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  • What should I do ???!!!!! ?

    Moved into my apartment had a 1 year lease. 4 months prior to the end of the lease I received offers on my door for releasing. I never responded to those offers that had “expiration dates” with each deal. 

    On the last day of my lease I was completely moved out, had my utilities disconnected, returned equipment to my cable/internet provider (although the cable/internet services were paid for through the apartment with my rent as a part of the “tech package” that was to end when the lease ended) 

    I never made contact with the apartment management property I just assumed it was implied I needed to be out by the end of the lease and and that clearly I wasn’t releasing if I didn’t sign anything and you didn’t hear from me.

    I moved out 3 and a half months ago now, and I steadily receive a monthly bill from my apartment complex they still charge me rent each month on the first, a late fee for non payment, the tech package fee, and utilities. I’m totally lost as to why and how. Also in the emailed billing ledgers to me state me lease start date now as the end date of my actual lease, and it doesn’t have a date filled in at all for the lease end date. There is also a charge each month that says market rent. 

    I decided to visit the apartment last week to see if they have rented it out. My apartment is completely empty still in the exact condition I left it in literally down to an old news paper I dropped on the welcome mat that’s still in place. What do I do? Can they do this ?? 

  • What should I do ???!!!!! ?

    Moved into my apartment had a 1 year lease. 4 months prior to the end of the lease I received offers on my door for releasing. I never responded to those offers that had “expiration dates” with each deal. 

    On the last day of my lease I was completely moved out, had my utilities disconnected, returned equipment to my cable/internet provider (although the cable/internet services were paid for through the apartment with my rent as a part of the “tech package” that was to end when the lease ended) 

    I never made contact with the apartment management property I just assumed it was implied I needed to be out by the end of the lease and and that clearly I wasn’t releasing if I didn’t sign anything and you didn’t hear from me.

    I moved out 3 and a half months ago now, and I steadily receive a monthly bill from my apartment complex they still charge me rent each month on the first, a late fee for non payment, the tech package fee, and utilities. I’m totally lost as to why and how. Also in the emailed billing ledgers to me state me lease start date now as the end date of my actual lease, and it doesn’t have a date filled in at all for the lease end date. There is also a charge each month that says market rent. 

    I decided to visit the apartment last week to see if they have rented it out. My apartment is completely empty still in the exact condition I left it in literally down to an old news paper I dropped on the welcome mat that’s still in place. What do I do? Can they do this ?? 

    17 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 days ago
  • Do not know how to answer this question for a job app.?

    So completing background check requirements for a new job, and I was asked these questions that I m not sure what the answer may be per my situation.

    Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation?

    Have you ever pled guilty to a crime other than a minor traffic violation?

    Have you ever pled no contest to a crime other than a minor traffic violation?

    My situation is I was charged (not a traffic violation), went to court and I was offered to complete a class and have the charge dismissed. I completed the class and it was dismissed.

    I have no clue if that means i "plead guilty" and I do not want to seem like a liar based on confusion. does anyone know how i should answer?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • Approval Odds & Suggestions Loans w/Bad credit?

    I currently have a credit score of 576 on equifax and 617 on transunion. Two open accounts in good standing two closed accounts 1 good standing 1 write off debt to a credit card company almost 4 years ago. I need a loan desperately at the moment and need some advice on where any one if anyone would possibly give me a loan. And Advice.

    6 AnswersCredit4 years ago
  • Why does my leg keep falling asleep?

    Ok so I am 21 and yes I'm a bit chubby im 200 pounds even and have bounced between 200-205 pounds the last few years of my life. But I have never had this problem before. My right leg continuously falls asleep and my foot when I lay down or sit down the only time it doesn't fall asleep or feel like it has no circulation is when I am standing or laying flat on my stomach or back. If I sit or lay on my right side my entire right leg and foot will start to go numb within minutes and this process has been happening going on 2 months now. What could this be ? I am over weight but not serverly and I drink water everyday so I am confused as to what could be going on. Anyone please give a little information !

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • how long can I leave my industrial bar piercing out?

    I have had my industrial bar for a year but it sometimes gets uncomfortable and I just wanna take it our for a few hours and put it back in but I am afraid the holes will close. How long does it take the holes to close or how long can I leave the piercing out?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Does not paying your rent go on your credit?

    Hi I live in college student apartments not associated with the campus its just where alot of college students stay. But I released months prior to my lease being up. Now that its time for my lease to run out I would rather stay somewhere else and I didn't pay this last month of rent. The problem is my mom was my guarantor so if I don't pay she is liable for my fees. But that's not her issue she is now freaking out, saying if I don't stay it will go on her credit score. So that's pretty much my question will skipping this new lease be on her credit report or anything.

    5 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Need help with Net10 Android Optimus Net Prepaid Cell Phone!!!!?

    Currently i have the Net10 prepaid cell phone LG800G it is a small touch screen and a pretty good phone. I want an upgrade though because i have had this phone for a year now and am ready to upgrade. So i looked up androids on the net10 plan and i was about to buy the Optimus Net on but i recently read comments by people who bought the phone and a comment said that once i buy the phone i will not be able to use my current sim card nor will i keep the same number. this halted my whole process of buying this phone but i don't know if it is true can someone please tell me if that is true an also if possible give me a little more information about the phone??

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago