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  • How can I know what CPU is compatible with my mother board?

    I want to upgrade my current CPU (AMD Athlon II X3 435 triple core) for a better one. I bought a better graphics card and PSU, upgraded RAM by 4GB, and the performance has gotten better, but the processor is still lacking (for exemple some games I can't play). I also have no Idea how to know what my motherboard is. Someone told me to use this "PC Wizard 2012" but I still don't know, here's what I can show you(, I don't know if the "mainboard" is the motherboard. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Should I buy shares of Air Canada (AC-B.TO)?

    This website says it's good to buy it. And I'm talking short-term, 5-10 days. The price is 2.67, and with spring break, people will flay

    1 AnswerInvesting8 years ago
  • Will this share price go up?

    During the next week or so? I have bought 6000 shares of it at 5.94

    1 AnswerInvesting8 years ago
  • I'm 5'8" (around 173cm), 16 years old male. Will I grow more? :(?

    additional info: mother is 169cm, father is 177cm. Family isn't particularly tall.

    5 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Doing push ups, pull ups and sit ups every two days?

    I regularly play football (soccer). So my legs and cardio is pretty much fit. However, to get my upper body in form, will doing push ups (variations like diamond push ups or inclined), pull ups(and chin ups), and sit ups get my upper body in form?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I need arguments for "Why isn't it necessary to die for a cause"?

    I'm writing a text, I need two arguments for my position. The question was: "Is it worth dying for a cause?" and I said no.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How can I know if a power supply is compatible with my motherboard?

    I want to buy a new one, but i don't know

    1 AnswerDesktops10 years ago
  • Are these graphic cards compatible with my computer?

    I have an Acer AX3400-E3102, it is a small low height desktop computer.

    It has PCI express x 16 slot, and a power supply of 220w.


    Will they work on my computer?

    Here's a picture of my opened computer tower, the pci slot can be observed on the top.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons10 years ago
  • Why does God require you praying to him?

    Does he enjoy feeling powerful?

    Couldn't have he only created robots that would have worshiped him 24/7?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Religion vs Science debate?

    If Jesus and Mohamed came back from the past and started a debate with 2 scientific, (and we suppose they found a way to communicate), will the scientists make Jesus and Mohamed speechless?

    What could they answer to questions like "If god was a perfect creator, then why isn't the world we live in perfect?"

    Some say that "because god left us the choice, and it's ours to make"

    But why did God leave us a choice, also leaving a chance for us to do bad things? Why leave a choice when we don't have a perfect brain?

    They say god knows everything, so if he knew not everyone would make the right choices, why didn't he create humans in a way they'd believe in him from the beginning?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Proof-less holy books?

    Why were the Qur'an, the Bible, the Torah, etc. written in the past, affirming things like "The earth was created in 6 days" and other things like that, without any reasonable explanation? I mean couldn't they explain all the strange things they write, instead of just writing them and thinking everyone will believe them?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Atheists, leave us alone!!?

    I mean we know we have absolutely no evidence of that old man with a white beard in the clouds who see's everything, also when you touch yourself at night, but come on! Do you have evidence of the opposite?

    I know, it doesn't make sense, Jesus couldn't just defy gravity and walk on a liquid. But come on, have you ever tried? Maybe it works!

    How do you know earth wasn't created in 6 days and 6 nights?

    How do you know Jesus isn't the on of God? I mean even God may be horny at times!

    okay, i know, The world we live in today is terrible. And god knew it. But what, God has the right to enjoy watching us suffer!

    Seriously though.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • God's perfection or imperfection?

    Throughout the ages, God has been referred to as a symbol, the symbol of perfection, the "Good", etc. God has supposedly every power in the universe.

    Now if that is the case, he created humans. Humans are his creations.

    1. He obviously knew (as he knows everything) humans would make the world terrible, a world where there are murders, rape, crime, war, etc, so why did he create humans in the first place? Does God enjoy watching his creations suffer?

    2. Apparently, according to holy books, those who don't believe in him go to hell. Unless God enjoys watching his creations burn in hell, why not create humans in a way they'd believe in him from the beginning?

    Some people say because "He wanted to leave humans the choice, (he thinks the right choice is to believe in him)", but i say if the right choice is to believe in God, why give them a choice when the human brain rightfully questions God's existence? Why not give them a brain with an extra "God belief and faith" part?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Not saying God is nonesense, but..?

    But seeing the world today is full of unfairness, crime, murder, war, hunger, poverty, etc., Why did god create this world (those who think he did) if he knew this would happen?

    People say Adam and Eve were perfect in the beginning, but they had the bad idea to eat from the tree of knowledge. Therefore having a bad idea isn't what perfect people do.

    If god was perfect, he wouldn't want others to suffer, now would he?

    If he knew Adam and Eve were gonna f**k everything up by doing that, why did he create them in the first place? Why not create people who according to him were perfect, and worshiped him all day?

    Or why didn't he just leave things as they were, without creating anything, and put himself in human form and enjoy the world he created?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Adam and eve were perfect?

    Apparently, they were perfect until they ate from the tree of knowledge and evil. Then things became bad.

    We can conclude that eating from the tree was a bad idea.

    Now tell me, if Adam and Eve were so perfect, why did they have the bad idea of eating from the tree?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • God made a mistake.........?

    Apparently, god created humans, and wants them to believe in him and worship him, otherwise they go to hell.

    Unless god is a psychopath, why wouldn't he create humans in a way they believe in him as soon as they are born?

    If humans don't believe in him, according to god, it's a negative thing. Therefore, it's a fault. So humans are not perfect. Then why wouldn't god create perfect humans, where there are no war and murder and conflict? Isn't that better? Or is it that he enjoys watching us kill each other and send us to hell?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • God's personality...........?

    People say God is generous, kind, forgives people, blablabla

    But to have that, you need a brain. Otherwise, where are emotions based in God?

    And if they say he is generous and all, i might as well say God is a pervert because he made the "fecundation" a process with pleasure, whereas it's not even needed.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago