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Favorite Answers36%
  • What should I do with an abandoned baby mouse?

    I just found a baby mouse in the back yard on the cold pavement. I have since put it in a cardboard box with a towel in it and a slightly warmed sock with rice under the towel to help keep it warm (I'll try and find a plastic box later). It's eyes are still closed, so I figure he must only be days old. I have no idea how long it was out there on its own and it's 4:30am right now, so I can't go to the store for supplies for at least 4 hours. I do have cats and will do my very best to keep it in a separate room away from them.

    Here is a video I took of it. I put a penny in for size comparison.

    Can anyone provide some knowledgeable advice to help possibly save this little guy? Thanks =)

    9 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How to change Monitor 2 to Monitor 1?

    I have two monitors, both have different max resolutions. In the Resolution menu, my main monitor (1920x1080) is labelled as "2" and my secondary monitor (1600x900) is labelled as "1".

    The problem I am having, is that some games are only displaying the max resolution of 1600x900 based on my secondary monitor ("1"). When I disable the secondary, I can restart the game and change the resolution to to 1920x1080 with no problem, but is a pain to have to do this every time.

    When secondary monitor is disabled, my primary becomes labelled as "1", but as soon as I enable it, my primary becomes "2" again.

    Is there a way to change my primary monitor to "1" while having both enabled? My graphics drivers are up to date as well.


    1 AnswerMonitors7 years ago
  • What are some good F2P multiplayer PC games?

    I'm looking for some fun,free, non-mmo games that a couple people can play on PC. My friend and I mainly play Source games like Garry's Mod, TF2, Counter Strike: Source/GO and Command and Conquer: Kane's Wrath (RTS).

    We're not really looking for any MMO's or flash games, but something a couple people can pick up and play play together at no cost.

    Any ideas? Thanks =)

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Cheap DIY poster frame?

    I live in Canada and I'm looking to get a poster from I want to use the US site because the Cyber Monday deal is much better than the Canadian sale, but to add a poster frame to my order jacks the shipping from $14 to almost $95.

    Does anyone know a good site where I can learn to make an inexpensive poster frame? The poster is only like $9, I don't want to spend too much. The type of paper it will be printed on is their "Value Poster Paper (Matte)", if that makes any difference.

    Thanks =)

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • What is an alternative to drilling into a concrete wall?

    In one of the rooms in my basement is a concrete wall that I would like to hang some picture frames and a couple of shelves, but I do not have the necessary equipment to properly drill into concrete.

    The shelves would likely only hold a maximum of 10lbs + the shelves themselves (which I have yet to buy). Is there an alternative to drilling that isn't permanent but would be able to support a few books and maybe small lamp? The only thing that comes to mind is something like Liquid Nails, but I think that is a permanent adhesive.

    Thanks =)

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • Can I quit my job without notice if it is too physically stressful to continue?

    I know it's considered inconsiderate to my employer, but if the workload is too physically stressful for me, is ok to not give any notice when I quit? The job I'm currently at is a lot of heavy lifting with constant moving, crouching and bending. Even with the workload shared among my co-workers, it is still too much for me to handle for 8-10 hours a day and putting more of the workload on others is unfair since there is next to no time to rest outside the meal break.

    I have only been with this job for a week and I feel bad for not being able to continue, is this ok to do under the circumstances?


    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Was Cloud Atlas removed from US Netflix?

    The movie was added to Netflix June 11th and I've read forum posts about others watching it less than a month ago, but when I search for it on the US Netflix, it comes up as unavailable to stream. Was it removed recently?

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • What is the best Free bandwidth monitoring utility?

    What free program do you consider to be the best bandwidth monitor for multiple PCs connected to one router?

    I am curious to see how much total bandwidth everyone in the house is using. I've used a couple before, but they were only for monitoring the bandwidth of a single PC and would much rather be able to see everything in one place. I have a TP-Link TL-WDR3600 router that does not support this feature, it does support OpenWRT, but looks far too complicated to setup and I don't want to risk bricking my router.

    Thanks =)

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • How do I change maps in Counter Strike Source using the console?

    I have a dedicated server in Counter Strike Source that I made the other day, and when I type "rcon changelevel de_dust2" or any other map name, it says "Unable to connect to remote server (". What do I need to do in order to change levels while in my server? I can play the maps just fine if I change the command in my server shortcut and restart it, just not from within the console while playing.

    Thanks =)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Who makes the best 3.5mm headset extension cables?

    I am looking to buy a 3.5mm extension cable for my new headset so I can connect the mic to the back of my PC and the headphones to my volume controller, since the connectors are too close together. I would like to retain as much of the quality as possible, and I have read that it should be shielded. Is there anything else I should know?

    Are there any brands that are better than others, or are most 3.5mm extension cables roughly the same?

    This is the headset that I bought, if that matters. Thanks =)

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Do I have a cold, allergies or something else?

    A few days ago I started getting very watery eyes and a runny nose in the left side of my face, but over night (last night), everything shifted to the right side. I also developed a headache, a slight, mildly painful cough, a ringing in my my my ear, and a quick periodic shooting pain in my head that travels to my right eye and a sensitivity to light, all on the right side of my face now.

    I usually get a runny nose and watery eyes around this time of year, but not with any of the other symptoms mentioned above.

    At first I thought it might be allergies, but with this new symptoms, I'm not sure what it could be or how to treat it. I will probably go to the walk-in clinic later today, but was hoping I could get some other people's thought and ideas before I do.

    Thanks =)

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • What is your favourite David Eddings book?

    I'm looking for a last minute gift idea for my Brother and he really enjoys David Eddings. He has Belgarath and Pogara, The Diamond Throne and the Sapphire Rose as well as the Melorian series, and I think he has read the Belgariad but does not own it.

    What is your all-time favourite book by David Eddings? Is there one in particular that most might agree that stands above the rest?

    Any input is much appreciated,

    Thanks =)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How to wash new, dark blue jeans?

    I just bought a new pair of dark blue jeans and have read different articles on preventing bleeding, but some seem to vary. Since this is my first dark pair, I have never really taken any real, special care in washing my jeans.

    I have read that using a cup of white vinegar and washing the jeans by themselves in cold water the first couple times and air drying works best to help prevent the indigo from bleeding. Some also say to use detergent, while some others say not to, I'm a little confused.

    Any advice would be much appreciated =)

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Who installs the large business signs in plazas?

    Who installs/swaps out the store signs in those giant metal outlet mall sign frames? The ones that show all the different stores.


    I am interested in acquiring one of the signs from a store that went out of business several years ago, but the sign was never removed, and I don't know who I would contact to inquire about it. Would I have any luck asking one of the businesses who installed theirs?


    2 AnswersCorporations9 years ago
  • What NiMH Battery Charger Should I Buy?

    I am looking at getting a pack of rechargeable AA Sanyo XX NiMH 2500Mah for my 360 controller and would like to know what 'smart' charger I should get with it? Will most NiMH chargers work with 2500mah batteries? I am hoping to spend under $50, but it's negotiable.


    2 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Is the Sopranos on Netflix?

    Is The Sopranos on the US version of Netflix? I just recently signed up with Netflix and I'm almost positive I saw it on there, I'm fairly certain that I even checked to see if they had all the seasons available. Now that I want to watch it, I can no longer find it.

    4 AnswersDrama9 years ago