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  • Blue dots on EPT, experiences?

    So I couldn't wait any longer and I took a test (it wasn't FMU)

    Immediately about 5 or 6 dots showed up where the positive line should be - but that's about it. I know I'll have to take another test to confirm one way or another - but I am just wondering what other peoples experiences have been with this?? Have you turned out to be pregnant after having blue dots - or is it always a negative?

    I do know a lot of people avoid the blue dye tests - and I will be purchasing a different brand for this very reason!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How many of you thought af was coming?

    How many of you were positive your period was coming when you got a BFP? I have heard many people say they swore their period was coming when they were first pregnant.

    I am late, and have been sure AF is coming for the last few days so I haven't tested - but now I'm not so sure!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Montgomery's tubercles?

    So I have not tested yet but I am late and wanting to know what montogmery's tubercles look like and when they show up in early pregnancy?

    Also are they visible when you're not pregnant as well??

    I don't often spend time examining my nipples that much so I'm not exactly sure what I would be looking for, and when??

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Okay, am I crazy or does this sound like I could be?

    Last menstrual period was on May 23 2009. I am do the 20th of this month (3 days from today) for my next one. Ovulation was around the 6th of this month.

    Yesterday (10 dpo) I went to the washroom and had brown discharge in my underwear, very light in consistency. Not much at all. Didn't think anything about it except that it sucks that I got my period early.

    Since then, discharge has gone back to normal color and consistency. I have slight menstrual like cramps - but none of the other typical symptoms I get - tender breasts, intense cramps, emotional, etc. I usually have pretty severe PMS.

    I know not many women get implantation bleeding - but this is NOT normal for me. Has never happened before. And we definitely had sex the week leading up to ovulation.

    Does it sound possible that I could be pregnant - or am I getting excited over nothing??

    I have one test left, but I am trying to hold out since I'm not late yet - but it's almost impossible!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Honoring my parents at my wedding?

    Between the two of us - my fiance and I have lost quite a few people close to us. Both my parents passed away by the time I was 18. His best friend passed away 2 years ago - and we've both lost all our grandparents as well.

    I'd like to find a way to honor them - Especially my parents and his best friend - but I'm not sure what to do, or how to do it. A slide show is too funeralish and in your face. I don't want to depress myself and all my guests. But I'm not sure either of us will have it in us to get up there and make some sort of toast or mention of them and hold it all together. I'd like something that makes it obvious we're honoring them - but not something drawn out or depressing, I guess.

    Also - is it okay to ask someone who isn't family, to give me away in place of my Dad? Or should it be a family member? I am not really close with any of my uncles, but I do have two men in my life who are very much like fathers to me.

    Is there a way I can walk down the isle without being given away?? I've never seen it done - could my fiance and I walk in after the groomsmen and bridesmaids, together?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Was anyone terrified of being pregnant?

    We've been ready for kids for a while - and as each day goes by, I am more and more ready. But I'm absolutely terrified of getting pregnant. The baby part doesn't scare me - the 9 months of having the baby in me, does.

    I am a very anxious and stressful type of person - which stresses me out even more because I know being stressed while being pregnant can be bad for baby.

    I'm not worried about the sickness or sore boobs or what its going to do to my body - I'm afraid of something going wrong and not being able to control it.

    Also - and I know this is silly to think, but everyone else I know, have had such good pregnancies and healthy babies, with no complications - that it has to happen to someone, and I am the last one to have kids.

    Anyone else feel this way?? I wish I could get pregnant, sleep for 9 months and wake up when the baby is here. I really, really want to start my family - but this is holding me back.

    Does anyone know of any anxiety medication you can take safely during pregnancy? I feel it might be my only option - I had to take anxiety medications when I was younger. I have it 99% under control now - but the pregnancy thing is a big one for me.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Scalp Peeling After Hair Dye?

    I've always had dry scalp, with itching and flakiness. But last saturday I got my hair cut and dyed at my salon.

    As of wednesday it was peeling a bit, but I figured it was just slightly drier than usual, which I expected.

    As of today, my entire scalp is peeling, and a bit sore. It looks like the same peeling you get from a sunburn. My scalp doesn't look red, or irritated, or burned. Though, its hard to tell because my hair was dyed red - so my scalp could be a bit red and I can't tell against my hair.

    Is this likely an allergic reaction, or more of a chemical burn?

    15 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I get him on board with a lifestyle change?

    I recently embarked on getting myself back into a healthier life style. I lost my way for a year or two - and now I've gotten pretty into it.

    Now my fiance isn't overweight. He does have a few extra pounds on, but they don't bother me. However, I never realised just how unhealthy he is eating. I am worried about his health in the future if he keeps eating like he is, it doesn't seem to concern him, though.

    Is there anything I can do to encourage him to become healthier?

    I don't expect him to do a complete 180, but making healthier choices once or twice a day is a good start. I have been doing as much healthy cooking as I can, but I still find myself making my meal, and then extra side dishes for him. And if I dont cook it, he will.

    Is there anything I can do, or do I just have to leave it alone?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Diaper Shower Wording?

    My friend had baby number 3 and this shower will be more of a meet and greet. I offered her the option of a diaper/neccesity shower as she's also still got another one in diapers (same gender). She's never had a shower before.

    She chose to go with this option as those kids have more clothes and toys than she knows what to do with.

    What is the best way to word an invitation? I want something that's not too demanding, but not so subtle that people don't get the hint.

    I was maybe thinking of making it a 'clean baby' theme (catchier than that, though) because she could also use wips/lotions/bath soap, etc. for baby.

    Anyone got any creative ideas?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Could it be a pinched nerve??

    I've always had pain and cramping/kinks around my shoulder blade. Usually intermittently. Its not constant, but it does happen a few times a day for an hour or two.

    The last two days the pain has gone more to a tight/tense feeling and I can feel something being pulled when I turn my head. When I sit down and lean forward the top part of my arm goes tingly, as well as my thumb, index and middle finger. This also happens if I put my head back or lay with my shoulder forward. It's completely fine if I am standing, sitting completely straight or laying on my back or side.

    I always though pinched nerves really hurt, but it sounds like a pinched nerve.

    Also, the last two days as well, I get a REALLY sharp pain in the base of my spine by my tail bone when I turn my upper body, every now and then. Could this be related, or did I screw up my back in two places??

    5 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Anyone who married and 'grew up' young, feel like they missed out later?

    I was forced to grow up quickly over-night. I went from barstar to homeowner with some pretty big responsibilities to follow.

    Then I met my soon to be husband, and we settled in together quite nicely. Most of my friends are older than I am by atleast 3 years. Most people think I am a few years older than I am when they first meet me. Hell, sometimes I forget I'm as young as I am!

    I don't get along with most people my age, and fun to me isn't getting hammered 3 nights a week like it is with the few friends I do have that are my age. We have vastly different lives.

    I love my life right now. I have no desire to lead the life my young friends are. But I get worried sometimes that in 10 years I'm going to have some crazy mid-life crisis and try to gain back the early years that I have skipped. Sometimes I feel like I should force myself to do all that stuff, even if I don't want to, so I don't regret anything later.

    Are you still just as happy, or do you have regrets?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Pre-nups with a twist.?

    This is spawned from the "what do you think when you hear pre-nup" Question.

    What if the person with the lesser assets offers to sign one (without being asked) for the other persons protection/security?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do you dole out warning for time outs?

    When you give your toddler a warning before a time out, how long does that warning stand for??

    For example if they hit the dog and you say "Last warning, you hit benji one more time, you go in time out"

    If the child hits benji 20 minutes later do they get a time out - or a new set of warnings?

    What about an hour later?

    How long do you think is appropriate to still dole out the 'time out' after a warning, and when is it appropriate to issue a new warning??

    Does it depend on the seriousness of the offense for you??

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Fish recipes for someone who is picky with fish?

    I don't mind fish. I really like salmon baked on a cedar plank, and tuna salad - I love fish and chips.

    However, I hate anything that tastes or smells fishy. I don't know which kinds of fish are more likely to have that smell and taste - or if its a certain way of packaging/preparing before buying that makes fish more likely to taste like that.

    I stay away from making fish because of it, but I would really like to eat it more and try different kinds.

    Any recipes or tips on buying fish?

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Men how open are you about your needs in the bedroom?

    Are you open about asking for what you want/like or telling your spouse/partner how to do something different?

    Will you ask or tell her during the deed, or tell her later??

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I love him to death, BUT?

    He is so needy!!

    For a while I had another little one his age (nearly 2) and they got along GREAT!! I didn't think they'd play with eachother, just more around eachother, but they were inseperable.

    Her mom has gone on early Mat leave and now its just me and him again.

    He was always independant before, the type who would get mad if you'd try to help him, or play with the same thing he was. Of course he liked his attention, too, but he was definately able to play alone.

    Now he's up my butt all day long. And whining. If I try to make a snack he's trying to climb me going "UH UH UH UH UH" I was putting dishes away today while he ate his snack and everytime I turned to put one in the cupboard - he'd snap. UH UH UH UH.

    He talks very very well, he can ask for what he wants easily. No need for the whining. He's also begun high pitched screamy whines. and "MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM" anytime I turn around.

    I don't know what to do, I'm torn. Part of me feels bad and wants (cont)

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Painting melamine cabinets?

    We are almost done our bathroom reno.

    We have built & painted new doors for the cuboards. But need to paint the box.

    I am thinking sanding, kilz or zinzer primer & latex paint?

    There are actually only the parts that will be seen, one against the toilet, and two where a chair goes. They're not very visable so it doesn't have to be fantastic looking.

    7 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • My basement is roughed in for a toilet and sink can we?

    Put in a shower, too? Or is that a lot of work to add the additional plumbing and drain for the shower??

    We already have two showers so it's not neccesary but the amount of space we will have once we put up walls and such, is more than enough for an additional shower and ample counter space. It'd be nice.

    Also, is it generally expensive to do so?? The bathroom will be as basic and inexpensive as possible while still being nice - so if it costs too much to put in a shower, I won't bother.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • How long does it take for you to tell your partner something is bothering you?

    So this is a problem I've had my whole life, not just in my relationship. I have always been the peace keeper and one to avoid conflict to keep things smooth. Friends, parents past relationships, etc.

    I've learned through my past that this doesn't work. Now in my current relationship, if somethings bothering me, I won't ignore it or bottle it up.

    However, I do build it up in my head, and get anxious and always think its going to be a much bigger production than it ever is. He's always receptive to what I have to say and it rarely causes a fight. But I always get so worked up and anxious that I put it off or psych myself out over nothing. I always know in my head its going to be fine, but that still doesn't stop me from worrying.

    Does this happen to a lot of people? If not, how do I go about working on this?

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If someone told you the world was ending?

    Say someone came up to you a few months before you met your spouse/parter and showed you proof the world would end 5 years later, do you think you would have done things differently?

    Would you still have pursued a relationship? If so, would you still have kids??

    Or would you have lived for yourself and spent time with the family you had??

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago