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  • who is affected by discrimination more college students or high school students?

    I am writing a reserach paper about lgbt discrimination. After doing some research i found that high school kids are affected more than college students. would that be true? and why do you think so?

  • Econ help please?

    Suppose that survey measures of consumer confidence show that a large wave of pessimism regarding the future performance of the economy is sweeping the country. Likewise, U.S. stock price indexes (the Dow Jones Industrial Index, the S&P 500 Index, and the Nasdaq) are all falling rapidly.

    If, in the short run, policy makers do nothing, what will happen to U.S. aggregate demand and what especially would we expect to happen to the “Personal Consumption” and “Domestic Private Investment” components of U.S. aggregate demand? Explain.

    What, again in the short run, should the Federal Reserve do if it wants to stabilize aggregate demand? Please be specific in your discussion of the specific policy tools that are available to the Fed.

    If the Fed were to do nothing, what might the U.S. Congress do to stabilize aggregate demand? Again, please be specific.

    If both the Federal Reserve and the Congress were to do nothing, what could the President do to stabilize U.S. aggregate demand?

    2 AnswersEconomics7 years ago
  • Did anyone ever had to write a research paper on GM organisms?

    I am taking English online. It is very hard because professor gives us homework every other day. I missed one assignment, so I am behind now. I need help to summarize the paper. I have written 5 pages, but I don't like them.

    I have a plan, and I started looking for sources. My plan is:

    1) introduce GMO

    A lot of people say that GMO is bad but it is still in the market. So, my question is should GM organisms be allowed to expand further in this market?

    2) Some of the benefits of GMO

    3) Some of the disadvantages of GMO

    4) My position is split. I feel like it's bad, only because a lot of people say that, but no one knows of their long-term effects. So, I still eat GM food.


    This paper should be 10 pages.

    I was thinking maybe someone has done this research already, so they could help me find good sources or even let me look at their paper, to have some kind of draft to compare.

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • What are there other consequences of deflation?

    Mankiw presents an analysis of six separate costs of inflation: shoe-leather costs, menu costs, relative-price variability and the mis-allocation of resources, inflation-induced tax distortions, confusion and inconvenience, and arbitrary redistributions of wealth. If inflation leads to these problems, does it follow that deflation (the opposite of inflation) makes these costs disappear. Put more generally, if inflation is bad, does it follow that deflation is good?

    Using the "six costs of inflation" detailed by Mankiw, explain the likely effects of deflation. Are there other consequences of deflation (not included in the six costs identified by Mankiw) that we should fear as consequences of a substantial deflation?

    3 AnswersEconomics7 years ago
  • what is the percent of research paper is actual writing?

    I need to write 10 page research paper. How much should I copy and paste and how much should I actually write?

    P.S. I need to have 10 sources

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • shopping online at sammydress?

    Did anyone buy anything from

    How long did it take for the item to come and did you get what you expected?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Help needed about the Visitor Visa?

    My husband has a visitor visa here till june. Will he be able to come back if we go to Mexico for our honey moon and come back before the expiration date?

    1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates7 years ago
  • English help needed please?

    Engage in critical inquiry in way that support your purpose by…

    * Going beyond summary to position yourself and your ideas in relation to the ideas of others by engaging sources through interpretation, analysis, or critique.

    * Using sources to frame or critically question other sources or issues.

    * Describing and analyzing the positioning of sources in relation to each other and why those contexts matter

    What does each point mean?

    4 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • What are the two conflicting arguments?

    There was a major political flap this past week triggered by a report by the Congressional Budget Office that the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) would (over time) cause a reduction in total hours worked by the American labor force.

    The Affordable Care Act may cut the number of full-time workers by roughly 2.3 million people through 2021. A WHO report reveals the number of cancer cases will increase at an alarming pace by 2035. Simple approach to finding a job. Photo: Getty.

    The new health law is projected to reduce the total number of hours Americans work by the equivalent of 2.3 million full-time jobs in 2021, a bigger impact on the workforce than previously expected, according to a nonpartisan congressional report.

    The analysis, by the Congressional Budget Office, says a key factor is people scaling back how much they work and instead getting health coverage through the Affordable Care Act. The agency had earlier forecast the labor-force impact would be the equivalent of 800,000 workers in 2021.

    What are the two conflicting arguments regarding the likely impact on total hours worked?

    4 AnswersEconomics7 years ago
  • Help with interview please?

    1. What psychological or behavioral genetic traits do you believe you inherited from your parents?

    2. In what way do you think your environment contributed to who you are today?

    3. In what activities did you parents encourage you to participate?

    4. Which of your personal traits commonly elicit responses in others? (How do others respond to these traits?)

    5. What are some examples of activities or environments that you have actively sought because of your traits?

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • oil drilling in Amazon?

    What do you think about oil drilling in Amazon?

    What are the disadvantages? Are there any advantages?

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology7 years ago
  • Your opinion about economists.?

    There is the widespread notion that economists rarely agree with each other. This seems perplexing when we note also that economics is often called the "Queen of the Social Sciences" (meaning that it is the most advanced of the social sciences).


    Why do economists so often disagree with each other, and is this disagreement a sure sign that economics is not a well-developed "science" after all?

    4 AnswersEconomics7 years ago
  • Econonomy 5 years ago. Your opinion about it?

    Why did the Fed and the Treasury (Bernanke and Paulson) take the differing approaches with Lehman and AIG?

    Looking back now, should they have tried to save both, or should they have let them both fail? What would the consequences have been of "all in" or "all out?"

    1 AnswerEconomics7 years ago
  • I need help to inreview people.?

    I need to interview couple of people about econ.

    About five years years ago, the U.S. faced the possibility of complete financial/economic meltdown.

    1) How did the financial crisis affect your employer, or your best customers, or you personally?

    2) Are we still living with the after shocks of these events of five years ago, and if so what are the tangible consequences?

    1 AnswerEconomics7 years ago
  • Math help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!?

    A baseball card store can obtain Hank Aaron cards at a cost of $5 per card. the store has been selling the cards at $10 each and at this price, has been selling 25 cards per month. The store is planning to lower the price and estimates that for each 25 cent reduction in the price, 5 more cards will be sold each month. At what price should the cards be sold to maximize total monthly profit?

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Calculate the weighted-average cost.?

    You have the following information for Vincent Inc. for the month ended October 31, 2014. Vincent uses a periodic method for inventory.

    Date Description Units Unit Cost or Selling Price

    Oct. 1 Beginning inventory 60 $24

    Oct. 9 Purchase 120 $26

    Oct. 11 Sale 100 $35

    Oct. 17 Purchase 27 $100

    Oct. 22 Sale 60 $40

    Oct. 25 Purchase 70 $29

    Oct. 29 Sale 110 $40

    Weighted-average cost per unit $...... ???????????

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Distance Relationships?

    If a girl and a guy live in different countries. Who do you think be the one to move?