted uploading it and the only option was to hide it on my wall, but that doesn't hide it from the news feed.

    2 AnswersFacebook7 years ago
  • What does "courier received" mean for a delivery?

    My order tracking says the following:

    Date Time Status

    29/03/2014 12:55 Courier Received

    29/03/2014 05:31 Out For Delivery To Courier

    29/03/2014 05:17 Processed at Depot

    29/03/2014 04:35 Out For Delivery

    28/03/2014 02:20 Receipt at Hub

    27/03/2014 21:10 Order Generated

    Does "courier received" mean the order is out for delivery, or that the courier has the item but isn't delivering it?


    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • Import Cost for Delivery From Korea to the UK?

    I'm thinking about purchasing an item from South Korea on eBay which is around £270, being a computer monitor. One thing which is holding me back is my lack of knowledge when it comes to import costs into the UK and whether or not I'll have to pay extra. I understand that countries outside the EU require import tax, which I think is something like 20%. If this is the case, it's around £50 tax just for me to have this item delivered, but I really don't know how it all works... also, how does import tax get paid for? is it charged when I buy the item on eBay, or is it a separate charge when the item arrives in the UK?


    2 AnswersUnited Kingdom7 years ago
  • What just happened with my parcel delivery?

    I have an item which I ordered at the weekend, and it was scheduled for delivery today. Earlier today I ended up staying in bed a bit longer than usual due to it being my day off, and so I wasn't in the best state to be ready to answer the door for a delivery. Anyhow, just after waking up and sitting up in bed I heard the delivery van pull up on the drive, so I frantically jumped out of bed and threw the first clothes I could find on. When I reached the door the man had already rang the doorbell and walked back to the van, and he was getting into it alongside his partner who was driving. I walked up to the van and said "excuse me, that delivery was for me", they both looked at me, and then one of them said something in such a strong accent I had no idea what he said, then they just drove off. I didn't receive a 'you've missed your delivery' note either?

    I feel a little dazed as to what happened because I had literally just woke up, but it seems really weird that they knocked on my door then just drove off despite me physically approaching them. The package he was holding when I first saw the delivery was also definitely mine, as it was large and the exact shape I was expecting.

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago
  • What is actually going on with Russia and Ukraine right now?

    I've kind of been hearing bits of news here and there regarding the whole situation, but I haven't been following it precisely. Today I heard something in the news mention Ukraine and nuclear weapons, which spiked my interest, can someone explain to me exactly what is going on? I'm not after an essay, just a legitimate non-biased summary of it. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations7 years ago
  • Can Dogs Really Sense Ghosts?

    I know this is a very sceptical subject to bring up, but I've been really curious about my dog's behaviour recently and I'm trying to get a better understanding of it. My dog is 11, and she's always been a very paranoid and worrying dog, constantly on edge at any noise she hears and she does things like hide under a table when someone raises their voice in the house or thunder/lightning occurs. At night my dog sleeps in my bedroom, and she's always very nocturnal and rarely will she sleep through the entire night like the rest of my family. Recently however, she has been really paranoid, to an almost silly degree. Any small click sound or water pipe creak makes her really twitchy at night and often she'll jump up from her sitting position because of a tiny noise or creak. She has also been staring at random areas of my bedroom like walls and the end of my bed where my desk is. Now I'm not someone who believes nor denies ghosts and spirits, but it is becoming a concern for me with her odd behaviour, and in all honesty it frightens me a bit. My house is only around 15 years old and nobody has died here or anything, it's fairly modern.

    Any thoughts? Is it just me being paranoid ;)

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • What do you do if you hit another car?

    I passed my driving test yesterday and I'm just curious about a few things for my future of driving. I was wondering what it is you're supposed to do in the event of an accident or a small collision. Obviously if the collision is bad and people are injured then it's a case of getting the emergency services immediately, but what would I do, if for example, I just scraped a car or someone hit the back of me at a red light? Do you get out of your car if it's a busy road? Do you attempt to pull into a safer area before getting out the car? What insurance details do you give the other driver? Do you ring the police?


    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • Would an adult enjoy a Nintendo 3DS?

    When I was younger I owned a Nintendo DS, and I had a great amount of fun with it, back in the days where simple 2D games would amuse me for hours on end. I'm 18 now and have a spare bit of cash to spend, and I've been looking at the Nintendo 3DS XL lately, but I'm struggling to make a decision. Being my age, I have no friends that use DS', and I fear that I may get bored of the 'loneliness' with playing singleplayer games all the time, without the ability to compare my stats and experiences with anybody else. I'd definitely like to experience Pokemon once again, as well as other titles such as the Zelda games and Fire Emblem: Awakening, but I just don't know if I'll enjoy them. I'm also mainly a PC gamer and I play all games with maximum graphics settings, so I'm used to high end games running in 1080p at 60fps, not small screens with SD-like graphics.

    What do you think? Is it weird to be playing a DS at my age?

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Gear7 years ago
  • How Do You Use Garry's Mod?

    I'm slightly confused about the whole concept of Garry's Mod and how you actually play the game. Over the past week or so it has been on sale on Steam, so I've been contemplating purchasing it, but I haven't done so yet because I can't find any decent tutorials for it.

    From what I've gathered so far you need to buy the game as well as Counter Strike Source for the texture packs, and then you download game modes from the internet which people have made for it, such as Prop Hunt? I'm also confused as to how you play the game with other people. Is it singleplayer as well as multiplayer? Can you search and join lobby's online or can you only play with friends? How does it all work?


    1 AnswerPC7 years ago
  • Facial skin gets extremely dry during winter?

    I'm 18 and for the past 3-4 years or so I have suffered with really bad dry skin on my face, in particular during the winter period when it's cold and the harsh weather dries out my face. It comes to me worse when I have a shower and then go outside shortly after as I presume the change in temperature from hot skin in the shower to cold outside has some sort of effect on it. Since I can remember I have used moisturiser every day (expensive stuff too), but I'm finding that after an hour or so the moisturisers simply dry out on my face and throughout the day my facial skin is practically peeling, making face to face conversation somewhat embarrassing for me. Are there any products/methods that can help me prevent the dry skin for an entire day, not just a couple of hours?


    1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Can All Cars Do This? (Clutch Movement)?

    I'm currently 18 and learning to drive, and I'm not particularly knowledgeable when it comes to cars, hence why I'm asking this question.

    Basically, the car I'm learning in is a newer model Ford Focus, but there's a mechanism I am slightly confused about. When I'm in the car and stationary, it is possible for me to use only the clutch to make the car move along (at a slow pace). When I lift the clutch to biting point and hold it, the car begins to move forwards, and I can drive the car at a slow speed using simply the clutch, without having to apply acceleration. After months of learning to drive now, I feel I've become quite reliant on this mechanism to get the car moving, although I would only use it in slow moving areas which aren't on a gradient.

    As I'm aware, I don't think all cars can do this? I remember my first time driving a car with my Dad about a year ago, using my Mum's older car, and if I simply used only the clutch to try and move the car would stall. I fear that I have learnt to use this method in my instructor's car, but when I come to buying a (likely) cheaper, old car myself, I will attempt to do it and simply stall.

    Can someone please explain whether all cars work like my instructor's car, or whether only some do it, or what??

    7 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago
  • Knowing when to pull out on busy roundabouts?

    I'm currently learning to drive in the UK, and I've been having a bit of trouble with my judgements at roundabouts, in particular the multiple lane busy ones. In my last lesson I was taken to a fairly urban area during rush hour, and I was made to do roundabouts over and over for about 2 hours. During this time I felt somewhat in panic, which is not usual for me driving, and at nearly every busy roundabout I hesitated and sometimes missed my open gaps to pull out smoothly.

    My problem is, I drive up near the roundabout entrance (in the correct lane), and when I look towards oncoming traffic coming from the right, all my mind seems to see is bundles of cars flying here, there and everywhere. I find it hard to comprehend which cars are actually going to be a 'threat' to me, and which are pulling off before passing me. Do I just have to wait for all indicating cars to pass before pulling out? Or should I even wait for cars that aren't indicating, just encase they do swing out in front of me? It's just very frustrating to be amongst such fast paced traffic when you keep hesitating and slowing others down...


    4 AnswersSafety8 years ago