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Hiya! I’m Mel. Feminist. Introvert. Queer. Asexual. Atheist. 17 Nerd. Canadian. A fan of adjectives. I like to laugh and think. Right now social justice and activism is my thing.

  • Should I go to Ottawa U or McMaster University? Does the name matter? Chemistry and maybe another major?

    I'm planning on going either to Mac or Ottawa U, with a major in Chem and I might declare a minor or major in something like Sociology later on.

    Anyhow, I know Mac is more renowned for their science programs... and Ottawa U is just "meh", reputation wise.

    But I REALLY want to go to Ottawa, basically because of the atmosphere. Hamilton just pales in comparison, it seems. I need culture.

    So... Is Mac's faculty really that much better? Why does it matter? Will I have a better chance getting a job with a degree from Mac?

    Side Question (feel free to skip): Could I somehow get a job linking Chem and some social science (any social science, I like them all)?

  • "Residence Information Required" - OUAC?

    When applying to universities on ouac, it says "Residence Information Required" and asks yes or no. What does this mean?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What are some CAREERS that are a cross between the SOCIAL SCIENCES and NATURAL or FORMAL SCIENCES(not Biology)?

    Social sciences such as Psychology or Anthropology, and natural and formal sciences such as Chem or Physics or Math.

    I'm not the best at Biology. I'm not bad, but I flourish in other sciences.

    Here's the thing. I'm in grade 12 now, and I don't know what I want to study in uni. I love learning about stuff in Psych and Anthropology, and I'm best at Chem, Physics and Math.

    What I love, but not amazing at: Social sciences

    What I'm great at, but doesn't fascinate me: natural and formal sciences, other than Biology

    What are some good ideas for what to major in as a undergrad and what are some good career options?

    Please help, I'm lost.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Would you rather be dumped or be the dumper?

    Hard question

    If you are the dumper, you are hurting someone you loved. And you may regret it. All the power is in your hands...

    If you are the one getting dumped... well, you're heartbroken.

    What, in your opinion, hurts more?

  • LGBT: Do you wish you came out sooner?

    What age did you come out, specifically to your friends, and in retrospect do you wish you came out earlier... like you felt you missed out on so much?

  • When I was a little girl, I made all my action figures and stuffed animals gay (males). WTF?

    You know when you are little you play with your action figures or dolls or whatever and use your imagination.

    Well first of all I had no definite female characters (no Barbies or dolls), but still, I never made any of the stuffed animals female. And all the male action figures I had were "married" to other guys. I was really little, but I guess I was old enough to know what gay was.

    So... WTF? What does that say about me? Why would a little girl make all her characters gay guys?

    (BTW, I didn't know any gay ppl at the time... I was so young)

  • LGBT: Do you wish you came out sooner and should I come out (I'm 16)?

    Not a lot of people come out to others at the same time they came out to themselves, so in retrospect do you wish you came out sooner after you knew you were gay?

    I'm 16 and in the closet. I don't know if I should come out. I live in a conservative Canadian town, but my high school is actually pretty LGBT friendly. I'm afraid some of my friends will treat me differently (I don't want the girls to think I'm attracted to them and I'm afraid they won't invite me to sleepovers anymore). I HATE attention so I'm not looking forward to everyone telling each other that I'm gay. But then again I want to date, even though I don't have a crush (or a chance) with any girls I know; I DON'T WANT TO GO TO UNIVERSITY WITHOUT DATING ANYONE BEFORE. I don't want to regret not coming out sooner, and I definitely don't want to go to university all square. Gagh.


    1. Do you wish you came out sooner?

    2. Any advice for me?

  • A labyrinth as a symbol of your personality... does that mean you are closed-minded?

    For school I must create a symbol that represents me. I thought of doing something involving a labyrinth, to represent my journey through life and stuff, but would it also represent closed-mindedness? Because I also want to represent that I am VERY open-minded, so I don't want it to be contradictory.

    So... does a labyrinth seem like a representation of closed-mindedness, and, what can I add to my symbol to represent that I am open-minded?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does this poem mean (As I Walked Out One Evening)?

    As I walked out one evening,

    Walking down Bristol


    The crowds upon the pavement

    Were fields of harvest wheat.

    And down by the brimming river

    I heard a lover sing

    Under an arch of the railway:

    'Love has no ending.

    'I'll love you, dear, I'll love you

    Till China and Africa meet,

    And the river jumps over the mountain

    And the salmon sing in the street,

    'I'll love you till the ocean

    Is folded and hung up to dry

    And the seven stars go squawking

    Like geese about the sky.

    'The years shall run like rabbits,

    For in my arms I hold

    The Flower of the Ages,

    And the first love of the world.'

    But all the clocks in the city

    Began to whirr and chime:

    'O let not Time deceive you,

    You cannot conquer Time.

    'In the burrows of the Nightmare

    Where Justice naked is,

    Time watches from the shadow

    And coughs when you would kiss.

    'In headaches and in worry

    Vaguely life leaks away,

    And Time will have his fancy

    To-morrow or to-day.

    'Into many a green valley

    Drifts the appalling snow;

    Time breaks the threaded dances

    And the diver's brilliant bow.

    'O plunge your hands in water,

    Plunge them in up to the wrist;

    Stare, stare in the basin

    And wonder what you've missed.

    'The glacier knocks in the cupboard,

    The desert sighs in the bed,

    And the crack in the tea-cup opens

    A lane to the land of the dead.

    'Where the beggars raffle the banknotes

    And the Giant is enchanting to Jack,

    And the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer,

    And Jill goes down on her back.

    'O look, look in the mirror?

    O look in your distress:

    Life remains a blessing

    Although you cannot bless.

    'O stand, stand at the window

    As the tears scald and start;

    You shall love your crooked neighbour

    With your crooked heart.'

    It was late, late in the evening,

    The lovers they were gone;

    The clocks had ceased their chiming,

    And the deep river ran on.

    -WH Auden


    What does this poem mean, as a whole and if you want, specific lines. ALSO, what does the line "You shall love your crooked neighbour/ With your crooked heart." mean?

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Am I a lesbian? I'm 16 years old and confused?

    Hey, so I'm a 16 year old girl and I really just don't know. I don't care if I'm straight or gay, I just want to find out what the truth is!!!

    Here are some things about me:

    1. From about grade 1 to grade 9 I (thought I) had a crush on this boy. He's awesome. But maybe it's just an emotional crush and not sexual, so it has nothing to do with my sexuality??? Can a 6-year-old be sexually attracted to someone, anyways???

    2. I've always been a tom-boy. Hated barbie's, loved GI Joe. Tonka trucks, power rangers, having all-male friends and no female friends.

    3. I remember thinking when I was little that I wanted to be a boy. I don't remember why, was it because they didn't have periods and had more fun (they got to play with GI Joe while I was stuck with Barbie), or was it because they got to date girls??? (* please note that I know that lesbians don't want to be boys. I've just added this because it seems odd to me)

    4. I've ALWAYS questioned my sexuality.

    5. When my straight female friends talk about boys and their attractiveness, They always talk about how hot some guy is, and I just lie and agree with them. I usually never notice or care... except Leonardo DiCaprio, who is hot.

    6. I don't know what "attraction" is. I don't even know if I'm attracted to DiCaprio. I think he's VERY good looking... ugh I'm so confused.

    7. I always notice the attractiveness of girls. But is this because I want to BE them or DATE them??? (What is attraction!?!) I find myself looking at them in the halls.

    8. I really can't imagine myself kissing a guy OR a girl... (I've always been single, for obvious reasons, lol)

    Advice, anyone? And could you also tell me what attraction is, because I have no idea... :/

  • Which poster idea about the Holocaust do you like better?

    This is for Holocaust Awareness Day for my Religions class, The unit is Judaism.

    Idea 1:

    At the top of the page I'll have a big picture of something from the Holocaust, with a small caption of what the picture is (ie, Liberation of Auschwitz, 1945) . Below it, in big red paint, I'll write "Never Again?". Then below that I'll show (smaller) pictures of genocides and massacres that happened after the Holocaust: Rwanda, Bosnia, residential schools in Canada, (Tibet)* with a small caption under each explaining what it is. Then below that, in big red paint, I'll write "Holocaust Awareness Day", and finally below that I'll write something about the Holocaust and genocides

    Idea 2:

    The theme would be reminiscent of slasher films. I could put a big picture of something from the Holocaust at the top, then below it, in big red paint, I'll write "The Holocaust". Then below that I'll have (smaller) pictures of later genocides in chronological order, labelled like "Holocaust Part II: Bosnia", "Holocaust Part III: Rwanda"... Then at the very bottom in big lettering I'll write "Holocaust Awareness Day" and below that I'll talk about Holocaust awareness and genocides, blah blah blah.

    Which do you like better? The second one seems more creative, but does it seem disrespectful or tasteless or wrong in some way? My main question is does #2 seem insensitive? Because this is a very serious and sensitive subject

    New ideas are welcome, too

    Please and thanks

    * Should I include Tibet?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Which poster idea about the Holocaust do you like better?

    This is for Holocaust Awareness Day for my Religions class, The unit is Judaism.

    Idea 1:

    At the top of the page I'll have a big picture of something from the Holocaust, with a small caption of what the picture is (ie, Liberation of Auschwitz, 1945) . Below it, in big red paint, I'll write "Never Again?". Then below that I'll show (smaller) pictures of genocides and massacres that happened after the Holocaust: Rwanda, Bosnia, residential schools in Canada, (Tibet)* with a small caption under each explaining what it is. Then below that, in big red paint, I'll write "Holocaust Awareness Day", and finally below that I'll write something about the Holocaust and genocides

    Idea 2:

    The theme would be reminiscent of slasher films. I could put a big picture of something from the Holocaust at the top, then below it, in big red paint, I'll write "The Holocaust". Then below that I'll have (smaller) pictures of later genocides in chronological order, labelled like "Holocaust Part II: Bosnia", "Holocaust Part III: Rwanda"... Then at the very bottom in big lettering I'll write "Holocaust Awareness Day" and below that I'll talk about Holocaust awareness and genocides, blah blah blah.

    Which do you like better? The second one seems more creative, but does it seem disrespectful or tasteless or wrong in some way?

    New ideas are welcome, too

    Please and thanks

    * Should I include Tibet? I really do not know a lot about all that stuff.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What poster idea about the Holocaust do you like better?

    This is for Holocaust Awareness Day for my Religions class, The unit is Judaism.

    Idea 1:

    At the top of the page I'll have a big picture of something from the Holocaust, with a small caption of what the picture is (ie, Liberation of Auschwitz, 1945) . Below it, in big red paint, I'll write "Never Again?". Then below that I'll show (smaller) pictures of genocides and massacres that happened after the Holocaust: Rwanda, Bosnia, residential schools in Canada, (Tibet)* with a small caption under each explaining what it is. Then below that, in big red paint, I'll write "Holocaust Awareness Day", and finally below that I'll write something about the Holocaust and genocides

    Idea 2:

    The theme would be reminiscent of slasher films. I could put a big picture of something from the Holocaust at the top, then below it, in big red paint, I'll write "The Holocaust". Then below that I'll have (smaller) pictures of later genocides in chronological order, labelled like "Holocaust Part II: Bosnia", "Holocaust Part III: Rwanda"... Then at the very bottom in big lettering I'll write "Holocaust Awareness Day" and below that I'll talk about Holocaust awareness and genocides, blah blah blah.

    Which do you like better? The second one seems more creative, but does it seem disrespectful or tasteless or wrong in some way?

    New ideas are welcome, too

    Please and thanks

    * Should I include Tibet? I really do not know a lot about all that stuff.

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Can you summarize this paragraph for me (already in my own words)?

    Can you summarize this info (already in my own words, as you can tell from its choppy and awkward wording,lol):


    From 1992 to 1995, Bosnian Serb forces aimed to ethnically cleanse Bosnia of all non-Serbs; they did this by mass murder and raping, torture, and detainment of tens of thousands of people— mainly Bosnian Muslims, but also others such as Bosnian Croats. Starting in 1992, the Bosnian Serb Army began systematically rounding up Muslims in scenes parallel to that of the Holocaust, including mass shootings, forced repopulations of entire towns, and imprisonment in concentration camps for men and boys. In 1992 when news broke out about the concentration camps and mass murder, the world community remained mostly indifferent; the UN and the rest of the superpowers did not intervene militarily, allowing the massacre to freely and easily continue. It was only after a failed NATO attempt and the Srebrenica Genocide, in which 8,000 males were slaughtered, that an effective military intervention began in 1995 and a peace accord was signed and followed.


    Now what I'm doing is making a POSTER for the Holocaust, and I want to show pictures of other genocides to show that it wasn't "never again". For one example I want to show a pic of the Bosnain genocide, and have a SMALL CAPTION underneath. It needs to be to the point because it is an ad and ppl don't have time to read it all.

    The MESSAGE I want to convey is how close this is to the Holocaust, a lot of people were persecuted, and the UN and the rest of the world did not intervene.

    Please and thanks

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Poster ideas for Holocaust Awareness Week?

    I want to crate an original and creative poster, billboard, or magazine ad for Holocaust awareness week, but I can't think of any great ideas.

    I'm not sure what message I want to give. Maybe to speak out if this ever happened again? Because of the famous quote:


    "In Germany, they first came for the Communists,

    I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist.

    Then they came for the Jews,

    I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists,

    I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for me,

    By that time there was no one left to speak."

    - Pastor Martin Niemolier, Survivor of Dachau


    It also has to incorporate Canada in some way.

    Another idea is how a "civilized" society acted in barbaric ways.

    So... do you have any visual ideas for this message? Or maybe a different message? I'm really lost

    Please and Thanks

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Proof that there is NO GOD?

    I'm writing a short essay for my Religions class for why there is no God, and I need proof.

    One of the requirements is that I need to prove my theory using news stories from today's media (CNN, NYTimes...) (an example that there IS a God would be, i dunno, 10 people were saved in a plane crash... MIRACLE!)

    If you can't think of any news-story examples, that's fine, I just need some points that prove there is no god.

    Please and thx :) Oh, and also, I mean not to offend anyone with any religious beliefs, I'm just writing an essay.

    Also, to get you goin', one of my points is that it is all in our brain. Children have a natural, intuitive way of reasoning that leads them to all kinds of supernatural beliefs about how the world works. As they grow into adults that turns into religion.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My mum read my diary! What should I do, I want revenge!?

    My mum had absolutely no reason to read my diary. I get straight A's, never act up or break any rules, have nonthreatening normal friends who she knew since I was in kindergarten.

    I am 16 and I feel so violated. I had EVERYTHING in there. It's a total invasion of my privacy. I'm a quiet girl and my diary is the only place I can honestly and whole-heartedly talk about my thoughts, feelings, and emotions; I pored my heart into it.

    But when I found out she read it, AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!! I was extremely sad and embarrassed. But now I'm over that and I'm just pipping mad. MAD! I want vengeance!

    Maybe I'll do cocaine, or run away? Something that will make her regret SO much reading my diary. I need to do something extreme.


    PS. Parents, NEVER read your child's dairy unless they are acting weird. Because If you read it but they have done nothing wrong, they could go crazy like me.

    9 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • How do you know if you are attracted to someone?

    How do you know if you are sexually attracted to someone, rather than you just thinking they are really good looking.

    Take for example a car: You are walking down the street and you see this really expensive, exotic sports car. You stare at it for a bit, and you might even be thinking about it a lot later. Now I'm going to assume that you are not SEXUALLY AND PHYSICALLY attracted to the car.

    But if you see a person, how do you know if you are sexually attracted to them rather than attracted to them like a car?

    Because I have not idea.