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  • Help getting waste pipe and tank connector?

    My plan is to make a Chicken waterer. I have a Large bucket with a lid, some water nipples. I am thinking of buying 40 mm waste white pipe from wickes ( /p/431900). So, I would need Stock connector, swept bender or 90 bend L socket, socket, Waste Access Cap and lastly need a hole saw to use for to put a hole in the bucket for tank connector.

    I am not sure about the sizes actually i need to put every parts to gether. Eg, I am not sure what size hole saw I need to get if I am going for a 40mm tank connector. Will whole the taps and sockets will fit if i go for the same size.

    Please give me some advice, if you could provide some assitants by providing the links I could buy from all the items i need. And let me know if i could get or need more items.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)5 years ago
  • Why Christians ask themselves?

    Why Christians ask themselves some bogus questions in this section about Islam and answer themselves with many faulty allegations and ignorantly answering as they think that they know batter; which seem very silly and stupid. also showing how much they are jealous about that many being Muslim.

    Are they never come to term of being already lost and what they saying and claiming is utterly fantasy and nonsense or even illogical?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Which power drill is the best?

    I am looking to buy a cordless power drill, with the budjet of under £130.00. Doesn't matter its come with the whole tools or just stand alone drill, As long as its the best one in the market, durable, last longer and forever use for home DIY, I would be very happy person.

    I never used one, but I am a quick learner. The first project would be a chicken coop. Please help me out with the names, links and buy places. Any help would be greately appreciated.

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)6 years ago
  • Which Software Package is good?

    My wife planning to start an online business; which is selling clothing. She need to keep all the track of the financial information and stock controls.

    Not sure which one package could do the job perfectly in this manner.

    Sage 50 Accounts

    Sage Simply Accounting

    Sage Instant Accounts

    Accounting Plus V17

    MYOB Premier Accounting

    Pensoft Payroll

    Solar Accounts

    Adminsoft Account

    Please do recommend anything very user friendly and could include images of the items in the inventory system, as it could be easy to identify the items. More then the list; if there any other software recommendation or suggestions are welcome.

    Many thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance6 years ago
  • Large Letter or Parcel?

    I am planning to sell scarves and accessories in ebay. I am thinking of using Royal Mail. And not sure what kind of postage option used by regular online sellers are using to send this item. I mean, is it parcel or Large letter. Price sees, very differ and if I could reduce the price some how, it could be an option in delivery charge. I am going to sell the item with reasonable price, as I am not making much of the profit at the moment, I can not effort to do free delivery.

    Please let me know, what if it large letter; and what kind of price and option I could give customer to select at the end, when they selecting the delivery option. Anyone expreinces, advice are greately appreciated. Many thanks.

    2 AnswersSmall Business6 years ago
  • Which set up is best in NIKON D3300?

    What is the best setting for to get item picutres for selling online, using Nion D3300. I have a white non woowen fabric for photography background, photography lighting stand kit with soft box with four E27 220V 135W 5500 studio lamps, and a tripod.

    I would like to have the first class photograph of my items; which are mostly cloths and pins, to put on a website to sell the items. Please advise what kind of setting I have to set up in the camera; if you could explain or give a me a link, explainig the set up. Many thanks

    6 AnswersPhotography6 years ago
  • Which fabrics are for which season?

    I am try to sell cloths. Not sure, which fabric or mix of fabrics in a propotion good for which season, such as autunm, winter, spring and summer. There are many variety of fabrics; such as cotton, polyester, silk,Cashmere,Linen,Acetate,Microfiber, nylon etc. its all confuse me. I can understand as I am already wearing some of them suited for some occation. Not exactly by their attributes and the mixing of portions.

    Please help me out with an explanation. Any site links and charts are very helpfull. Manythanks.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • Which memory card is the best for Nikon D3300?

    I have bought Nikon D3300 Camera as a Gift for my wife; which doesn't include any memory card. I would like to buy a memory card; yet not sure which one to go as there are many available with many brands and variety.

    I am not sure about the technicality of using a memory card with a camera, yet I can understand that the slower the card, less beneift as battery will drain and camera will be slow. I would like to know which suits more to Nikon D3300; and by brand and the techinical specs; please help with the link of buying place for cheaper but in higher quality as well. Many thanks

    4 AnswersCameras6 years ago
  • I need a website; which company is less and good in the UK?

    I am planing to start an online business. Just a start up. Have about 500 items, and will be increased within next year about 1000. Its an ecommerce site.

    I know that there are tools available and can search in google; yet I have come accross many and most of the seem dodgy and not having good reviews from their clients. I am not investing that much for the business. And I dont want to loose a even a penny, with out a good casue. The last one I have tried, pretty much a scammer. So, Do respect my enxiety and help me out.

    If you do have build a website and if you recommed, I would be appreciate. Many thanks

    2 AnswersCorporations6 years ago
  • Do I need to pay VAT for small ecommerce website?

    I am thinking of starting business; selling cloths. Its a complete online business. I am not investing too much money. Possible under £1000. Rather I am selling in ebay, thinking of doing my own website and selling items.

    Further more and to promote, I am planning to sell the items in local events, out door tarding around England whenever I have a chance. I badly want to increase my profitability and cycle my investment further to create more profit.Yet, hoping to get around £5000 atleast in the first year. (Trying to put my maximum confidance for that).

    I am trying to find out; Do I need to register for VAT with inland revenue, and start charging for the online customers when I start to do the business online in my stie, I mean my since the first day of my business site started, do I need to get the VAT sorted out. I know that its not necessary that If my business is under certain amount, I don't need to pay the VAT, till I will reach that amount; such a business like, if i do it in ebay etc. But this is the first time, I ever starting a business. And I am not investing much, and I am going to strugle with my bill payments (personal) and I don't want to have the hussels from anyone, as I really watned to concentrate in my buisness.

    Please help me out with your experience or ideas; if you could provide with me links, that would be greate.

    2 AnswersUnited Kingdom6 years ago
  • How to cut my shipping shipping cost in ebay?

    I am planning to start a business online. To start with ebay. I have found out in my local post office, that my package which I wanted to chek the weight and get the price, realistictly tried to get the idea, so much disapointed as the price has about £2.80; wich the envelop is not much bigger and weigh about 300g-700g.

    the price seems far expensive, as I do not want to put it on top of my customers which could be a downside as customer doesnt wanna order, not sure what to do. Is there any way I could do to cut it down. And I have notice, many people even not charging even a penny, and yet the price for the prodcut also far cheaper; wonder how do they do it.

    Its seem much of my idea becoming bleak. Any idea and experience are greatly welcome. advance thanks

    2 AnswersSmall Business6 years ago
  • Which camera is the best suited?

    My wife interested in photography. She wants to learn. We are in need at the moment of a camera; as we a planning to start a cloth business. We need to take pictures and posted in our site. I have already ordered the back ground and the lightings. My wife doesn't know about; as I wanted to keep it as suprise for her. And purchasing the camera is the most best one.

    Please advice; which would be the best camera, for the current use; as well as for professional use, as I don't have that much money in disposal; only I could afford around £300 to £500. Please advice any addions and if you could direct me to the links would be greately appreciated.

    3 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • Is it alright to help with my wife business while bankrupt?

    We are in join claim. We out from work for a long time; no children. we live in rented proerty and having housing benefit. I been trough many depts and end up bankrupted and I have been with official reciever around six months now.. But we been looking for all the options to come up with any kind of oppertunity to come out from the system.

    My wife planing to sell; clothings and she could do sewing cloths sort of things at home as well. She is planning to do it from home and selling through public market in the city centre; may be extend to sell in ebay which case it could help us come out from the beneift system. And it will give me an oppertunity to come out from the system and help my wife; which would be pretty much give me space to find a job while helping her.

    Is it ok to help my wife while I have been in bankruptcy. What she should do to start a business. does she needs to register as a self employeed in HMRC. what and where we can have help from? does she getting herself paying wages and to me. how its effect our benefits till we sorted out ourselves. Please help us. Any advise with links would be greatly appereicated.

    1 AnswerSmall Business7 years ago
  • Where to move in Scotland?

    We live in East Midland in England. We in early 30s, Asian back ground and thinking to move to Scotland. Should be beautiful sea side town or city; or a place with lot to see and the place where is rent is cheaper (My rent now is about £400 for a single bedroom house with garden; semi detached bungalow- may be a little bit more want be mind) and easy to find a Retail or admin work. Please need an advise which place is the best and how to move as we never moved anywhere before. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • How to cook small amount of rice in a large rice cooker without mess?

    We have 1.8Litter rice cooker, which is making a mess while it cooks with little amount of rice. Is there any technique or method to cook without any mess? We know that we could go ahead and buy a small rice cooker, consider not as that option, please tell any idea or experience. Many thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • Why Bible has so much adultry, incest stories; which completely adult only reading book?

    I have a Bible, I started to reading Bible, and found very much distressful while reading the first chapters alone (Genesis); its Quiet shocking and unpleasent to see that the Messangers from God done such a horific things according to the Bible where, they (the messangers) were the teachers for the society and for the world, yet, it shows how much God wasnt faire as God given wodeful blassing to these illicit children as the good born are not even treated properly. Its confuses me as I am a student seeking knowledge about the other relgion; how much its possible to a person given such a book to a chiod and ask to learn it? For me its seems almost the failure of the chritians faith in many christian nation itself as it followers themself start to act upon in the same manner which its shows the examplory? Is it true.

    Please, give me a good answers and I try to learn and I don't want any answers from any aetgiest or agostic, or Muslims. Only vhristians please. Many thanks.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why not Christians accept?

    As they believe that Adam (PBUH) created without Mom and dad by God, same it is very much possible that He can create Jesus (PBUH) without a Dad, as He is born among the Jews whom are very much transgressed and not want to believe what have God send down to them.

    Christian claim that God powerful and He could do everything. Yes, but if he become a men, what is the point that God being God. Yet, there is no different then other religion like Hinduism, which claims the same way, that God become human to save humanity.

    Why not Christians rationally/independently think in away; as we are in our daily life apply logic all the time, why not for our guidance religion?


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is it right according to international Law? Is it morrally right? Is this making any sense to any knowledgable person ?

    Three people were killed by someone or a group, not confirmed by, yet blaming the neigbouring poorest and highly populated country, Ghazza, Isreal taking its revenge by killing already 47 people, including old and kids, blaming; the ligally elected government of Ghazza, which is now willing to protect and fight back, classed as Terrorist, rather condanming the act of terror done by Israel. What on earth the whole media and the people doing while just looking the facts rather the untold stories by American countarparts.

    Don't the world think that killing for 3, without any hasitation killing the whole country or state is punsihable act according to international law. If Israel do it, world dont say anything. If a Muslim do it, the whole world come to gether to kill him a d his nation, what a hypocrisy. Whats the point we have UN anyway.

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Is it ok to have norethisterone-Utovlan? Please HELP me.?

    We are trying for baby for a long while. We are ok with all the check up. I always have irregular period. They never prescribed me any kind of plan that I could go ahead and correct the period cycle and which could lead for me to conceive.

    Few weeks back, I had heavy period and continue about 22 days, could not bare up with and went to GP. And he prescribe me norethisterone-Utovlan. Which I start drink on the same day; and it stoped same day. I continued the whole course of the packet which about 30 tablets for ten days. I have been to the doctor for the routine check and he prescribe the same medicine.

    A three days ago, after about 12 days time since my last day (12 day includs the day i Had the medication), Its start again, but very heavy, pain and bleeding. Not sure, I could start to drink that tablet; still could not get an appointment.

    If you are having same problem or had the same medication; or you know about this, please let me know, more about ths tablet. Is it ok, while drinking this table can i conceive. Is it harmful to drink continously. Is there any other kind of thinks, temprarily stop period and could concieve. Please help me.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What we could do to ths kind of person? Islamically or generally! Any decent advise would help for very much destressed families.?

    Its a small Muslim community with 200-300 families a like with couples and children. "A" married man whom even have 2 kids, very much kind of blackmailed 4 married woman, stating that he has naked videos of them; kind a many stories a like. Asked them to love him, and lay with him, and he told or slunder about many other women and married women a like layed with him. Even worst he was described about young girls. It went about many years a liie, as even he threat that he might do many thing if they let thier husbands know. Few of us in tye community come to know about this as a brave women one of the victim come forward and told us. We had some nude pictures and vedios he send to this women and voice recording of hes telling disgsting things.

    He is a Muslim, and we about 25 or us come to gether and put complaint in police and warn thus guy, as we live in wrstern society. We have aske him to move a waynfrom the place we all live, as it good for him and for his family. We did this, by protectingntye rest ofnthe community people and yet, its about women matter, its nost important to preseved their secrecy and so on.

    Instead this guy going away, he still living among us, without any hasitation and vow to take revange us, by securing through many public community events and commitees, just making up more stories and things, by demonising more and more these families. Can nit believe many people supporting him,still know and seen evidance? What should be the right actions.

    6 AnswersRamadan7 years ago