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  • Need help with a baby photo contest?

    I entered my baby girl in a photo contest on facebook and the winner gets $100 worth of merchandise. We could really use the help with the contest. Being a single mom of 2 kids this would help so much if people could go like "Sparkle in Pink" page on facebook then like my baby girls picture. There are about 150 girls entered and will be 6 winners my little girl is in a green and purple dress with green bows in her hair as pigtails. They don't have their names or anything on the picture but I did tag myself in the picture "kaitlyn haynes" any help is very much appreciated! There are tons of cute girls entered. Thank you to anyone who helps out. I can't afford to get my kids alot of clothes so it is greatly appreciated. Spread the word if you can. :) and if you have a little girl enter her too. It is a girl clothes company so that is why it is girls only.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Baby photo contest help?

    I entered my baby girl in a photo contest on facebook and the winner gets $100 worth of merchandise. We could really use the help with the contest. Being a single mom of 2 kids this would help so much if people could go like "Sparkle in Pink" page then like my baby girls picture. There are about 150 girls entered and will be 6 winners my little girl is in a green and purple dress with green bows in her hair as pigtails. They don't have their names or anything on the picture but I did tag myself in the picture "kaitlyn haynes" any help is very much appreciated! There are tons of cute girls entered. Thank you to anyone who helps out. Spread the word if you can. :) and if you have a littlr girl enter her too!

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Newborn girl urine odor?

    My daughter is 6 weeks old now and she has a bad odor when she goes pee. I always have to check her diaper because I think she pooped. Due to problems after having her and being hospitalized when she was 6 days old for 4 days I was unable to continue breastfeeding so she is on goodstart formula. I think she has had an odor for at least 3 or 4 weeks but it seems like it is getting worse. I'm not sure if it is just the formula or if it could be something more serious. Has anyone else had any experience in this? My 2 year old son never had this problem. His urine only smelled strong in huggies diapers some times, but hers smells in every diaper. Any advice? Thank you for your input! I also plan on calling her doctor in the morning to see what he thinks about it. In just worried about it now.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Any ways to produce more milk?

    I need to know if anyone knows of any ways I can produce more milk? I had my daughter 4 weeks ago and 6 days after having her I got a bad UTI and was in the hospital for 4 days and 3 nights so I had to pump for her and had to be on 3 different medicines before it got rid of the infection and since I was pumping my milk supply went down and she got used to the bottle. Now all I pump is once a day before bed and only get 4oz of milk out. I want to go back to breast milk for her but with two small kids its hard to find time to pump and she is used to the bottle and won't latch on. I went from getting 12oz within 10 min of pumping a few times a day to getting 4oz and drying up. I wouldn't mind pumping a few times a day if I could get more milk out. She gets an upset belly with formula and I regret not breastfeeding my son that is 2 now. I also have inverted nipples so that is why it is harder for her to latch and the bottle is do much easier for her. Any suggestions? Thank you! :)

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Labor but hospital sent me home?

    I'm 37 weeks and 4 days and I sex around 2pm today (currently 9pm here) since about 20 min after sex I started having contractions and about 45 min after they were every 2.5 to 3 minutes apart and lasting 55 seconds to 85 seconds so for 2 hours of that I went to labor and delivery and was dilated to a 3 only and didnt progress any after an hour so they sent me home and now my contractions are 3 to 4 min apart and still lasting 55 to 85 seconds apart. I have back labor again with this pregnancy and im just miserable. Does anyone know how to help with the pain? Tylenol isnt working and warm baths seem to help some with the pain but im on my third bath and cant just stay in here all night. Should I wait until my water breaks to go back to the hospital? My mom drove an hour to help out with my son even though he knows something is going on and wants me only. The hospital is only about 4 blocks from my apartment.

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Ways to make toddler take his medicine?

    Does anybody know good ways to make my son get his medicine down? He used to do good with medicine, but now I have to hold him down and he still seems to spit it all out. He is almost 2 and it doesn't even taste bad. He has an ear infection and is getting a sinus infection and really needs the medicine because he's been sick over 3 weeks and I'm due in 18 days and want him to feel better especially before his sister decides to come. I've tried offering him a sucker if he takes it but he doesn't care. I've thought about mixing it with chocolate milk because its only 3ml but I'm worried he won't drink it. Any suggestions? Thank you!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • 22 month old son and 35 weeks pregnant, I don't know what to do anymore?

    I just need advice and not lectured please. I will be 21 next week and I have a son that i s almost 2 and I'm pregnant with my baby girl and due January 16th. I'm not with their dad anymore and I'm so worried about having two kids to raise alone. My son is my life and I already love my daughter. I recently quit working because I was working nights so I would have a baby sitter and then his dad told me he didn't want to watch him anymore so I had to quit and couldn't find a morning job since I'm so far along in my pregnancy. I get child support on my son and I have an apartment. I do get help from the state right now. I want to work again and not rely on state help. Their father wont be around for them. He's 23 but rather go drink and be with girls who don't have kids. It hurts to have wasted 3 years with him and I still care so much. I want to move on and be the best mom I can for my babies. I don't really have a question just feel the need to talk about it and any advice? Both kids will keep my last name and he's not on the certificate. I don't have family real close to help out. His mom does help out some if I need it.

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Dried blood coming from little guys ear?

    My 22 month old son got his thermometer out of his bag last night while I was cleaning up his toys before bed and he shoved it in his ear. He cried for about 5 minutes and was sad for about 15 minutes. Then he was fine playing like normal and he's been fine all day today, but when he woke up from nap I noticed black stuff in and around his ear. It looks like dried blood, but he still acts fine and doesn't mind when I touch his ear to look at it. Should I take him to get it looked at by a doctor or just keep an eye on it?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Does stripping the membranes help labor start?

    I'm 35 weeks and not dilated any but baby is measuring at over 6lbs and causing horrible back pain. My tail bone pops all the time and is painful. The doctor said there is nothing to do about the tail bone because of where it is. He plans on stripping or as he said stretching the membranes at my 37 week appointment. Will that help start labor? She is measuring a week further already.

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Baby girl middle name?

    We have decided on the first name of Raylyn and we were going to use the middle name Lee since its her dads middle name but he already has a daughter with the middle name of Leann which I kind of feel like that would be to close to her name. This is our second child together. Our first is Gage Michael. I just need ideas of what names would go good with Raylyn.

    14 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • 31 weeks 5 days and bad contractions?

    I had sex tonight with the father of my kids for the first time in about 3 or 4 weeks. Sorry if this is TMI but it was good other than when he was behind me it was very uncomfortable and about an hour after sex I started having painful contractions. About 5 min apart and about 1 min long. I never had this problem with my first pregnancy. Has anyone else had contractions after sex? Its been going on for over an hour now. My son (21 months) is asleep and his dad went home because he has at work at 6:30am and didn't have his work stuff here so it would be hard to go to the hospital if I needed to. I don't have family close.

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • 30 weeks pregnant and extrememly stressed?

    I'm 30 weeks along with my second child. First child is almost 2. I just stopped working due to their dad leaving us and no longer watching him and I could not find a day care in time to keep my job. I get help from the state for food and child support to help with bills and stuff for my son. I hate not working and relying on the state and their father. I live in an apartment with my son but no longer have a vehicle as of today. I'm so worried about not being able to raise another baby and all this stress is now causing contractions. The contractions are painful, but not unbearable. And I have a lot of back pain now. I don't have family where I live and just don't know what to do anymore. I want the best for my kids and don't want to rely on anyone to help me. I want to work and support my kids alone. Any advice? And please no rude comments.

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • How to stay awake with a newborn and toddler?

    I'm due January 16th with my second child and I'm worried about how I'm going to stay awake with a newborn and a toddler. My son will be 2 on January 26th and I know with him I fell asleep while feeding him a lot and now that ill have two and their dad left us I'm worried ill fall asleep and something bad could happen to one of the kids. With him I stopped taking the pain pills and took tylenol to try to stay awake. Is there anything to do to help stay awake when you get no sleep? I thought about energy drinks, but not if I'm breastfeeding.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • pregnancy due date questions?

    I want to know which day I conceived. The doctor says I am 11 weeks now and due January 16, 2012. I had sex on March 27 and then again on April 22, so which day would I have conceived? My last period started April 11. I still had a yolk sac when the doctor said I was 8 weeks 3 days at my appointment on June 9. Don't doctors start your pregnancy from the first day of your last period though? and say your pregnant 2 weeks before you conceive? I'm not sure about this and I appreciate your answers. This is my second baby.

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • When do you start to show with your second baby?

    I'm about 5'7 and 114lbs and with my first I started getting a little bump around 12 weeks, but I am smaller now than I was when I got pregnant with my first baby, so I was wondering if I would show sooner? Has anyone else experienced this?

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Pregnant but its only been two weeks since intercourse?

    On my last post I wanted to know how far along I would be and people were telling me 3 or 4 weeks, but I only had sex 2 weeks ago. I already have symptoms, but this is my second child so I knew what the symptoms were. My last period started April 11th and I had sex the 22nd so I wouldn't be that far along. I haven't had my missed period yet, but the test was positive. Can you get a false positive?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How far along would I be?

    My LMP was April 11, 2011 and I had sex on April 22, 2011, How far along would I be since it takes awhile for implantation after sex? I'm not due for my period yet, but I took a test today and it was positive. This is my second baby, so I knew the symptoms, but was surprised the test came out positive this early.

    I know an ultrasound is the only real way to tell how far along I am, but I haven't even had time to make a doctors appointment and im really wondering how far a long I would be. This wasn't planned, but i'll love my kids no matter what.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Possibly pregnant, but not early enough to test.?

    I had sex on the 22nd of April and I'm not due for my period until Monday, so I can't test yet, but he didn't pull out and lately I have been getting dizzy when I stand up and blacking out, I have felt sick for the last two days, and have had slight cramping for a few days. I had the same symptoms with my son, but I didn't find out I was pregnant till I was 6 weeks. Could I get symptoms this early if I was pregnant?

    Thank you for your input.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • move away from my son's father or stay around for him to not be apart of his life and hurt him emotionally?

    I'm 20 and I was in a relationship with a guy that at the time seemed great and I got pregnant and we tried to make things work, but it didn't work out so he started being an as* and he started dating another girl and got her pregnant right before I had our son and broke up with her when she got pregnant. He drinks all the time and he doesn't care to go to doctor appointments or spend time with our son. He will come over when our son is asleep and try to get with my, but I am not dumb enough to get back with him. He always tells me he hopes I die and how he hates me, but yet he still tries to get with me and use me. Anytime I ask him to get our son for a hour or two to spend time with him he ignores me and I'm tired of it. My son loves his dad and I don't want him to get hurt when he gets older and realizes he doesn't care about him. He is 11 months old now and gets so excited when he sees his dad, but he hardly ever gets to see him. My son's dads parents are a big part of his life and I really like them, but his dad is not around for him and he is hateful towards me. I try to do a lot for him. I moved to the same town so he could be close to him and I get pictures printed off for his dad and his family and I try to let them see him. He does pay child support but thats it.. I'm thinking about moving 5 hours away to get away from all the drama, but idk if it is the right thing to do for my son?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Not with my baby's father and don't know what to do.. any suggestions? kinda long!?

    I have a 3 month old son and his father and I are no longer together. He is a great dad to him, but he is not that great of a person. He drinks a lot and he has become a whore. When I was pregnant he cheated on me so many time so I moved in with my parents to get away from the stress. He let a girl move in with him and got her pregnant right before I had our son and his family didn't want anything to do with our son until they got the paternity test back and now they want him all the time. I'm so tired of all the drama, but I don't want to keep my son away from his father. I don't want my son around his girlfriend though because she is jealous that him and I have a baby together and I don't trust her around him. I really like his mom and don't want to hurt him or his family, but I cant handle the situation anymore. What should I do? I'm 19 and just got a job and looking for a house for just me and the baby so my parents don't have to support us both. My son's father doesn't do anything to help me..

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago