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Polly wants a cracker...♫

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I love the earth. I'd love to travel one day. Depths of the amazon maybe?

  • What colour top goes with a cream coloured cardigan?

    i have a cardigan a bit like this:

    maybe just slightly darker

    what colour top would go with that coloured cardigan?

    thanks x

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Do boarding kennels allow in aggressive dogs?

    I'm going to do work experience in a boarding kennel/cattery (i'm 14) I was just wondering if they allow in aggressive dogs? I don't really know much about kennels so anymore useful information is appreciated. thanks x :D

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What are some major scientific breakthroughs to do with Atomic Structure?

    No need for details as such, What year a scientist discovered something significant to do with Atomic Structure and basic info on what they actually discovered?

    Thanks ;]

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • How can I do my hair like this?

    Now that it's summer I need to tie my thick hair up but I don't know what kind of style I can do it in

    I really like this:

    I know you can't see the back but does anyone know vaguely how I can get my hair like this? Like how should I tie it up should I clip it on etcetc.

    Thanks x

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • There were maggots in my cats food from the heat...?

    Because it's becoming so hot now yesterday + today I found maggots in my cats bowl. I thoroughly cleaned her bowl afterwards of course. The thing is its going to get even hotter next month + onwards.

    I have a garage at the back of our garden which we converted into my older sisters room and that's where my cats food and water is. That room gets really hot in summer and really cold in winter as its completely detached from the house. Her catflap is there because we couldn't get a catflap in the actual house.

    I feed my cat wet food twice a day and there's a bowl of dry food always avaliable and a bowl of fresh water.

    My cat seems fine i'm definitely going to take my cat to the vets or just ring the vets up to be safe. By the way my cat's nearly 2 years old

    We've decided that in the morning and evenings we're going to bring the cat inside and feed her the wet food. She usually eats the wet food in one go and regulates the dry food. even if she doesn't eat all of the wet food she can eat the dry food. If there is any wet food left over we're going to throw it away and not let it stay in the sun.

    This is only going to be for the summer.

    My questions are:

    (as my cats an outdoor cat) I will feed her wet food whenever I can but if she isn't around our garden in the morning/evenings is it okay if she just eats dry food for a day?

    Can dry food be infected with maggots?

    Will my cat be okay if I feed her dry food for a day if she's not around our garden?

    This is my first ever cat and this is my first experience of all this, please help and thanks so much !

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do I have emetophobia [fear of vomitting]?

    A few years ago I've started to have this huge fear of eating chicken or any other meat. I refuse to eat in restaurants unless a family member or myself have already been there and said it's good. If I feel sick my breathing gets deeper and if it's really really bad my palms go a bit sweaty and I get butterflies in my stomach making the feeling even worse. I HAVE to check the sell by date on milk, eggs, butter, cheese, cream... When I am ill I must have my mum to reassure me otherwise I start crying. I always carry anti-bacterial gel with me and I use it before I eat food. Every time I deal with my cat's litter or food I scrub at my hands with hot water and anti-bacterial soap and i think because of that my hands have become very very dry. I usually make my sandwiches for school at home and I never put cheese or egg inside the sandwich it's only salad. I've even become a vegetarian.

    I only take pain-killers if the pain is intolerable and if I do I MUST always take the pain-killers after i've eaten a meal [and i have to check the sell-by date]

    I started crying the first time someone told me there was an outbreak of bird-flu and swine-flu

    This is become SO annoying my family gets so angry at me for doing all this but I get so scared that i'm going to be ill :(

    First of all do I have emetophobia or am I just being a fool?

    Also should I go to my doctor? my family think it's unnecessary (even though they get annoyed by it) what exactly would my doctor do?

    Thanks so much x

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • My cat has recently began to get clumps of knotted fur around her neck and behind her ears...PLEASE help?!?!?

    Around a month ago my cat got a tiny clump of knotted fur around her neck... I put it down to not brushing her properly so when I tried to brush it out it didn't come out so I left it... Then another clump came about so this time I brushed it and washed it with special cat shampoo and I managed to get most of it out and that area of fur became fine again.

    Then last week I went on holiday and a family friend came to feed her every so often. When I came back from holiday our family friend said there was a clump of fur on her neck.

    So I looked at it and the fur had risen above the normal fur and I tried to brush it and that whole clump came off quite easily, now there is a medium to small sized bald patch in her fur (not that visible but if you move away her fur you can see it)

    My cat is 1 and a half years old

    Also about 6 or so months ago I took her off cat milk and put water there instead and she hasn't really been drinking the water... I have to give her cat milk every so often or dilute it. I've tried gradually reducing the milk, nothing has helped. I guessing maybe because of that her fur been weak?

    Btw she is a long haired cat

    she looks like this (This is NOT my cat its a very similar picture i found on the net)

    I want to go to the vet but my family is quite short of money at the moment I will try to book an appointment but PLEASE can you give me any advice as to why her fur is like this and why she just won't drink her water?

    Please I'm really desperate and worried

    Thank you very much :)

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • If pedophilia is a psychological disorder why are pedophiles taken to prison rather than a....?

    rather than a Psychiatric hospital (it didn't fit on the top bit)

    just wondering... I don't really know much about this subject..


    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of woodlice in the home?

    OK well I live in a house that has a garage at the back of the garden. We have converted that garage into a bedroom (and bathroom) for my older sister and she is currently travelling around South America so no one occupies that place apart from my cat (with only her cat food + water not her litter)

    I go and feed my cat 3 times a day. Every time I go into that room I find woodlice. The most i've found is like 9 or 10 in one go. They are mainly in the bathroom.

    It is quite humid there because there is no ventilation as no one really lives there.

    How do I get rid of them?? If there is a pesticide for thise please can you give me cat friendly ones?

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • WHY do people like Lady Gaga?

    i'm actually asking this because I see nothing positive about her :l

    18 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that if you say Blood Mary 3 times in the mirror she will scratch your face off..?

    do you have any other variations of the popular 'Blood Mary' urban legend?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite horror film ever?

    Realistic and scary :}

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is a "Fauna", "Megafauna" and "Flora" ?

    Can you put it in simple terms as well :D

    Thanks x

    3 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Do you Agree or Disagree?

    'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

    35 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's your 'Member Since' date on your Y!A profile?

    The date above your picture on your profile

    Mine: November 4th 2008


    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My cat got into a fight and she keeps hissing at everyone?

    My cat just into a fight with another cat next door and she isn't hurt or anything but she keeps hissing, scratching and biting me and my sister when we try to comfort her. I tried to feed her some dry food and when I put the food down she scratched my hand away and started eating her food :l

    Why is she doing this?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Bubbles has his own diary ?!?

    It's in point of view of Michael Jackson's chimp Bubbles

    I was at the 99p store (LOL)

    And I saw that book.. I dunno why but i think it's quite weird...

    Your thoughts?

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago