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I love him to death, BUT?

He is so needy!!

For a while I had another little one his age (nearly 2) and they got along GREAT!! I didn't think they'd play with eachother, just more around eachother, but they were inseperable.

Her mom has gone on early Mat leave and now its just me and him again.

He was always independant before, the type who would get mad if you'd try to help him, or play with the same thing he was. Of course he liked his attention, too, but he was definately able to play alone.

Now he's up my butt all day long. And whining. If I try to make a snack he's trying to climb me going "UH UH UH UH UH" I was putting dishes away today while he ate his snack and everytime I turned to put one in the cupboard - he'd snap. UH UH UH UH.

He talks very very well, he can ask for what he wants easily. No need for the whining. He's also begun high pitched screamy whines. and "MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM" anytime I turn around.

I don't know what to do, I'm torn. Part of me feels bad and wants (cont)


To give him a bit of extra attention because I know he just misses his buddy. But on the other hand, I don't want to encourage his neediness.

Hes whining, wanting up, screaming, getting into things. His mom has even noticed he's changed since she left.

Do I give in and ditch my routine a bit and give him more attention - or to I plop in the ear plugs and ignore all the negative behaviour until he re-adjusts??

I try to keep him as occupied as possible when I cant be giving him 100% like making lunch or whatever - but like I said, I can't even turn around anymore.

What would you do??

Update 2:

Edit: sorry, forgot to say he's in my dayhome. However, he's family so his mom wouldn't mind if I put him in an activity.

Also would like to say I have been giving him extra attention, just making sure its not going to backfire on me and make things worse here and at home.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a little confused. I can't tell if this is your child or if you are his caregiver. Regardless, my answer is the same. Ditch your routine and love him up. He's a baby. Try to move things back to your normal gradually. That's what I would do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you have your hands full there! But it does sound like the little guy is very insecure now. He lost his friend. When a child loses a friend, they fear the will lose others as well. I would take the time that I could and give him extra attention, however, I wouldn't stop everything to give it. Constantly reassure him. Try "pushing" him towards one of the other children. I know this has to be frustrating, not to mention, if a typical 2 year old gets his/her way, the other children will miss out on the attention they need. Which I'm sure you will not allow that to happen. But it is tough when a little one loses playmates. I know this from experience. My ex was in the Army, we had one child. Every friend she made would be deployed some place else. At the age of 2 she began stuttering. We took her to a speech therapist. Their suggestion, ignore it and constantly reassure her we would be there. She came out of the stuttering within months. When she started kindergarten, I received a call from her teacher who was concerned. (At this point he had exited the military and we were back home) My daughter would play by herself in corners. She wouldn't interact with the other children. When it finally came out, it was "Mommy, when will the kids leave?" That's when I realized the effect of losing friends had on children. So please, between you and the little guys parents, keep reassuring him and try to persuade him into playing with the other children. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you talking about my daughter?? I mean really she is 16 months old and so needy for attention. The funny thing is she gets A LOT of attention. But I like you can't turn around with out bumping into her or getting the UHUHUH. My daughter chooses not to talk she rather just point since her dad (my husband) lets her get away with it she still does it. It makes me NUTS. Talk I tell you TALK! She likes dad better because he lets her do what she pleases so I hardly even get a mom its always dad dad dad. Yesterday i put her in time out for hitting the dog with a (plastic) bat she cried dad dad dad but daddy was at work sorry for her. He would never take her out if I put her in but he won't put her in. So I feel like if he gave her some more disipline she might come around. The other thing is he is with her in the morning, he gets her up gives her breakfast and then they play all moring till she goes to grandmas for a couple hours. He doesn't do any thing except play with her so when I get home I have to give her undivided attention AND clean the house.

    Sorry I don't have any advise but when you figure it out ... let me know

    Lot of luck - E

  • 1 decade ago

    I find myself going through this every morning. I even go through it when i give him a snack. When I do the dishes, I sit him on the counter right next to's the only way i can get things done. My son isn't even two yet...but I fear he's started his terrible two's a bit early. He has a little sister her plays with all the time, but when it comes to attention, no one can give it quite like their mommies. For me, I ignore the behavior i don't encourage, and if it leads to lots and lots of tears...its nothing a little milk and cuddle time with their favorite toy won't fix. The threat of a nap to my child is like nails on a chalkboard...unless he really is tired, he doesn't want one. So if one of his fits leads to some milk and cuddle time with his heffalump and he's really not tired, he usually walks right out of his room 15 minutes later. Good news is, after that 15 minutes, I'm done with what I needed to do, find both my child and myself have calmed down, and I am ready to play again. Good luck

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hes just tryin his luck with u,kids always seem to want to push us to our limits,i think they actually enjoy it,they all do it so u are not alone every parent has gone through it,my advice is stay cool,even if it means leaving the room for a minute,keep firm,and most importantly dont give in to his whimpering...i know its hard but you will beneifit in the long run,he has to know whos boss and that u lay down the rules otherwise next time he will come back at you 10 fold,this will pass as its just a phase...hell move on to the why this ...and why that...soon and that will wear u out just as much!!! good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe you can enroll him in some age appropriate programs like swimming, tumbling, karate ANYTHING to get him socializing with kids around his same age again or maybe you can set up play dates with his old lil' buddy =)

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    spare the rod and spoil the child

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