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  • How to explain this choppy layered haircut (sorta scene)?

    K I'm getting my hair done in a few days and I want my hair layered like this:

    Now I don't wanna be all scene or wutever I just want the layers. I know I can bring in the picture but how do I explain to the stylist how I want the layers?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is this too much makeup for a 13 year old girl?

    Hey I'm almost 14 and I'm going into 8th grade. I was wondering if you think i wear too much makeup. Well I don't use any foundation or face crap like that, i just wear eye makeup. I usually wear black liquid eyeliner on my top and bottom lids (but not a lot like those girls who look like raccoons or something!) Then black mascara and sometimes some eyeshadow, nothing bright though. You think this is too much or what?

    17 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Hayley Williams hair . . . help?

    Does anyone have any more pics of Hayley where her bangs are like this in these pics?

    Yeah and do u know how she gets it like that? Any products i can use?

    And I'm not some Fayley or whatever I just like the bangs so don't call me any of dat stuff

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How to get Hayley Williams bangs?

    I wanna cut my hair soon and I want my bangs to look like this

    but i dunno how she makes her bangs like stick out like that. How do can I get my bangs to be like that? What products, like got2b, should i use?

    And I dont wanna be just like her, im not some wannabe or wutever i just like the bangs so dont call me stuff

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • When will my pre ordered Brand New Eyes album get here?

    Well although I live in the U.S., I ordered the Paramore Brand New Eyes deluxe album set thing from the Canadian site since it was taking forever on the U.S. one. I know the album comes out September 29th, so will I get my album the same day? Or before or after that?

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What is the easiest song to play on bass by Paramore?

    Hey i wanted to know which Paramore song is the easiest to play on bass guitar. If you don't know, then which song would be easier to play on bass for a beginner: That's What You Get or Crushcrushcrush?

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What Paramore songs will be played at the No Doubt with Paramore tour?

    I'm in love with Paramore and would love to go to their concert. well it's actually no doubt with paramore but w/e i like paramore better. but i dont wanna go to see paramore play like only 2 songs for the concert. So to anyone who has seen one of the concerts, how many songs does paramore play? or which ones? please please help me thanks :]

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Which bass guitar package should i buy?

    Ok i want to buy a bass soon but I have to buy a reeaally cheap one. And I'm just a beginner, I've never played in my life and will probably take lessons, so I just need a cheap bass that will work good before I can buy a real good expensive one. So i found these 2 bass guitar package things at wal-mart haha that are pretty cheap. So I'm not sure which one is better. Ok here is the first one

    And here is the second one

    Which one do you think would be better? Have any of you played one of these or own them? And please don't tell me to go and buy some used guitar or some other brand like Fender because I just have to buy something really really cheap because I'm just a beginner

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Can someone analyze a published poem?

    Can you please analyze a published poem and include

    *the figurative language

    *rhyme and meter



    *and historical period that it was written? Please please please

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • How many syllables are in the word stepped?

    I'm trying to write a limerick and was going to use the word stepped, but I don't know if it has one syllable or two. Does anyone know?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Do you have a cool last name or know anybody that does?

    Ok my last name is Cherry. Yeah, no joke. When ppl first meet me they can't get over my last name haha. Hey, what would be a good nickname for me? O, rite, anyways, know anybody with a cool unique last name?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My Sim who snuck out won't come back home?

    Ok I had my teen sim sneak out at night with someone, and I don't think he's come back home yet! And it hasn't been a couple of hours, he left at 1 am and now it's about 11 am the same day and he's missed school and isn't back! But the thing is the little icon thing that says he is sneaking out isnt there, there's nothing next to his pic so it seems like he's at home. But when i double click on his picture thing it doesn't take it to him the camera just stays put. It works on all the other ppl but not for the teen who snuck out. And I tried telling him to go do something, but the task just fades away. I have no idea where he is and when he is gonna come home someone please help me what do i do?

    O and my sim didnt RUN AWAY, he SNUCK OUT k?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • If I install the Sims 2 on my computer will it slow my computer down or mess it up?

    Ok I don't exactly know what computer I have, I think it's a Gateway Intel Core 2. So the thing is I've installed the Sims 2 before on the computer but my mom ends up uninstalling it or whatever because she says it "slows down the computer" or "messes it up". But I've never noticed anything wrong with it when the Sims 2 was on! Ok so I wanna install it again. Our computer has 227 GB of memory or w/e and 42.5 GB of it is used and the other 184 GB is free space. Is this enough space to put the Sims 2 on (with NO or 1 expansion pack) on my computer? Thanks and ugh my mom still says the Sims 2 ruins the computer, how does it "ruin" or "slow down" the program?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What similarities are there between Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks?

    I'm finishing an essay about the civil rights movement, and for the last part I have to compare MLK and Rosa Parks. I don't have time to go and check out any books, and I dont' rlly want to read all of these big biographies or anything like that from the web. Can you please just give me some good, clear answers? Thank you

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X's effect on society?

    I have to do an essay about MLK and Malcolm X, and part of it is how each of them effected society. I need help on this part, because I don't exactly know how they each effected society. Please help!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • If you like Paramore, then vote for them! ?

    Ok well this isn't really a question at all. But if you like Paramore, then vote for them everyday to win Fuse's Best of 2008 video thingy. So far they have the fewest votes, so come on ppl, vote for them every day!

    Vote now!

    click on where it says Paramore That's What You Get, above the big thingy in the middle to vote for Paramore.

    And if you don't like Paramore then u don't have to comment on this and say rude stuff about them so yea u ppl can just go away.

    5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Which store is the cheapest out of these stores: Abercrombie, Aeropostale, Hollister, and American Eagle?

    I like clothes from these places but a lot of the stuff can be expensive so I want to shop at the cheapest one. I think Aeropostale is but some other people say that Abercrombie is. What store is the cheapest? And what store do you like/don't like and why?

    20 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does Plato's Cloest sell gift cards?

    I was just wondering if Plato's closet has gift cards you can buy to give to someone. Thanks.

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Video from the movie Twilight where it look like Edward is hitting Bella's butt?

    My friend saw this one video where it is from Twilight and we can't find the video now. The video is when in Edward is jumping to sit next to Bella or something and his arm moves and it looks like it's hitting Bella's butt and the video keeps playing that part over and over again. I really wanna see it but my friend doesn't remember the name of it and I can't find it. Does anyone know the name of the video or knows anything about it? Thanks.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Need help with my halloween costume?

    I'm going to be a troll doll for halloween. I wanna make my hair stick up straight and then spray paint it pink. But I don't know how to make my hair stick up straight, because it is kinda long and thick. I've heard to wash your hair, then put tons of jell on it and make it stick up, and then blow dry it and it should work. But I'm not sure if that would work, how can you make your hair stick straight up? And I also don't know what to wear for my costume. I'm not sure if I should wear regular clothing or what. And I live in Illinois so I need to wear something to keep me warm.

    4 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago