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  • I need help with setting up a web site. Do they make a tutorial that makes sense when you don't have any idea

    Can someone please detail like 1 2 3 how to add pages, link them to items on the home page. I know how to transfer the pictures, but somehow the Yahoo web site decided to scan my whole computer while I was doing it and I got impatient and closed down. You guessed it I lost all my pictures they weren't saved. Wouldn't you think they would invent something that would automatically save them in that event? Now I am starting from scratch again. Tech support just is not helping me. They put me on hold while they look up the answer to my question. Then I ask another and the same thing. So they told me to read it myself. Which I did but it don't make no sense to me. Neither does the tutorials. Am I just DUMB or what?? I never had a computer lesson, and I can read very well. Why can't I understand these directions? Anyone else have this problem? Anyone have an easy solution????

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Why is it legal to insure certain people for criminal acts?

    Fridays newspaper listed all the religious leaders from the protestant churches and the Catholic churches who have commited sexual acts on minors. Presently there are 30,000

    ( 13,000 Catholic 17,000 Protestant) cases and the insurance companies said " they represent a very minority of the cases, because most victoms do not want to tell anyone about what happened " and " that most cases are settled for 1 million dollars. "

    But what I don't understand is how is it legal to insure a criminal ?

    My sons home was flooded 2 years ago, and he tried to buy flood insurance and was denied because "you don't live in a flood zone" This is ludicres. He is refused insurance, millions of Americans cannot aford health insurance and these rotten church leaders are insured for crimes. What is going on in this country? Someone please tell me ?

    Protestant churches report 260 cases a year. This is information obtained from 3 insurance companies, Church Mutual, Guide One, and Brotherhood Mutual.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • This is a hypothetical question on how you would vote given the situation. vote a-b-c or d????

    We know the mess the republicans made. We will never crawl out of debt from it.

    We see what the democrats are doing about it , not much at all.

    Now lets see if we could get an Independant who would change things around and make it fair for the people in this country to live without this big burden being dumped on our children.

    1st lets bring all our factories back to the USA where they belong. Make it illegal to manufacture out of this country and sell it back to us, and remain a citizen. If you want to run a company in China become a citzen of China and stay there.

    Lets change the way we pay taxes for all this debt. FLAT TAX

    No tax deductions other than dependant children. I think that one is a have to have for working single parents or married and still together, who struggle so hard all year they earn that right. Lets get tough on environment issues. And all other big issues. How would you vote?

    a. republican

    b. democrat

    c. independant for making changes

    d. no vote

    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Need some help with diabetes. I have to loose weight and cut carbs , but I don't know how.Can you help me?

    How many carbs a day should you have? I have a sweet tooth, so can you help me with another way to satisfy my cravings. My doctor allows my to have 10 carbs a day but I don't know if its all the same. Like a bake potato or peice of cake? I know it has more sugar and calories, but how do you figure out what to eat and what not to? Have any good recipes for low sugar treats please share. Can you use sweet n low instead if you bake something yourself? I know about baking cakes with Apple sauce there not bad. Is there a group or anything online I could join without paying and buying everything? Like somewhere to get recipes, and hints. I already cut fat out of my diet because of a heart attack, and I have cut the calories. Please explain this sugar thing to me if you can. Any help would really be appreciated.

    12 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Are you going to vote for a woman if she runs for president?

    I will because woman are just as smart as men. If they have the education, and the political clout, why shouldn't they be president? It's the religious politicians I don't trust. Look what they gave us the last time they voted. A woman may handle things much more peacefully and get some countries to be our freinds again. We sure could use some freinds now, before this whole world goes to war. I am afraid of what lies ahead and I trust Hillary who "is honest as the day is long" to run this country "for the good of the people" not the chosen few rich people. She will clean up our air, and hopefully try to reverse or at least prevent the Global Warming from getting any worse. Many people will die from this warming, and they are so unconcerned it seems to me. What happened in Greensburg Kansas was enough for me to see. We don't need this to happen anymore, but I'm afraid it will in the not too distant future. God help us, and put a woman in office. A peace loving woman. "GO HILLARY"

    22 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How do I install my printer shop software?

    I have windowsXP I want to download 235,000 pictures, I have plenty of space, but

    active X is blocking it. How do you use that compatability mode to install it on Windows Me? I have scrabble too that they won't install I have to use the disk all the time.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • You've heard about the missing Bees. Do you think they may be with the wilder killer bees in their hives?

    I'm very concerned about this story, and everyone should be. I know we import a lot of fruit and vegetables, but we also need our own. We have very few jobs left in this country. We are becoming completely dependant on other countries for everything. Do you know of a wasp that was very good for polinating crops too? What was the name of it? Can you still send for them, they used to sell them somewhere.

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Do you think our GAS BOYCOTT was effective? What can we do to make them oil tycoons get the message? Hold out?

    I don't think we got enough clout this time. Maybe we didn't have enough time to plan it right. I say we do it again. Lets plan for June 5th, That will give everyone plenty of time to get the word out. That is a Tuesday, and I think most people could fill their tank before

    the Boycott and hold out as long as possible. I reallize working people have to buy gas when they need it , but 1 tank lasts most people a week. I'm retired a tank lasts me a month. I do not plan on a vacation this year because of the price of gas. Not because I can't aford it I just don't want to give the oil companies my money. They make me sick. They invented cars that run on other things like corn, beans, water, even, but the oil companies bought up all the rights to them. The last I heard though some teenagers in high school designed a race car that goes really fast, and it runs on beans. So why do we have to pay $3.00 a gallon for gas. If they wanted to they could have these cars built and for sale in 1 year

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Do you think Bush will leave us with a balanced budget?

    I was just reading an article stating that someone does not see any difference between Bush and Clinton? The conservatives? How can you figure that when we are so damn far in debt we may never get out.


    for a war we didn't have any reason to start. And that isn't enough dammage they keep raising the price of oil.

    GREEEEEEEEEED IS THE ONLY REASON Bush s-cks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And who does all the crying about paying taxes? The rich republicans. They cheat lie and steal to get ahead without conscience.

    13 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Do you want to pay $4.00 a gallon for gas all summer long?

    You don't have, but you do have to act now.

    Tell everyone about the nation wide Boycott on gasoline. Tomorrow, Tuesday, Election Day. May 15th. Please reply if you support this. Honk your horn at every gas station tomorrow too.

    DON'T BUY GAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go get it today, and tell everybody, everywhere. DON'T BUY GAS tomorrow.

    I know you won't forget now. Will you. We can make them lower it because they have nowhere to put it when we don't buy it. We did it before so lets do it again.


    And thank you so very much, we need your support to make this work. This is not a joke it works, and it only takes one day if everyone particpates. If it don't work in 1 day maybe we will do it again for 2 days or even 3. But the last time when everyone participated it only took one day to back it up. Most of you should remember this.

    12 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • Did you know there it is election day on Tuesday?

    There is also a boycott on these high gas prices.

    Don't buy gas on Tuesday May 15th Election Day

    We did it before, it only takes one day to back up supplies and they will lower the prices. Pass this on to everyone you know.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How many of you out there believe in psychic's?

    Share your stories with me please. I've seen a couple and boy they aren't faking about nothing. They told me things that came true and things she could see that no-one could have known. Not even me until the letter arrived in 2 days from the court. It said exactly what she saw and it did come in 2 days like she said. I want to know more about psychics. I want to know about the after life. Have you read Life After Life? Embraced By the Light? And tell me more about your experiences. What about the Phychic Detectives and solving crimes. I believe them stories on TV to be true stories. Some people are very psychic. Is there a site I could go to?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Microsoft is blocking me from installing my printer software Help?

    I go to run enter F://setup.exe a window pops up and wants the name of the file. If I haven't installed it yet how could there be a file? When I go to add remove programs, sellect install with CD the wizard pops up and does the same thing. What am I doing wrong? Is my copy of windows corrupt? Another thing when I tried to register the software, I got down to enter a phone number, windows pops up and says enter it like xxx-xxx-xxxx ok I try that and it won't let me enter the dash . Why can't I use a space? xxx xxx xxxx I uninstalled word and everything else I could. Also I need another browser not Mozilla or Explorer is there another? AOL won't let me alone and doesn't take me to Yahoo and explorer spies on me constantly keeps going to there sites when I try to search anything.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Do you think the drugs sold in this country are supporting AlQuita?

    I hope I spelled that right. If they are don't you think it might be a very good suject for kids to be taught about how they operate, and killed all those people in NewYork. And how they want to kill us all because we don't become Muslims. I think it may help deter kids from buying drugs. That would be great don't you agree. It would have certainly deterred me when I was in school. Hope some teachers are reading this or maybe some of you parents could make it a suggestion for the school to do. Hope it works. Thank you

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Are there any computer geeks out there that could help me?

    Why or Where can I learn about the things on my computer? Like Acrobat Reader Java script what are they for and why don't they tell you what they are for. Another thing is how to use anti virus protection. I had Norton on my computer and couldn't figure out how to use it. it drove me nuts. So I bought McAfee and I couldn't install it at all cause Norton left files on my PC to block them. Well I'm fed up with this power struggle. I have it installed now and do not know how to use it either. I'm a senior citizen I don't want to and just couldn't go to school anyway. I cant remember 2 directcions at the same time. and they give you a list with 12 directions to fix this then you have a problem with that. I just want to enjoy my computer. Can't these people invent plain English a little check box yes or no or ask a question and have a real live person answer you. Any quick solutions to my problems? I never had any real lessons. It is very hard to figure this stuff out.

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • When you donate your money to the Catholic church,do you realize you are paying to cover up crimes?

    I just noticed, the Catholic church has paid a very large amount of money again to pay for sexual child abuse. Hush Money . Do you as Catholics have no conscience? I would like for someone to start a fund to punish these priests. Build a new prison. Donate your money to pay for the poor people without hospitalization. You should have a say in that money you give or stop giving it.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the best book book you have ever read on after life experience, and authors name if you know?

    I definitely believe in the after life. I used to be very religious and in touch with God, or so I believed any way. Now that I have aged and seen so much corruption of churches and religious people collecting monies and living the high life with it instead of using it for the purpose it was collected I just cannot believe in any church or the bible, but nothing can nor will shake my faith in God. He is there and we are here for some reason. Tell me about some good books to read, please.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Could someone please explain to me why priests get away with rape, repeatedly and no one can do anything about

    I don't know of anyone else who can commit crime after crime and be above the law. When will these hypocrites that make the laws , change them, and prosecute these damn priests. Nothing in this world has ever upset me more than this one issue. I have NO FORGIVENESS for anyone who hurts little children.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago