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Anyone who married and 'grew up' young, feel like they missed out later?

I was forced to grow up quickly over-night. I went from barstar to homeowner with some pretty big responsibilities to follow.

Then I met my soon to be husband, and we settled in together quite nicely. Most of my friends are older than I am by atleast 3 years. Most people think I am a few years older than I am when they first meet me. Hell, sometimes I forget I'm as young as I am!

I don't get along with most people my age, and fun to me isn't getting hammered 3 nights a week like it is with the few friends I do have that are my age. We have vastly different lives.

I love my life right now. I have no desire to lead the life my young friends are. But I get worried sometimes that in 10 years I'm going to have some crazy mid-life crisis and try to gain back the early years that I have skipped. Sometimes I feel like I should force myself to do all that stuff, even if I don't want to, so I don't regret anything later.

Are you still just as happy, or do you have regrets?


This really doesn't pertain to my relationship - just life in general. Like the things we do for fun, etc.

Update 2:

Im not quite 22 - legal here is 18. I was a 'barstar' for all of 4 months.

7 Answers

  • RN2009
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yep...Met my hubby at 21 (still in college) and he was 28. We got married 2 1/2 years later. We quickly had 4 children. When I turned 30...I really fell into a depression. I felt as though I "missed out" on something. I too was forced to grow up very quickly through my teen years. What I realized is that I spent far too much time taking care of others and not nearly enough time taking care of myself. So, I decided to take a nice long vacation from my home responsiblities. When you are away from home, you truly have the opportunity to be thankful for what you have. Live your life with NO REGRETS.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was 17 when I married the first time. Yes, I did regret marrying that young and yes, I wished many times that I had did all of those things first. I'm now 40 and all I know is being a wife. After my ex started cheating on me over and over again and after all of the mental abuse, I started going out and doing these things, but only to find some sort of happiness. In my case though, I realized too many years later and two daughters, it wasn't the fact I missed out on those things at all or that I didn't enjoy marriage, I just married the wrong person. I finally got the courage to leave him, after many years of hearing, "Leave me and you will be alone, no one could ever love you!" So I left him, found someone who did love me, divorce was final two years later and I married the right man 5 months after that. wasn't really about doing those things, I was about doing the things I enjoy with the right husband. There may be times that you wish you had did this or that, so go out and do them when you think that. Just stay faithful to your husband, remind him that you love him more than anything and come home to his loving and understanding arms. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    i had my first son at 19 and then 21 had my second then got married at 22. now this isnt the life i would have saw myself having about 8 years ago or so but hell its the life i got and its the one i live. i do miss going out and partying sometimes but at the same time i would never leave my son with a babysitter so i can get away for a while. i am a daycare provider and i have my own daycare business. if i would have been asked at 17 where i see myu life going i would say i would be in collage getting my degree in criminal law and i would still live at home with my parents until i finished school. however i am far from what i thought my life would be like at the age of 23. i am on my own and have been for 5 years now i am not in collage prsueing my first dream, but my dreams have sinced changed i have my own daycare business and i get the privledge to stay home with my kids and watch them grow and learn and it is the best thing i could have wished for. i didnt want kids and now i have 2 wonderful sons and 3 wonderful stepsons. do i have regrets Absolutly not

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that you can go out and have fun and still be married with kids.

    I also think that if you aren't into that whole bar scene, you most likely never will be. I never really was into it, but I like to go out for a drink now and then.

    My suggestion: Plan a vacation with your friends, or your fiance, to Vegas or wherever and have a weekend of playing and no responsibilities.

    As long as you get do the things you like to do throughout your life, then you should be happy.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good question. I have known my wife since the 6th grade. We started dating exclusivley when we were both 17. We are now 41. She is absolutley awsome. I love her more than life itself.

    However I do think I missed out on the recreational sex in my youth. With all the bad marriages out there I can't complain and I am not looking for any sympathy. I am just answering the question.

    Sometimes I think people like me and you should get together. We could share alot.

  • 1 decade ago

    How old are you?

    If you were able to be a "Barstar", you HAD a youth.

    I had my sons at 20 and 22 years old.....THAT is having to grow up early!

    : )

    Source(s): Mom of two sons ages 11 & 13.....I was changing diapers before I could even legally get IN a bar!
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you were a barstar already then you probably got it out of your system. I know I did and I have no desire to do it again.

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