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  • Headache and ear ache for 4 day straight!!!?

    Please anyone know what this can be. I've had a head ache towards the back of my head for 4 days. My ears started hurting to three days ago. I can't bend down or lay down a certain way. Its horrible and I've taken meds that don't seem to help. Anyone know what this may be?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • is this normal after deprovera? Help?

    My last shot was due December 29th 2010. I didn't get it because I was having problems. Anyways ON the 23rd of January I bleed for like 5 minutes if that. Then on the 3rd of February I started having bloody discharge. Its been three days and I have so much bloody discharge that I have to wear a pad. Its a dark brownish red looking blood to. I'm scared and I wanted to know if anyone has experienced this. Please no rude comments.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Should I give up and try again latter?

    I've been trying to potty train my daughter for a long time she showed signs that she was ready so I started. She does great for a couple of days and then she just doesn't want to go to the potty and she fights me when I try to make her. I don't know what to do. I've tried everything and it just doesn't seem to be working. I'm really starting to get annoyed and stressed. She'll be 2 and a half in a week and we've been trying since she was 18 months. I haven't gave up but I'm starting to think that I need to take a break from trying to potty train her for a little bit then try again latter. She just uses the bath room anywhere. She knows how to say she haves to go and she knows where your supposed to go. I'm just so stressed about it that I want to cry. Please help I've literally done everything everyone's to me and its just not working.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How do I know if my daughter haves control over her bowel movements?

    I'm potty training my 2 year old daughter. She almost never haves accident with going pee pee but always haves accidents when it's going poo. We've been doing everything that we can think of to potty train her since she was 1 and a half year old. She's getting the hang of it very slowly. She cry's when she goes number 2 even when shes on the toilet. Its around the same time every day that she goes poo. She'll be sleeping and wake up crying because she went poo. I need advice and is this normal? Were doing the wearing panties through out the day and during naps and bed time she wears a pull up because of this problem. Anyone know how I can get her fully potty trained quicker. I've been doing this for over a year..

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • what could this be pain and negative pregnancy test.?

    pain in spine, back of my left rib cage, stomach, hips, lower belly, and moving in my tummy, Negative pregnancy test. Going to the doctor as soon as I can. I also feel nausea every now and then, I feel pain sometime in the front from hip to hip. Really low. I've been like this for weeks. I don't know what to do. I thought is was my time of the month. Then I thought I could be pregnant. I took the test it said no. Now I'm scared.. Help please..

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Should I be worried Have a bruised tale bone that just won't heal?

    I fell hard on my bum about 3 years or so ago and I told my doc about it at the time because I was pregnant. The pain has went away so I can sit and stand and stuff like that. But I can't do sit ups or anything like that because of the pain. It still hasn't went away and My daughter is now almost 2 and a half. I'm getting a little worried. Is this normal. I mean could it just be taking extra long to heal because of were the bruise is. I mean I sit and stuff and that can't be good for is. Anyways any ideas would be appreciated. thanks.

    1 AnswerInjuries10 years ago
  • What could be wrong with me lower abdominal pain, frequent urination, back pain, and nausea?

    This has been going on for the last three days. The first day I had really bad pain coming and going all day in my lower tummy and back with little nausea. The next day the pain in my back was less but I was still having cramps in my tummy just a little less often. At first I thought it as gas pains because I felt moving in my tummy which always happens when I have gas. But then the nausea woke me up at 1 this morning. I just don't know what to do. I've been searching and found out about Ovarian cancer which really scares me because it runs in my family. But I don't have all of the symptoms and I have some symptoms that aren't related with Ovarian cancer. Plus me urinating all the time. I can't even sit through a movie anymore. I've had this full feeling to. Like I just got through eating when I didn't. I just don't know. Thanks for all the answers.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • Is it normal to be a little apprehensive about having another baby?

    Okay I have a two year old daughter now and decided I wanted to start trying for my second baby, I don't want them to be to far apart or two close together, Plus the birth control I was on takes a while to get out of your system. Anyways I want a baby and so does my husband, Were really young to be having two kids and I'm scared that I won't be able to handle it. We have a game plan about everything. How we'll afford it. Everything we even live in a three bedroom house so it would have its own room. Everything is going great right now. So I think we'll be able to afford it. I'm only scared if I'll be able to handle it. They say every pregnancy and baby is different. My daughter was generally a happy baby and didn't cry much. Is it normal to be scared of being able to handle it. Or am I just weird. If anyone has been through this can you please tell me how you got over it. I wasn't like this at the begging on my first pregnancy. But towards the end I got scared like I am now. So is it just me? Well thanks to anybody that takes this seriously and isn't rube..

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • how to tighten the skin on my tummy?

    I was pregnant about two years ago. I started losing weight slowly and I've lost 40 pounds. I've gained and lost weight since I've started weight training. Well I've done everything to try and get a nice toned tummy again but It's just not happening. I've done every kind of ab work out that I know of. I run lift weights. I do everything to try and get toned. But its just not happening. I eat right I do everything right. So what else can I do to get a tight tummy? What can I do to finally get the body I want because what I'm doing doesn't seem to be working.. I have to be careful about what I do because I have an bruised tail bone. But any suggestions I'll be glad to hear.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Why my husband he's sick every morning..?

    In the mornings and after any kind of exercise my husband finds it hard to breath.. Then when he catches his breath he gets sick. Like nauseous and sometimes even pukes. I know TMI but I''m worried. He went to the doctor and he couldn't tell him what's wrong. I was wondering if anyone haves any idea or had been through the same thing. Thanks

    2 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • 23 month old daughter not wanting to eat.?

    I'm worried.. My 23 month old daughter has always had a very big appetite. But for the last two days she barely eats. She ate a little breakfast skipped lunch and ate a little bit of dinner. I offer her snacks but she doesn't want them. My husband says shes just not hungry. I think she doesn't want to eat it because its not sweats. So how do I get her to eat again? Has anyone experienced anything like this and does anyone have any advice. Thanks and please no rude comments...

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Does this sound like a good workout to you?

    I have 15 more pounds to lose for me to be at a healthy weight. I just got p90x I'm gonna do that for 90 days then I'm going to get Tony Horton's 10 minute workout after that to stay fit. Plus I eat really healthy and I workout on the ab circle pro. I'm scared that I'll bulk up. I want to lose the weight. Will p90 do the trick?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Is it okay to take a break during the p90x workout?

    The workouts are and hour and I have a little two year old running around so lets say its hard to get and hour to myself. Today I got up super early to do the workout. Now I'm really sleepy and I can't take a nap. So I was wondering if I would get the same results if I took breaks in between. You know like get up a little earlier and do the first 30 min. Then when my daughters taking a nap do 15 minutes. Then after I put her to bed at night do another 15 minutes. I also use the ab circle pro so ya. Will I still get results if I divide it up like this. Plus I eat super healthy and low calorie.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • How to get rid of the itch of a sunburn?

    Okay I got a sun burn on Saturday even though I put crap loads of sun block on. Anyways as soon as I got home I put some lotion for sunburns on. Latter that day I started putting loads of aloe Vera On and take plenty of cold showers. It's Tuesday now and the sting and burning is gone but there's this unbearable itching that I've been experiencing all day. I've tried everything. Vinegar and lots of lotion cold showers aloe Vera everything. Nothing is helping the itch. I even got a spray that the pharmacist recommended. Nothings helped now I can't sleep because of the constant itch. What does the itching mean anyways?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Is not working out for a week okay?

    Here's the deal like every other week I've been sick or layed out 4-6 days without working out. I'm trying to lose weight. So as soon as I get better I get back to working out. This week I worked out 5 times. Saturday I went to the beach. I used sun block but I still got badly burned. I read that It'll take a week to heal. So will this mess up my weight loss progress by not working out for a week. As soon as I'm healed I'm gonna get back to working out. But I don't want to stop working out. I don't want blisters that's why I don't want to sweat. Anyways anyone have any advice. Please don't be mean..

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can cps take my daughter?

    Okay today I went to the doctor because my daughter is sick.,. Anyways I bathe my daughter every night. I feed her and give her lots of drinks. I don't ever hit her nor does my hubby. But today her doctor told me I don't bathe her enough and I don't give her enough to drink. She wasn't filthy or nothing. I bathed her the night before and she played with my dogs right before we left. I came home crying because I'm scared. cps has ruined my friends family's and I don't want it to happen to me. I love her with everything. Can cps take her from me just because she's a little dirty?

    6 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Should I be worried that me 20 month old daughter is not peeing?

    This morning when she woke up she had a full diaper. I started potty training today using pull ups so I noticed that she hasn't peed since 6:50am this morning. It's now 3:08pm and I'm a little worried. I have given her plenty of fluids. She's drank a lot. She's pooped but not peed...=( Has anyone experienced this or haves any advice I'll be really thankful. She hasn't been sick or anything lately..

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I want to build muscle when should I start?

    Okay for about two weeks I was working strictly on building muscle but I wasn't losing any weight. I've already lost 23 pounds. But I need to lose 33 more to reach my goal. I want to start building muscle. I started doing taebo 3 times a week. I was thinking of working strictly on my muscles today. So I'd be working out 4 times a week 3 times taebo and building muscle once a week. I might even switch a taebo day for a dance workout day so I don't get bored. Anyways if I started working out one day a week on building muscle for and hour each workout would that be good. I want to start off slow so I'll keep seeing progress as I go. I want to tone is this enough for right now. After a month of doing it I'd start doing it twice a week so you see were I'm going. My aunt told me that I shouldn't start working on building muscle till I lose another 20 pounds. But I don't know what do you think?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Do you think this workout routine is good?

    Okay I recently lost 20 pounds. So I finally hit the weight loss platue. I was working out 20-25 min everyday on the treadmill. Transitioning between jogging and speed walking. So I decided this week I'm gonna change things. I decided to start toning up to. Here's my new workout please tell me what you think.

    Monday: workout on the treadmill for 30 min, 5 min working on my arm muscle tones, 10 min on my thighs, 5 min on my abs, 5 min stretching...

    Tuesday: 10 min arm muscle tone, 10 min on my thighs, 10 min on my abs, 10 min yoga.....

    Wednesday: Treadmill for 30 min, 5 min arm muscle tone, 5 min thighs, 10 min on my abs, 10 min stretching

    Thursday: 10 min arm muscle tone, 10 min on my thighs, 10 min abs, 10 min yoga

    Friday: Treadmill for 30 min, 5 min arm muscle tone, 5 min on my abs, 10 min thighs, 10 min yoga

    Saturday: 5 min arm muscle, 5 min thigh, 5 min abs, 10 min yoga

    Sunday: 20 min YOGA!!!

    I wanted to see what ya'll think before I get set on doing this. I've been working out strictly on the treadmill for about 3 months. I wanted to start building muscle in other areas that aren't my legs. I still have 38 pounds to lose. Does anyone have any other suggestions about how I can reach my goal. I'm a full time mom and I'm always busy so I only get about an hour if even that to workout while my daughter is taking a nap.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to share chap stick if you clean it first?

    I had really bad chap lips and I shared chap stick with a friend. As far as I know she doesn't have anything and she only uses chap stick for when she puts on lip stick. She says it makes the lip stick stay longer anyways. I whipped it with a paper towel before I used it.

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago