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Favorite Answers29%
  • Can you help me with phonetic symbols?

    my 1896 dictionary puts a dash symbol over all vowels with a long sound but since at least 1960 the long symbol is put over all vowels except the u. In words like rude, crude, lewd, feud, suit, etc., instead of the dash, the u has two dots over it. Is there a reason for this phonetical change and to ignore the long u symbol like they have? Would anyone know exactly when this change started?

  • Question about Microsoft word 10?

    When typing up a document in the "No spacing" format, why do I sometimes only need to press enter once to make a new paragraph and other times twice - especially in the same document when nothing about the formatting has changed? Is there some way to further set up the page orientation to get the paragraph spacing just the way I want it? Thanks.

    1 AnswerSoftware3 years ago
  • Question about word document 10?

    I'm making up a dictionary on Word 10 and the program is underlining every word with a green line, indicating that it thinks every word needs to be capitalized. Is there a way to get the program to shut up and that this is not an issue, that the words are not supposed to be capitalized? Thanks.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design4 years ago
  • Can someone help me with my Microsoft Word 10 document writing program?

    Is there a way to get the document image on the screen and the cursor to automatically flip up to the upper part of the monitor screen once I have typed down to the bottom of the page? I always have to stop what I’m doing to manually move the page back up to the top again. Thanks.

    2 AnswersSoftware4 years ago
  • Can you checkmate someone with a Knight and a pawn?

    I have a knight and a pawn on the rook file and am playing an opponent with a lone King stuck in the rook's corner square. Is there a way to queen my pawn and get a mate out of this or is this an automatic stalemate?

    3 AnswersBoard Games4 years ago
  • Need help categorizing my music?

    I have a number of songs on my computer (over 2500) and decided to try and categorize them by type and genre. Is there a distinction between the rock music of the 1960's - songs like "My Boyfriend's Back and You're Gonna be in Trouble" and "Concrete and Clay" and later rock songs like "Honey" or "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald," or even say, "Piano Man" or are they all just "rock music"? Thanks.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop5 years ago
  • Issue with cursor on computer?

    I've been having this problem on my windows 7 computer where I will be using my cursor say, on the bottom left of either an internet page or a document page and suddenly it jumps up to the top right or disappears until I lift the mouse of the pad and when I set it down again it reveals itself again, once more far from the point I was using it at. Any explanation or more hopefully any fix for this problem?

    1 AnswerSoftware5 years ago
  • Question about digital 35mm SLR cameras?

    I have a number of screw-mount lenses for an old Fuji AZ-1 pre-digital 35mm camera and was wondering if there was a digital 35mm SLR out there that I could use these lenses on - in other words, that accepted a screw-mount lens. Or will I be forced to get an adapter for whichever camera I decide to purchase?

    4 AnswersCameras5 years ago
  • What color shirts go well with a royal blue suit?

    Aside from white, can anyone give me some good color dress shirts that will go well with a royal blue suit. If it helps I have a pinkish - tan complexion with dirty blonde haired.

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • Can anyone help me?

    I'm looking for a device to convert or adapt a cigarette lighter plug to a household electrical outlet. Is there such a device and if so can you send me a link for one I can purchase? Thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics5 years ago
  • How great is Java?

    I just downloaded the latest java but it doesn't mesh with my chrome search engine. Wants me to go to Internet explorer. I left explorer for chrome! I like chrome! I also hate Yahoo! which it recommends. Is java really a necessity for computers and what does it do exactly?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Need help with question about names.?

    I writing a satire of sorts and am using many modern African-American-type names. Names such as Deandre, Jamarcus, Devon, Tyrel, Andre.

    Can I get good suggestions for the last names of these people? Thanks.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Need help for a story I'm working on?

    In a story I'm writing the female lead is explaining her relationship to her boyfriend to a doctor who was unaware they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I want to say something like, "Oh, Nick and I have been boyfriend and girlfriend for 4 years now,..

    That's what I want to say but feel it's a terribly awkward way to write it. Is there a better way? Thanks for any suggestions.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Need help for a term I want to use in a story I'm writing?

    I want to use a term for a hot chick. I want to know if there is an antonym for "Babe magnet" that men would call a woman. A "Chick magnet?" Thanks.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • What color necktie matches a peach colored dress shirt?

    I wear a dark blue suit with a peach dress shirt and am wondering what colored necktie would go with it. All I can think of is a peach paisley, but are there any other choices besides that? Thanks.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • Question about names of types of girl's tops for story line?

    I am writing about some kids giving a mock fashion show and have some trouble with the names of certain tops.

    For example, what is the difference between a crop top and a t-top?

    And to say the difference between a camisole which exposes the tummy, would I say, camisole midriff, while the opposite would be a waist-length camisole?

    What are the different references - if there are any - to a crop top or tank top when one is form fitting but the other is lacey and falls gently over the bre*sts.


    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • Why is there a lock in the search bar of my internet explorer?

    Since it's come about each time I go to a new page I have to refresh the page in order to use the page up or page down button on my keyboard. And it is only on certain sites - this yahoo site here is one, for example. Anyone know anything about this? Thanks.

    2 AnswersSecurity6 years ago
  • I need some help finding a shampoo for an oily scalp and dandruff problem?

    I've had no luck finding any shampoo that keeps my hair looking nice and clean for more than 6 hours after washing. Head and shoulders used to work for me but two things happened - they expanded the number of types of different shampoos they put out to the gazillions and the soon after my metabolism began changing as I became a senior citizen.

    I have a really oily scalp and a dandruff problem and would like some advice, please. Thank you very much.

    3 AnswersHair6 years ago