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  • Song about three sisters looking for husbands?

    There's a humorous filk song about three sisters looking for husbands, I think they're all wanting to go to a ball or a party or something. The first one brags on herself, and then the other two shoot her down, and then the next, and finally the last. Then they go home, all single.

    It was sung by a three woman band, kind of renaissance faire style music. I'd love to know the name of the song and/or the name of the band. I had it maybe 6 years ago, but I lost it and I haven't been able to find it since then, nor remember the name of the song.

    2 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • What is the country music video, set in a high school football stadium?

    where the singer talks about singing on her radio and being famous after the girl snubs him in high school and how she's unhappy?

    4 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Can a change in weather cause a wireless signal to be less strong even inside? ?

    We have a wireless network that normally is very strong. However, today (and on rare occasions in the past) it will fail completely in my boss's office. I was wondering if it is possible that a change in humidity might be the culprit.

    I know the signal is still effective up close and personal, just not to its normal range.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Could someone else have taken Jesus's place?

    If someone other than the only son of God had chosen to lead a perfect and sinless life (and assuming they had the ability to do so) would them sacrificing their life have been enough to free the world from sin?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • From the Bible, who do you think got the most unfair reputation?

    A lot of people in the bible (real or not) have received a poor reputation somewhat (IMO) unfairly. Among these are Simon the Sorcerer (misunderstood the power of Christ and asked for forgiveness when corrected), doubting Thomas (trusted in Christ but not in other people) and the like.

    So I'm curious, who do you believe has wrongfully received a bad reputation and why?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking do you believe?

    That people enter and leave your life at certain times for a reason? Not that they necessarily die, but that they might move away, or you might just drift apart and that such is natural and that it is natural for friends to grow apart / loose touch with one another, or do you believe that you should at least try and maintain a small amount of contact to the people who through your life have meant a great deal to you?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists why do you refuse?

    to compromise your morals in circumstances where not doing so might cause you problems? Or are your morals more situational?

    For example: If your morals include not cheating, and a friend of yours stole a copy of a hard test you're dreading, why would you not use the test?

    Or if your morals involve not taking things that don't belong to you why do you turn in money that is mistakenly given to you (say, by a bank)?

    The reason I ask is because I know many atheists are moral and I know the generic Christian answers so I'm curious as to yours.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do some Atheists blame the world's problems like genocide?

    On religions when atheists are just as capable as the religious when it comes to committing genocide (ie. Joseph Stalin)?Why can't we all just agree that people in general are capable of great evil with or without religion?

    And, finally, aren't you proud of me, I spelled Atheist right? (I had to go back and retype it each time it appears in these paragraphs but dog gone it, I got it right finally. Proves that we religious people can learn a few new tricks.)

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Need help finding the name of a movie I saw roughly 8 years ago.?

    The movie was about a prostitute with aids that is hooked on meth. A boy started following her around and trying to get her to straighten out her life and eventually she does. Turns out the kid has aids as well.

    There's a scene in the movie where she tells the kid what he needs to do to help her beat her addiction and he ties her to a chair and all that she goes through. It was intense.

    I was hoping someone could help me find the name of the movie. I think it was probably made for HBO or Showtime because I was watching it on tv and I don't think it would've been on a normal cable tv channel.

    I don't recall any of the actors or actresses in it, but I don't believe there was anyone famous in the movie. It wasn't Rent.

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Christians would you be willing to have a bible study if?

    the person you were going to study with demanded you spend an equal amount of time studying their religion?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are there really this many fundies in the general population?

    Since coming to Yahoo Answers I've seen tons of Christian fundies and athiest fundies, both of whom have nothing better than to try and force their beliefs on the other party or alternatively to simply ridicule the other party with name calling and derogatory remarks.

    Do such people truely compromise the majority of society, or is the fact that this is a specifically religious area invite more fundies than truely exist per capita in the population?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Need help finding the name of a movie I saw roughly 8 or so years ago.?

    The movie was about a prostitute with aids that is hooked on meth. A boy started following her around and trying to get her to straighten out her life and eventually she does. Turns out the kid has aids as well.

    There's a scene in the movie where she tells the kid what he needs to do to help her beat her addiction and he ties her to a chair and all that she goes through. It was intense.

    I was hoping someone could help me find the name of the movie. I think it was probably made for HBO or Showtime because I was watching it on tv and I don't think it would've been on a normal cable tv channel.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • If I have 3 arcbound workers (only) and my opponent plays pyroclasm, can 1 survive as a 3/3?

    For example, the first one takes 2 damage dies and moves its counter to the third one, the second one takes 2 damage dies and moves its counter to the third one, and the third one takes 2 points of damage and lives or do they all go to the graveyard simultaneously?

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago