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if someone views your snapchat story twice does the most recent view bring them to the top of the viewers list?
if someone views your snapchat story time line twice does their most recent view automatically go to the top of the viewers list? In other words is the "viewers list" in order by who most recently viewed it at top - and if so, if someone watched it 1 time earlier in the day, and then re watched it after other people viewed it, will their name be at the top of the list again? Thank you
2 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years agoideas for opening a small business?
I am 18 and I want to get started on my own business. I am young, but I know this is what I want to do. I would have alittle help from my mom with money etc. so I was wondering what ideas you might have in mind that could be sucessful. Any experience? I am 100% into this and I am open to ALL ideas. Please help me out.
6 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agoWHATS ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST?
name the things you want, more then one would be great. im thinking of ideas for my gifts this year! please state your gender. thanks!
i want to get my boyfriend something nice. i feel like getting him a bunch of different things through out the day, almost like an endless christmas. I NEED A GUYS OPINION. anything new on the market youd enjoy. He is into soccer, he has XBOX, he wears express & ralph lauren. He is very handsome. and i want to prove to him how thoughtful my gifts can be. Weve been through alot this is basically our 2nd year going out, although weve gone through our share of rough patches
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agocan i get into college with a 2.76 and a 1260 on my SAT?
if so... where? i have alot of extra curriccular.
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agowhat do guys want us to do in a relationship?
iv been dating this guy now for a while, we dated for a year, broke up, and recently like 4 months ago got back together. he has been great, he has suprised me soo many times now and made everything in the past go away. ( he also took me to the world series!) i love him, although im only 18 i honestly feel so happy when im with him. Recently- as in today, i wanted to do something for him. Anything- sex isnt the answer to my question bc we already do that.How can you keep a relationship from getting boring. I want to know what guys want us to do so they are ALWAYS happy and ALWAYS want to be with us.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agowant to get my boyfriend a pedicure for his 18th birthday! good idea?
GUYS PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU LIKE THIS IDEA haha. TELL ME SOMETHING ELSE YOUD LIKE! sexy times laterrr in the day ;) haha sooo tell me what else youd like
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoany ideas that you've used in the past that works for boyfriends birthday (18th)?
its my boyfriends 18th birthday. any ideas that were sucessful to suprise him or make him happy? ( my boyfriend have been dating for about a month, made it offical 2 days ago, but dated for a 1 + in the past so its okay if its something you wouldnt do for someone youve only dated for a short amount of time, ALL IDEAS ARE GOOD ) thanks so much!
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoDo you speed up when your going to hit a deer?
3 AnswersCommuting1 decade agowhat color shade blonde should i lighten my eyebrows to if my hairs bleach blonde?
my hair is reallly light blonde with some darker blonde hair/ medium hair underneath. my eyebrows are like a dark blonde and it looks awful i really need help. and if you have suggestions on a box color to use. btw i used a facial hair bleach and at first was happy with the results but as i looked it was really turning orange so i dont want to use that anymore
1 AnswerHair1 decade agowhat color bathing suit complements a tan bleach blonde?
i need helppppp.. getting a bathing suit, i was thinking solid red? but idk i want peoples opinions pleasee
10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agowhat do i put into my Americans with disablies act thesis paper.. whats a thesis paper?
i dont understand the objective of a thesis paper, can someone please explain what the point is, and what i should try to get across in my paper? ... and if its for 3 subjects or ideas in one paper, what would you choose to write about?
1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade agohelp from someone who has had experience with highlights on bleach blonde hair, or a hair dresser? need?
my hair has soo many highlights that you only see my natural hair alittle but it still shows ( which i like because i want a little contrast) but my natural color hair is dirty blonde, and i want like a bright strawberry/coppery color under my high lights instead.. how can i get my "low lights" or whatever you would call it to be strawberry/copper color without ruining my already highlighted hair?
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoex fu*ked me over, moving on, excited for something new but need advice..10 pts!?
my ex boyfriend and i dated for almost a year and i was mistakenly blinded by the things he said to me, he had me head over heels for him because he never really let me go. anyways sure enough he ****** me over one too many times and i am now compelely done with him, i want nothing to do with him. im not really concerned about getting someone new because i am intrested in a guy or two but i feel like its hard since were friends... how do you branch off from being "just friends" to being more then that because the guys im now intrested in seem like theyd never make the first move even though i have a feeling they are intrested. my ex did have a way about him that he had the first approach under controll ( which i liked) but now it looks like i need to do that? hellllllp me i need someone new in my life for a change and im sooo excited to start something new
14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoneed opinions on an ex, he ****** up and he admits it, its long but guareented 10 pts for best answer?
hi, i really need help because im at the point i dont know what to do and i need outside opinions on this.
I am 17 and so is my ex boyfriend. We dated for about a year, and about 8 months ago called it off because this girl started to get in the way. She texted him etc. and im sure he did the same to her. People told me he cheated on me with her but he still to this day denys it and trys to convince me its not true. No one ever told me they saw it so i figure, no witnesses or evidence i just need to trust him, i let it go. I started to see them in many pictures together at parties and such but since he was still stringing me along and telling me he loves me, i didnt let that get to me ( it did but i let it go ) .. i upset myself for a long time until we started to really talk again and hang out like we used to, we were basically going out but not exactly. I was upset he hadnt asked me to be offical but i wanted to give it time so i didnt make him feel rushed etc. he asked me on valentines day to our junior prom and it was well over 100 dollars for everything he set up, then about a week later i was with him a small get together and as he is kissing me i take his phone- he tries to take it back but i read a message saying "please please come to this party otherwise they are going to invite the desperate junior girls" obviously ticked off i had me and my girls leave ASAP. he tried his best to get into contact with me, which i ignored for about a week until i let it ago once again.. he claims i read wrong/ whatever. KEEP IN MIND IM STILL IN LOVE WITH HIM. so then since we were still going to prom together since i declined other people for him, we kept in touch... then the prom came, it was really good, he kissed me so much and really had me falling for him etc, then i find out that night he accepted her invite to the senior prom, i told him in advance if he says yes to her its over, im cutting all ties with him and i cant do this to myself anymore, so i didnt let this effect my prom with him, but i texted him the next day telling him i had a great time at prom, but i told you if you said yes its over, he called me and demanded to see me that mintue so he drove to my house and we talked, for the first time i actually saw him crying, not just choked up like usual fights but tears. i told him how much he ment to me but theres just a point where it is unhealthy to do this to myself anymore. the next day he called me and he tried to convince me to not do this and tell me how much he loved me and how im different from other girls etc. but i told him its over. then i started to get texts from him, i ignored all them. in most of them it was telling me he has something important to tell me but i didnt want to listen because i wanted him to see life without me, i wanted to stick to my word. last night i answered his stupid text and he told me he is wanted to tell her no but me not answering him has him thinking he shouldnt do that, almost as if he is going to turn the whole thing around on me.. i am in love with him, he constantly is telling me how much i mean to him and how she means zero to him, .. he says she likes him but he doesnt like her. but since he always chooses her feelings over mine all the time i want him to prove it to me that she doesnt mean anything to him. i want him to cut off all contact with her, and if possible say no to the prom ( in a nice way, say listen i really like her so us talking and going together isnt helping, im so sorry) .. he says he is going to prove it to me. does it seem to you as if he is serious, does he care about me, does he like her? what would you say to him if you were me? i need serious help because this has been going on too long now. thanks so much.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoif i let him go will he come back to me if he really loves me? 10 pts to best answer?
iv been going through alot lately between my ex of about a year and i. i love him and its been soo hard because this other girl always got in the way. He claims he loves me and doesnt want her at all and never has. yet he made a promise to me hed decline her senior prom since at the time we were talking and i told him id end everything and want to cut ties between us if he accepted. we got into a fight and i found out the night of our prom ( we went together) he excepted. i didnt make this a problem on our night but i told him i need to let him go because its not healthy for me anymore to be hurt all the time. He knows he did wrong and cried ( first time iv ever actually seen him really cry) he claims to still love me and he cant let go because im "different" then other girls and he spilled to me his feelings... as much as this makes me want him back and forgive i cant because then i look like i dont keep to my word. i love him so much and i never have had these feelings for anyone else but my real question for all of this is if i let him go, will he come back in the end. is the quotes true "if you love somebody,let them go, if they return they were always yours if they dont, they never were?".. i am not saying im let him go for him to come back but i want him to realize time without me because maybe for once hed see what hed really be missing.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoif you let him go, will he come back if he really cares? 10 pts automatically for best answer?
iv been going through alot lately between my ex of about a year and i. i love him and its been soo hard because this other girl always got in the way. He claims he loves me and doesnt want her at all and never has. yet he made a promise to me hed decline her senior prom since at the time we were talking and i told him id end everything and want to cut ties between us if he accepted. we got into a fight and i found out the night of our prom ( we went together) he excepted. i didnt make this a problem on our night but i told him i need to let him go because its not healthy for me anymore to be hurt all the time. He knows he did wrong and cried ( first time iv ever actually seen him really cry) he claims to still love me and he cant let go because im "different" then other girls and he spilled to me his feelings... as much as this makes me want him back and forgive i cant because then i look like i dont keep to my word. i love him so much and i never have had these feelings for anyone else but my real question for all of this is if i let him go, will he come back in the end. is the quotes true "if you love somebody,let them go, if they return they were always yours if they dont, they never were?".. i am not saying im let him go for him to come back but i want him to realize time without me because maybe for once hed see what hed really be missing.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agocutting of ties with ex boyfriend? he cried.. 10 pts to best answer?
background : ex and i have been broken up offically for 8 months, ended being "together" about 3 months ago. both reasons because he had contact with a girl i can not stand. when we were together i told him if he goes to her senior prom with her its over with us, no more talking etc. he compelely understood. we had a fight and now here i am 3 months later. she asked him and he said yes. when i found out ( which happened to be the night of our prom..we went together) i was upset but wanted to enjoy the night. that night he tried to kiss me etc.and i refused to let him kiss me because i didnt want feelings to come back more then they already were there. the next day i told him i had to cut of contact and in a nice way being completlely honest telling him i still love him. we spoke in his car for about and hour and he started to cry. i said i wanted to end on good terms and all he says is obviously its not going to if you never want to talk to me again. i told him maybe we can work something out.. he said he is mad at me .. but it was his fault for accepting the prom. what do you think will happen? do you think he will try to contact me? sometimes i feel like i do this to see how much he still cares and then regret what i did.. but at the same time i feel like i needed to do this to show him what i say isnt just a joke and he doesnt need to take it seriously. i find myself always upset and i find it hard to let go of him. we went out for about a year and are 17
10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agostill have feelings for my ex bf, i want to get him back eventually but for now i want him to be intrested...?
hey, just need a little help here with ways to get an ex intrested again. i have a feeling he may already be slightly because he will still text and call and ask me to go for a ride every now and then but i was wondering if you know any tips to keep him intrested. and what guys like most in a girl.. turn ons and turn offs. thanks btw 10 pts to the best answer
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoCan someone tell me a story of how an ex you loved came back into your life after much time has passed?
can someone tell me a story of an ex coming back into your life? how much time passed before they came back? and how did they come back? ( was it through a text or call, email..etc.)
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago