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I'm 19 & from Dublin. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Rihanna, Queen, Michael Jackson, Johnny Cash, Eminem, anything really. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ I like piercings. Sarah Palin, Go F*ck Yourself. If you think just b/c I'm Irish, then I should be lucky, you are horribly wrong.... Oh, & I'm a girl. ♀ + ♀=♥ ♀ + ♂=♥ ♂ + ♂=♥ It doesn't matter, Love is Love... I'm pretty random at times, wait no I mean all the time. ^,..,^ Vampires or ['](T-T)['] Zombies If you like Paramore we can work around that, but if you like NeverShoutNever there is no hope. La la la la x. xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx Michael Jackson, R.I.P. Talent, it's in the name. xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx Hey, If You Are Racist I Think You Know Where To Shove It. Green Day, Marlay Park 23/06/10: =D

  • How to stop my dog barking in the middle of the night?

    So I have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and he always use to sleep in my room, until recently. Put him in the kitchen due to hygeine reasons and last night he started barking, it's not the first time. So I had to bring him upstairs cause my dad was going spare.

    I have another dog, a Basset Hound, who sleeps in a crate, so we put my Cavies bed next to him and we also have a cat, who has moved onto his bed.

    How can I stop him from barking? Cause if I let him up I'm encouraging him, if you bark, you'll get back up to my room.

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Gerbils or hamsters??????????

    So my gerbil that I've had since his birth Mojo died a little while ago, and I was going to get another gerbil but now I'm thinking of a hamster, first off which one lives longer, a gerbil or hamster? Now it says that you can have two hamsters in the same cage as long as they're the same type, but I had two hamsters before and I came home one day and there was a little clump of hair missing from one of them just above her nose, was that play fighting? either way I separated them. They were sisters.

    Now I heard you can have up to 4 male gerbils living in the one cages, but only two female gerbils, so I'm taking it that Male gerbils go better together? Although I did have 2 gerbils from birth before and seperated them, one was a runt, so if it was play fighting I didn't think he'd be up for it, their mother was pregnant when I bought her so.

    I just don't want what ever I buy to be lonely, I intend on getting lots of toys etc.

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Which hair colour remover to use?

    So a while back I dyed my hair purple over red instead of getting the red out first, now I want rid of the purple and red, I was going to buy I think Schwarf or something like that but one of my friends told me all your hair falls out. So far I've been using a mixuture of head and shoulders, vitamin c tablets, fairy washing up liquid and lemon jucie and it's turned back to red in places. I'm naturally fair and want to go blonde now, so I was just wondering what's a good hair dye remover.

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • What's wrong with him?

    Okay, long story short, I broke up with my bf of 6 months because he cheated on me, he's now with the girl (we're in the same college) I see him constantly (except for this week, I was off) but about a week ago, his gf wasn't in and me and my friend were in the canteen having a laugh, he randomly came in and sat across from us (my back to him) and starts playing all the music he played when he was with me, he was supposed to be in class but instead just sat there on his own, listening to us.

    When his gf is in, he won't even look my way. This has just been playing on my mind, why he did that, I know he's entitled to be in the college canteen, but he had this face on him like I had killed all his family or something, like what the hell?

    Would appreciate any feedback, cause his creepy-ness is freaking me out.

    Thank you :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What's happening to me?

    (I'm giving you all the info, whether it relates or not, just for the full picture, thank you for your help)

    Okay, I pretty freaked out to be honest. I got my period (what I think is the proper one) on the first of this month and I had sex on Monday and Tuesday of this week and I started to bleed on both days.

    Which the bleeding from yesterday carried on til now, Thursday. It wasn't like the first period, it's discoloured and brownish, with some clumps, it's weird.

    The thing is I can't talk to my family about this, because they think I've stopped having sex with my boyfriend, they want me on the pill as well as condoms to ensure no pregnancy, the last 3 months we've been trying and no luck, so we thought why bother with a condom, we were both virgins, so the std thing never crossed our minds.

    Anyway the first thing I researched came up was Cancer, which scared me sh.tless and now every time I type in ''Two periods, one month'', pregnancy and misscarriages come up. I saw somewhere about implantation bleeding, but when I bled it was like a river, flowing, disgusting like. I've no cramps etc, the only thing I have is the flu, combined with body aches.

    On Tuesday though, after the sex, my bladder seemed to be not all together, there were moments when I thought I would have an accident or two and before that, I've been using the bathroom more frequently.

    One last thing, when we used to have sex a few months ago, I couldn't feel it in me, the other two days I could feel, forceful and it hurt, would it just be that he was too rough or something? Other times when we've done it, I could barely feel it and I wouldn't bleed.

    A lot of info, but I am terrified, thanks for your help :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Do you like your name?

    If you could change it, what would you choose?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Pregnancy, Conception, The Lot?

    Okay, long story short, had unprotected sex, hear you have to wait 2 to 3 weeks to test if you are pregnant, yesterday and today have felt overly nauseous all day, had cravings for certain foods, ie chocolate (think that's because I haven't had it in a few days and it's the addiction to sugar kicking in, idk though) I ate the weirdest combination today, fish pastry, salmon and several bananas not all at once, but one after the other, which is weird because I don't normally eat this early, almost 3pm in the day.

    Yesterday, I felt overly emotional, but I have problems with my moods anyway and the coming to terms that I could be.

    I know it's probably to soon to tell, but I want your opinion, what are the chances of a pregnancy? From what I have written, does it sound familiar to you?

    I have other questions too, it's been a while since I did Biology and am wondering:

    Is the sperm ( the one who gets into the egg) in yet? I had sex on Wednesday, so 4 days ago.

    When does it attach to the lining of the womb?

    If it's not attached yet, would smoking harm it? Because it's on it's own & already the two, the egg and sperm are already formed.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • What's the possibility of?????????????

    Myself and my bf are 2 months together and we were both virgins, I bought condoms etc but when it came to it (with the lube from the condom) we couldn't get it in and implusively we took it off and had sex. He told me he came in me,but he forgot that we had taken the protection off.

    My question is how likely am I to get pregnant? I hear you have to wait a week to take a test, if I am I will take responsibility and keep it.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Faylinn, where does this name come from?

    I just found it 5 mins ago and think it's a nice name. It was in Irish names and said it means ''graceful women'', then I found it again saying it comes from England and means ''Fairy Kingdom'', the way it's spelt makes me think it's more Irish.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Why am I randomly waking up at half 6am every day?

    The week before I got up at half 7 and now the past week I don't even need an alarm, because I'm waking up at 6:35am on the dot. Why is this? My dad says it's routine, but it's like there's a clock in my body counting down the time.

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Do you like where you're from?

    I'm from Dublin and don't mind if people know, I just hate going there now. You?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Bit of hows your mother, hows your father?

    Seriously, I can't remember what it means and I feel like a complete tool for having to ask this lol, I haven't heard it in soo long til a girl in my course started saying it. I have a slight notion, but still confused :/

    1 AnswerDublin9 years ago
  • What's a Jackeen?????????

    I know it's a comeback from a person from the country for a Dubliner, but what exactly is it? Us Dubliners don't know, people from the country don't seem to know.

    3 AnswersDublin9 years ago
  • Can you catch tonsilitis/ Do they still remove them in hospitals?

    I kissed my boyfriend for the first time on Tuesday, grand not a bother then again on wednesday, woke up on Thursday, it kilt. I thought it was from sleeping on my pillow weird, where your neck doesn't get supported, anyways I soothed it back, Friday same thing and this morning I've a cough. Not a chesty one, a dry annoying one, my chest feels like it's burning though.

    We're both smokers and he has a cough, but he says it's just a smokers cough.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Bullying - Is this stupid? Should I bother?

    Yesterday, so called friends from my class started on me and my boyfriend, saying we said stuff about them. His class hasn't got the best reputation, but he is sincere. One has started on him and the other one whose like 40 has started on me.

    I haven't done anything.

    My teacher is going to sort it out tomorrow and I am not allowed get involved because they're my ''friends'' and I'm his gf.

    I've been bullied and I would never do that to someone because it's a horrible feeling. I now feel like I'm being bullied because after they told him they've ignored me and I feel the need to hurt myself because I can't sort it out with them.

    My question is should I say it to my teacher tomorrow or will he think I'm just trying to get back at them?

  • What do I do if he has a seizure????

    I've been with my boyfriend now a short while and am committed to him. He's 20 and has Epilepsy. His parents gave me a short description on what to do last night when we went out. To call them if they are near and bring him his anti-seizure meds, and try and restrain him and call an ambulance etc.

    I intend in asking him tomorrow when I see him, what type he has. I didn't realise till I looked it up last night that there are different types.

    My question is what do I do if he has a seizure while with me? Is it true they can swallow their tongue? His father told me I didn't need to put anything in his mouth.

    Also how mentally strong do you have to be, I have bpd and don't know if I can handle seeing him like that, but I'm willing to because I don't want it to get in the way of our relationship.

    He's on meds and has a healthy-ish lifestyle.

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Red hair dye over purple hair dye?

    Okay so a while back I dyed my hair bright red and the roots were coming through and I was stuck for hair dye and used a different colour Plum. I have lightened the colour a bit through natural lighteners as I can never seem to find the do it your self strip kit. My hair basically looks like a washed out purple-red colour. I don't mind it, like it could look a whole lot worse, but I was thinking if I left the colourant in for longer then 40 minutes (on the box it says it could turn out too intense) could that over take the purple and I could go back to red again?


    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • What do you think of this?

    In this course and our teacher is gay, which we found out for definite yesterday. Today, this guy in my class referred to his cigarettes as which you get everywhere but it's the way he did it, as our teacher was leaving the room for break he said he would have two or three and then like a child stuck his tongue out.

    Was that homophobic? It's been playing on my mind but I can't decide lately my I seem to get lost in what's acceptable and what's not, bad memory lately :/

    What's your opinion?

  • Fast and easy cover up of scars?

    Okay, have a cooking class tomorrow and our previous teacher preferred if we didn't have a jacket or hoodie on when we cook for hygiene reasons. We have a new instructor, which is good because I feel more comfortable around him.

    I'm a on again off again self harmer and I don't want the rest of the class to see.

    Were on a mental stability course basically and I don't want to make the slightest scene about why I am not taking my hoodie off.

    I don't want to tell him unless it's absolutely necessary.

    Any tips on quick and easy ways to hide them?


    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago