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Lv 56,304 points

Cindy H

Favorite Answers23%
  • how would you describe a certian dress?

    I want to do a certain dress for my wedding. I'm going with Old Hollywood Glamour and I want to wear the dress that Ginger Grant wore on Gilligan's Island. I know, weird, right? But how would you describe that dress. I've done hundreds of internet searches and I can't find anything close. How do I search this?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • If I converted to Judiasm would my son become a Jew as well?

    I understand that Judaism is Matra linear and so if I were to convert to Judaism (And I understand the difficulty of the process) would that make my kids Jewish or would they still be gentile?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are some plants that might grow after an eco holocaust in California?

    I am writing a story and it's set in 2081, and the ecological crisis has occured. A gruop of survivors is living in Paradise California and they are doing some farming. They have problems with a short growing season (three months a year without snow three with just frost, and six with snow and ice. They have water, but very little time to bring in a crop that is hearty and can handle issues like mountain soil and altitude and seeds can be stored over winter. They must also be available to a community in California (Paradise, CA specifically) and have the maximum nutritive content. I am considering Yams as a staple, but don't know it meets the other criteria. So I guess I'm asking if you lived in California after the fall of civilization and had to grow a crop in a short season to feed fifty people, what would you gros? :)

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I installed a new antivirus program (avast) and now I can't Yahoo mail to come up.?

    All the other things on Yahoo work, but when I go to mail, it says the browser won't let me automatically open a window and java is dead, too. I also get a weird page that says Yahoo! Mail

    Log in and Search Menus and gives me options like what's new and trouble login in. How do I fix this?

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • If you had three wishes, How could it go bad?

    Have you heard of the monkey's paw? I think any genie could be like that. Now imagine you had a genie and three wishes, what would you wish for? And how could that go horribly wrong? Feel free to show off your intellectual genius here.

    I'd wish for a million dollars (the IRS would find out and audit me then I'd have some 'splainin to do.

    I'd wish for world peace (everyone would vanish)

    I'd wish for a turkey sandwich (the turkey would be dry!)

    Also, what do you think are the three most fool proof wishes? Are selfish or selfless wishes less dangerous?

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Saw an angel in my dreams?

    In my dreams an angel appeared. She told me I had one more thing to do and then everything would change for the better. She was beautiful, but not in an angelic way, she had short blond hair and was wearing a silver and gold dress. She was walking down a staircase which seemed more like a movie set and there were indistinct littlle brown things behind her which I took to be hosts of angels. Everything about the scene was phony except the angel, who seemed sincere, but to be making a mockery of everything people think of when they think of angels. However, her message filled me with hope and joy. I have one more thing to do, and it is practically done! I think it might have been the archangel Gabriel who is the only one I've ever heard of appearing as a woman. Any ideas? Is there some deeper message, is she trying to tell me something about facade verses reality? I got the sense from her of a sly sense of humor. I am curious to see what others think of my dream.

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Still a chance to find Mr Right?

    I'm 43, have a 6 year old son and don't get out much. I'm told that by my age, and I believe it, that most of them are either taken or not taken for a reason. I've been single for about 3 years and I haven't really looked much, I got kind of burned out on the whole dating thing, but I am not back in a place where it would be nice to have someone just to have fun with.

    I know I should get out more, but I am extrememly not into the bar scene (I don't drink) and I tend to be a really intelligent person with an acerbic wit. I think I come off as unapproachable. I'm more into bookstores then bourban, and I never meet people in bookstores (I know I worked in one for 6 years.)

    Also, I am not a two - I'm a size 16 and I feel like a lot of guys only want something 20 and Brittany like. I'm not looking for good look, I'm looking for good looking to me, and intelligence and kindness (and a love of children) are much more important.

    So, what chance do I have?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Anyone know anything about a book called "the missing Boy?'?

    The main character was either Tristan or Tristam - vaguely science fiction, children's chapter book.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Banned book?

    DO you know the story behind it? Why it was banned?

    Mine is Farenheit 451. Let's ban a book about censorship. :)

    14 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do you fake a miracle?

    I am working on a story about a false Messiah and I need a few fake miracles for him to do in the story. It doesn't really matter how much they cost, or how many people it will take for them to pull this off.

    How would I make a Statue cry or turn water into wine?

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago