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Dark Angel
What happens when you lose control of your car while reversing?
Okay today I was reversing slowly back, when I realized I didn't have enough room so I drove forward. But the second time I tried reversing I lost control of my car and it went back REALLY FAST. Thank goodness there weren't anyone behind me, but I am scared it will happen again. So what caused the car to go back really fast? It seemed like I had lost control for a few seconds. I want to understand what happened so that it never happens again.
thanks for any info.
2 AnswersSafety9 years agoName and Artist of Cantonese Song?
Hey guys,
I've been trying to look for the name and artist of this song:
I've tried everything but unable to find it, I really want to know the lyrics of this song,
unfortunately it's in Cantonese, and I can't really type Cantonese on my keyboard.
It's a really good song, do give it a listen :D
I'd really appreciate any help, I really want the lyrics!!
1 AnswerOther - Music9 years agoConfused about love!?
Sigh, love is a complicated, sad and happy thing all rolled into one. The thing is that I'm in college and really want to focus all attention on school, but love had other plans, love doesn't wait, it comes out of nowhere and knocks you in the heart so quick you barely have time to breathe.So there is this one guy who likes me a lot, I can tell by the way he stares at me. And I like him too. But honestly my whole future rests on me getting good grades, am I missing out on life by choosing college>love.
Sometimes I take detours around the the campus just to avoid him. I heard a mutual friend tell him that when he doesn't see me he gets really depressed and sad, and that makes me sad. A part of him wants to comfort him, but my brain is telling my heart to shut up, focus on college and don't toy with other people's feelings. I really really do like him, I can't stress that enough. But my schedule is so hectic, job, bills, etc.
So my question is: should I "coincidently" show up where he is? It makes him happy to see me...
Sorry I know its a stupid question, but sometimes I wonder why such an intelligent person can be so stupid when it comes to love :(
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoShould I apologize to my crush?
Okay about a day ago, I was walking down the hall, I UNCONSCIOUSLY turned around, and guess what? I saw my crush staring at me with these bright big gorgeous eyes, being rather shy, I turned away so quick I might have pulled a muscle. Well I think I might have hurt his feelings, he ignored me today, his arms were kinda like crossed over his heart as he swiftly walked by without so much as a glance. He probably thinks I hate him or something, I really want to make up to him, should I try to talk to him? I guess I have to overcome my shyness rather live in guilt :(
Advice please :D
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoIs a legit website?
Has anyne brought anything from this website?
Thanks =)
1 AnswerOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade agodefinition of political class? please help!?
Im not sure what political class means please explain briefly
thank you in advance =)
2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agoplagiarizing for art competition?
hey everyone, there is this art competition coming up and i was thinking about entering however I CAN'T for the life of me draw something out of my head. I have wicked copying skills however, so i really want to enter and i want to draw something from google images. not just one picture but a few.
so is this plagiarism?
i really want to enter, winners get cash, what if i don't get the money is it still okay from me to enter?
ps i just want to get my facts straight, don't want to get sued or anything.
1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade agohow long does polychromos pencils last?
im planing to buy faber castell polychromos pencils, i just want to know how long will they last? is the worth the money?
thank you :D
1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade agowhat song was jeanine dancing to in her solo? so you think you can dance?
what song was jeanine dancing to in her solo? so you think you can dance in the finale which showed which was on at 9pm 08/05/09
lol i missed the name but i really like the song
3 AnswersDancing1 decade agolast names that mean beautiful/darkness/fighter?
i need 3 last names
that means beautfiul, darkness and fighter
thanks =)
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoHow to use the word androgynous?
If someone asked me if i was female or male could i say
"im androgynous?"
how else could you use the word androgynous?
She looks so androgynous?
thanks in advance =D
6 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agodoes body restore fat that it lost during exercise?
Lets say i exercise and i lose some stored fat,
if i eat a meal would the excess be stored as fat?
coz i want to lose weight and if i eat and it gets restored, then i wouldn't have lost any weight?
sorry if this confusing i hope you get the meaning
thanks in advance =)
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago64x^2-81x=? math problem please help!?
please help me solve it
64x^2 - 81x = ?
thanks in advance
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agowhat food do koreans eat for shiny hair?
when i watch korean drama (lol) i get so jealous of the actors and actresses they have such nice hair. So i was wondering what kind of food do korean people eat for healthy hair!!
thanks in advance =)
6 AnswersHair1 decade agoGetting through the NO-POO challenge! some helpful hints.?
Many people are deciding to throw away all their shampoo and only wash their hair with warm water.
>Some people are so embarressed to do this because they cannot leave the house with greasy hair.
>Its been 12 days since i last wash my hair with water and i can honestly say that my hair has been healthy and shiny. it feels as if i have more hair =)
> i advise everyone to take this challenge and it usually takes like 6weeks without shampoo for the hair to adjust.
>No i do not use AVC or BS because i want to be as natural as possible.
>during trials and errors i have found some solutions in aiding people get through their 6weeks of nightmare. It gets worse before it gets better =(
> many people give up because they can't go out of the house, but i have the solution that will make you want to get out of the house and show off your new hair =)
It is helpful to wash your hair before you go out because when you wash it at night and wake up the next morning it becomes flat.
> Wash hair with WARM water and use FINGERTIPS to scrub through the scalp.
>use hand to rub the ends of the hair, the trick is to try to eliminate as much oil from your hair, your hair will feel greasy =(
> AIR DRY/towel dry your hair UPSIDE DOWN, flip your head over so that your hair falls over your face, (bend at 90 degree angle) and use a SOFT towel to gently wipe away excess water.
>Once your hair is about 50% dry, get a POWERFUL blow dryer to dry off the hair. when is say powerful i don't mean a lot of heat, but a lot of wind that can quickly dry off hair. You don't want to use a blowdryer that takes forever to dry your hair.
>if you don't want to use blow dryer just remember to flip your head upside down and towel dry. it will also have the same results but just not as great and its more time consuming.
>towel dry your hair until its about 90% dry
> You will notice that the volume in your hair is greater than it was before when you use all kinds of shampoo =)
>blow dryers will cause dryness so its best not to use it often, but it will give hair that amazing volume.
>if you let your hair air dry naturally, it will look weird like strings errgg.
What to do when feeling greasy in public?
>buy baby powder and use it throughout the day to elminate greasyness. Caution use only a little otherwise you'll end up making your hair look dull. Poor some in hand, rub together and gently run your hand into your hair.
>Carry a comb and comb your hair throught the day or when it feels a bit weird.
>If you do my method your hair can go a full day looking great.
Just some helpful hints in aiding people get through their day without looking greasy. I've read many blogs about peoeple trying to get through their day but no success becaue they can't leave the house.
Yea it is a pain the butt to have to wake up early and wash,blowdry hair but believe me the results are amazing and its worth the effort.
After your hair is back into it's natural state you can give up this method.
>People who are still using shampoo please stop using, it will cause hairlosss, thinning hair, you still want to look good when you are old right?
>Your hair can clean itself, it it can't then don't you think animals would be bold and greasy? LOok at animals they have amazing fur and its not like they shampoo it. LOL. Look at a horse the hair on the hourse is simply amazing and it doesn't look greasy. All im trying to say is that hair can take care of itself, you don't need shampoo to help.
>i am in my first 12 days of no poo, 6weeks of no poo will be a rather challenging. But i have no doubt that i can succeed with a blowdryer lol.
>remember its your hair, learn to take care of it =)
If you have any secrets please post =)
1 AnswerHair1 decade agowhere to buy carrot juice in NY?
I want to cleanse my liver and i want to buy carrot juice.
Where can i find a store that has carrot juice?
I live in brooklyn.
please dont' suggest costco!
thanks in advance =)
1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade agohair growing on forehead?
just a couple of months ago i noticed tiny hair all over my forehead. Right underneath my hair line is where it is noticable.
does anyone know what mite have caused this?
could it be the hair growth pills?
i want thicker hair taht is why i am taking the pills but if it is the cause of the tiny hair should i not take it?
i notice i have many acne on my forehead
please help D:
5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agowill a router increase the speed of my internet?
we have verizon dsl, two computers are connected by wires
another 2 computers are connected by wireless and is down by the basement, the 2 computers in the basement is very slow when loading and i was wondering how i should increase the speed.
would buying a router increase the speed?
or do i need to get separate internet?
11 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agohow much Mbps for 2 computers?
i am planning to get internet so which one should i get that is enough for 2 computers without lagging when one comp is used for games and another for downloading
4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agosigning up for verizon internet, but sharing the same phone line.?
i am living in the basement of my friends house
and i need internet
however we have the same phone line, meaning that when her phone rings my phone rings too.
i was wondering if it was possible to get internet
she has internet but it is so slow when im connected to it
so i want to get separate internet
thanks in advance =)
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago