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  • I get bullied on the school bus what do i do?

    Every day i get on the bus and if i ask to sit with someone they say no in a rude way and i generally just sit next to a kid who doesn't mind me actually

    So every day on the School bus i get stabbed with pencils and people hit me in the head with pencils, punched in the arm, i have people pull the back of my head and slam it against the seat, people call me stupid and a loser, people pinch me, I have people mock me, i get punched in the jaw, People pull my hair, People sit on me

    I go home everyday devastated i hate going on the School Bus and i don't want to go back on it ever again

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler7 years ago
  • This kid in my class is bothering me what do i do?

    So there is this kid who is annoying me and the other kids in my class

    he does stuff like this in class

    -He often gets up and starts twerking in class

    -He always stops class to ask stupid questions

    -He always goes on about these unnecessary stories that are pointless to the lesson

    -He starts randomly singing and dancing in class

    -He makes a lot of animal noises in class

    -He talks all the time

    -He always tries to talk to the other kids in the class when he knows they don't want to talk to him

    -He is always throwing things in class

    The teacher is always saying things to him like

    Shut up

    Shut the f*ck

    no one cares

    shut your fat ugly mouth

    can you stop

    you're so annoying

    no one in this class likes you

    you're an idiot

    who does that

    Why are you still talking


    no one gives a sh*t

    6 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • My dad keeps clearing his throat how do i get him to stop?

    this literally happens every 30-60 seconds

    It is very loud so loud that i can even hear it when he is outside and i am inside i'm not even kidding

    no one else in my family find any annoyance to it or even hints that it annoys them

    So earlier today i just had enough of this so when he was in his room and he cleared his throat i was like "SHUT THE F*CK UP" and he said trying to act calm "Stop yelling" but he deserved it but he still will not stop clearing his throat

    He really needs to stop it's not normally it's ridiculous it's stupid it makes him look like an idiot and i'm done with it

    How do i get him to stop

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Are teachers allowed to swear at students?

    This seems to be a growing thing for teacher to swear at students in my opinion when a teacher curses at a student i consider it verbal abuse even though i don't think many schools have a rule against teacher cursing at students i think it is unprofessional to curse at a student and i consider it equal to yelling at a student

    iv'e heard teacher use words like sh*t, b*tch, crap, damn

    2 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • I'm getting in trouble for no reason when i go back to school what do i do?

    So on day before the holiday vacation we had to go down to the Library to complete our projects and come back once we finished it

    So me and 4 other kids in my class were walking back to class and we were talking about the finale of X factor and we were passing by the meanest teacher's classroom and she came out and said "Excuse me you do not talk in the hallways that is very rude" so as soon as she walked back in we went back to our conversation about X factor and she came out again and said "Excuse me you don't go back to your conversations

    Then when we came back into the classroom about 2 minutes later the teacher who yelled at us earlier came in and informed her of us chatting in the hallway

    My teacher gave all 5 of us a week of detention for it

    What do i do i don't deserve detention i didn't do anything

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • my teacher flipped out at me today what do i do now?

    So she was talking to this other girl in our class about something with lacrosse and i went up to her and asked her if graphing would be on our math test tomorrow and she was like "Can you sit down i am trying to talk to her"

    Then she decided to get up in front of the whole class and say this to me

    "Seamus what you just did to me is the rudest thing a student has ever done to me when i'm talking to someone you don't interrupt us like that how dare you i honestly wouldn't be surprised if you were on a show about male divas because that what's you are a diva you have no respect for anyone except yourself and guess what i don't put up with disrespect from other students because guess what Seamus i am 33 years old i have been doing this for about 10 years so i know what i am doing and you have no right to disrespect me and you're lucky because normally if a student acted so selfish and uncaring like that normally i would scream at them but i didn't because you know what i'm a grown woman and you're a 14 year old boy but you act like a little girl and i talk to grown men not little girls you think you're the class clown but you're not you think everyone in this class loves you when really everyone is wishing you would just shut your mouth so you close your mouth and you be quiet because you know what i do to bratty children i sent them to the AP office but i'm not going to do that because they would agree with what i am saying to you okay you are a disrespectful child and you have been since the day you were born if i get fired for this i will go out like a proud women and everyone is going to hate you if i get fired i can't wait for Christmas break because then i won't have to put up with your bull s*it for 2 weeks you are one of the worst students i have ever had the misfortune of having and if you think me flipping out at you is bad then oh boy will you be in for a shock if you keep this crap up just ask (Student Name) about the time i screamed at him last year and maybe that will change your diva personality you weren't even supposed to be in this class but unfortunately your schedule had to be changed dont even say another word because Seamus you say a word you piss me off and i have to hold in all my anger in i have never in my whole teaching career had to take this much amount of time out of my class time just to confront you on something you should have learned in kindergarten and you will go no where acting like a b*tch now you can keep up with your crap but don't be shocked when you hate the consequences

    My friend recorded all of the audio on his camera

    Should i report this teacher

    5 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • Does getting kicked in the nuts hurt?

    iv'e never been kicked in the nuts and hopefully never will

    i hear that it is as painful as childbirth which i really hope is a joke

    Will it happen to me in my life i really hope not

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Why do students do this?

    Why do students also claim a teacher yelled or screamed at them when 99% of the time all the teacher did was say something negative, get mad, or at worst raised their voice the slightest bit

    What kids these days don't seem to realize is that there is a difference between a teacher getting mad and a teacher yelling

    5 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • 2 of my friends hate me now for no reason what do i do?

    So on my Friday 2 of my friends invited me to come to the mall with them but i could not come because my cousins were coming over that night so after my cousins left i went onto Facebook and on one of their facebook their mom posted that my friend was missing so worried i wrote that they were both going to the mall together (So apparently they both snuck out of their houses to go t the mall) so both of them ended up getting into severe trouble by their parents

    Now they both despise me one of them has blocked me on facebook and he claims it will be forever and both of them deleted me on everything and now they're being so incredibly nasty to me in out classes together i think they're going to raise hell on me for the whole year

    What do i do now

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • I think someone's trying to kidnap me (SERIOUS QUESTION)?

    So i'm really scared i think someone is legit about to come in and kidnap me

    So my mom just called me twice and both times i picked up immediately and i heard the beeping sound meaning she hung up so i immediately called her FIVE TIMES and immediately i got her voice mail which is just extremely odd

    and right now i am home alone and i am hearing noises as if someone is in my house i think i'm either hallucinating or someone is inside and the only people it could be is Dad but i just can't picture that happening

    i'm really scared i'm locked inside my room and i'm absolutely shaking to death right now i'm so scared if i open my door someone is going to come and attack me

    What do i do

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Unable to fall asleep at night what do i do?

    This has been going on for months now it's ridiculous

    this happens especially on school days it literally takes me about an hour to fall asleep and sometimes could even be more than an hour iv'e had nights where iv'e gotten no sleep iv'e had nights where i get an hour of sleep or sometimes i will wake up after sleeping for like 3 hours and i can not go back to sleep

    i have been nearly fainting in class my grades are starting to drop a bit because of it

    iv'e ever recently started taking sleeping pills still it is IMPOSSIBLE to fall asleep

    What do i do?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • My teacher is making innapropriate comments in class should i report her?

    She has made comments like

    "The kids in my other class decided to do their homework in english what ass holes"

    "The kids in my 10th grade class did terribly on this test are they retarded"

    "i'm tired of listening to your bull **** every day

    "I wish we could have a camera in this room so that you could watch yourself and you would feel very embarrassed"

    "You're being a b*tch right now and i can be a bigger b*tch

    "i don't give a **** about what you're talking about"

    1 AnswerTeaching7 years ago
  • Was this acceptable for a guidance counselor to say to me?

    So on Sunday i dyed my hair from brown to blonde and i love my hair blonde

    so today i went down to my guidance counselor to talk to him about something with college and he noticed i dyed my hair and he was like

    "You dyed your hair"

    and i told him yes and then he said

    "Why you're a man you shouldn't dye your hair men don't dye their hair"

    3 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • Whats worse shaving legs or shaving face?

    i do both but i would say i hate shaving my legs more

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Why do students do this?

    Why do kids these days said a teacher yelled or screamed at them when literally all the teacher did was say something negative or get mad at them and maybe raised their voice a tad bit

    why do kids exaggerate like that about teachers

    4 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • My teacher flipped out at me today was this okay?

    So we were in Science class and i asked her how to spell a word not realizing it was on the page then the teacher walked up to the front and she was like

    Teacher - Seamus this isn't working for me this is my class it needs to work for me otherwise you are going to spend everyday in the AP Office i'm done playing these games can you do that Seamus are you serious

    Me - What did i do

    Teacher - What did i do you know what i am not in the mood for your crap today next word out of your mouth and you're gone i don't even care if its legitimate or not you're gone i don't want to hear another word are you joking did you listen that way no i'm asking you are you joking listen it's only taking you 5 minutes today to piss me off are you happy about that do you feel lie you have accomplished something i don't find it funny at all Seamus pack up and get the hell out of here right now i gave you a warning go head down to the AP office you're acting like the fool again and i can't handle it

    Me - But what did i do

    Teacher - I'm not going to discuss with you now you're what 14 if you don't know how to act in a classroom i don't ever want to see you back here again you're acting out you're deliberately talking when i told you to stop and that's exactly what i said because every time you talk Seamus you piss me off because you say things that are totally disruptive and then you're going to look like the fool again in front of everyone that's not what you're like i'm not going to have this conversation just go tell the Principal why i sent you here anyone like to join Seamus

    Nothing she said is true i just asked her a question and she snapped at me like that

    What do i do

    4 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • My teacher was very rude to me today what should i do?

    So we were in french class theb ell rang and the annoying girl behind me was trying to talk to me so i was talking to her back cause i didn't want to be rude so my teacher heard me and she was like

    Teacher - Seamus that was very rude you know i can get really really crabby right now you are being a b*tch and i don't give a rats *** if you're a male cause i'll call you a b*tch is i want and i can be a bigger b*tch like you were so respectful during that test yesterday you were screaming during the test i had to put up with 42 minutes of OMG THIS TEST IS SO HARD THIS IS THE HARDEST TEST IV'E EVER TAKEN you know how rude that is it's very rude i wish yesterday i could have brought my camera to school and then i could have recorded you and then i could have showed you the video of you screaming and then you'd feel very embarrassed by your behavior i am really not in the mood for your bull sh*t today if you want to keep up with this crap then you can go sit in the principal's office but i don't think you'd want that you know what you're gonna do during our quiz Tuesday you're gonna be screaming like an idiot again and then i am going to have to control all my frustration in this isn't even the worse you've seen of me i have screamed at students before and i can scream at you if you keep this up you need to shut your mouth and listen to me talking while i'm talking tells me that you don't give a crap about anybody except for yourself and it's really rude to the other kids in my class it's really stupid that i have to take 10 to 15 minutes out of my class time just to tell you to shut up it's ridiculous i really really wish that after this you will change your behavior

    My friend recorded the audio alone with his camera

    Nothing she said is true i do not scream in class and i am not disruptive at all and i am very respectful in class

    4 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Can a teacher say this to a student?

    So we were in math class i am pretty good in that class but my friend who sits next to me is having a hard time in math

    So today when we were doing a worksheet on graphing she told us to complete my friend asked her for help and my teacher said this to my friend

    "Can you do anything you can't graph you can't solve equations"

    5 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Whats the dumbest thing you ever got yell at by your parents for?

    - getting a D on my final

    - Missing the school bus one time

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do you consider this bullying?

    So in lunch if some kid sat at a lunch table with a bunch of kids and everyone left the lunch table leaving that poor kid by himself

    So you consider it bullying to leave the table on somebody

    8 AnswersFriends8 years ago