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Lv 31,947 points

Matthew W

Favorite Answers15%

For your information: I used to do politics on here, but please note that if you look through any of my past questions or answers that MANY if not ALL of my ideas have changed on those subjects. Also, I do not debate politics any-longer.

  • Honest Health Websites?

    To Specify:

    Websites which are not just trying to sell their products.

    Websites which admit when there is a lack of information about a certain subject, rather than just asserting for the sake of asserting.

    AKA: Websites which, for the most part, seem to take the 'honest' path about telling you what is known, what isn't, and then offering you quality solutions.

    I've wandered around searching through places like Men's Health, and WebMD, but they all seem to be looking at things from very 'one option only' perspectives, without admitting criticisms or uncertainties within the different recommendations.

    So, do you have any suggestions, Oh people of the internet~?

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • A different connotation for "kanai"? (Japanese)?

    I was reading up on the word "kanai" or 家内 and this website told me, as my instruction in the language has also taught me, that the word is translated as 'wife' (when referring to one's own). However, it also can be directly translated as 'inside the house'... Now, similarly, Shujin means 'husband' (one's own) but can be translated to mean 'lord' or 'master'. I read that some of the younger generations are tending to avoid that word because of it's connotations. Now, 'goshujin' is still normal for guys to use regardless, or so it says, so since I'm most likely not going to have a husband, but I am more likely to have a wife (since I'm straight and male) I was wondering if there is any way to avoid the sort of sexist connotations of 'kanai'.

    Of course, I'd also like to know the formality of any word you suggest to replace it as well, considering the importance of that in any Japanese conversation.

    If not, that's cool. Knowing there is no alternative word is also a useful answer.

    Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Could you see the top of a space elevator from the ground?

    I'm just curious as I don't know how the atmosphere visually would distort something at that height. I mean, of course, during a cloudy day or a foggy day you wouldn't see it, but assuming a clear bright day, would you see all the way to the top? or would it be like an ALMOST to the top thing where you can't quite see it. Also, since there is usually some sort of counter-balance on the elevator, would that be visible from earth? or maybe during the late sunset early night when the sun could still hit that part of the elevator but not the ground below it? That way it would be similar to the way we can see the moon.

    It's more a visual question than a technical one. I'm just curious is all ^.^

    Most of the time, when artists show a space elevator, they display it from the side on the ground level, focusing on the ground installation and so I can never really get a feel for how it would look when following it visually with your eyes up into the sky.

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • I now believe completely and assuredly in Anthropogenic Global Warming... now what?

    I had to do the research myself to find arguments and whatnot... argued and debated it, and eventual AGW won out.

    [I later found this nifty little website: which has stored a lot of the arguments I had to research myself... not all of them, but certainly a lot, however I guess I probably benefited from doing the work myself]

    ANYWAYS... I recycle as much as I can, and I would vote for a politician who would do something about it, however NO politicians seem to be paying attention to THAT debate for fear of alienating voters... and those which hold AGW perspectives aren't acting on it with any efficiency or haste... so with that being a level playing-field, I can't rightly vote based on that topic.

    So what's a person to do? Move to Canada and buy tracts of land which are worthless now but will warm up in the next 50-100 years? (that was a joke btw)

    Politically I can't do anything, I've been a vocal advocate for Electric cars before I was even a proponent of AGW, am a proponent of 'green sustainable energy', and while I'd love to buy economic things just based off of their 'effect on the environment' I'm a pretty poor college kid...

    I don't have time to go to rallies as I work on my degree or the money to donate to a cause...

    I ride with a friend to class since I know he would drive anyways, but otherwise I don't have a car so I usually have to walk otherwise, so that choice is actually made for me economically rather than based on AGW.

    So what measures, steps, or actions can I actually take now that I see AGW as a viable threat?

    14 AnswersGlobal Warming9 years ago
  • Location of shower switch?

    My relatives moved into this home, and don't know how to switch this bath/shower to go from bathtub to shower. I looked everywhere and couldn't find the switch/nob either.

    Did I look for all the possibilities? or did someone screw up and not put in a switch?

    1) There is a shower head hooked up to the wall that goes into the wall, and as far as I can tell is hooked up to a pipe on the other side, so I assume it's not just for show.

    2) There are only 2 nobs. Hot and Cold.

    3)There is a switch below the faucet for the drain, but I've tried it every way, and it can twist a bit (a little old) but only likes moving up and down, which does close and open the drain for the bath.

    4) The bath faucet is very plain, having no switches, levers, or any other moveable part on it.

    5) All sides of the bathtub, or even the walls of the shower do not contain switches.

    6) The sink in the bathroom, when I checked below it, did also not have any switches other than 2 for the hot and cold of the sink (I doubted it would be there, but I didn't know for sure).

    Am I missing a possible solution? Thanks!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • What should I draw? I'm going on a manga style drawing practice binge.?

    I have a week off from work, and very few responsibilities (not normally, but just for the next week) and I've been trying to become a better manga style Artist. So, have any helpful websites or methods to get better at drawing over a week of majority-of-the-day drawing? Consider me an amateure. I've done some stuff considered 'acceptable' by a mediocre artist standard, maybe a few pieces that could compete with crappy Pokemon level, but not much else... so don't assume much knowledge on the field. I've done a few tutorials on facial locations and a few others... but yeah :/ you get the idea...

    So Suggestions?

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration10 years ago
  • High School Graduation Cake Ideas?

    I'm graduating from high school, and my parents want me to help with the idea for a cake.

    I'm enrolled at Purdue's school of Engineering, going for an Aeronautical degree.

    To be specific: My parents are making my party themed *shudders* after Space.

    What could I put on my cake, that while making it somewhat interesting, at least enough to convince my parents to listen to the idea, that wouldn't make it like a 6 year-old's birthday cake?

    They seemed hooked on the Space Idea, and have already ordered some supplies (which I have been censoring so that so far they aren't too bad), but their ideas of cool and mine are obviously quite different.


    3 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Good Names for alternate Cinderella story?

    In my AP Literature class, we are writing part of a fairytale, in the style of Jane austin, but with formal British society customs.

    To make this easiest, I set the plot in the 18th century England.

    The section of story I am writing mimicks Cinderella, without being exactly what happens.

    I was wondering, what names for the characters I could use, that would be related to the names and events in the original Cinderella story?

    For Cinderella, the evil stepmother, the fairy godmother (who is the aunt who comes to take the Cinderella character to the ball).

    Or, other 18th century British names?

    I have completed all of the requirements, leaving blanks in the names, but I felt that putting in just basic names wouldnt fit the style of what I had already written.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Plausible Bio-engineered Disease?

    I am trying to write a story (I'm very slow to write it though) where a bio-engineered disease is used in a terrorist attack North of New York. [it's meant for Downtown New York City, but police catch on to the plot, and the gas is deployed early] Anyways:

    Are there any types of diseases, that only affect people older than a certain age? What about diseases that don't affect people with certain genetic disorders, or affect them less.

    The point is to create a super disease (bacterial, parasitic, or viral) that wipes out most of humanity, but yet leaves a sufficient population to restart (the government would help by moving the survivors into camps, so they wouldn't be so spread out, -this is when the government is still operational though). The populations that restart also need to be negligent on logic, so that the inventions of the previous era, are not easily recovered.

    Children surviving would be best, but do you know of any diseases that function like this? Is it even realistic? Other Options?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Somalia?

    It seems things are pointing in the right direction for anarchy:

    "living standards have often improved "relative to other African countries since the collapse of the Somali central government."

    With companies opening left and right, and items being cheap, the only problem seems to be the fact that their are a hundred people fighting for control in the factions throughout the country.

    What do you think?

    I'm no supporter of Anarchy, but Somalia is an interesting case.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do we ask questions when we know we know we won't learn anything?

    I was about to ask:

    "Why do they support welfare, but disprove of invading Iraq. Even if we went in for the wrong reasons, you have to look at the outcome. It provided safer areas and our troops buy supplies from these areas creating jobs and giving these people a better chance.

    So... they will spend money, but think when it comes to our soldiers doing their job (to risk their lives), they change their mind?"

    I then realized, that I would expect all the answers I got, from both sides, and that no one could really tell me anything new.

    Why did I start to ask it?

    And this is about the me asking the question, not the question itself.

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Hey Republicans and Libertarians?

    What if, the republican party is so split next election because of people switching from republican to libertarian, that Obama gets reelected, then, because of his socialization policies, Canada takes real good leaning towards us. Canada's policies lead to it's depression, and because of Obama's policies, they secede to the US.

    Then, the US hits it's worst depression yet at around the 7th year when the dollar looses it's value, and in the next election, the democrats are the size of a 3rd party and it's now the Republicans Vs. Libertarians. (obviously, this is a lot of what ifs, I'm not suggesting this is heavily probable, but simply a 1 in a billion chance) Now, when the country is fixed, it has Canada too! Would you mind it if that happened?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How awesome would it be if we had a "swap day" ?

    All parties, swaping sides for a day (playing extreme devil's advocate) and seeing from opposite views. Taking opposite sides in debates and policies for a day. (obviously, this is unrealistic, but wouldn't it be cool if everyone actually tried it, and tried to do it well?)

    I bet you would see 1/3 of the parties swich sides permanently (on all sides) and it would make the debates more interesting.

    (I would faint if Obama did the pot party and rush limbaugh as a democrat) Any other funny swiches?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Separation of Church and state?

    What is the purpose of a government? To enforce laws or regulations, I know, but what are the purpose of laws and regulations. Is not the overall purpose of laws and regulations to enforce morality. If one bases their morality on a religion, how could we ever then have separation of religion and state? Church and state sure, but religion?

    Does anyone else have a different role of government that can break my though process?

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Arguments against this argument against same sex marriage?

    In my quest for understanding across the internet I stumbled across an interesting argument against same sex marriage and I would like to see some rebuttals:

    Some same-sex marriage supporters claim that marriage is a union between 2 people who love each other and therefore 2 humans of the same sex should not be discriminated from joining in this union. This brings in the definition of "love". Most assume it to be an extreme emotion of affection. If this is so, how can one, after suggesting that same-sex love (of the marriage type) is possible, discriminate against one man who loves two females from joining them in union, or vise-versa. If 20 men and women swear to be in love with each-other, how can one oppose them. While same-sex marriage does not create any real threat of bestiality or underage marriage, it does propose that love is much larger than once initially viewed and therefore would allow for mass marriages that degrade the view of love and sexuality in relation to union and love.

    Currently against same-sex marriage.

    I would happily reverse my view in light of a good rebuttal.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How would the world look if...?

    ... space travel became avaliable to the middle class in a way that was economically friendly (like if someone discovered the e=mc^2 of transportation) with complete solar system acess? Politically? Economicaly? 1, 5, 10 years down the road? Who would benefit and which countries might get in a fued over resources. Major leaps and backlashes? what do you think?????

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Funny ways to fix the recession?

    I'd like to know some funny ways to fix the recession (can be true or a joke) like:

    Admit Puerto Rico as a state so everyone across the US has to buy new flags.

    Mine stink, got any better.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this possible? Scientists and chemists please!?

    I have been looking into sonochemistry, and ultrasonics for a while now and have been discussing this with my Chemistry teacher:

    Any object that has a specific sound can be broken with that same sound, obviously amplified (like bridges in wind).

    I recently ran across this article:

    With molecules having specific frequencies, can they be broken too?

    If yes... If you used ultrasonics (because in the article the sounds are not in our spectrum) on Nitrogen gas so it couldn't stay diatomic. Would this lower the air pressure of the section of air compared to normal air? The nitrogen would have to connect with other elements around it but since 89% of air is nitrogen, you would have a continuous influx of Nitrogen. The molecules in the the affected area would nearly double (from the split of Nitrogen) but there would be no more weight added so the Nitrogen would heavily disperse. I don't believe it would be filled in by other elements (though that would have many practical applications in its self) because the Nitrogen concentration is too great.

    If yes... that means that those old movies that showed hovercraft should have had the engine ports on top, since this could be a very effective way of lowering pressure above any craft. ( I'm almost positive that it could be cost effective considering the most powerful speaker from world record-book 2009 could go 3-km with 182 dB at 1 meter with only 3 kW of electricity, called the Hyperspike HS-60)

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • What would the world be like if...?

    A private company developed space travel (only out of the earths atmosphere, not interstellar or hyper-speed) that was about as efficient as efficient as airplanes and they marketed it well and kept the prices as cheap as they could and still get filthy rich...

    What type of world would it be in the first year, the fifth, the tenth? (focusing on short term but 10-200000 year are welcome too)

    A short statement or a thought out reality, all ideas welcome...

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Help in High school decision?

    I have to pick my classes for my senior year and I'm not sure, No matter which of these I take I will still get my Nation Honors Diploma so that's no biggie. I have to pick my last three classes and would love to hear your thoughts, and reasons for each ideas. Here they are:

    A. Economics (1 trimester) and Spanish lv 4 (2 tri)

    (i'm leaning away from this because I have trouble in spanish but it is an option)

    B. Ap Micro economics (1 tri) Ap Macro economics (1 tri) and a study hall

    C. Ap micro and macro and AP micro/macr seminar (1 tri)

    D. Economics and Project lead the way Principals of engineering design. (I already took the first part of the cource Intro to engineering design and it was TOO easy, I didn't even try and got 115% at the end because I was so bored all I had to do was extra credit. I want to actually learn something! But it would look good to complete it.)

    I'm almost positive (99.999999%) sure I can get into Purdue but I'm trying for MIT. I'm going to go for Aeronautics engineering. All help is welcome. :)

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago