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Lv 56,347 points

Julie C

Favorite Answers17%

I'm in my 40's. Mother to 5, two of them diabetics. Married 22yrs to an Air Force guy who's currently on his 4th deployment. I think I have a lot of insight, experience and great advice to share. I love to sew, quilt and do machine embroidery, go to auctions and sell on ebay!

  • Guiding Light story lines moving too fast?

    Is it me or has Guiding Light seemed to move too fast in the past 2 weeks? I must really have missed a LOT or something. It just seems like there are holes in the story or something. I mean one day Beth was going into labor and the next she is home with Rick and the next she is having the baby baptized and Josh and Reva saying she's Alans? And I went from one day Alan taking Sara and grabbing Jonathan to Alan holding a gun in the church and Jonathan is in the church?

    And Olivia in the bathroom trying to get out and the next day I see her on the couch and I never saw her get rescued?

    I'm like am I missing segments between the commercials or did I blink? I don't know, I just don't know why I suddenly missed so much or if it's just moving way too fast lately? The last couple weeks just seems like it's moving too fast. I know it doesn't help that I had to pick up my kids 4 days in a row this week and miss the last 20 min of the show each time. Maybe that's when I missed it all.

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • OLTL Talia and Antonio?

    Is it me or did anyone else just get sick seeing those two together today?? They're just not doing it for me ya know. They just don't click as a hot couple that I can get into.

    And the plot line with her handcuffing him and all that jazz. It was just dullsville and made me want to barf!

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • AMC Who do you miss?

    On AMC, there are so many good actors and characters that I really miss on there. Of course a lot of the ones that they killed off or died in real life like Mona are missed.

    Dixie of course









    Hailey & Matheo

    And I forget the name of their club, but I miss the scenes there too and instead now all we see is the Infusion one.

    Oh wait, wasn't it called Nicko's? I miss Nicko & Kelly.

    There's just too many good ones that aren't on anymore and I really miss. I'm exhausted with the same story line for nearly 2 years. Erica/Jack and Ryan/Annie/Zack/Kendall/Greenlee.

    14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • All My Children Crystal Ball this year?

    On All My Children, does anyone know if they're having a Crystal Ball this year? Don't they usually do it in January?

    I know the last exciting one that I remember was when there was the bomb and Ethan died. Did that spell the end to the Crystal Ball tradition? That has always been one of the exciting things I looked forward to every year on this soap.

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Dylan storyline on Guiding Light?

    Can anyone tell me what I missed? They brought back Dylan, which is great, even if it is the actor that played Rafe on Port Charles. I loved him on that show!

    Anyway, so what is the story with him coming back. I know he came back because Daisy was in trouble.

    But did they ever put the story in as to what ever happened with him and Bridget and Peter since he left the show with them in the first place? Shows how long I've been watching! I just wondered if I missed that or if they didn't say anything. I missed a few episodes around the time he came back.

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • I had 2 dreams my 9yr old died! What does it mean?

    Last night I had 2 dreams about my 9yr old Rachel dying. First one she was found drowned and listed a Jane Doe and I saw her pic on TV and I was like WTH?? That's my Rachel but if I tell them, they will freak that I hadn't reported her missing and say I did it. I was freaking. THAT one was weird.

    The 2nd one I dreamed we were at a church party and I noticed that Rachel was missing. Then I realized this odd guy was too. Put 2 & 2 together and he'd kidnapped her and they put out an amber alert and thankfully found them both before it was too late.

    UGH not a good way to wake up ya know! And I don't know if this is relevant, but she has type 1 diabetes and she's had some health issues this past year. Was hospitalized in May. Then developed reflux and she isn't gaining weight. Her doctor said if she doesn't gain weight by March she will admit her to the hospital.

    I'm thinking I'm watching too much news and crime shows and my subconscience is acting up big time. What do you think?

    9 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Are you annoyed with how rude the losers are on American Idol?

    Though I really enjoy watching American Idol, I get really annoyed with the ones who curse and flip the bird and have their stupid tantrums on the camera.

    I wonder how much of it is for show and how much of it is just rude losers who really make themselves look bad on TV.

    I don't understand why they have to do that. They can't sing! They need to be gracious for the opportunity to even try out. If you suck, then you suck! Get over it ya know! But I just get so annoyed at their tantrums! They just prove they are even bigger losers when they do that.

    8 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • OLTL Jared storyline?

    Ok, today's show got me confused! So does this mean that Asa has 2 illigit kids, David and Jared? Who is this woman besides supposedly Asa's ex? Did Jared or the butler pay her to seal the deal or is she for real? The story about his "mom" being her sister. That was just weird!

    And does anyone know when David is coming back? I really was rooting for him to come into his inheritance! I like David! He's hot! He wasn't back on long enough ya know. And I really wish they'd give David a back bone! He always acts like he's stupid!

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Was I hacked or something else?

    First I should give you some info. I have cable modem, but I share a line with my husband's computer. This morning I went on my computer and there was all this pop up stuff on my screen, most of it fake spyware fix it sites, which ultimately showed porn on them. If I just opened yahoo it would go straght to the junk instead of yahoo.

    Messed up my computer bad.

    My husband was gone all day so he couldn't mess with it til he got home, but even then, he spent 2 hours on it and then shut down the computer and told me not to use it til he gets back from his business trip.

    He said that if I were to have it turned on and log into anything that uses a password I will be screwed, so it's best to turn it off til he fixes it. He said he will probably have to delete the whole hard drive.

    So what happened? Was I hacked or is it from when I was doing searches yesterday and noticed some of the sites I clicked on would have those fake spyware fix it things on the screen. I always closed them.

    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Kindergarten handwriting question?

    My youngest daughter will be 5 next month and start kindergarten in the fall. I am concerned about her with handwriting. She has always eaten with her left hand, so I assumed she'd be left handed. I am left handed and my son is left handed and my other 3 girls are right handed.

    Well the thing is, I'm not sure what hand she writes with because lately she has finally taken an interest in writing and can actually write her name really well, but she uses her right hand. So I'm a little bit confused on what hand she would be best at. I don't want to force her into one hand or the other, but just want her to be comfortable writing. My mother hated that I was left handed and tried to force right handed on me, so I definitely want her to make the choice you know.

    Are there any tests I can do at home to figure out what hand she writes with? Is there anything I can do to help prepare her more for Kindergarten? I didn't have this issue with my other kids. Thanks!

    10 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Is there one herbal tea that is better for you than others?

    I know green tea is supposedly good if you're trying to lose weight, but I'm wondering is there any one herbal tea that is better for you than the others or are they all equally good for you? I like them all.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why do my teeth squeak when I eat almonds?

    Ok, I know this is weird, but when I eat almonds, my teeth squeak!And the squeak is nerve wracking because it's similar to how people can't stand squeaking chalk on a chalk board. It doesn't happen with walnuts, pecans, etc. just the almonds. Does anyone know what causes that?

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago