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  • ideas on this story so far (needs to be done for tomorrow)?


    ok this is the part im not to sure about with my spelling commas and full stop and i just need your idea on it im still in the middle of writing it just now so give me your feedback good or bad i dont care by the way im only 14. tell me if it confused you at parts or if you understood it and if you think i should add stuff into it just copy and paste it and you can even add to it and i will decide what i think of the story

    franks pov

    as we walked to english we had the usaul names chucked to bothe me and mikey but it really doesn't bother me i liked being my self. so what if i like rock insted of pop so what i would rather be in a band with gerard,mikey,ray and bob insted of playing football and soccor. i knew for a fact that i would rather sit with my four best friends play my guitar whislt they did what they needed to do in are band. being close to them really helped are band but i was the only one who knew what mikey did. he didnt tell me but i found out because he forgot to put on his hoodie when he was at mine so i seen his scars all up his arms. i really didnt know why he had cut himself the mikey way i knew as a kid cried if a bug went on him. let alone mikey being able to cut himself was shocking. we walked into are science class and took are seats at the back i looked over at mikey and said "i was wondering if it was okay that i put some of are videos on youtube because i just wanted to see if people liked ar music. Gerard said that we might even get noticed and asked to record for people if we done it so i wonder what you wanted to call are band?" silly question to ask but we havnt thought of a name all we knew is we loved making music and didnt care that we never had a name we were just 5 guys from new jersey who loved making music."sure i really dont care what you do with are videos as long as are music sounds good in it is all that matters" after mikey said that the bell had went and students started to come in to the classroom. mr armstrong looked at the class and said wright class today we are learning about different types of chemicals. mikey looked as if he had an idea "frank i figured what we could call are band!" mikey said it in a whisper but you could tell that it was a excited whisper. "dude thats great but what intill tonight for when we put up the videos and we can tell the rest of the band"

    thank you for reading and please leave feed back and the start just explains who they are and gives you an idea on why mikey self harmed and describes how they looked. if you have any ideas on what you think of it and my whole class will get a copy of it and if you think i should start over and not do the story and just say "my laptop broke so everything is lost" if you think i shouldnt show my class it cause they already class me and my chemical romance emos so i thought it was a bad idea with the self harm and my chemical romance put together

    3 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • How to make yourself sick?

    Im not trying to loose weight it's that I have been feeling sick the whole day and I keep on only getting up like tiny bits of sick I just want it all to be over and done with but I don't want to stick my fingers down my throat

    3 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • are we falling back in love ?

    ok so her boyfriends hot and by hot i mean drop dead gorgeous <3 and the Other night i dream that me and him had an affair behind her back and that he broke up with her and me and him got together and i cant get him out of my mind and its not like i only like him because shes going out with him. and tbh shes dumb and by dumb i mean she wrote on my biology folder Football= toilet toilet=pooh love ******** and i liked him before she went out with him anyway i just don't know what to do and in the dream we made out then did it in his place XP and she keeps changing the way she looks to be more like me i dyed my hair red and put black in it and then a week later she got it done and before she meant me she liked justin bieber i mean who could like him ? and then she found out i love mcr(MyChemicalRomance) and shes singing all there songs i mean can she stop copying me So he will like her Btw me and him are Exs :L and she keeps chasing him with sticks like a four year old and shes 13 im 14 and hes 15 weird i know XP

    and at lunch we have like a group of people that hang about in the same spot and he talks to me more then anyone else and he never hugs her and he always hugged me even for no reason even in front of his friend and teachers that walked past us please just tell me what to do ? </3

    2 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Is my nose pierce infected ?

    I got my nose done on wednesday and it's sunday and my nose is all like dry on the side it got done and it isn't sore ior anything just bugging me because of the dryness on my nose and I was it twice a day with the foam and its not the foam that's making it dry because I keep putting it on the foldy partof my arm to see if it was the foam it's not and it might be the plasters that I have been putting on it at night beacause my dad is a cheapskate hahah so any ideas ? And I'm 14 btw

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • what side should i get my nose pierced ?

    im getting my nose pierced and i dont know what side to get done tell me what side would suite me for it

    bgq1: and what side for my lip?

    pic 1 :

    pic 2 :

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • would we be able to use r us in are store name or does toys r us own the rights to it ?

    were opening a store and would like to know would we be able to use "r us" in are store name or does toys "r" us own the rights to it ? we dont mind if they own the rights to it we will respect that and will not us the "r us" in it its just if the dont own the rights to it the we would like to use it in are store name

    all answers welcomed and thanked for

    Nicola x

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • adoption rights ? please answer ?

    if the parents to two children died in a car crash and and the will they said they want there kids to go to the fathers mum And dad would they still have to go to court and fight for them to adopt there grandchildren ? just a question i always wanted too know

    bq : and if someone left there child with a close friend and just left them saying they didn't want them and they want there friend to keep there kid would they have to go to court and do the same thing as the grandparents or would they have to fight more for the kid ?

    6 AnswersAdoption10 years ago
  • Can i create a facebook account without giving them my phone number?

    i was creating a facebook account and they wont let me onto it without a phone number ? i cant use a phone number because i simply don't have one to give . the reason i don't have one to give is because i don't have a mobile phone. the reason i don't have a mobile phone is because it broke and i am waiting to get one . what do i do ?

    thank you

    4 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • how long should you wait after dying your hair blonde to go swimming?

    im going to florida (disneyworld) in 16 days and we will be going to typhoon lagoon and blizard becah im dye my hair blonde 14 days before we go. so how many days will i have to wait before going in the clorine filled pools ?

    bgq : how long will i have to wait before going in the sun if you dye it blonde ?

    4 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • is being scene a bad thing ?

    im scene and i want to know if its a bad or good thing because i love the scene style so im getting my hair blonde and i want to back comb the top bit then have brown extension's underneath

    6 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • maths homework help please :) ?

    (d) 108 : 144

    (e) 40 : 60 (f)



    : 12 (g) 0·8 : 16 (h) 1·7 : 34.

    3. The ratio of mice to rats in a factory is 4 : 5.

    (a) How many mice are there if there are 60 rats ?

    (b) How many rats are there if there are 52 mice ?

    4. Den and Len share a £40 000 lottery win in the ratio 3 : 5.

    How much will each receive ?

    5. Share 1000 euros between Ali, Ben and Cari in the ratio 1 : 4 : 5.

    6. (a) Eight bottles of juice costs £4. How much would one bottle cost ?

    (b) Five DVD’s cost £80. How much would it cost for four DVD’s ?

    (c) If it takes 6 men 5 hours to build a wall, how long would it have taken 4 men ?

    7. Five identical videos can hold 800 minutes of playback.

    How many minutes of playback could 4 videos hold ?

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • why is my mom so moody ???

    all i said was that i'm not looking forward to tomorrow because i'm getting my first needle :/ for cancer and i'm **** scared and now shes all in a mood with me saying (your going to school end off so stop moaning about it it's just a needle !!) so why is she in a mood it's not like i said im going to not go to school and im away to kill someone because of a needle

    Why is she angry with me ?

    5 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • just bought a new razor and cut my armpit with it ?

    it was a new razor and it was clean and i cut my armpit with it ? i cleaned it with a wipe ? its bleeding what to do ?

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • why is my mom acting like this ?

    my little brother just came home from school and woke my mum up and she asked him if I have been annoying him and he said yes kinda and now she's been shouting at me for the past five minutes I'm up in my room in tears and she's been saying " well you should have moved your fat lazy **** and went to school " and I don't know what I have done wrong all I said to my little brother was " shut up and stop making a noise " and now I just don't know what i have done wrong

    6 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • what is better sma or cow and gate or aptamil?

    i was wondering what one is best for the baby ?

    all my family use sma and i know how to make sma bottles

    so what is the better milk ?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • i am thirteen and i want a baby ?

    ok so im 13 i want a baby really badly but i wont have one tell im at least 16

    i know how to

    1.feed them

    2. how to use a sterilizer (Tommie tippee)

    3.make a bottle of Sma milk

    4. make a Sma bottle with thickener

    5.what to do if they get a nappy rash to tell if there dehydrated and what to do if they are

    7. what to do if they bump there head

    8. if the bump there head badly don't let them sleep for at least 30 minutes after they bumped it and take them to a&e

    9.make there bed

    10. how long they have to wait tell there next feed

    11. when to put them onto baby food

    12. how to make baby juice and when to use it and how to dilute it

    13. when to teach them how to sit up

    14. how to teach them to crawl and walk

    15. and how to change a nappy/diaper

    16. how to bath and change them into there clothes

    17. how to brush there teeth

    and i know there a lot of bother because you have to wake up during the night with them and get up early even if you don't want to because there your kids and you decided to have them and they didn't diecid to get mummy pregnant mummy and daddy did and the demanding and need your love and care 24/7

    so what do you's think i should do because i want a baby really bad!

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • what do i do ? i can hear my brother masterbating :L?

    im in my bedroom and i can hear my brother wankin ? what to do lol ! :L:L

    10 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • is it worth us doing universal studios ?

    ok so im going to disney world this october and i was wondering if it would be worth doing universal for two days because where going to be there for two weeks ?

    and what rides could a 20 week pregnant woman go on ? because we have had a look and there is very little to do

    the age of people going is

    my dad : 43

    My mum : 42

    Oldest brother :26

    Sis in law : 25 ( pregnant one )

    third oldest brother : 24

    Sis in law : 18

    Forth oldest brother :18

    Me: 13

    Youngest : 9

    so is it worth going to universal ?

    2 AnswersAmusement Parks10 years ago